Stryker's Desire (Dragons Of Sin City Book 1)

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Stryker's Desire (Dragons Of Sin City Book 1) Page 103

by Meg Ripley

  He was the man from her dream. The sinfully handsome man that had at walked amongst Queen Elizabeth's courtiers, spoken to the Queen herself, and had shot her a curious look when he saw her watching him.

  She knew that it couldn't be him; that wasn't logical. Yet, as her mind rebelled against the notion, something primitive within her sensed that it was him.

  "Beautiful shop." The man spoke in a deep, sensual voice, and as he came closer, he continued to hold Miriam's gaze.

  "Thank you," she whispered. She was relieved to have regained the use of her tongue again. "It belongs to my grandfather," she added.

  As he glided towards her, Miriam had the sudden image of a lion entrapping his prey. His brown-eyed gaze traveled down the length of her body before coming up to lock with her eyes once again. Miriam let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

  "And a beautiful granddaughter," he said with a mischievous grin.

  "I agree," interrupted her grandfather.

  Her grandfather's voice jolted her out of her thoughts. She turned her eyes away from the stranger to look at her grandfather as he stood next to her; she had been so enchanted by the mysterious stranger that she hadn’t even noticed him come in.

  Her grandfather extended a warm smile to the man before him. "How can we help you today?"

  "I hope you can," the man replied darkly, but with a shimmer in his eye that hinted at mild amusement. "I'm a collector, and I'm looking for a certain type of copper medallion. Do you have anything resembling that?"

  "Hmmmm," her grandfather thought out loud.

  Miriam had a sudden vision of herself slipping a copper disk into her jean pocket. She also had the sudden urge not to relay this information to the stranger.

  "We did get a box of copper objects yesterday, now that I recall." Her grandfather moved around the edge of the counter looking for the mysterious box. "Ahh, here it is."

  "Allow me." The stranger moved to pick up the box and carry it back to the counter. He pulled back the flaps and looked inside. "Sorry," he said. "I don’t see what I'm looking for."

  Her grandfather moved towards the box. "Oh, sorry about that." He took a peek inside himself. "I could have sworn that we received something that matched your description."

  All this time, Miriam stood silent. Although he didn't explicitly describe the object in her pocket, something within her new that it was exactly what he was looking for.

  "Well," the stranger gave a heavy sigh, "how about I leave you with my card," he said, reaching into his pocket, "just in case you find something similar." As he spoke, he sent Miriam another one of those curious looks.

  "No problem," her grandfather said as he took the card. "I'm very sorry we could not help you out more today."

  "Oh, but you have," he smiled. His eyes briefly locked with Miriam's before he turned away.

  As the door clanged shut, Miriam once again let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

  "Very odd," her grandfather mused. He glanced at the card in his hand.

  "Oh, how so?" she asked, prodding him for his thoughts.

  "Just that…oh well." He handed her the card. "Put this on file in case we find whatever it is he is looking for."

  "Sure thing," she said with forced cheerfulness. Once her grandfather had left the room, she eagerly glanced at the card.

  She whispered his name, "Dominic Kane."

  It also included an address that she recognized as being in the wealthy part of town, which only added to the mystery, she thought.

  Miriam reached into her back pocket to retrieve the copper medallion she'd been carrying since yesterday, running it through her hands. She still wasn't able to get a reading from it, yet, somehow, she knew that the arrival of this copper medallion and the strange dreams about a handsome man—and his sudden appearance in their store—could not just be a coincidence.

  She quickly put it back in her pocket, along with the mysterious man's business card.

  "Grandfather!" she yelled to the back of the store. "I'm going out for a bit."

  She knew there was more to the story and she'd bet her life that Dominic Kane held the answers she craved.


  Dominic had sensed his humanity token—his Anima—in the shop, but couldn't quite place it. It had been close enough to reinvigorate him and allow him to regain some of his normal senses, but he still needed it to be on his person in order to arrest his full transformation.

  The moment he knew that it was there, he had two choices: tear the whole shop apart to search for it, or wait to see how the cards fell into place. He decided to go with the latter. While using his magic to track his Anima's whereabouts—sparingly, in an attempt to preserve his humanity longer—he ended up in a part of town that he’d never been to before. He suspected that someone was playing a bigger game with him, and he wanted to know why.

  He also wanted to know where he had already met the strange, beautiful girl in the shop; she had been looking at him like she knew him from somewhere. Dominic knew that there was more to the picture than what he could see at the moment, but the one thing that he knew to be clear was his sense that she would come for him. And he was fairly certain that she held the clue to finding the individual responsible for taking his medallion.

  He leaned back in the sumptuous chair of his expansive office and settled in to wait.


  Miriam felt small and inconsequential standing in the lobby of Dominic Kane's building. Her nerve failed her and she quickly turned on her toes to head back outside.

  "Nope, not today," she thought out loud. She couldn't just walk into a high-profile building, ask to see some guy who worked there and then confront him on why she had been dreaming about him. And how would she explain that she actually did have what he was looking for but lied about it back at the store?

  Yeah, that would go over well.

  She trudged to the corner of the sidewalk and plopped herself down. The hot sun hung low in the sky, signaling the end of the day. He had probably already gone home for the night, she thought. She figured she might as well do the same, so she stood and began to make her way back to the bus stop.

  As she walked by the back exit of the building, she noticed a black car parked by a door. She didn't pay much attention to it until the moment the door opened and a familiar figure stepped out.

  Miriam sensed him instantly. Likewise, the dark figure sensed her, too.

  She lifted her eyes and their gazes locked from across the lot. Her breath hitched in her throat.

  She felt herself move towards him, her feet quickening their pace before her mind had time to register the action.

  "Hey you!" she called out as she moved closer. She was both surprised and exhilarated by her sudden boldness. She stopped right before his car; she could sense that he was dangerous and her intuition urged her to keep some distance between them.

  "Good afternoon," he said coolly. His voice was seductive and his eyes gleamed with recognition.

  Miriam knew she had to speak before she lost her nerve. "Hey, look," she began, not sure exactly what to say now that she had his attention. "This may seem strange, but I somehow knew you before you came into the shop."

  The seductive gleam slipped, the man before gave her a scrutinizing look. Miriam felt as if he could see right through her soul.

  "How about we speak in a more private setting," he said, motioning towards the car with dark tinted windows.

  "Oh, um," Miriam hesitated. It was one thing to confront this stranger in public; it was another to get into a car with him. Her common sense screamed to hightail it out of there while she still had the chance. But another part of her—a more primitive, almost ancient part—wanted her to get into the car despite the danger.

  She knew it would be a mistake to accept his offer, but it was the only way to get the answers she was looking for.

  She nodded her acceptance. The driver of the car instantly got out and came around to open the
passenger door for her.

  "Why do I have the sudden feeling that I'm making a terrible mistake?" she asked Dominic.

  Dominic chuckled, low and deep. "I have that effect on people."

  The car was spacious, comfortable, and the divider between the front and back seat afforded plenty of privacy.

  As Dominic settled into the seat next to her, she felt like his presence consumed the back compartment despite the substantial space between them.

  The car started to move and Miriam had the feeling, once again, that she was making a mistake. She chose to ignore that feeling for the time being and turned towards her enigmatic companion.

  "I had asked for you to contact me if you found anything resembling the medallion I’ve been looking for. You must have something to tell me if you’re here."

  "I–" she began before cutting herself off. She wasn't ready to give that information quite yet. "Why would you think that I might potentially know something?" she evaded.

  "By that gleam in your eye," he teased.

  It caught Miriam off guard. Despite his intensity, he had this gentle side about him that seemed so uncharacteristic. She raised her eyebrow as her curiosity grew. She attempted to beat him at his own game by throwing him a mystery.

  "I dreamt about you last night," she confessed. As she spoke, she searched his face for clues.

  His brow furrowed as he concentrated. "And what did you see?" he asked her with complete detachment.

  "I, um," she tried to start a few times, but the whole surrealism of the moment kept throwing her off. "I saw you in another time," she explained. "I saw you talking to Queen Elizabeth. It felt so real, as if it hadn’t been a dream at all; I felt like I was actually there."

  "I see," he mused. "And what makes you think that it wasn't just your imagination?"

  "Because of this." She pulled the medallion from her pocket and held it up to him, waving the piece in the air. "Because I'd never seen you before this showed up on our doorstep yesterday evening."

  "May I see it?" he asked, holding out his large palm.

  Miriam placed it in his hand, but the moment that the medallion touched his skin, a burst of hot energy shot through her.

  She saw Dominic with a feral look: lips curled, nostrils flaring, eyes blazing red. She knew that he couldn't be human. Yet, despite this revelation, she didn't fear him.

  "Are you ok?" He broke her out of the trance that had suddenly come over her.

  "I—" she stuttered. "Yes, I'm fine." Miriam eyed him with new understanding and growing curiosity, feeling herself drawn to him in ways that she couldn't explain. She knew, now, that he wasn't telling her the whole truth. She also knew that he was, in fact, the man from her dream.

  "I think you may have a gift, Ms–" he caught himself. "I believe we have never been formally introduced. Dominic Kane." He spoke without extending his hand to touch hers; he knew something had happened the first time their hands touched and didn't wish for it to be repeated.

  "Miriam," she breathed.

  "Miriam," he echoed. The way he spoke her name sent shivers down her spine and caused something sensual within her to stir.

  "Yes?" she whispered, suddenly very aware of the close proximity of their bodies.

  "I believe you possess the ability to see the previous lives of objects," he explained. "This particular object," he suddenly held up the medallion and twirled it around his fingers, "has belonged to my family for several generations." Just as quickly, he put it away in a blur of motion that Miriam was barely able to detect. "You saw my ancestor in a moment when he was carrying it with him."

  Miriam knew he was lying. She saw him, not his great-great grandfather. Why would he attempt to conceal that fact?

  "Oh, really?" She acted as if this was news to her. She already knew that she had a rare, uncanny ability for sensing the history of objects. No special "gifts" are needed in order to have a bullshit radar, though.

  "I wonder… Can you see who had the object right before it came to you?" As he spoke, he closed the distance between them.

  Miriam could feel her heart racing with the awareness of their bodies and a strange energy crackled between them

  Just then, the car came to a stop. "Would you like to come up?" he asked in that sensual voice again. His gaze was level with hers, intense and heated.

  Miriam knew that her luck was running out. She had already made two mistakes—showing up at his office and then getting into his car—and she wasn't sure if she had enough lives to survive a third.

  She shot him a heated look of her own from under her thick lashes. "I think I can be persuaded," she answered teasingly.

  His sensual lips rose at the edges and curved into a subtle smile. "I take that as a challenge."

  Miriam leaned forward, aching to close the distance between them. Not only did she want to touch him in order to reveal more of his secrets, but she also wanted to see what would happen if they let the energy between them loose.

  "I would like to see your efforts," she spoke as her own lips revealed a teasing smile.

  "Good then." He abruptly pulled back and reached for the handle of his door, the spell of the moment broken by his sudden movement.

  Miriam was taken aback by the intensity of her own response. She had never been bold like this—especially not with a man as intense and dangerous as the one before her. Yes, she’d had flings with a few boys in college, but those were boys.

  Dominic was most certainly a grown man, and this, whatever it was, was certainly not a fling.

  She felt desire pool deep within her belly, but tried to ignore how wildly attractive she found him. It was more than just his handsome looks; something about his dark energy pulled her in and made him absolutely irresistible.

  She knew that if she chose to follow him, she would be going down a dangerous road.

  She chose to go anyway.


  Dominic watched her intensely as she surveyed the view from his penthouse apartment.

  He knew he was right to trust his instinct.

  She was incredible. Not only was she beautiful, but she possessed a valuable talent that very few humans were ever gifted with: she could read into objects, discover their pasts and reveal their hidden secrets. He knew that could be incredibly useful in guiding him towards the individual that had attempted to separate him from his Anima.

  Usually, individuals with this sense are only able to learn a few things from the objects they read. His medallion, however, was no ordinary object; it possessed his soul. That would explain her vivid dream of him, he thought, hoping again that he’d convinced her that her dream had been of his ancestor and not of him.

  "Would you like a drink?" he asked with a casual air. He moved to join her as she stared out the floor-to-ceiling windows. She had a strong energy about her and his body responded to it. He ached to close the shallow distance between them, to touch her and explore every inch of her supple body. He knew that doing so would just open the door for her to gain insight into his psyche, however, which he didn't want at the moment.

  "If you’re having one." Miriam spoke without looking away from the view of the skyline.

  Dominic smiled darkly. Although he enjoyed the flavor of a well-aged drink, he usually preferred something a bit different.

  He didn't need human blood to survive—he had his Anima to make sure of that—but if he ever turned into the darker version of himself, his bloodlust would be unquenchable. He only ever tasted human blood on certain occasions, like during sex, as a way of elevating the pleasure. He wondered what Miriam would taste like; his lips curled with the seductive thought.

  They were interrupted by the sound of someone clearing his throat behind them. Dominic turned, a snarl emitting from the back of his throat.

  "Am I interrupting?" Rogan asked in his usual sardonic tone.

  "What are you doing here, Rogan?" Dominic leveled an intimidating look at his brother.

  "I thought I would stop by and see if
you—" he turned his attention towards Miriam as he spoke, "—and your guest had changed your minds about attending tonight's festivities." He ran his gaze down the length of Miriam's body, his eyes gleaming.

  Dominic's blood ran hot with anger. He knew that Rogan was toying with him, like a sadistic cat with a mouse. Dominic would never bring a human into a house of vampires. Although his family was civilized and none had yet lost their humanity, he knew that they viewed humans as a lower class—something he could never quite agree with. The fact that Rogan had extended his invitation meant that something was up. Dominic didn't trust him for a second.

  "Festivities?" Miriam's questioning gaze turned towards Dominic's.

  "Why, yes." Rogan moved towards her. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Rogan Kane." He made a formal bow.

  Dominic stepped in front of Rogan's path to Miriam before he could reach her. "Brother."

  "Ahh," Rogan's eyes gleamed. "I can see I'm unwanted here."

  "Dominic?" Miriam questioned. She tried to sidestep around him, but Dominic just cut her off.

  "It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Rogan directed his sentiments towards Miriam, "I hope to do it again sometime."

  "Not a chance," Dominic snarled.

  "So, that's a ‘no’ for the dinner party then?" Rogan threw the last question out there mockingly.

  Dominic's eyes flared; Rogan took the hint.

  Once the door shut behind Rogan, Dominic turned to Miriam and was shocked to see apprehension and rage play out across her face.

  "Excuse me, but what was that?"

  "My brother?" Dominic began, confused by her sudden change in demeanor. He had just protected her from one of the most notorious Kane vampires...and she was angry?

  "Not that," she sputtered. "But how you treated me."

  "How so?" Dominic questioned.

  "I am not your possession," she declared angrily. She pushed past him, but as her fingers grazed the front of his shirt, she paused. She gave him another one of her curious looks before continuing towards the door.

  "In your world, of course, but it's a bit different when it comes to Rogan and I." How could he explain that vampires were incredibly territorial, without using the word ‘vampire’? If he had not sent Rogan a clear 'hands-off' signal, her life would be in danger right now.


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