Shifters, Secrets & Surprises

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Shifters, Secrets & Surprises Page 10

by Lowe, Anna

  Val stole a glance at her Alphas, who had lost their father to a savage boar. Their mouths were tight, but she saw no fear in their eyes. Her heart filled with pride. Nothing would keep her mates from doing their duty to their pack.

  The wolves moved silently through the snow, fading into the forest. They spread out, searching for their quarry. Though she knew her Alphas were near, Val still felt slightly unnerved. It seemed like she was alone in the forest. One thing she knew for sure, she’d never want the Ember pack hunting her.

  Val crouched behind a tree. Ahead of her, she saw a flash of dark brown fur. She tensed, but it was only Mercy, who soon melded into the shadows. Val bit her lip. On this morning, the cold sharpened her senses rather than dulled them. She was aware of every falling clump of snow, every snapping twig.

  Digging her nails into the spear’s shaft, Val braced herself. A fierce battle must be imminent. There was no way the entire pack could fail in their hunting mission.

  A frenzied squeal rang through the forest. A boar bolted out of a thicket, Mercy hot on its hooves. It was a monster, its snout level with Val’s chest. Its razor-sharp tusks would be at just the right height to slice out her heart.

  As if it had heard her thoughts, the monster turned, heading straight for Val. The boar lowered its tusks, hatred in its eyes. Val stood frozen, unable to raise her spear or dive out of the way.

  Its tusks were all she could see. Val squeezed her eyes shut. This was going to hurt.

  With angry snarls, two wolves jumped in front of her. Ash and Blaze both had their heads lowered, hackles raised. It was enough to make the boar veer away.

  Val inhaled sharply. Her Alphas defending her, she found her courage. The boar was about to run between two trees. There would be an opening there, as long as she raised her spear in time.

  Leaning back, Val put all her force into her throw. The weapon caught the boar in the shoulder. It squealed with rage, but the wound barely made it falter. The creature charged blindly on, trying to find a target for its wrath and pain.

  It circled, barreling toward Sage and Brynn. Both looked as terrified as Val had been. Their talents lay in healing and cooking, not in bringing down huge, angry beasts.

  The boar charged, whipping its tusks through the air.

  “Hey!” Val ran after it. Since her spear was lodged in its shoulder, she found herself weaponless. Bending low, she scooped up a handful of snow and packed it hard. “Over here, ugly!”

  The snowball caught the boar on its left flank. Snorting, it wheeled back toward Val.

  “Oh, right.” She should have expected that. Idiot.

  Ash rammed into the boar’s side, knocking its feet out from under it. Blaze leapt on its back, pulling out the spear. Taking a single second to brace himself, he thrust the point into the place where the boar’s neck met its skull.

  With a final groan, the boar’s muscles slackened. Blood melted the snow around its snout as it exhaled its last.

  Ash shifted, looking down at the vanquished boar. “Looks like someone’s not having a very happy Yuletide.”

  Blaze shook his head. “Must have forgotten to throw holly on the Yule log last year.”

  Lynx and Fury came forward with knives to field dress the boar. The rest of the pack went searching for poles they could use to carry the carcass back to the den.

  “I’m looking forward to cooking this one,” Brynn said. “He’s going to be far more pleasant dead than alive.”

  Val’s mouth began to water as she thought about how succulent the boar would be after a day and a half’s slow roasting.

  “Come on,” Ash said, taking her arm. “The pack can take care of this. Let’s get you back to the den.”

  “Are you sure?” Val looked around. “There’s so much work to do.”

  “And more than enough hands,” Blaze said. “We’d only get in the way.”

  “All right.” She could use some relaxation, especially after that moment of terror when she’d thought the last thing she’d feel on this earth was the slash of a boar’s tusks.

  As wolves, the three of them loped back to the den. Val raced through the main cavern, then down a set of stone steps. After a morning in the freezing air, she wanted nothing more than a long bask in the thermal pools.

  The steam was an immediate relief. Val launched herself across the room. She shifted in midair, yelling out as she hit the clear green water. As she sank beneath the surface, she relaxed instantly. She loved every second she got to spend in these pools. Val didn’t know what she would do without them. They made the long winter days bearable.

  Twin splashes beside her marked the entrances of Ash and Blaze. Val shot to the surface, laughing as her Alphas, still in wolf form, tried to splash each other. Making her way to a quieter part of the pool, Val sighed happily, leaning against the warm rocks near the edge. If only she had a warm mug of cider, this would be perfect.

  She watched her mates sporting in the waves they’d created. It was past time to think of the perfect gift for them. She was going to close her eyes, and not open them again until she’d thought of something perfect.

  Lying back, Val waited for the right idea to arrive.

  A hand brushed over her thigh, inching upward. Val opened her eye a crack to see Ash standing before her.

  “You’re not going to sleep, are you?” he asked.

  She grinned as he leaned into her. From the way his cock pressed against her thigh, sleep was the last thing on his mind.

  “Don’t go to sleep,” Blaze said as he swam up next to her. Pulling her onto his lap, he let her feel his hardness. “I was dreaming of you all night.”

  “So was I.” Ash caressed her hips.

  “Oh?” She arched an eyebrow. “What was I doing in your dreams?”

  Blaze licked the side of her neck. “Let us show you.”

  Chapter Four

  The steam swirled, bringing her the strong scents of her mates. Val inhaled greedily. She needed them. She needed her Alphas.

  Blaze slipped a hand over her waist, pulling her close. “Last night, I dreamed we made love in the steam pools,” he whispered in her ear. “And Ash and I made your wildest dreams come true.”

  He spread his legs, and hers spread with them. Val shivered with delight at the touch of his hands on her thighs, gently drawing them farther apart.

  Ash leaned in to kiss her gently. She bit his lip, making him groan.

  “Naughty,” he said. “Two can play at that game.”

  He trailed kisses down her neck, her arms, her breasts and stomach. Val thought he would stop once he reached the waterline, but he continued, leaving kisses down her belly and all the way to where her legs met beneath the warm water.

  Ash came up once for a breath of air, then dove under.

  Peering down, Val wondered what he was up to. Then she felt his tongue running over her soft folds.

  Val gasped, bucking against Blaze. He held her tighter, murmuring softly in her ear and stroking her breasts. She couldn’t make out what he was saying, because Ash was driving her wild. His tongue traced whorls over her flesh, making her hot, making her slick for both of her Alphas.

  He exhaled beneath the surface, sending up a cascade of bubbles. Some burst against her, sending disproportionate shockwaves through her core. Blaze’s teeth grazed her neck, and she knew he was thinking of biting her again. She turned her head away, the ultimate surrender. He could have any part of her.

  Blaze shuddered, his cock growing larger beneath her, but he didn’t bite down. Instead, he kissed her neck roughly. Val leaned into his harsh affection. She knew he might leave bruises, but she didn’t mind. She would wear them as badges of honor.

  Between her legs, Ash lavished her with long, slow strokes of his tongue. Val fell back against Blaze’s hard chest, panting. She didn’t know how much more of this she could take. Slipping a hand underwater, she twined her fingers through Ash’s hair. He licked her faster, working her into a frenzy.

  At la
st, Ash burst from beneath the pool. He took in shaky gasps of breath, leaning his damp forehead against Val’s. She opened her mouth to ask him a question, but he kissed her before she could talk, slipping his hot tongue between her lips.

  His cock thrusting into her was the answer to her unvoiced question.

  Val threw her head back as he filled her. Ash clutched her shoulders, his fingers digging into her skin as he plunged deep. She was lost on waves of bliss, opening her legs hungrily, demanding all of him.

  Ash thrust harder, faster, until the breath was rammed from her body. Then he stopped abruptly, panting.

  Val knew what was coming. It made her every nerve tingle. This was always her favorite part.

  Reluctantly, Ash withdrew. Val inhaled shakily, but she knew the emptiness he had left would only last a moment. With his strong arms, Blaze lifted her, turning her to face him.

  “There you are,” he said. “I’ve missed you.”

  He set her down on his cock. Val took a shuddering breath as she slid onto him. She was wet enough that he entered easily, all the way to the hilt. Val closed her eyes, reveling in the feel of his huge cock inside her.

  Grabbing her hips, Blaze moved her slowly up and down. Val clutched his bulging arms, her fingers spasming over his biceps. There was no space in her mind for anything other than how electric this felt, how he sent steam through her blood and made the water ripple around them.

  She felt another set of hands on her hips. His cock still slick from her, Ash slid into her other entrance. Val buried her face in the crook of Blaze’s neck, biting her lip to keep from screaming loud enough for the entire valley to hear. Together, her mates filled her completely.

  She was held in their thrall as they rocked back and forth inside her. Her mates matched their rhythms, gradually thrusting faster. Val gasped as stars flared behind her eyelids. She lived for these moments, where the three of them became one. She wished it could stretch on forever.

  Val held tight to Blaze as the two of them pounded into her. She was caught up in the breathless rush of them, the way they filled her until she thought she might burst. They were the best gift she could have ever asked for, loyal mates who were always there for her, always ready to protect her. She could never ask for more than her two Alphas, who always made sure she was satisfied.

  Year after year, they themselves would be the best Yule gift she could ask for.

  Blaze was groaning now, Ash’s flesh slapping against hers in great splashes. She knew they wouldn’t be able to last much longer. And she didn’t want them to. She needed release.

  She arched her back, thrusting her breasts toward Blaze and her ass toward Ash. The two of them moaned at once, in a harmony that raised goose bumps on her flesh. They both plunged into her with primal force, Blaze letting out a guttural growl.

  Val unleashed a keening cry as she felt them empty into her. Her Alphas thrust hard as they claimed her as their mate, now and always. The three of them collapsed on each other near the pool’s edge, breathing heavily and covered in a sheen of sweat.

  Val nestled between her mates, sinking into the warm, calming waters. No matter where she was, as long as her Alphas were there too, she was home.

  * * *

  Val didn’t know how long they lay there, but she woke when Blaze sat abruptly.

  “I’m sweltering,” he said. “I could use a breath of fresh air.”

  Reluctantly, Val dragged herself from the pool and followed her Alphas outside. The crisp air was a relief, though she wasn’t sure she wanted to remain in the cold for long.

  The pack had begun the roast. Most of them were standing over a steaming patch of ground, holding their hands over the spot. Val was glad she hadn’t been asked to help dig the pit. She didn’t imagine the frozen ground had been forgiving.

  A mouth-watering smell already wafted through the air. Val could only imagine how tantalizing the scent would be tomorrow.

  The Alphas seemed pleased with their inspection, for they nodded to the cooks and headed back into the den. Val trailed after them.

  “What are you up to now?” she asked.

  “We just have some work to do on a project,” Blaze said.

  “We’ll see you soon,” Ash added.

  “Val!” Mercy waved at her from across the cavern. “Can I talk to you?”

  Though she wanted to know why her Alphas were being so secretive, Val went over to Mercy. “What’s up?” She looked over her shoulder to see where Ash and Blaze were going, but they’d already disappeared.

  “Last night, Blaze said I could hide Fury’s sword in your room until Yule. I need to work on it some more, though. Do you think you could get it for me?”

  “Sure,” Val said. “Just a second.”

  She headed up the stairs and into her room. Fury’s sword was on the far side of the bed, blocked from casual view. Val picked it up, laying it on the bed furs. She would return it to Mercy soon enough, but first she was going to get dressed. No doubt her friend would think up something to do, and if she didn’t get to return to the thermal pools, she wanted to bundle up to sit in the drafty cavern.

  Val pulled on a heavy shirt and jacket. She was selecting a pair of panties when she paused. It was about that time of the month when she’d need a pad again. It was harder to keep track of the days out here in the wild, and she didn’t want to ruin the few pairs of clothes she had. They weren’t easy to replace.

  She was digging in a low drawer for one of her cotton pads when she froze. If she thought about it, this wasn’t her monthly time at all. Frantically, Val counted on her fingers. She should have bled three weeks ago.

  Three weeks? No, she couldn’t possibly be that late. Val lifted her shirt, frowning at her stomach. It didn’t look any bigger. She didn’t feel bloated, and nothing ached. Which was strange, because she should have felt achy and bloated three weeks ago.

  Val fell to the furs. This wasn’t possible. There had to be some other explanation.

  Why? asked a quiet voice in the back of her mind. You’ve never used protection. Why couldn’t you be pregnant?

  She sat up, willing the voice away. She didn’t even want to think that word. She wasn’t ready for children. And Ash and Blaze couldn’t be, could they?

  Trying to breathe evenly, she clutched her stomach. Would they be furious? It was one day to Midwinter, their supplies weren’t low, but they needed to be careful. Could Val afford to eat for two?

  “No,” she whispered. “No, no, no.”

  This had to be a mistake. It had to be. Maybe she had simply counted the days wrong. Or maybe her period had skipped a month. That could happen, right?

  Val moaned, sinking into the furs. She had enough things to worry about. She didn’t have time for this.

  Lying back, she shut her eyes.

  “Wake up,” she said. “Wake up! This is all a dream. This isn’t happening.”

  “What’s not happening?” Mercy asked.

  “Oh.” Val sat up. “You’re here.” Did her voice sound strained? She thought it sounded strained. She didn’t want Mercy to be suspicious.

  “Sorry,” Mercy said. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.” She stared at Val. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine,” Val said. “Just fine. Great, in fact.” She had to stop babbling.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. Yeah…” Val trailed off. “Do you know if there’s any way I can get any pharmacy items around here?”

  “Pharmacy items?” Mercy looked taken aback. “Like what?”

  “Like…” Val buried her face in her hands. “Don’t make me say it.”

  Mercy padded into the room to sit beside her. “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what you need. What is it?”

  Val widened her fingers just enough to make a space for her mouth. “A pregnancy test,” she mumbled.

  “Sorry,” Mercy said. “I didn’t catch that.”

  “A pregnancy test.” Val’s breath hitched. Slowly moving her
fingers, she looked up at Mercy.

  “Oh, Val.” Mercy’s gaze flickered to her belly. “You think you’re pregnant?”

  “I don’t know. I hope not.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m not ready for kids! And neither are Ash and Blaze.”

  Mercy moved the sword onto the floor. “Why do you think that?”

  “I don’t know. But we’ve never talked about it, and it’s the dead of winter. Can you take me to a pharmacy, Mercy? I need to know.”

  “Okay, okay.” Mercy rubbed her back. “Don’t panic. You’re actually in luck.”

  Val glowered at her. How was any part of this situation lucky?

  “We don’t actually need pregnancy tests. When one of us is far enough along, we can all smell it.”

  “And?” Val grabbed her by the shirt. “Can you?”

  Leaning in, Mercy gave a delicate sniff.

  Val waited with trepidation, trying to read the expression on her face. “And?”

  Mercy shook her head. “I don’t smell anything.”

  Val almost fainted with relief.

  “But let’s check with Sage first. She usually smells it before a woman even suspects anything.”

  Val barely registered Mercy’s hand pulling her off the bed and into the hall. Her stomach churned, and she felt disconnected from her body as she descended the stairs. Was it possible that she held new life inside her? That she was going to have Ash and Blaze’s baby?

  But that would be bad, she thought as she stumbled down the steps. Mercy braced her, warned her to be careful, but Val barely heard. It was too soon. The timing was all wrong. She wasn’t ready—how could her Alphas be?

  Mercy tugged her into the kitchen, where Sage was stirring a huge pot over the fire.

  “No one’s helping you?” Mercy asked, looking around the otherwise empty room.

  “They will be soon enough. And I can make the glaze myself.” Sage straightened, wiping her brow. “But that’s not important, obviously.” Bridging the distance between them, she wrapped Val in a hug. “So? Aren’t you going to tell me the happy news?”


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