Dreamspinner Press Year Four Greatest Hits

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Dreamspinner Press Year Four Greatest Hits Page 147

by Felicia Watson

  Lil was all too aware of Grier’s determined need to pay his share, and he reassured him. “You’ve given me more than enough, love.”


  “Shall we go?”

  GRIER TRIED not to act like a tourist, but he couldn’t help the smile that creased his face when he saw the enormous rainbow flag flying proudly at the Harvey Milk Plaza on the corner of Market and Castro Streets. He’d been a regular on Halsted in Chicago since he was twenty, but this, standing at the gateway to the iconic gay Mecca, was significant.

  They parked and locked the car, deciding to walk so Lil could point out the more famous landmarks without holding up any traffic. They started by looking at the different plaques and pictures dedicated to Harvey Milk while Lil gave Grier a brief rundown on the history of the famous gay politician who’d been martyred by a homophobic coworker. “We’ll have to rent the DVD,” he remarked, surprised that Grier didn’t know much about Harvey and hadn’t seen the movie Milk.

  He draped an arm over Grier’s shoulders, and they continued their walking tour, stopping occasionally to greet a friend and introduce Grier. Lil answered all Grier’s questions, interspersing them with light kisses and gentle hugs, before they ducked into 440 Castro for a drink. It was Monday, also known as underwear night for the adventurous who were interested in participating in the traditional show and tell. Grier enjoyed the view as bears, cubs, and the occasional twink showed off in their skimpy underwear.

  “You’d cause a stampede if they got a glimpse of what’s between you and your Calvin’s,” Lil whispered into Grier’s ear.

  “No can do. That’s strictly for home use.”

  “I know, love. I wouldn’t want to share you anyway,” Lil said softly. He kissed Grier on the lips and was pleased to feel him opening up easily and returning his affection with an equal measure of heat. Grier seemed to have no problems with public displays, which pleased Lil immeasurably. He liked confident men, and even though Grier was much younger than him, he was mature beyond his years, no doubt due to Luca and the added responsibility that had been thrust upon him at such an early age.

  “Vodka or beer?” Lil asked.

  “I’ll have a draft.”

  Lil signaled the bartender while they leaned on the bar and continued to watch the display as men pranced around in their underwear. “God, I remember when I used to do stuff like this.”

  “Were you wild and wicked?” Grier teased. “You appear to be very much in control, most of the time.”

  “Most of the time?” Lil probed.

  “When I’m not driving you crazy with my lace.”

  “Oh, sweet Jesus, you had to go and mention that, didn’t you?” Lil pulled Grier closer. “I can’t wait to get you home.”

  “You have any idea how much fun it is being with someone who shares this kink?”

  “Do you know how long I’ve waited for you?”

  “Tell me,” Grier asked.

  “I’ve been kissing frogs since I was sixteen.”

  “Twenty-one years is a long time.”

  “Almost as old as you.”

  “Not quite. Don’t get all daddy on me.”

  “Eww… not my thing.”

  “Me neither.”

  “Lillian, sweetheart!” A good-looking blond about Lil’s age sidled up to the pair and air-kissed Lil. “Who is this gorgeous thing?”

  “Hands off, Alex,” Lil joked, clearly comfortable with an old friend. “This is Grier.”

  “Fabulous name and quite suitable.”

  “Thanks,” Grier said, smirking.

  “What brings you this way? I haven’t seen you in ages,” Alex asked Lil.

  “Just showing off the neighborhood. Grier’s from Chicago.”

  “Darling, that is too fantastic! I love Midwestern boys―so substantial.”

  “What the heck does that mean?” Grier asked.

  “They have so much more depth to them, sweetheart, and hunks? You just can’t find that sort of thing around here anymore. I swear, Lil, I’m suffering from ennui.”

  Lil smiled. “I gather we’re in-between lovers?”

  “How’d you guess? You wouldn’t have any friends or relatives, would you, Grier?”

  “Er… no.”

  “Are you here to stay or just visiting?”

  “Visiting,” Grier replied.

  “What a pity,” Alex remarked. “You’ll have to work on him, Lillian. He looks like a keeper.”

  “He is,” Lil said gently, devouring Grier with his eyes.

  “Hmm,” Alex noticed. “This looks more serious than I thought. Be careful, sweetie. I’d hate to see your bleeding heart in tatters.”

  “Oh, stop it, Alex. You’re such a drama queen.”

  “That’s my middle name,” Alex chortled. “Give me a call, Lillian. I’d love to have you two over for a bite.”

  “Are you still at Maison Lutrice?”

  “Every day except Monday.”

  “We might take you up on it. I have a craving for your beef Bourguignon.”

  “Let me know, and I’ll save you the table with the best view.”

  Lil kissed Alex on the cheek. “Thanks, baby.”

  “Any time, Lil.”

  Alex left them quickly, heading off to wind his way through the crowd in search of his flavor of the night.

  “He seems like a great guy, even if he’s over the top.”

  “He’s a bit dramatic, Grier, but one of the finest chefs in the city.”

  “Really… are all your friends successful?”

  “I have all kinds of friends,” Lil said, taking Grier’s hand and squeezing it gently. “Are you ready to see more?”

  “Sure. What’s next?”

  “You have to stick your head into Badlands, just so you can say you’ve been.”

  “What is it?”

  Lil rolled his eyes. “A dance club.”

  “And how’s this bad?”

  “You have to be in the mood, and I haven’t been in that mood for years.”

  “You’re acting like a jaded old queen.”

  “Am I? I don’t mean to. I’ve been doing this for so long I find it hard to get enthusiastic over the whole concept.”

  “And which concept are we talking about?”

  “Why, hunting for prey, of course. That entire way of thinking is so far beyond where I’m at right now.”

  “What do you want, Lil?” Grier asked, fixing him with his dark stare. He looked like a Roman god in the dim light. His thick, day-old shadow added a certain wicked quality to him that Lil found irresistible. The black leather jacket, the onyx ear studs, and the tattoos, barely discernable underneath the jacket as it parted with each move, completed the delectable picture, and Lil knew without a doubt that he was insanely and inexplicably in love.

  “I want you.”

  “You’ve got me.”


  Grier frowned, marring the symmetry of his noble forehead. “I don’t see how this is possible.”

  “Will you keep an open mind?”

  “It would depend on what you’re asking for.”

  “Fair enough. Let’s go and see what’s hopping over at Badlands.”

  Lil threw some money on the bar, stilling Grier when he reached for his wallet. “You get the next one.”


  BADLANDS TURNED out to be exactly as Lil described. It was a veritable hunting ground, teeming with hungry men trolling for a good time. They represented every size, shape, race, and age group without discrimination, and Grier got bored after about ten minutes. “Let’s go,” he whispered into Lil’s ear.

  “Thank Christ,” Lil breathed, grateful for the reprieve.

  They sauntered back to the car holding hands comfortably. “Did you ever live in this area?”

  “Many years.”

  “Why’d you move?”

  “I needed something bigger and closer to work. I couldn’t find anything I wanted around here. I actua
lly thought about a penthouse apartment at the Millennium Towers. A friend clued me in about the property, and if I weren’t such a baby about heights, I would have pounced on it. My God, Grier. You have no idea what that view is like.”

  “Why are you so afraid of heights?”

  “Who knows why anyone has phobias? I don’t recall falling out of a window as a child. It just creeps me out.”

  “I’d love to see that penthouse.”

  “Would you? I’m sure I can arrange to view something else if that’s already sold.”

  “Will I need to bring an inhaler for you?”

  “Just keep your arms around me at all times, and if we happen to be up there during an earthquake, pretend you don’t know the fool who pissed his pants.”

  “You’re a crack-up.”

  Lil shook his head. “Intellectually, I know that most of the newer buildings are structurally engineered to withstand earthquakes, provided they don’t top the Richter scale. I know how it’s done. I’ve built several of my own, and I know the percentages for success. However, when we start to sway, my heart stops and my brains leak out of my ears.”

  “What was the worst earthquake you’ve experienced?”

  “I was sixteen in 1989, and my parents took me to Candlestick Park to watch the third game of the World Series between the Oakland A’s and the San Francisco Giants. The stands began to shake and people started screaming. I was absolutely terrified. It didn’t help when my mother burst into tears.”

  “Did anyone get hurt?”

  “Not at Candlestick, but the devastation throughout the Bay Area was horrific. The game was postponed, and we watched the news clips from home. Fortunately, we lived on the peninsula, so we didn’t have to cross any bridges, which was just as well because most of them were shut down. The Bay Bridge actually lost a fifty-foot section. It collapsed onto the lower deck.”

  “It sounds awful. No wonder you’re afraid.”

  “It’s been a long time, but I remember it clearly, and the possibility of enduring that kind of mind-numbing terror, by living in a high rise, is not the kind of excitement I need in my life. I have enough problems keeping an office on the eighteenth floor. I’d much rather raise my blood pressure in more pleasant ways.”

  “I’ll bet. Let’s go home and work on that, shall we?” Grier smiled seductively.

  Lil turned the key and gunned the engine. “I’m on it, love.”

  GRIER HAD fallen into a deep slumber after a long session of lovemaking that had left him utterly sated and content. Lil had pulled out all the stops when they got home from the Castro, adjusting the lighting and the music to suit their romantic mood. He’d made sweet love to Grier, worshiping every inch of his body with a skill born of years of practice. He had been transported to a state of blissful awareness as Lil caressed, kissed, and tasted everything he had to offer, pouring all his efforts into bringing Grier to erotic heights he’d never experienced before. The final orgasm had left them both trembling with the aftershock of an emotional connection that went far deeper than expected after such a short acquaintance. He had wanted to say the words that were on the tip of his tongue, but he’d held back for fear of appearing too naïve, yet he was infused with feelings he could barely contain. Lil had held him tenderly before he’d fallen asleep, giving in to the languor that had permeated his entire body.

  His familiar ringtone woke him up from an erotic dream. He couldn’t remember much about it other than the state of euphoria, undoubtedly due to last night’s incredible sex. He glanced at the time and groaned when he saw that it wasn’t quite seven yet, but then he looked at the caller ID and realized it was Luca. The Garcia phone number was displayed, and he quickly calculated that it was nine in the morning in Elk Grove Village.

  “Hey, buddy,” he said softly, not wanting to disturb Lil.

  “Tito G?”

  “What is it, Luca?”

  “When are you coming home?”

  “I just got here. Is everything okay?”

  “No,” Luca sobbed. “Not okay.”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Mommy got mad at Bianca.”


  “Her nailth.”

  “Is she scratching Mommy’s good furniture?”


  “She must not like the scratching post,” Grier explained. “Or maybe she’s too little. We’ll have to figure out a way to keep her off your Mommy’s furniture,” Grier said, scooting over to the edge of the bed. He stood and headed toward the bathroom to take a leak before turning to the kitchen in search of caffeine. “I have an idea, Luca.”


  “Ask Lola for an empty spray bottle and fill it with water. Next time Bianca starts to scratch on the furniture, hit her with a quick squirt.”

  “Will that work?” The question was filled with hope.

  “I think so. Cats aren’t particularly fond of water. It might stop her for a while. When I get back, we’ll have to figure out something more permanent.”

  “Like what?”

  “We’ll have to consult with her vet.”

  “’Kay. Tito G?”


  “I mith you.”

  “I miss you, too, buddy. Only five more sleeps to go, and I’ll be home.”

  “With Tito Lil?”

  “No, just me.”

  “Oh. Have you theen the cat?”

  “Not yet,” Grier admitted. Where was the cat?

  “Ith he hiding?”

  “He’s been staying at a friend’s house since Tito Lil was in Chicago.”

  “But you’ll pick him up today, right?”

  “Right, buddy. What are you doing today?”

  “We’re going downtown to buy a thoot for me and a wedding dreth for Mommy.”

  Grier stopped pouring the water into the Capresso coffee maker, shocked by Luca’s statement. “What did you just say?”

  “We’re going downtown.”

  “About a wedding?”

  “Mommy and Tito A are going to get married soon. He’th going to be my new daddy.”

  “The hell he is!” Grier blurted out before he could stop himself.

  “Are you mad?” Luca whispered into the phone.

  “No, Luca. I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t want him to be my daddy,” Luca continued to whisper. “I like you better.”

  Grier squeezed his eyes shut and bit his lip to prevent another round of expletives from escaping. “I’ll call your mommy later on today and find out what’s going on, okay?”

  “Don’t tell her I called.”

  “Why not?”

  “Becauth I don’t want to get in trouble.”

  What the fuck! Luca’s heavy lisp was a sign that he was as disturbed by this new development as Grier was.

  “Where is she now?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Didn’t she sleep there last night?”


  “Who’s home with you?”


  “Have you had breakfast?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Are you hungry?”


  Grier looked up at the ceiling and raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. “Tell your grandfather to make you something to eat.”

  “Okay. I have to hang up now.”



  “I love you, buddy.”

  “Can you come home now?”

  “Soon, okay?” Grier disconnected and finished making the coffee, giving him something to do instead of punching a hole in the wall. He couldn’t decide who to call without breaking Luca’s confidence. Finally, he keyed in his father’s number.

  “Hello,” Santino’s voice boomed across the wire.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  “Grier. Is that you?”


  “How’s it going?”


��What do you need, son?”

  “I just got off the phone with Luca, and he said something about a wedding.”

  “I guess your brother and Jillian are talking about tying the knot.”

  “Isn’t this rather sudden?”

  “I think so, but what do I know? I’m just the old fart who’s going to foot half of the bill.”

  “Wait a second. When is this happening?”

  “In a few weeks.”

  “Oh,” Grier breathed in relief. “I’ve got time.”

  “For what?”

  “Nothing, Dad. When I get back we need to talk.”

  “About what?”

  “It’s too important to discuss over the phone.”

  “Is it bad?”

  “I guess it depends on how you look at it.”

  “Christ, son. Can you be anymore vague?”

  Grier croaked out a self-conscious laugh. “I’m sorry. I’ll talk to you as soon as I get home.”

  “You sure this can wait?”

  “Yes.” Not really, but I won’t get into it now.

  “Okay. Take care.”

  “You too.”



  “Say hello to Lil.”

  “Oh. I will.”


  Grier sighed. “Yes, Dad?”

  “Are you happy?”

  Grier paused, completely surprised by the question. “Very.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Grier felt the pressure in his throat as he choked back the emotion that rushed at him unexpectedly. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this kind of support from his father, and he was deeply moved.

  “Well, I guess we’d better hang up,” Santino said gruffly.

  “Okay, Dad. Bye.”

  Grier poured himself a large mug of coffee and prepared one for Lil. He carried them both into the bedroom and parked them on the nightstand on Lil’s side of the bed.

  “Wake up, sleepyhead,” Grier said, nuzzling Lil’s ear.

  “Hey,” Lil yawned. “I smell coffee.”

  “It’s right beside you.”

  “Bless your efficient heart.”

  Lil pushed himself up to a sitting position and reached for the mug that Grier handed him. He took a tentative sip. “This is perfect, thanks.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Lil smiled. “I must look dreadful.”


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