Sunken Seas (A Rowan Gray Mystery Book 4)

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Sunken Seas (A Rowan Gray Mystery Book 4) Page 5

by Lily Harper Hart

  Quinn opened his mouth, unsure what to say. “Oh, well … huh.”

  “Huh, what?”

  “I was about to have a little fit about the way you flirted with Anthony this afternoon, but you don’t even remember it so now I’m starting to wonder if I’m being absurd.”

  The simple statement caught Rowan off guard. “I wasn’t flirting with him.”

  “He made it seem like you were.”

  “Well, I wasn’t. I was sticking my foot in my mouth – that’s nothing new – but I definitely wasn’t flirting with him.”

  “You commented on his arms.”

  “Because he looks as if he has the worst case of mumps ever.”

  Quinn couldn’t stay angry – not that he really was – and simply made a clucking sound with his tongue as he shook his head. “You are something.”

  “I know.” Rowan moved to stand in front of Quinn, her expression hard to read. “You don’t trust me, huh?”

  Quinn immediately balked. “Of course I trust you. I didn’t think you were going to move on Anthony. It’s just … he seemed enamored with you.”

  “I think it’s more that he thought I was funny because I blurted out the thing about his arms. Given his size, he’s probably used to people walking on eggshells around him. Instead of doing that, I said something completely stupid and for some reason that put him at ease.”

  “Perhaps it has a little something to do with your smile.”

  “Or perhaps he thinks I’m goofy.” Rowan tilted her head to the side, considering. “If you don’t trust me … .”

  Quinn shook his head to cut her off. “I trust you. I’m sorry if I made you think otherwise. I was caught off guard seeing you with him. You’re right about him being huge, by the way. All I could think was that if he made a move on you I would probably die trying to defend your honor.”

  Rowan snorted, amused by his hangdog expression. “Did you consider that you don’t need to defend my honor because I’m capable of taking care of myself?”

  “No.” Quinn answered immediately. “You’re my girlfriend. The second I saw you I got jealous. I have no idea why. It was ridiculous and stupid because that guy could kill me with one hand tied behind his back. No, literally he could do it that way.”

  Rowan snickered, resting her hand on Quinn’s solid chest. “I think this entire thing is so big in your head it’s hard to adapt to. First you get word that we’re going to be hanging around a shipwreck, and you’re a total geek for shipwrecks.”

  “What did I tell you about using the word ‘geek’?”

  Rowan ignored the question. “Then you find out you’ll be sharing security duty. On one hand, you don’t like it because you prefer being in charge. On the other, you’ve been invited to involve yourself in some of the finds from their dives so you’re understandably circling uber-geek mode.”

  “Keep pushing it,” Quinn warned.

  “Then you meet a guy who has something of a reputation in the circles you used to run in.” Rowan turned thoughtful. “He was famous and yet he knows about you. He knows something you did that impresses him – something you can’t talk about, mind you – and you’re kind of embarrassed and pleased at the same time.”

  “I can’t talk about that,” Quinn cautioned. “It’s classified.”

  “I know. It only hurts a little.”

  Quinn frowned at the way Rowan’s lips curved. “Don’t go there.” He didn’t want to encourage her, but the pout was beyond sexy and he couldn’t stop himself from planting a firm kiss on her lips. “I can’t talk about it.”

  “I know.”

  “Even if I could … .” Quinn took on a far-off expression before shaking himself out of his reverie. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “Neither was what I said to Anthony,” Rowan offered. “It was stupid more than anything else. I’m just glad I didn’t pull out my inappropriate Hulk humor.”

  Quinn cocked an amused eyebrow. “You have inappropriate Hulk humor?”

  “I have a ton of it.”

  He grinned and held out his hand. “How about you tell me some of it on our way to dinner?”

  Sensing the crisis had passed – if there was ever really a crisis rather than random irritation – Rowan slipped her hand in his and walked with him to the door. “Did I ever mention I love the color green and you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry?”

  Quinn snorted. “Oh, well, I can’t wait to hear this.”

  QUINN EXPECTED TO HAVE a quiet meal with Rowan. Instead, he found Anthony sitting at a corner table with Andrea Morgan – who was even more striking up close – and the security guru waved Quinn over so he had no choice but to greet them.

  “You should sit with us,” Anthony announced. “We’re talking about the dive site and the salon so we want to bounce some ideas off you.”

  “Oh, well … .” Quinn cast a glance over his shoulder to the buffet line where Rowan was filling her plate with fresh seafood.

  Anthony followed his gaze and smiled. “Are you on a date?”

  “It’s not so much a date as dinner, but we usually eat alone,” Quinn replied. “I’m sure Rowan won’t mind all of us eating together, though.”

  “Does she have clearance?” Andrea wrinkled her nose. “What does she even do on this ship?”

  Quinn didn’t like the woman’s attitude. “She’s the ship photographer. If you don’t want her here, we can eat elsewhere.”

  “Or you can send her elsewhere,” Andrea argued.

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.” Quinn was adamant. “We can meet tomorrow morning and go over the plans. We have plenty of time to get everything in position. We’re not under the gun.”

  “Wait a second.” Anthony shot Andrea a dark look. “We can talk tonight. No one meant any offense about Rowan.”

  Quinn didn’t believe that for a second. “Yeah, well, we’ll have a meeting after breakfast tomorrow.”

  “I honestly think we should do a little talking now,” Anthony pressed. “I don’t want to ruin your night but … it’s a big deal.”

  “I’m well aware of that.” Quinn ran his tongue over his teeth as he watched Rowan laugh with a man in the buffet line. The simple act lit up her entire face. “I’m eating dinner with her. You can either wait until after dinner to talk or do it in front of her.”

  “We can talk in front of her.” Anthony appeared to be easygoing, but Quinn was aware of his reputation so he knew it was an act.

  “Are we sure we can trust her?” Andrea asked.

  Quinn scowled as Anthony held up a hand to quiet him.

  “I’ve met her,” Anthony said. “She seems … ridiculously fun. There’s no reason to get worked up about it. What do you think she’s going to do?”

  Andrea held her hands palms out and shrugged. “You’re in charge of security.”

  “I am,” Anthony agreed. “Go ahead and get Rowan.”

  Quinn wasn’t happy about the change in eating circumstances, but he didn’t see a way out of the situation. He found Rowan with a pair of tongs, heaping crab legs on her plate, and informed her of what Anthony and Andrea wanted. Surprisingly, she was fine with the change and waited for Quinn to fill a plate before walking over with him.

  Even though he didn’t want Rowan sitting next to Anthony – he still harbored faint twinges of unexplained jealousy – Quinn worried Andrea might pick a fight with her so he willingly took the open spot next to the famous diver while Rowan settled between him and Anthony.

  “I’m going to guess you like crab legs.” Anthony’s eyes sparkled as he looked at Rowan’s dinner spread. “And shrimp and scallops.”

  “I like seafood but not fish,” Rowan conceded. “I have no idea why.”

  “Fish is better for you,” Andrea offered. “You’ll clog your arteries with all that butter you’re using as dipping sauce.”

  Quinn internally cringed, expecting Rowan to say something snarky. Instead his girlfriend merely shrugged.

  “What a wa
y to go, right?”

  Andrea opened her mouth, perhaps to say something sarcastic of her own, but instead she snapped her mouth shut and offered up a rueful smile. “I see why Anthony says you’re funny.” She didn’t laugh, but she looked mildly amused. “He said you commented on his torpedoes.”

  “Well, they’re huge.” Rowan broke a roll in half and handed a chunk to Quinn. It was a ritual of sorts and she hardly noticed the act seemed to intrigue their dinner companions until Anthony arched an eyebrow. “What?”

  “You guys are cute,” Anthony said after a beat. “I have to admit, I’m a little sad. After what you said at the tiki bar, I thought for sure I would be able to get you to rub my torpedoes.”

  Quinn shot him a dirty look. “Don’t go there.”

  Anthony chuckled. “You didn’t let me finish. I was going to say that I knew it was a wasted effort after seeing you guys together.”

  “It’s definitely a wasted effort.” Quinn rolled his neck until it cracked. He’d been looking forward to a relaxing dinner, but apparently that wasn’t on the menu. He had to adjust to that fact and move on. “So, what do you have in mind for the security at the dive site?”

  Andrea warmed to her subject quickly, rambling on about a great many things Rowan didn’t understand. She wasn’t familiar with tides or levels of visibility underwater. She made a show of being interested, but in reality her mind wandered. As it did, she let her gaze drift until it snagged with a set of eyes across the dining room.

  She jolted when she realized it was Nick. He sat a good fifty feet away, a group of people chatting around him, but he didn’t so much as look in their direction. His attention was completely focused on Rowan … and it made her uncomfortable.

  Rowan used her napkin to wipe the corners of her mouth and then licked her lips as she waited for a break in the conversation. When it finally occurred, she pasted a pleasant smile on her face.

  “I’m going to leave you guys to finish up and head out.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Anthony was instantly apologetic. “We’re boring you.”

  “Not in the least,” Rowan said hurriedly. “You guys have work to talk about, though, and I want to run up to the tiki bar.”

  “If you wait a few minutes, I can go with you,” Quinn offered. “We’re almost done here.”

  The last thing Rowan wanted was for Quinn to rush through official work on her account. “No. It’s perfectly fine. I’ll meet you up there when you’re done. Sally is supposed to be with Demarcus right about now and I want to talk to her anyway.”

  Quinn wasn’t sure he believed the excuse, but he could hardly blame her for being bored. “Okay, well … I’ll see you in a little bit then.” He could feel Andrea and Anthony’s eyes on him, which made him feel uncomfortable enough that he didn’t offer Rowan a kiss. Thankfully she didn’t seem to expect one. “I won’t be long.”

  Rowan’s smile was back, but it didn’t make it all the way to her eyes. “I will be waiting for you on deck. We’ll pick up our date then.”

  ROWAN HONESTLY DIDN’T expect to find Sally at the tiki bar. The feisty chef generally remained in the kitchen until the meal was over and then headed for the deck when she was sure everyone was happy with their meals. Rowan wasn’t anxious to see Sally – or even get away from Andrea and Anthony. No, she was most anxious to get away from Nick’s probing stare.

  There was definitely something off about the man, although she couldn’t determine what.

  Demarcus held court behind the bar, entertaining a bevy of divers as they drank and made merry. Rowan was happy to take a spot in the corner, one that was away from everyone else so she could regroup and gather her wits.

  She’d barely sat down when a figure appeared on the other side of the table and stole the breath from her lungs.

  “Hello, Ms. Gray.”

  “Mr. Green,” Rowan forced out, her stomach lurching. “I’m surprised to see you up here. I thought I saw you down in the dining room just a few minutes ago.”

  “Yes, well, I like walking after a meal,” Nick said, taking the seat across from Rowan without her uttering an invitation. “It’s better for digestion.”

  “I’ve heard something like that.” Rowan wasn’t fearful of Nick. He clearly wasn’t about to jump her in front of so many people. She found she couldn’t relax around him, though, and her spine stayed ramrod straight. “You must be excited about the dive. All I keep hearing is everyone making plans for security and what they hope to see first.”

  “Yes, well, finds like this don’t happen on a regular basis. The excitement is real and hard to rein in. I’m sure it will diminish a bit once we’ve been out there for a few days.”


  “What about you?” Nick asked. “Do you dive?”

  Rowan immediately started shaking her head. “I have a phobia about suffocating. I don’t think I would do well underwater. Plus, well, I’m afraid of sharks.”

  Nick chuckled. “The odds of being attacked by a shark are much less than being in an automobile accident or drowning.”

  “Yes, well, that doesn’t exactly make me feel better,” Rowan noted. “I can’t explain it. I’m not sure why I’m so fearful of suffocating. I wasn’t phobic about it when I was a kid, but it’s something that popped up when I was an adult.”

  “Perhaps it’s from being abandoned,” Nick mused, taking Rowan by surprise with his words. “You found yourself alone, the world closing in on you because you couldn’t make sense of what was happening. I don’t think what you’re describing is that out of the ordinary.”

  Rowan’s mouth dropped open. “Excuse me?”

  Nick jolted back to reality. “Oh, I’m sorry. I go off at the mouth sometimes. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  Rowan couldn’t argue with the sentiment and yet she remained flustered. “How did you know I was abandoned?”

  “What? Oh, well, I probably read it in your personnel file and it stuck with me for some reason,” Nick said, rising. “I had to read everyone’s files when I boarded to acquaint myself with the main staff.”

  Rowan was dubious. “And my file says I was abandoned as a teenager?”

  “Oh, well, it must, right?” Nick turned nervous. “How else would I know that information about you?”

  How else indeed? “I don’t know.” Rowan chose her words carefully. “I can’t quite shake the feeling that I know you, or at least I did at one time. Have you ever spent time in Michigan? Perhaps you were interviewed by a Michigan newspaper at one time or something.”

  “That’s certainly a possibility, but I can’t remember off the top of my head.” Nick shifted his eyes to the deck, two figures catching his attention. “Well, there are some people I must talk to. I’ll be taking my leave.”

  Suddenly Rowan was desperate for him to stay, if only because she wanted answers she believed he could give. “Wait … .”

  “I’m sure I’ll see you around.” Nick offered up a haphazard wave as he scurried across the deck. “Have a wonderful night. It was a pleasure talking to you.”

  And just like that he was gone … and Rowan was left with a mountain of doubt to weigh her down.



  Quinn never showed up at the tiki bar. Rowan had two drinks with Sally and Demarcus and then called it a night. It took every bit of patience she had not to head to the dining room to check on him. He had a job to do, after all. He couldn’t simply ignore it.

  When she woke alone the next morning, though, her frustration bubbled over. It wasn’t like him not to call or text. She checked her phone to make sure, but no apology waited. There was no flirty message promising to meet for breakfast. There was simply … nothing.

  Instead of heading to the tiki bar for a light meal, Rowan went to the employee dining hall. Quinn rarely ate there and this morning looked to be no exception. She forced a smile when she settled at the same table with Sally and focused on her omelet and hash browns.

  “You don’
t look happy,” Sally said after a beat, a mug of coffee buffered in her hands. “In fact, you look downright miserable.”

  Rowan pursed her lips. The last thing she wanted was to start unnecessary ship gossip. Of course, Sally was her best friend on the ship and she needed someone to talk to.

  “Quinn never showed up in my room last night.”

  Sally’s expression was hard to read. “Was he supposed to?”

  “Well … we haven’t spent a night apart since … you know. I thought he would eventually show up.”

  “Did he call?”

  Rowan shook her head. “No. I have no idea where he was.”

  “I know where he was. If you’re interested, I mean.”

  Rowan didn’t want to be interested. It wasn’t her place to check up on Quinn. Still, she couldn’t stop herself from asking the obvious question. “Where was he?”

  “He was in the main dining room with Anthony Lowell and that hot diving chick for the entire night,” Sally replied. “The bulk of the security team ended up there while the divers had fun at the tiki bar. They drank until well after three in the morning.”

  Rowan was flummoxed. “He stayed up there drinking all night?”

  “I got a report from one of the servers this morning,” Sally explained. “She wanted the morning off because she was up so late waiting on them.”

  “I guess that makes sense.”

  “I gave her the morning off but I asked for a full report first,” Sally supplied. “She said there was a lot of boasting about military operations. She said there was a lot of talk about romancing women from different countries. She also said Quinn was in the middle of it.”

  The explanation didn’t make Rowan feel better. If anything, it made her feel worse. Still, she felt the desperate need to cover. “Well, at least he enjoyed himself.” Rowan moved around her breakfast with her fork before pushing the plate away. She’d lost her appetite. “I should probably get to work. We’ve got a full day of sailing today and if I’m going to take photos of the diving crew enjoying themselves before they get to work, it has to be this afternoon.”


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