The Betas: Rene' (Werewolves of Manhattan Book 8)

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The Betas: Rene' (Werewolves of Manhattan Book 8) Page 2

by A. C. Katt

  “Something we have in common…I’m hoping to find a lot more things we have in common.” René grinned. My Mate is handsome, those emerald eyes sparkle in a totally masculine face…strong angles, high, cut cheekbones, ears close to the skull, intellect all housed in a killer body. The gods have blessed me.

  § § §

  Who is this man? Frankie wondered. I’ve seen Martin accompany Mr. La Marche, but I’ve never seen René. He said he stays with Mr. La Marche’s husband.

  “Is it tedious guarding Mr. La Marche’s husband? I’ve heard he’s a potter. He must spend a great deal of time in the studio, leaving you at loose ends.”

  Bertrand brought Frankie his drink and he took a sip.

  “Sean also goes to NYU,” René explained. “He’s working on a pot to serve as his master’s work. He was going in one direction when he met Armand. After Armand had taken him back to our ranch in New Mexico, he hired a potter from the Jemez Pueblo to teach Sean Native American pottery techniques. He was especially interested in the brushwork in patterns worked from clay. He wants to use the same delicate geometric patterns in a line of porcelain. Since it’s something completely new, there is a lot of trial and error. Armand has encouraged him to follow his dream since he doesn’t have to worry about making a living. I spend a lot of time in the studio with Sean, taking him to his classes at NYU, and traveling with him as he goes to visit friends.”

  “Does he need that amount of personal security?” Frankie was surprised at the level of protection Sean seemed to require.

  “He was kidnapped once, about two years ago. They also have an adopted daughter, Elena. She was five at the time. Sean brought Elena to the children’s museum in Albuquerque, and a female relative from the ranch took Elena to the restroom, supposedly while she changed her own babies. When neither Elena nor Adele came out after about ten minutes, Sean went in after her. Armand’s enemies drugged Sean and took him out another entrance, so Martin and I didn’t even see them leave. Sean was sorely used.” René grimaced. “Martin and I are still kicking ourselves because we didn’t go in to check on Elena ourselves, and let him go in alone.”

  “That is a horror story, but if it’s any comfort, I would have let Sean go alone to get Elena, too. She’d be less embarrassed if her daddy went in to get her instead of me. My inclination would be to stay outside close by the door on the principal that the least amount of men in the ladies’ room would be best. You must have been nuts with worry.”

  René nodded. “I second-guessed myself and was debating with Martin when I heard Elena scream. I ran to the door. Only a few minutes had passed since Sean walked in after her. Elena was in the stall and screaming because someone took Daddy. That was the worst moment of my life. They were pulling away in a waiting car when I caught up with them. Dimitri, one of the kidnappers, got off a shot, and I was grazed. We had to take Elena home before we could hunt for The Al…Sean.”

  “Another Russian.” Frankie shook his head. “What happened? Did you find him?”

  “No, we didn’t. We found Adele’s husband Bernard, and although he had a role in orchestrating the kidnapping, he had no idea where Dimitri took Sean. Sean escaped the kidnapper’s clutches on his own. He made it to the local Walmart with broken bones and had the greeter call us at the ranch. At the time, I was surprised that Armand didn’t have both Martin’s and my head. Fortunately, at least fortunately for us, he had other things to occupy his mind once Sean was safe.”

  “I can imagine Dante’s reaction if someone took my mother or my brother.” Frankie shuddered.

  “I remember Sal Ferrara was once Dante’s heir. Why wasn’t it you or your brother?”

  “I want no part of his business. That distresses my mother because she thinks he imports olive oil and can’t understand why I won’t follow in my stepfather’s footsteps.”

  René suppressed a laugh by coughing.

  “I know, right—the mob cliché, shades of The Godfather. I have a half brother, Dante Jr. He’s seventeen. My stepfather doesn’t want him in the business. My mother can’t understand why he wanted me but not my brother. Blood means a lot to Dante’s people. He wants his son to have the money but not be in the kind of danger the business presents. I’m disposable because I’m adopted.” Frankie took a deep breath and blew it out. “He thought I’d jump at the chance to be the Don. I despise the job and the title, but it doesn’t do me any good. I thought he hired me to make him legit—far from it. However, I refuse to have any part of his criminal activities. I will bend the law for him but not break it, so I get jobs like guarding Richard and managing Dante’s personal finances.”

  “With your credentials, that must eat at you, especially since, because of him, you can’t get work elsewhere.” René patted Frankie on the shoulder, and an electric shock surged through his arm. Frankie glanced down and saw a thread. He tried to grab at it, but his arm went right through it.

  “What’s wrong?” René’s violet eyes sparkled.

  “It’s nothing. I see a thread. I must have a floater in my eye.” René grinned, a playful sparkle lighting his eyes. Frankie liked the way René’s eyes crinkled when he smiled. He was in serious lust. Suddenly, he was ravenous. “Is that a buffet table over there?”

  “I believe Aline and Isabel tried to outdo each other.” René made a sweeping gesture with his arm. “Come on, I’ll get you a plate.”

  § § §

  “Alpha, I see the pheromones have started to affect Frank Ferone. He’s piling food on his plate at the buffet line.” Martin gestured toward the other side of the room. “How will René’s mating affect the pack?”

  “I’m considering hiring Frankie Ferone to fill the position Hughes held,” Armand said. “But if Frankie takes it, I intend to make it more robust. Of course, that is if we can obtain approval of his employment from Don Ferone.”

  Julien walked up to join the group. “Armand, I couldn’t help but overhear you talking about Frankie. He spoke to René and me about his employment with his father. He was bound to his father for ten years. That period is over this month. Frankie says Don Ferone is a man of his word and will let him go.”

  “But will he let him come to us? Don Ferone doesn’t appreciate that we are a force in this city that rivals his. The only thing that keeps the peace is that he knows we will kill no human. That, and the fact that occasionally, we are of use to each other. That’s why we have a delicate truce. This peace was hard won. We cannot put it in jeopardy.”

  Bertrand walked by bearing a beverage tray. Armand turned. “A cognac?”

  “Alpha Giraud has some Camus, Alpha.”

  “That will do.” The Alpha nodded.

  “I’ll have it to you right away, Alpha.” Bertrand headed for the bar.

  “Martin, I find I want to be introduced. I’d like to do an informal interview, maybe in Henri’s study. Find Henri and send him there. Bring René and Frankie upstairs to meet with us. Julien, you’re with me. The two of you will make Frankie more comfortable.”

  § § §

  “I can’t believe I polished off the whole plate. I must have been ravenous.” Frankie handed his plate to a server.

  René chuckled. “Both Aline and Isabel are excellent cooks.”

  “I know. I tried to purloin Isabel from Julien for my mother and almost got smacked with her spoon. I didn’t try a second time with Aline.” Frankie gave René a wry smile.

  “Do you live with your mother and stepfather?”

  “No…I was able to negotiate my own space. I refused to work for Dante unless I could have my own apartment.” Frankie shivered at the memory.

  “Where do you live?”

  “Near Mr. La Marche. I have a condo in Chelsea that I have for sale. I should make a decent profit on it even though it’s a small studio.” At that moment Bertrand brought both Frankie and René another Sex on the Beach. “Thank you. You’re prescient. I was about to ask.” Henri’s factotum smiled warmly.

  Armand raised his hand, and th
e man cut across the room toward Mr. La Marche.

  “Why are you selling?” René asked, gaining Frankie’s attention away from Armand.

  “If I can get a job, it’s not going to pay me what Dante does because I’ll be at entry level. I won’t be able to afford it. I’ll probably have to commute from Jersey.”

  “Not necessarily true. I own a house two doors from Armand on the Square.” René’s voice sounded soft and reassuring.

  “You own a house on Washington Square?” Frankie arched one eyebrow.

  “The house has been in the family for years. My brother lives in a house next door to Armand.”

  “Even if you own it outright, Armand must pay very well. The taxes have to be astronomical.”

  “He pays well, but I also have investment income.” René pursed his lips. “I have plenty of money but working for Armand doesn’t leave me much time. I’m always on call.”

  “I can understand that. Dante is also a demanding boss. I’m on call twenty-four seven. He lives in a huge brownstone in Brooklyn, just over the bridge, near where Mr. Clavier lives. He wanted me to live with them. We compromised. I live in Chelsea but carry a dedicated cell phone which I never turn off.”

  “Life with Armand won’t be that much different,” René warned.

  “But it will be legal, or at least legal enough that I don’t need to argue about whether I can fulfill my duties in good conscience.” Frankie heard his name mentioned and took his attention reluctantly away from the fascinating man in front of him.

  “Mr. Ferone,” Martin repeated and walked over to join them.

  René turned to Martin. “I’m sure you’ve met Frankie…”

  “Not formally, I’m René’s brother, Martin, Mr. La Marche’s deputy. How do you do? I came over because Mr. La Marche wants to speak to you about employment. As I’m sure Henri or Julien have told you, he’s seeking an assistant.”

  Frankie lifted an eyebrow to René, and René nodded. They followed Martin from the room.

  Finally, he might be able to make the change he’d always wanted to make with his life, but would it cost him? Working for his father had taught him that everything came with a price.

  Chapter Two

  Henri’s Study

  Armand was seated behind Henri’s desk with Henri and Julien sitting in front of the fireplace. Henri passed Martin Frankie’s résumé, and Martin gave it to Armand. He then took his customary place behind Armand’s left shoulder. René sat down in the loveseat placed in front of the desk and motioned Frankie to sit next to him.

  Armand read the sheet in front of him. “Your résumé…” Armand held up the sheet, “is very impressive.”

  “Thank you, Mr. La Marche, although I haven’t worked for anyone but Dante, I’m a competent financial manager, have supervised people, managed my stepfather’s property, and controlled his legitimate business interests. I’ve also done other incidental work for him, such as guarding Mr. Bellaire’s husband.”

  “A job for which your father was very well paid,” Armand observed.

  “Excuse me, Mr. La Marche,” Frankie interrupted. “Dante is my stepfather. My father was Francis Xavier Fitzgerald. He died in Bosnia when I was ten. Dad was with the Army Rangers and was awarded a Silver Star posthumously.”

  “I stand corrected. I can see why you would make the distinction.” Armand blinked hard, taken aback at Frankie Ferone’s vehemence.

  “Neither the men who came with me that night nor I made one extra dime for that job,” Frankie added. “My stepfather was out of line.”

  “Armand, Frankie’s men searched for Stawski the next day in Queens and came back that night without charge,” Julien reminded him.

  Henri said, “Frankie also aided Vitas and I when we were in danger from Chernof. Frankie actually confronted one of the Russians and held him off until Regis came outside.”

  Armand raised an eyebrow. “You have advocates among my board members.”

  “I’d hoped I had.” Frankie smiled. “I consider Julien and Henri friends. When we came to Julien, he treated us like human beings instead of hired thugs. Because of that, we came back and then when Julien called, offered to help Henri.”

  Armand nodded. “They and their husbands speak well of you. Their recommendations hold weight with me. When would you be available to start?”

  “The first of May, although I plan to take a week’s vacation before I take a new job. I haven’t had a vacation in ten years.”

  The Alpha first spoke over the Alpha Link to René. “René, you have two weeks.” Then aloud, he said to Frankie, “Mr. Ferone, you’ll have my answer by the first. The job pays a stipend from Garou Industries of two hundred and fifty thousand plus a salary from my funds of two hundred and fifty thousand. You’ll work closely with Martin and René and be in constant contact with the deputies to the rest of Garou’s board members and their husbands. I can’t guarantee you a job yet, but I will let you know in the time specified. If I can’t hire you personally, I’ll make sure you find a job elsewhere.”

  Frankie gaped at him. “Thank you, Mr. La Marche, I don’t know what to say except that I’m grateful for your consideration.”

  “You and René go down and enjoy the reception. Julien, Henri, and Martin, we have business to discuss.”

  Armand waited for the door to Henri’s study to close behind Frankie and René. “I can’t hire him unless René is successful with his mating. Frankie is an Alpha in the human world, a Hi-Beta in ours, like Julio. So, René’s way is not an easy one.” Armand examined the résumé again.

  “If you’ll excuse me for speaking, Alpha…” Martin spoke up. “When I met Edward, it became immediately apparent that he was a Hi-Beta. Yet it only took me a day. The attraction was instantaneous. I got him to see things my way as soon as I declared myself. Once Julio was healing from his injury, it took Alpha Daurensbourg two days. Frankie will not be as difficult as you think. I expect poor René to have a hell of a ride, but it will be interference from Don Ferone, not Frankie’s reluctance that will give him fits.”

  § § §

  René and Frankie descended the stairs, and Frankie walked over to take another plate to the buffet. René found them seats at a table for two set up in a private corner. Frankie returned to René after filling his plate. “My God, I’ve never been this hungry. I’m beginning to feel like I haven’t eaten in the past month.”

  Frankie sat down and focused on eating his food. Midway through his meal, he asked, “Are you seeing anyone?”

  René breathed a sigh of relief. His Mate was interested. “No, I’m not. The family is very conservative. We don’t do casual. When we begin to see someone, we’re dead serious. I’d like to start seeing you.”

  Frankie cleared his throat. “I hate to ask, but I’ve got to get away from my stepfather or lose my mind. Would seeing you jeopardize my chance at a job with Mr. La Marche or Garou?”

  “No, it wouldn’t. Mr. La Marche will decide on your employment on your own merits, and where it is he’d like you to work.” René was lying to his Mate, a bad way to start out, but if Frankie chose not to see him, Armand couldn’t hire him because of their secret. The situation was exactly the opposite of what Frankie thought it was, and René couldn’t say a thing.

  “The hell with it. Mr. La Marche said he would help me get a job even if he can’t hire me. It’s past time I did something for myself. Yes, I’d love to see you. I can’t say how serious I am yet, but in ten years, I’ve never agreed to see someone exclusively. I don’t think I’d be very happy if you saw someone else at the same time as you were seeing me.”

  “We don’t believe in sex before marriage…is that a big problem?”

  Frankie grumbled under his breath. “I haven’t had much opportunity for sex in the past ten years. Dante made sure of it.” He sighed. “Why should this be any different? Of all the men I could pick, I get one with morals.”

  René choked on his laugh. All was good. He had little reason to be jea
lous. Wolves possessed excellent hearing as his Mate would hopefully soon learn.

  For form, he asked, “Pardon, I didn’t hear you…”

  “Eventually we get to make love, don’t we?” Frankie’s eyes begged for the right answer.

  “Eventually, when we commit to one another.”

  Frankie nodded. “I don’t know why I’m agreeing to this after knowing you only an afternoon except that I like you more than I’ve liked any other man I’ve ever met. I told my mother once that I didn’t intend to live like a monk, but I’ve already agreed to live like one for you. I don’t understand myself.” Frankie’s gaze trailed downward, and he batted at the air.

  René frowned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Damn thread. I thought it was a floater in my eye, but it’s not. My mother was doing embroidery when I saw her this morning, she must have been using gold metallic thread, but I can’t catch the damn thread to get it off me.” Frankie batted at the air again. “I’ve probably got thread all over the back of my suit. Once I went over there, and she was using pink. It covered my slacks. The men laughed behind my back all day.”

  René chuckled. “I’ve sat in Elena’s Play-Doh and had it on my ass all day with Martin snickering until Sean took pity and told me what was wrong.”

  Frankie grinned. “Ugh, that’s worse than thread. Did you get it off your suit?”

  “We were at the ranch, so I was in jeans, and it washed out. I don’t know what would have happened with a suit.” René grabbed Frankie’s shoulder. “Would you like to go out to dinner?”

  § § §

  Frankie’s couldn’t help sniffing the air. René smelled good. Italian spices…sweet basil, oregano…René smelled like home. Frankie scanned the room. Spotting Henri, he told René, “Sounds good but I have to say goodbye to Henri, Vitas, Julien, and Richard.” René squeezed Frankie’s shoulder, and together they started to cross the room. Frankie gazed longingly at the buffet. “I shouldn’t be so hungry, we just ate.”

  “I have to tell Martin and Armand that I’m leaving. I’ll meet you at the front door, and we’ll discuss where to go. Don’t worry.” René laughed, it sounded musical. “I’ll feed you,” he said.


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