Sunken Seas (A Rowan Gray Mystery Book 4)

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Sunken Seas (A Rowan Gray Mystery Book 4) Page 8

by Lily Harper Hart

“I honestly don’t know. On one hand, I feel pathetic for forcing a situation where those two things are even close to being equal. They’re not, for the record. You simply forgot about me and got drunk. It’s not close to the same thing as what happened when I was younger.”

  “I didn’t forget about you, Ro.” Quinn leaned forward and placed his head in front of her face so she would have no choice but to meet his gaze. “I swear I didn’t. I lost track of time and then I got drunk. I could never forget about you. Things simply got away from me and I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to keep apologizing.”

  “I’m going to do it until I’m sure you’ve forgiven me.”

  “I’m not angry.”

  Quinn arched a challenging eyebrow. “Say that again without twisting your lips the way you just did.”

  “I’m not angry,” Rowan repeated. She meant it. “I’m just … tired and cranky. I didn’t sleep well and I’ve had a long day. You don’t have to keep apologizing, though. It’s not as if you’ve been wandering around kicking puppies or anything.”

  “No, but looking at your face this afternoon made me feel as if I’d done exactly that.”

  Rowan wrinkled her nose. “Are you equating me to a dog in that scenario?”

  Quinn’s grin was quick and easy. “They’re man’s best friend for a reason.”

  “Well … woof.”

  Quinn took them both by surprise when he swooped in and kissed her. The exchange wasn’t passionate, or even desperate. It was merely simple … and needed. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear when he pulled back.

  “I’ll never just take off like that again,” he promised. “That wasn’t fair to you and I should’ve realized how you would take it.”

  “You shouldn’t have to treat me differently than you would anyone else,” Rowan countered. “I’m not special. There’s no reason for me to act as if I’m falling apart simply because you forgot about me.”

  “Okay, if you say that again, I’m going to wrestle you to the deck and tickle you until you promise to never use that word again,” Quinn warned. “As for the rest … you are special. You’re special in so many ways I don’t know where to start listing them.”


  Quinn nodded. “You have no idea. Sometimes you’re frustratingly oblivious to your own appeal. I don’t get it … and sometimes find it irritating … but there it is.”

  “I still acted like a baby.”

  “No, you acted like the wronged party. You had every right to be angry. What I did was … all kinds of rude. The thing is, I didn’t want to stay with them. All I could think about was getting to you at the tiki bar. It was as if they didn’t want me to go and worked overtime to keep me with them.”

  “Maybe Andrea has a crush on you.”

  Quinn didn’t bother to hide his amusement. “I doubt it. If she has a crush on anyone, it’s Anthony. I think he has a crush on you, by the way. He asked about you this afternoon. They wanted me to drink with them again.”

  Rowan was taken aback. “Who drinks that much?”

  Quinn smirked. “We drank that much when I was overseas. I don’t think it’s out of the ordinary. I am starting to think that Sally and Demarcus are right when they say we’re a bit staid, though.

  “You and I are the types of people who are perfectly happy with a book and a mug of hot chocolate,” he continued. “I was always that way before my tour, but I got away from myself a bit overseas. When I came back, I reverted. I guess I reverted a bit in the other direction last night.”

  “And I should’ve considered that,” Rowan noted. “I didn’t want to keep you from them. I didn’t realize that maybe it was important for you to hang out with them.”

  “It wasn’t important. Trust me. When I woke up with the world’s worst hangover this morning, I remembered exactly why I hated that life.”

  Rowan pressed her lips together to keep from laughing. “Were you in pain?”


  “Is it wrong that I feel a bit better because of that?”

  Quinn snickered. “No. I consider it my punishment, too. Do you know what my greatest regret was, though?”

  “Did you have cotton mouth?”

  Quinn shook his head. “I was alone in my bed. I didn’t have you.”

  Whatever resentment she was holding onto melted with his words. “Wow, you sure know how to end an argument, huh?”

  Quinn’s expression was rueful. “I certainly hope so.” He leaned forward, cupping the back of her head as he rested his forehead against hers. “I am sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  “Okay.” Rowan heaved out a sigh. “Everything is okay.”

  “Good.” Quinn pressed another kiss to Rowan’s mouth, this one more intense and needy. Rowan returned it in kind, sinking into him as he slipped his arm around her waist and tugged her so she shared his chair. He leaned back, stroking the back of her head as they melted together. After a few minutes, he was reluctant to pull away, but the sound of Rowan’s growling stomach made him realize they couldn’t disappear into each other for the entire night. “Better?”

  Rowan bit her bottom lip and nodded.

  “Good.” Quinn wrapped his arms around her, sighing when she rested her chin on his chest as he leaned back in the chair.

  “I’m officially hungry,” Rowan announced, causing Quinn to chuckle.

  “I know. I heard your stomach.”

  “Let’s go eat.”

  “We will. We’re not quite done talking about the fight yet.”

  This time the look on Rowan’s face was full of confusion. “We’re not?”

  “I believe you need to tell me about Selena Dennis, don’t you?”

  “Oh.” Rowan knit her eyebrows. “How do you even know about her?”

  “Sally has a big mouth and a few opinions that she’s unwilling to keep to herself,” Quinn replied. “She thought you were focusing on Selena because you were desperate for a distraction, but I knew straight away what you were really doing.”

  Rowan held up her camera so Quinn could look at the viewfinder.

  “She’s got the omen,” Quinn said after a beat. “Did she have it yesterday?”

  Rowan shrugged. “I didn’t take any photos of her yesterday. I went back to look but there was nothing to look at. This trip is different so I haven’t been going out of my way to take photographs of everyone.”

  “Which makes sense.” Quinn rolled his neck as he prodded Rowan to cuddle closer. “Don’t pull away yet. I want you close while we think through our problem.”

  “Just so you know, this is not us making up. I want to make up when we’re alone and in my quarters later. Or your quarters. I don’t care which quarters. I’m not picky.”

  Quinn chuckled as he absently rubbed her back. “I have that on my agenda, too. It’s right after I feed you and right before we take a long bath in the private high-roller Jacuzzi.”

  Rowan stilled, dumbfounded. “We can do that?”

  “We’re going to do that,” Quinn clarified. “I happen to have a key card that allows me to lock the door, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do tonight. Besides, there are only two people on the ship who have key cards for that area. What are the odds they’ll try to make a visit tonight?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t think now that you’ve mentioned the Jacuzzi.”

  Quinn grinned. “We have to deal with the Selena situation first. We’ll definitely get to the Jacuzzi, though. What have you found out about Selena? I know you’ve been asking questions about her all afternoon.”

  “Not a lot. I didn’t want to draw too much attention to myself. I mostly just followed her around.”


  “But she’s with the elite diving team,” Rowan replied. “From what I understand, that means she’s going to be with the first team that hits the site.”

  “That could be dangerous simply because it’s the first group. Anthony said the water in that area is known fo
r being treacherous and the entire team is worried about pirates swooping in and attacking.”

  “Is it wrong that my head just went to a Johnny Depp place?”

  “Not if that puts you in a good mood.” Quinn brushed his lips against Rowan’s forehead, thankful beyond measure that she’d forgiven him and they seemed to be back on track. “Did you talk to Selena at all?”

  “I tried, but you know how bad I am at talking to people when I’m trying to figure out how they’re going to die. I kind of turn into a total geek … kind of like you with the history books.”

  “Ha, ha.” Quinn poked her belly before sobering. “I don’t know what to do about this situation. We dock tomorrow, and after that we’ll be operating from a stationary position. That’s pretty much the opposite of what we’ve dealt with prior to this.”

  “You’re assuming that she’s going to die in the water by the site,” Rowan pointed out. “What if she’s going to die on the ship? What if it’s supposed to happen before we dock? What if it’s supposed to happen tonight, in fact?”

  Quinn shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. I hadn’t even considered that.”

  “Probably because you drank so much liquor last night. You’re still slow.”

  “And you’re getting your feisty attitude back.” Quinn was secretly pleased by that development. “Did you find out where her room was located?”

  “Funnily enough, they’ve sort of segregated everyone,” Rowan replied, struggling to sit up.

  “Not yet.” Quinn tugged her back. “I’m not joking. I need you right here for another few minutes. I’m not ready to release you.”

  “I can’t decide if you’re being cute or … something else.”

  “It’s probably a mixture of both, but we won’t talk about it after tonight.”

  “Sure.” Rowan tugged on her bottom lip. “So, as for the rooms, since not everything is taken they have the teams spreading out over multiple floors. There are a total of five dive teams with varying degrees of security clearance. Each team has their own section on various decks.”

  “Give me an example.”

  “Okay, the elite team – which is the one I paid the closest attention to – has taken over the B deck on level five.”

  “The entire section?”

  “Yeah, they’re taking over multiple rooms for each person.”

  “Okay, I guess that makes sense … although it seems a bit wasteful. Still, the company funding the dive has money to burn so I guess they’re able to do whatever they want.”

  “Everyone is segregated, including security. It’s like cliques in high school. I don’t know how else to explain it.”

  “Hmm.” Quinn turned Rowan’s head so he could kiss the tender spot behind her ear as she considered what to do next.

  “You’re making my brain fuzzy,” Rowan complained.

  “I know. That’s part of my plan. Wait until I get you into the Jacuzzi.”

  “What about Selena, though?” Rowan pressed. “We have to watch her.”

  “I’ll put guards close to her room and have them watch the B-deck cameras. I don’t know what else we can do. I don’t suppose you know where she is right now, do you?”

  Rowan nodded, taking him by surprise. “She’s right over there.” She pointed toward the deck area closest to the railing and frowned when she realized it was empty. “Okay, she was right there before we decided to have our serious discussion. I don’t think she could’ve gone far.”

  “Then we’ll find her. Give me another kiss first.”

  “Shouldn’t we focus on work?”

  “Only if you’re trying to torture me.”

  Rowan gave in and pressed her lips to his. “Better?”

  Quinn bobbed his head, his chest warming with happiness. “You have no idea. In fact … .” He didn’t get a chance to finish because an ear-splitting scream filled the air and caused both of them to jump to their feet as they snapped their heads in the direction of the ship’s aft.

  “Son of a … I guess we should’ve seen this coming.”



  Rowan and Quinn bolted toward the sound of the screaming, Quinn extending a hand to block Rowan from running ahead – while also keeping her close – as he cocked his head to the side.

  “This way.” Quinn pointed as he broke into a run, making sure he kept one ear behind him so he didn’t lose Rowan. He was keyed up and agitated, and the sight that greeted him once they turned the corner and hit the aft area didn’t make him feel any better.

  A woman, long brown hair flying, struggled with a hooded figure close to the railing. The man – and it had to be a man because he was too tall to be a woman – worked overtime to push the screaming woman over the railing as she desperately fought to hold him off.

  “That’s Selena Dennis,” Rowan said, pulling up short.

  Quinn didn’t spare her a glance. He couldn’t. He had a situation to handle … and there was only one way to do it. “Hey!”

  He bellowed the words, causing the tall figure to snap his head in their direction.

  To Rowan, it was as if time stopped moving. The two men stared each other down – although there was no way to make out the face of the individual threatening Selena because he wore a hoodie to cover his face – and something chilling passed between them. Then, as if a spell had been broken, the man grabbed Selena around the neck and heaved her over the railing.

  Rowan’s mouth opened as she let loose with a scream, the action serving to break her free from the ice block she momentarily found herself in. Quinn picked up his pace, lowering his head as he skidded toward the end of the ship.

  The man bolted in the opposite direction, only looking over his shoulder when he was far enough away to risk it. Quinn took Rowan by surprise when he didn’t follow, instead focusing on the railing where Selena went over. Rowan considered giving chase – which would’ve been a stupid idea – but Quinn’s voice caused her to focus on him rather than Selena’s assailant.

  “Ro, I need you to help me.”

  It was only then that Rowan realized Quinn had his hands full with Selena. She hadn’t gone completely over, instead clinging to the railing from the other side, her eyes wide with terror as her ashen features revealed a woman who realized she was one misstep away from falling to her death.

  “I’ve got him!” Anthony yelled, drawing Rowan’s gaze as he broke into a run and started chasing the hooded figure.

  Rowan quickly lost track of them as she stepped to Quinn’s side and swallowed hard. He had hold of Selena’s arm but was at an awkward angle. He flicked a glance to Rowan, grim determination flitting through his eyes. When he spoke, it was with a calm voice that soothed Rowan’s fraying nerves.

  “Baby, I need to lean pretty far over the railing to grab Selena. That means I need someone to anchor me here.”

  Rowan nodded as if she understood, but Quinn wasn’t sure she did.

  “That’s you,” Quinn said. “You need to hold my legs … and you need to hold them tight … because I’m going to be using all my upper body strength to pull Selena over. Do you understand?”

  Rowan nodded without hesitation. She was too terrified to argue with him.

  Quinn kept hold of Selena’s arm as he climbed the railing, positioning himself close to the top before leaning over. Rowan dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around Quinn’s legs, pinning him to the railing as she pressed her face into his calves and closed her eyes. Her grip was so tight Quinn thought there was a chance she would cut off his circulation. He didn’t say anything to change her stance, though.

  Quinn was determined as he grabbed Selena with both arms. He held her terrified gaze and spoke in a soft tone. “I’m going to pull you over. It’s important you don’t panic. I won’t let go. I promise.”

  “Just get me up,” Selena screeched. “Get me up now!”

  Quinn tugged with everything he had and dragged the woman toward the top of the railing. It was smooth sailing u
ntil her foot snagged on the top bar. For one brief moment, Quinn thought she might tumble backward, but Selena regrouped and gave one final push, throwing herself at Quinn with such force she caused him to topple over.

  Because Rowan held so tightly to his legs and Selena dug her fingers into his neck to make sure she didn’t fall, Quinn was in an awkward position when he landed.

  “You’re okay,” Quinn murmured as Selena burst into tears, patting her shoulder in a lame attempt to calm her. “You’re okay.”

  “I almost died,” Selena wailed, burrowing her face in his shoulder.

  “You didn’t, though.” Quinn was uncomfortable with Selena’s clinging nature, but he couldn’t dislodge her given how he was positioned. That meant he had to force Rowan to move, although she seemed to be in her own little world. “Ro, honey … .”

  “I won’t let go.” Rowan didn’t open her eyes and her firm grip caused Quinn to smile despite the fact that he was extremely uncomfortable and Selena’s fingernails were digging into the tender skin on the back of his neck.

  “You didn’t let go, Ro.” Quinn took his free hand and pressed it to the back of her head. “I need you to now, though, because I’m in serious pain.”

  “What?” Rowan lifted her head, realization dawning. “Oh.” She jerked back, allowing Quinn to straighten his legs and sigh. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” Quinn’s lips curved. “You did exactly what I asked.”

  “Yeah.” Rowan’s chest heaved as she stared at Selena. The woman clung to Quinn, which generally would’ve been something that bothered her, but she understood fear and Selena was clearly overcome with it so Rowan let it slide. She lifted her eyes to the deck at the sound of footsteps, meeting Anthony’s keen gaze as he came to a stop. He was alone, which made her think the chase didn’t go well. “You lost him?”

  Anthony nodded, frustrated. “He disappeared through an employee door. I couldn’t follow.”

  “Do you know which one?” Quinn was gentle as he tried to dislodge Selena. She was having none of it, though, and only snuggled closer.

  “Yeah. I can show you.”

  “We might get lucky and find something on the cameras.” Quinn was firm when he grabbed Selena’s wrists this time, dragging them down and pushing her back a bit. “We need to get Selena to medical and then we’ll check the cameras and card scanners. It’s important we find out who did this.”


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