The Betas: Rene' (Werewolves of Manhattan Book 8)

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The Betas: Rene' (Werewolves of Manhattan Book 8) Page 4

by A. C. Katt

  “Armand, you’re home early,” Sean exclaimed. “Good thing. René told Frankie to read Colin’s book, and he guessed right away. I told you that you shouldn’t have had Colin mention the tether. Now Frankie’s on his way over to René’s. I told him to leave, but he wouldn’t go until you came home.”

  “You shouldn’t coax him to leave his post, baby,” Armand said. “Remember what happened the last time you didn’t take adequate security with you.”

  “But I’m home. Meg’s here,” Sean countered.

  “And Meg’s a human. It wasn’t but a little over two weeks ago that Chernof was running around New York. No, René did the right thing, and you’re in trouble for encouraging him to leave.” Armand turned to René. “Go now… I’ll have to think of some suitable reward for you not leaving the Alpha Mate, despite his foolishness. Go. If you need us, call Martin and me. You can come here if you require help talking him around. I’ll have Meg make dinner.”

  René was out the door, his heart pounding. I can’t lose my Mate.

  Chapter Four

  René’s Home

  Washington Square

  René hurried down to his house, racing up the four steps of the stoop. He took out his key, opened the arched half-glass door and slipped inside. In hope, he took his spare key from the keychain. René put it in the Japanese porcelain bowl that sat on the Chippendale console along the wall in the hall. Martin teased him about using a priceless piece of porcelain to hold his keys and change. He shrugged. Despite what his brother thought, René believed that art was made to be used, not just admired. He went downstairs into the kitchen and took out the ingredients to make two drinks, hoping that Frankie would stay long enough to have one.

  If Frankie isn’t receptive, I’m going to have to lie and tell him he guessed wrong.

  The chimes sounded. Frankie was on the stoop. René took a deep breath and walked over to the door.

  Frankie came in with both barrels. “I don’t know which is worse, that you may believe that you’re a werewolf or that, for a moment, I considered the possibility that werewolves exist and you’re one.” Frankie ran his fingers through his hair as he walked inside.

  Frankie gave René a brief buss on the cheek. “I’m giving you a chance to either explain yourself or seek therapy because only seventeen hours has passed since we were together and, ridiculous as it sounds, I missed you. I missed you so much my gut wrenched. I shouldn’t admit that, but there it is.”

  René regarded him eye to eye. “We need to have a conversation.”

  “You’re right, we do.” Frankie took a deep breath and continued speaking. “I’m worried about you. I think you need to see a psychiatrist if you think you’re a paranormal entity. You had me half convinced that my mother’s embroidery thread was a golden tether. Even if you were kidding, that wasn’t funny.” Frankie huffed. His expression turned serious. “There is an excellent psychiatrist in the Village, Dr. Eugene Cote. I went to see Dr. Cote when I graduated from Harvard ten years ago and was forced to work for Dante. I’m sure he can prescribe medication that would help you.”

  “If you think I’m nuts, why did you come tonight?” René smiled. Some part of Frankie believed the book and wanted it to be true.

  “I like you, a lot. I don’t want anything to happen to you. You need to see Dr. Cote. He’ll rid you of the notion of werewolves.”

  René laughed and lifted a brow. “When I had you on the phone, you referred to Mr. La Marche and Sean as Alpha and Alpha Mate. Why?”

  “Yeah, I did. I read the book you told me about, and it made me dream in the daytime. But it didn’t take me long to realize you were either pulling my leg or certifiable. That’s why I don’t like reading paranormal novels. I’m too open to suggestion. Werewolves…werewolves don’t exist. When I was a kid, I believed in monsters.”

  “Why don’t you follow me into the sitting room and I’ll fix us a drink. I have the makings of Sex on the Beach. Would you like one?”

  “Yeah, I think I need a drink.”

  § § §

  Frankie followed René into a sitting room with a deep-pillowed sofa patterned in a soft blue and dark gray. René had it paired with an antique mahogany breakfront that boasted curved glass doors. His fanciful boyfriend directed him to take a seat. While René made their drinks, Frankie mulled over what more to say. He could love this man, so he felt obliged to take care of him. Maybe their relationship could be salvaged if René went to see Dr. Cote.

  René brought back the drinks and sat down next to Frankie. “I have to show you something. Promise me you won’t leave. I told you last night that I loved you. I was serious. You’ll see why in a moment. I’m going upstairs to put on my robe. I’ll be back in a moment.”

  “I can get with the program if you’re getting undressed. I thought you wanted to wait until marriage to get naked.” Frankie winked at him.

  “I do. Give me a moment.” René left the room and returned five minutes later in a beautiful robe make of sheepskin.

  Frankie raked his gaze up and down. “Nice robe.”

  “It was a gift from my Alpha last Yule. Watch.”

  Before Frankie had time to object, the robe was on the floor, and a huge wolf replaced René. Frankie fainted.

  § § §

  Frankie woke up and blinked. René, still naked, stood over him. Frankie sat up, rubbing his eyes. “I have to get out of here. I’m seeing things.”

  “You’re fine, you witnessed my change.” René put on his robe. “I am a loup garou, and you are my Mate.” René tried to be patient. He wanted to jump on Frankie so he wouldn’t leave but he couldn’t do that.

  “No, I didn’t see that. I’m going crazy and imagining things.” Frankie tried to get up from the couch and fell right back to a sitting position. His legs still wobbled.

  “You’re not going crazy or imagining things. The Board of Directors of Garou Industries, their assistants, and security are all loup garou. Loup garou can have human Mates. Of the eight Mates of the Board of Directors—all the Mates save Sean and Vitas are human, and Sean is only a little over half loup garou.”

  Frankie patted the seat next to his. “You might as well sit. I don’t know if I’m ready for this. I still think I’m imagining things. Maybe I’m still sleeping. After all the liquor I consumed yesterday, that would make sense.” He shook his head then put it in his hands and sighed.

  René sat. “You’re awake and aware. You just don’t want to believe what you see. But it’s all true. I repeat, I am a loup garou, and you are my Mate. Here, I’ll show you again.” He stood, ready to take off his robe.

  Frankie put his hand on René’s arm and pulled him back to the sofa. “Okay, I believe you. However, I’m not sure how I feel being, what did you say—your Mate? We’re not even the same species.” A tick pulsed in Frankie’s jaw.

  “The loup garou can have human, part-human, or full loup garou Mates. It has been that way since time immemorial. We live to be four hundred and fifty years of age and…”

  Frankie frowned. “Does that mean you have more than one Mate? I don’t think I’m onboard with that. You’d be lining up my replacement before I’m dead.”

  “Ma Vie, you’re making assumptions. Listen. By taking my seed, you live as long as I do. You will also never get any human diseases, and any disease you already have will be cured…” René was on a roll until Frankie’s face set in a hard expression.

  “You’re taking for granted that I’m a bottom.”

  “Aren’t you? Hi-Beta Mates usually are. The gods wouldn’t have picked you for me unless we were compatible.”

  Frankie crossed his arms. “There has to be a downside to this. What are you’re not telling me?”

  “The downside is that you only live as long as I do. If I die, you die within a year, and I’m a Beta who guards The Alpha Mate. Anyone who wants to hurt The Alpha goes after The Alpha Mate. All the members of the Board of Directors of Garou Industries are Alphas, but Mr. La Marche is The
Alpha of all Alphas and therefore more of a target. Most things that kill a human, won’t kill a were. We can change, and the change will expel, say a bullet, but there are some injuries from which even a loup garou cannot recover, and other loup garou know what they are.”

  “If you people are so strong, so fast, that bullets are not a deterrent, then why did you need Dante to help you against Stawski, and why did Julien call me directly to help Henri with the Mad Russian?”

  René cocked his head. “Regis said you went up against one of the Russians. What happened?”

  The light dawned. “He was horrifically strong. I almost didn’t stop him.”

  “Yes, if Regis hadn’t come out, he could have taken you. You’re strong, but not as strong as a were. You could, maybe, take Sean or Vitas but an Enforcer, no. As for the Russian matter, Julien and Henri hoped that your men would be taken for loup garou and they were. By the time the Russians figured out that you weren’t loup garou, our own people arrived.” René put his arm around Frankie’s shoulder.

  “Ma Vie, let me take you to The Alpha’s for supper. My brother-in-law will be there. He is the personal attorney for all the Alphas on the Council and their Mates. He is human. He can answer a lot of your questions that I can’t.”

  “Council, before you said Board of Directors…” His Frankie was sharp and noticed every inconsistency.

  “The North American Council and the Board of Directors for Garou Industries are one and the same.” René moved the subject away from minutia. “Do you think you can grow to love me? I wanted to take the time to court you, but I mistakenly told you about the book. It made the others receptive. You’re more worldly and experienced. The addition of the tether to the series gave you the tool you needed to solve the puzzle because you saw the tether connecting us together, yesterday. If I can ask, how big is your tether now?”

  “Okay, it’s not a thread, it’s as thick as rope…”

  René’s eyes lit up.

  “However, that doesn’t mean I don’t want answers,” Frankie protested.

  “Ma Vie, you’ll get your answers. Edward will help, and The Alpha Mate will probably tell you more than you ever wanted to know. In our world, The Alpha Mate is an Omega who, as I said, is a little over half loup garou. He’s easily led and is a bit of a chatterbox.”

  Frankie asked with ice in his voice, “Are all Mates Omegas?”

  “Hell no! There are eight Mates of the remaining seven. One, Julio is a Hi-Beta, Ian—a Beta, Colin—Pack, Two Human Omegas— Kane and Donal, plus Vitas, the newest Alpha Mate—a full loup garou Omega.”

  “And I would be a…”

  “In our world, you are a Hi-Beta, just like I am. In the human world, I would be a type A personality and an Alpha, as you are. I would probably be a CEO of a large corporation. However, in my world, the Alpha Males are super Alphas, and the one I work for is the biggest Alpha of them all.”

  “If that’s the case, why did he need my men?”

  “The first time it was because we didn’t have enough men and the problem was a human one. If one of your men accidently shot Stawski, they wouldn’t face a death penalty like ours would.”

  “The second time?”

  “The Russian situation had been festering for a while. The Alpha planned to take care of it as soon as we returned home from Julien and Richard’s wedding. However, Vitas showed up in Oregon just after the reception, putting everything in motion sooner than was ideal.”

  “Obviously, The Alpha managed to solve the problem, Vitas is still here and not in Russia. I gather that the Russian wanted Vitas. That’s who we were charged with protecting.”

  “Yes, Chernof claimed Vitas was his Mate. He wasn’t Chernof’s Mate, he was Henri’s. As loup garou, we know our Mates right away. You and I have been mated for many cycles. I recognized your scent. You smell like chocolate-covered caramels.” René smiled and brushed his knuckles over Frankie’s cheek and grasped Frankie’s hand, kissing his palm.

  “Is that why I smelled Italian spice?” Frankie’s brows drew together as he tented his hands.

  “Yes, Ma Vie. So, I smell like lavender?”

  “Yes, but back to Mr. La Marche, how did he handle the Russian situation?”

  His Mate was curious…good. “He took Vitas’ situation and turned it into an opportunity to bring Europe and Russia to heel. Now the European and the new Russian Council answer to North America and The Alpha runs the North American Council.”

  “But how did he do it?”

  “He captured Chernof and prosecuted him for killing humans and for claiming a Mate that wasn’t his, an offense that in my world is more heinous than murdering another loup garou which, before The Alpha, used to happen frequently. Chernof paid with his head.”

  Frankie narrowed his eyes. “That’s barbaric.”

  “No, that’s justice. We only have two basic laws, harm no human and tell only your Mate of the existence of the loup garou.” René grabbed Frankie’s other hand, clasping them together with his, and kissed Frankie’s knuckles.

  “Yet you said taking another’s Mate is a heinous crime.” Frankie persisted in his questions despite the catch René heard in his voice as he nibbled on his Mate’s knuckles.

  Frankie didn’t give up. René sighed. “Yes, the first two laws are made by the gods, the rest are custom and codified laws from the Council after the Burning Times.”

  “The Inquisition?”

  He smiled. Frankie possessed a sharp wit. “Yes. We came to North America right after the Inquisition murdered three thousand of our people in France.” René shivered. What if Frankie couldn’t love him and gave them away?

  “I see. Do you have histories? I’d like to read them. I wanted to major in history but had to get an MBA so I could be employed by someone other than Dante. I’m an excellent financial manager, but I love history. All my elective credits are heavy in Canadian and Early American History up to the French and Indian War. How old are you?”

  “I’m one hundred and fifty-two. The Alpha was one hundred and fifty when he found his Mate.”

  “So, what Jason Jones said about age is true then.” Frankie cocked his head. “You say found not met.” It seemed as if his Frankie followed every word.

  “Yes, because we are charged by the gods with finding our Mate every cycle.” Growing worried, René let go of his Mate’s hands. Frankie had yet to commit himself.

  Frankie cocked his head. “Cycles are lifetimes.”

  “Yes…Frankie, will you have me?” René was having a hard time giving Frankie space. He wanted him too badly.

  “Let’s go to dinner. I think I could grow to love you quickly. I know I want you, but I’m a very careful man. You need to be in my line of work. I need more information.”

  Frankie stood and René rose and kissed his Mate hard on the mouth. “You’ll get that at dinner.” He grimaced and said under his breath, “You have to take me. I’ll die if you don’t.” Frankie stared back at him with a raised eyebrow. René ignored the inquiry and said, “I’ll get dressed.”

  “Good, I’m starved.”

  “That’s part of…”

  “No, you explain there. Get dressed, and we’ll go see The Alpha. I imagine The Alpha Mate is in a panic.”

  René chuckled. His Mate remembered what he’d told him about Sean. “You’re probably right.”

  “Will their little girl be at dinner?”

  “No, The Alpha will have her eat with Miss Beaumont, her governess, in the breakfast room. Things will be discussed that she is too young to hear.” At René’s statement, Frankie’s ears turned red. René smiled and prayed his Mate wouldn’t deny him. He didn’t want to think of the consequences now that Frankie knew their secret.

  Chapter Five

  The Alpha’s Home

  Washington Square

  Armand’s Study

  Armand sat behind his desk and Sean hovered above him. “Why can’t I call the rest of the Mates to come over?” Sean pouted. “We
did that for all the others.”

  Armand smiled and put his hand on Sean’s waist. “Because this is Beta business. I’m René’s Alpha, and you are his charge, so we are required. Martin is his brother and fellow Beta. Edward is Martin’s Mate. If we had other mated Betas who served the Council Alphas, with their Alpha’s permission, I would call them to come here with their Mates. But there aren’t any other mated Betas.”

  Sean argued, “Don’t you think René is going to want more support than just Edward and me? Edward is intimidating. I remember I squirmed when I first met him when you were transferring the assets. He thought I was a gold digger.”

  “He changed his mind quickly, once you showed no interest in my funds. He can’t consider Frank Ferone as searching for a rich husband. Frank has his own money. Besides, by now he knows that we don’t pick our Mates, the gods do.” Armand pulled Sean down onto his lap.

  “Are you sure?” Sean played with Armand’s hair. Armand kissed the top of his Mate’s head.

  “Baby, René knows who’ll be present, by custom. To bring the Alpha Mates would embarrass him. Beta Mates react differently than Alpha Mates to a mating. Most Beta Mates are not Omegas. They are other Betas, Enforcers, or Pack. I’ve heard of Betas in the past who’ve had Omega Mates, but in the present era the only Betas who have Omega Mates that have come to my attention are the Betas Alexei told us about in Russia.”

  “Why do the Russian Betas get Omega Mates and our Betas don’t?” Sean put his head down on Armand’s shoulder.

  “I’ll not assume because it’s foolhardy to do that where the gods are concerned, but I think it was because the gods found no Russian Alpha worthy of an Omega.”

  At that remark, Sean preened and appeared almost mollified that René would not have his friends’ support.

  “Wait here until they come. I need to speak to Martin.” Armand kissed Sean and stood, leaving him in the study.

  Martin was sitting in a winged chair in the front parlor. He rose as soon as Armand strode into the room. The Alpha turned to see if Edward was in the room. He hadn’t arrived yet. That was a good thing. Armand could take Martin aside, privately. “Do you think The Alpha Mate should be there when we talk to Mr. Ferone?”


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