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Addiction Page 9

by Hart, Romi

  His voice held promises she couldn't ignore, and she sighed as he pulled her dress over her head and fell back against him. "What you need is a nice, hot shower," he told her, beginning to walk forward with her. Kylie let him guide her toward the bathroom, where he settled her on the edge of the tub while he started the hot spray. She watched with rapt attention as he shed his clothes, exposing his broad chest and flat stomach, his thickly muscled legs, and then his angled hips and a raging hard-on.

  Kylie licked her lips and despite the fact that Jordan knew she wanted to taste him, he reached for her to finish undressing her. Pushing his arms aside, she wrapped her fingers around his base and drew his tip into her mouth. He groaned, tossing his head back as his eyes fluttered closed. Fueled by his reaction, she pulled him in deeper, closing her lips around him to increase the pressure. “Christ, Kylie, your mouth is…” He hissed rather than finishing the statement, and Kylie ran her tongue up and down his length. He shuddered and rested a hand on the back of her head, ready to guide her up and down as she pulled him in and out of her mouth.

  Instead, Jordan halted her. “That’s too fucking good, sweetheart,” he told her in a strained voice. “Save it for another time. Tonight, I want to treat you.” He pulled her to her feet and helped her out of her bra and panties, took his time removing the pins from her hair, and then guided her into the shower. Stepping in behind her, he tilted her head under the water, kissing her neck and shoulders while he worked up a lather of soap.

  His touch was tender, loving as he worked the suds over her body in languid circles, and while there was nothing sexual in his movements, Kylie ignited, the flames heightening with every second. He stroked fingers through her hair, massaged her feet, and let his hands linger on her breasts. When he slipped between her thighs to wash her sex, she trembled, pressing her hands to the wall to keep upright as her body liquefied, threatening to slide to the floor and down the drain with the hot water.

  It was sensual and erotic, and it was driving her wild, especially since Jordan seemed completely unaffected. He was all business, focused on the gentle pleasures of pampering rather than the fact that he elicited a river between her thighs that poured almost as heavily as the shower head.

  “You should open your eyes now,” he said in her ear, his warm breath almost cool on her cheek compared to the steamy water on her scorching skin. He’d rinsed the soap from her as well, leaving her desperate for more of his attention, to feel his rough, callused hands scratching over her.

  With a slight whimper, she opened her eyes and gasped, meeting his dark blue ones that were filled with an intense hunger that matched her own. Glancing down, she swallowed audibly at how hard he was, wondering for a moment how he’d managed to remain so patient with such an enormous erection. For that matter, how had he avoided touching her with it, letting her know exactly how aroused he was?

  Almost instinctively, she slid her palm over his length, teasing at the tip with the pad of her thumb, and Jordan made a strangled noise of delight. “I need to be inside you,” he groaned as she stroked him fully, leaning in to place a wet kiss on his shoulder, another on his chest.

  “Then take me,” she rasped, her chest heaving and her core aching. Her pussy throbbed so intensely she knew the second he slid into her, she was going to come, and she didn’t care because there was enough pressure to build right back up and release again. But he didn’t move in right away. Instead, he cupped her cheek and tilted her head to the side, letting his lips fall on hers in a soft but desperate kiss.

  Something new and exciting poured into her, and Kylie felt like she floated on air as she met Jordan’s quiet demand with her own passion and emotion. Like a rollercoaster, it took her up and down, just a kiss and yet so much more, speaking volumes that could never be put accurately into words. Her hands moved from his cock almost reluctantly as she drew lines up his abs and chest with her fingertips, feeling the goosebumps rising in their wake. She had to fight the urge to press herself against him, wanting to savor this and really indulge in the moment.

  But as she moved her arms up and around his shoulders, threading her hands into his wet hair and letting the rivulets of water pouring from them glide down her arms, her own libido went into overdrive. She wouldn’t last much longer like this, not without something more, something that satisfied the need deep in her center. “Jordan, please!” she begged in a harsh whisper.

  His mouth drew a line over her jaw and down her throat to her breasts, and he snagged one pebbled nipple between his lips, sucking and flicking it with his tongue while his hand cupped and molded her other breast. She fell back against the cold tile, and it did nothing to cool the flames crawling over her skin and through her limbs. Still, he moved lower, trailing kisses over her stomach, and he dropped to his knees.

  He gazed up at her through long, dark lashes as he lifted one of her legs, bracing her foot on his shoulder so she was spread wide for him, and the intensity in his eyes had her chest heaving and her stomach clenching in anticipation. He licked his lips, and she moaned, just before his mouth sought her out, his lips pressing against her clit as he planted a kiss there.

  Kylie nearly choked as his tongue darted out, skittering across the swollen nub and back along her wet folds. Her pussy tightened, moisture dripping from her as he continued to alternately swirl around her throbbing cleft and dart with painfully delicious thrusts into her core. She cried out his name as he drew her into his mouth, suckling at her, the pressure breaking the seal and sending her spiraling into a heady orgasm.

  Her hands fell to Jordan’s head, pressing him against her, and she squeezed her thighs around him, determined to ride this out as her hips rolled of their own accord. She couldn’t get enough as he tortured her with slow, sweet strokes, drawing out the ecstasy of her release until her legs shook, barely able to support her.

  Only then did he offer reprieve, leaning back and tilting his head so he could lock eyes with her. Jordan’s mouth was slick and shiny with the evidence of her pleasure, and the sight made her groan with greater need. Kylie couldn’t fathom what it was he did to her. Regardless of how much he gave, she only wanted more. His attention made her cravings stronger, deeper, and that thought had her shivering as he slid back up her body, the water blocking any friction as their heat collided. The sensation of hard muscle over her soft curves sent her reeling, and she grew lightheaded as he stood, locking her against the tile with every inch of him throbbing against her belly.

  She squirmed as he gathered her hair in one hand to nip at her ear, which only made her insides quiver. “Please, what?” he asked, his tongue tormenting that sweet spot just beneath her lobe.

  Kylie tried to wrap her head around the question, but she couldn’t get her thoughts in order, couldn’t make words form on her lips. Jordan’s free hand found purchase on her hip, and he grasped it, pulling her forward and making her arch her back as he ground against her pelvis. She cried out as he bit down none too gently on the curve of her ear and braced her hands on his shoulders, unable to hold herself up without the extra balance. “Please,” she repeated. “I need you.” Her words were slurred, almost as if she was drunk.

  Jordan inhaled sharply, his body tensing. She’d said the right thing, and he reached down to part her thighs, his hand lingering and toying with her soft, wet flesh. “You’re ready for me. You’ve been ready for me since we got home.”

  “Before that,” she muttered, her lips pressed against his shoulder.

  He chuckled, the sound deviant and rich with seduction. “You’re always ready for me, aren’t you?” Kylie simply nodded, unable to voice anything else, and he shifted his hand to the back of her thigh, hoisting her up so she was balanced against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and as his cock brushed against her folds, she gasped, thrusting her hips forward, demanding satisfaction.

  “Easy, sweetheart. I want to take my time here. I want to be wrapped inside your pussy until the water runs cold,” he told her, his ton
e raw with desperation. She agreed; she wanted him to fill her for hours, never wanted to be separated, and as he slowly inched into her, she convulsed with the effort to hold onto her release. She wasn’t ready, and she didn’t want to drive him to the brink just yet.

  His movements were slow, methodical, teasing, and Kylie both craved and agonized over it, wanting more but not wanting to move past this sensation, filled with emotion as much as it was bodily pleasure. Her hands traveled up his back, kneading the muscles, and she fisted his hair in her hands, crushing her mouth to his in a silent urge to give her more, fill her more fully and with greater force. He still didn’t give in, and she found herself riding him, using her leverage against the wall to push her hips into him until she forced him to pick up the pace.

  “Dear god, I can’t deny you anything, can I?” he groused, lips still locked with hers. His tongue darted in and out of her mouth, mimicking his cock as it thrust with more emphasis. He made love to her mouth, and Kylie delighted in the stimulation, feeling the culmination of it just around the corner. And still, she held on, wanting the pinnacle to arrive with his, a mutual consummation of their love. It was something she’d never truly felt with anyone before, but with Jordan, they were linked by more than a physical coupling, and she needed to experience that fully, to know that on a basic level, they could literally become one.

  She rode him harder, and he moved faster, frantic now, sweat mingling with the shower spray to coat their bodies. “Fuck, I’m coming!” Jordan shouted, and an instant later, he spilled into her. Kylie cried out, his name on her lips over and over, as the gale force wind ripped a tidal wave of bliss through her body. She squeezed her eyes shut and buried her face in his chest as he thrust deep into her, his cock twitching and his body filled with spasms as he curled around her, cloaking her in his warmth.

  Catching her breath, Kylie caressed the back of Jordan’s head as he fought to regain control of his body, his limbs trembling as he struggled to hold their weight up. He turned his head to nuzzle her hair, just behind her ear, and a thrill rolled down her spine at the sweet, intimate gesture. “I love you, Kylie,” he whispered, barely audible over her blood pounding in her ears and the sound of water still splashing over them.

  But it was everything she needed to hear, and she smiled, lifting her face to kiss his cheek. “I love you, too, Jordan.”

  Stiffly, he lifted her from him and set her on her feet, holding onto her until she was sure her legs would cooperate. Then, he smiled sheepishly and told her, “I probably should have waited to wash you till after.” She laughed, and he filled his hands with body wash again, scrubbing away the sweat and sex coating both of them. This time, the feel of his fingers on her only brought back the sensation of moments ago, a shadow of the incredible delight she’d felt rather than a heightened arousal, and she reveled in it.

  Afterwards, he toweled her off, wrapping her body in one large terrycloth towel and gathering her hair atop her head in another. He swept her into his arms like some knight rescuing a damsel in distress, and she snorted. “Are you feeling heroic tonight?”

  He shrugged as he lowered her gently into their bed, lying down beside her with a goofy grin. “Maybe I just feel like I owe it to you to give you the royal treatment from time to time, considering how much I almost fucked things up between us.” He ran the backs of his knuckles over her chin, his smile fading and anguish creasing the corners of his eyes. “You forgive me, don’t you? I never wanted things to happen the way they did.”

  Was he still torturing himself over all that? "Jordan, I forgave you a long time ago. Amy was more important, and that's how it should be. Children should always come first. If you had told me the truth, I still would have insisted we take care of her before anything else. Of course, I forgive you." She offered him a reassuring and somewhat teasing smile. "Besides, you've done a lot already to make it up to me."

  He kissed the tip of her nose, but his eyes were still troubled. “I’ve got a long way to go to feel satisfied with that.” He sighed. “I want to make you as happy as you make me.”

  She nodded, swallowing past a lump in her throat at his sincerity, at the loving expression in his eyes. “You do, Jordan. I’ve had enough heartache and failed relationships. I wouldn’t be with you if you didn’t make me happy.”

  “I think I can do better, though,” he told her, a line forming between his brows. “You know, I’m not the only one who owes you.” Confused, Kylie stared at him, waiting for an explanation. “Well, Reesa owes you big for your help tonight. We talked about that already, didn’t we?”

  Kylie snorted. “Yes, but I don’t think I want her to express her gratitude the same way you do.”

  “Too bad, might be fun for us boys to watch.” Kylie smacked his shoulder playfully as he laughed. “Seriously, though, she owes you, and I think you should collect on that very soon.”

  “Oh really? And how do you propose I go about that?” This should be rich, she thought.

  He didn’t speak for a moment, and she couldn’t read his expression, which had turned to stone, giving nothing away. Then, he said softly, “You should ask her to plan your engagement party. It’s only fair to return the favor.”

  Blinking at him, Kylie tried to decide if she’d heard him right. Then again, maybe he wasn’t sure what he was saying. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?”

  “No,” he said. “But I could say something else I hope you like.” He rolled over and fumbled with something, but she was too tired and too sated to lift her head and find out what, even if she was tormented with curiosity and anxiousness. When he rolled back toward her, she gasped, staring at the little blue velvet box in his hand. “Why don’t you take a look at this and tell me what you think?”

  She sat up instantly, hands trembling, and popped the container open, finding a gorgeous diamond ring that was at least a carat and a half, set in a platinum band. She glanced back and forth between it and Jordan’s face in utter amazement. “It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

  Sitting up beside her, he asked, “Will you wear it?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “What are you asking me, Jordan?”

  A lopsided grin tilted his lips, and he took the ring from the box in one hand, her left hand in the other. “I’m asking you to marry me, Kylie. The divorce is final in a few days, and I want to spend my life with you, if you’ll have me.” He held up his hand to stop her as she opened her mouth to respond. “I don’t come alone, Kylie. I have baggage. I have a daughter turning eight soon, and I have annoying fans and reporters and family back in Australia to deal with.”

  But Kylie shook her head. She didn’t care about any of that. She wanted Jordan, whatever came with him. “You know I love Amy,” she whispered, her voice tremulous and tears stinging her eyes as they began to roll down her cheeks. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He slipped the ring on her finger, and she should have known it would be the perfect size. It looked wonderful, large and sparkling so it made her hand look especially delicate. “I can’t take all the credit. I had help.” She tilted her head at him in curiosity, and he laughed. “We all conspired, Kylie. I had Krys and Reesa following my sorry ass from one store to another till we found the right one.”

  She shook her head. She hadn’t even begun to guess. Now, though, she didn’t care that they’d kept the secret so well. It was worth it for this moment. She leaned forward, and Jordan enveloped her in his embrace, kissing her with every bit of the love they shared. When she pulled away, she asked, “When should I ask for her help?”

  “Tomorrow,” he told her with amusement in his tone. “And don’t let her sleep in. Catch her while she’s hung over. You can make more demands that way.”

  But Kylie shook her head. “No, that’s okay, I’ll wait.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because tonight, I want to stay up and celebrate with you,” she told him in a sultry voice. “And that’s going to mean sleeping very, very late tomorrow.”

  Nudging Jordan with her elbow as they stood off to the side, taking a breather, Kylie nodded toward the dance floor. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

  He followed her gaze, and she watched him frown and then nod. “Yeah, I do. And I think I should step in.”

  Kylie gaped at him and smacked his shoulder. "Why would you do that? Krys never let's go like that." Watching the woman laugh as she danced with abandon, Kylie approved. Dex Collier had a hand on her hip, keeping rhythm with her and moving in closer, his eyes consuming her in her azure dress that matched her eyes and showed off every curve. In fact, she was jealous, wishing she could move on the dance floor with the same grace and appeal.

  But Jordan’s eyes sparked, and his jaw set hard. “She shouldn’t mess around with Dex. That man is trouble.”

  “Trouble how?” Kylie demanded. “Trouble the way everyone said you were trouble? Look how that turned out.” She gestured widely at the engagement party, which was a huge success. Kylie had never been happier, and now, Krys and Amy were here, and Jordan seemed elated with his life. Maybe Dex wasn’t the womanizing creep everyone made him out to be.

  “He’s the real deal, Kylie,” Jordan insisted, sounding nervous and heated. He started to walk away, in Krys’ direction, but Kylie held him back. “Look, if you don’t want me to intervene, you need to say something to her. Krys will likely take it better from you anyway.”

  That was true; the last thing the woman needed was a protective brotherly type to make demands. “I’ll say something, okay? Just calm down.” The song changed, and she saw Krys coming toward her, dismissing Dex with a smile. “Besides, look at that. It’s probably nothing. Now, why don’t you go get all of us a drink, and I’ll take care of this?”

  Reluctantly, Jordan nodded and headed toward the bar, leaving Kylie to have an awkward conversation that likely wasn’t even necessary. Pasting on a smile, she air-kissed Krys’ cheek and said, “So, what was that about? Dex Collier?”


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