The Devils Stripper

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The Devils Stripper Page 11

by Cilla Lee

  “I'm claimin’ you baby” he says to me, and I turn to look at him

  “Don’t start that again Stryker”

  “Baby don’t bust my balls I want you so I'm claimin’ you”

  “You keep saying that”

  “And I mean it your mine”

  “God you’re so bossy” he chuckles kissing my neck

  “You want a shower”

  “Let me just lay here a minute, I don't think my legs are working at the moment” he smiles at me kissing my neck again and my nipples harden as he kisses me (God I love his lips)

  “Ok baby”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “You ready Tink” I ask her ready to take her to the tattoo shop

  “Yeah” she says lookin’ a little nervous

  “You got some of your sketches”

  “Yeah can you have a quick look, I wasn't sure which ones I should take”

  “Tink, take whatever you feel comfortable showing them, it’ll be fine” I tell her, I can see she’s startin’ to panic

  “I'm nervous I've never showed anyone anything before”

  “Look Tink it doesn't matter what you show them, you have a lot of talent and that's what will count ok” I tell her tryin’ to get her to relax

  “You know for an ass you’re ok sometimes” she says makin’ me laugh

  “Fuck Tink don't say that the Brothers will fuckin’ torture me for fuckin’ years, gotta keep up my rep as a hard ass” she laughs

  “You’re a weirdo” I wink at her

  “Come on”


  Walkin’ into the shop Chelsea's sittin’ at the front desk

  “Hay Stryker how can I help ya”

  “Cuff or Socket in”

  “Yeah there in the break room”

  “Right, stay here” I tell Tink and walk out the back

  “Yo dickhead, what’d you want?” Socket asks me

  “Need a favor” I say and they both look at each other

  “You need a favor”

  “You guys got a new apprentice yet”

  “Nah nothin’ why?” Cuff asks

  “Got someone for ya” I tell them

  “Oh yeah who?”

  “Tink” I say

  “The little side kick of your women”

  “Yeah she's got talent”

  “Bring her in well have a look”

  “She's out the front”

  “She got stuff with her”


  “Go get her” I walk out

  “Tink” she gets up and I motion for her to come out back. (fuck she so tiny) “You ok” I ask her

  “Yeah just nervous”

  “Come on” we head into the break room “Cuff, Socket this here is Tink” I place my hands on her shoulders

  “Fuck when Jordan told me you where tiny he never meant you were a fuckin’ pixie” Cuff says and she shrugs her shoulders “Ok so let’s see your sketches” she steps forward and places her folder onto the table and Socket picks it up and they both go through it “Nice Cuff says lotta talent, so you wanna be a tattooist”

  “Umm I.I.I ddoon’t kknnooow iiif I'd bbbe anny goood aaat iit I've only ever used paper” (fuck didn't know she stuttered) I look at the boys and shake my head

  “Well your talented that's for sure” Socket says getting’ my meanin’ to not mention the stutter “how about you watch for the day and see if you'd like it and then we'll go from there”

  “Rrreally I caannn just wwwatch”

  “Yeah, we need someone, can you answer phones” I look at Cuff and roll my eyes (fuckhead)

  “Oh, I'm nnot rreally good at tthat when I get really nervous I sssort of ssstuttter”

  “Really I never noticed” Cuff says and I give him the finger behind Tink’s back and he laughs

  “Look you've got a lot of talent ok, stay for today and we'll take it from there” she nods her head

  “You lookin’ for a receptionist”


  “I thought Niya was ganna come back”

  “Nah I don't think she is, she's happy at home with Logan”

  “I got another girl for ya than”



  “Your women, thought she worked at the Pink Slip”

  “She does but we talked about her leavin’ and lookin’ for a new job”

  “Oh, you talked or you just told her”

  “Fuck off” both of them laugh

  “So, do you need her or not”

  “Yeah bring her in tomorrow”

  “Right I'm out, Tink you ok with these two cocksuckers” she looks back at them and nods her head “Ok if you need call, when your finished I'll call back and get ya”

  “Fuck man, how do you and Colt do it” Cuff says

  “Do what fuckhead?”

  “Start with one women and always end up with fuckin’ multiple women”

  “Fuck off” Tink looks at me “Anyway, see’ ya later Tink and you two fuckin’ look after her”

  “She's safe in our hands” I give them the finger again as I walk out, just as I'm getting’ in my truck my phone buzzes and I see Rochelle is trying to call, fuckin’ no thank you. I ignore the call but she rings six more times and by lunch I'm fuckin’ pissed

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Stryker, I need to talk to you” she says


  “In person”

  “Rochelle just move on” I tell her getting’ bored with this conversation already

  “Please Stryker I'm at the grill, I really need to talk to you”

  “Fine I'll be there in five minutes” fuckin’ cunt I can't believe she called me after her stunt with Lilly.


  Walkin’ into the Grill, I see her sittin at a back booth and I walk over. She has a black eye and scratches on her neck and it makes me smile.

  “Right I'm here what do you want?”

  “Stryker I'm pregnant” she says and I look at her


  “It's yours”

  “Mine” she nods her head and I get up, I can't deal with shit

  “Stryker please” she grabs my arm and I yank it out of her grip and grab her around the throat and squeeze

  “Cunt you know if you’re lying to me I'm ganna put a fuckin’ bullet in you pregnant or not” I feel her swallow under my fingers

  “I am I promise” I close my eyes (fuck I can't lose Lilly) I open them and look at her and squeeze once more and she grabs my wrist

  “We always used a rubber so don't give me that shit”

  “It must have failed, I'm only six weeks pregnant” I let go of her throat “Stryker please” she grabs my hand and I pull away

  “You, fuckin cunt you did this on purpose”

  “Why would I do that?”

  “Because you wanted me to make you my Old Lady” a tear slides down her cheek

  “Stryker let go”

  “You, fuckin’ cunt” I get up and walk out, when I get in my truck I just sit there, everything running through my head. But the most prominent thing is, I can't lose Lilly “FUCK” I yell so hard and reach for my phone.



  “What's wrong boy?”

  “I need to talk”

  “I'm at the bar”

  “I'll be there in a few” I head over to The Devils Den the bar the club owns. What's up it must be serious if you’re talkin’ to me you usually go to Colt, so what the fucks goin’ on” I look at him and for the first time. I feel like crying, something I've never done in front of my Dad.

  “Seen Rochelle, she says she's pregnant” he doesn't say anything for a minute

  “She, tell you it's yours”


  “How far along is she”

  “She says she's six weeks”

  “Fuckin’ cunt”

  “What should I do, I can't lose Lil
ly Dad, I just got her in my life”

  “You serious about this girl” I nod my head

  “Then tell her, the fastest way to kill a relationship is to lie” I look at him

  “She'll leave”

  “Then she ain't worth it”


  “But nothin’, tell her, man up take responsibility and just own it. When your cunt of a mother, told me she was pregnant with you. I was fuckin pissed, but then I saw you on that scan thing and you where my son. Your mom wanted to give you up for adoption, but fuck that I man'd up from the moment the bitch squeezed you out, you where mine and I've never regretted that once. Not fuckin’ once, if this is your kid than we'll deal together. But you need to let Lilly in on it too because this affects her life as much as yours ok” I nod my head

  “I really fucked up”

  “Yeah you did but what's done is done, we just take it one day at a time and I'm always here, me and the club we'll always be there” he pulls me in for a hug not a brother hug but a Dad son I love you and will be here for you always hug and I feel fuckin’ blessed to have this old bastard as my Old man.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “So how was the tattoo shop” I ask Tink as her and Stryker come through the door.

  “Oh my god Lilly, it was so good, the guys are great and Chelsea’s so funny. She's the girl who does all the piercings”

  “Yeah you liked it”

  “Yes, I watched Cuff do this back piece on a guy it took six hours”

  “Oh yeah what was it?”

  “It was this huge koi fish all golds reds and black with shading for the water dark blues and light blues, oh it was beautiful”

  “So, you thinking about the apprenticeship than”

  “Yeah Lilly the art work, the skill it takes it's what I've always wanted and when I talked to Cuff about why he done it he said every piece is a piece of him walking around. People worldwide will see his art. That's what I want Lilly, I want that feeling and they both loved my work” I pull her in for a hug and look at Stryker he smiles but I can see somethings wrong.

  “You ok” I ask him he just nods his head

  “Long day, I'm ganna take a shower” he walks out of the kitchen

  “Is he ok” I ask Tink

  “I think so he was really quiet on the way home” I look back towards the door

  “So, what do you want for dinner” I ask her just as Tiny walks in “Hay Tiny what do you want for dinner”

  “How about pizza” he says and we look at each other and nod


  “You speak to Stryker” he asks me and I shake my head no


  “Nothin’ Tink you wanna come with me and get it” he says (ok is that a hint to go and talk to Stryker) I watch them walk out so I go in search for Stryker

  “Hay” I say as I walk into the bedroom and he's sitting on the bed

  “Baby come here, I need to tell you something” (oh god this doesn't look good) I take a deep breath, I get those old feelings of when I was in a foster home and I'd get home and find all my bags sitting at the front door. And it was time to move to a new house. (shit is he kicking us out)

  “Stryker what's wrong your scaring me” he takes a deep breath

  “Come here and sit down” I walk over and go to sit next to him but he grabs me and pulls me to his lap “I saw Rochelle today” the mention of her name has me wanting to run and I try to get up

  “Let me up”

  “No baby please” his desperate tone has me sitting still

  “Ok, what did she want?” he looks down at my lap and takes a deep breath again

  “She told me she’s pregnant” my heart plummets to the ground and a heavy feeling of heart ache (this can't be happening)

  “Is it yours”

  “She said it is”

  “Do you believe her” (keep it in check keep it in check) my brain screams I want to run from this room and cry, punch shit, break everything

  “I don't know, she's always been a lyin’ cunt so I don't know”

  “What does this mean for us?” he pulls me closer to him

  “Don't leave me baby” he says and that makes me want to cry even more

  “why would you think I would leave you”

  “Because another woman may be pregnant with my kid” I lift his head and look him in the eyes (god I love his eyes)

  “Then we'll deal with it together”

  “Really” I nod my head (FFFFFUUUUCCCKKK) god I want to cry “I know we've only been together for a short time, but I feel like I've known you forever baby. I think I might be in love with you already” and that's it the tears slide down and I sniffle “Baby I'm so fuckin’ sorry”

  “I'm not crying because of the baby, I'm crying because I think I love you to”

  “Fuck baby” he pulls me in for a long slow kiss that has all of those broken heart pieces pulled back together and speeding up

  “Make love to me” I whisper, he lies me down and kisses me so softly nipping his way up and down my neck sucking, licking, rubbing my breast and grinding his hips

  “God baby” within minutes all the clothes are gone and he slides in so slow and I feel my orgasm already. The feelings I feel for him igniting everything. He thrust in and out slowly driving me to my orgasm slowly driving me crazy. I wrap my legs around his back and his pelvis hits my clit at the right angle and I come hard my muscles squeezing his cock and he bites my neck and I scream again “I love your pussy squeezin’ my dick baby” he rotates his hips again and I can feel the building again

  “Stryker I'm ganna come again, don't stop god don't stop” I come this one from deep inside and I suck him in more, my greedy pussy wanting his cock. Stryker flips over fast and I'm straddling him

  “Ride my dick baby” I start to move finding that rhythm of my own, I rotate my hips and lean forward (fuck yes that's the spot) I pick up speed hitting that deep spot inside my pussy. Stryker leans forward and sucks on my nipple and I lose my mind, my thrust become faster as I ride him hard bouncing up and down on his cock

  “I'm ganna come baby” I rise higher and slam down impaling myself on his cock over and over. Stryker reaches between us and rubs my clit and I come again and I feel him explode into my pussy his cock hitting my cervix and I milk every last drop from his balls. He pulls me to him and kisses me turning me on my back his tongue entwining with mine. “I love you baby” I smile god I love hearing that

  “I love you to” we lay there for a while saying nothing just holding each other, when he speaks up

  “So, I got you a new job” I look up at him

  “You did where?”

  “At the tattoo shop”

  “With Tink” he nods his head

  “Do you know how to be a receptionist”

  “Um yeah I can answer phones”

  “Good, cause you start tomorrow”

  “I do”

  “Yep you do” I lean up and kiss him again


  “For what?”

  “For telling me about the baby, for helping me and Tink and for just being you”

  “I love you” he kisses me again, this time slow and sweet, than he slaps my ass and I scream “Now get up I'm fuckin’ starvin’” he jumps up and drags me by my legs to the edge of the bed and I laugh.



  I look at Lilly sleepin’ in my arms and fuck I feel happy, I've never felt like this before the feelings of completeness. But also, a feelin’ of dread, that fuckin’ Rochelle will fuck everything up and I feel scared. I'd never imagined a life with one chick, well not now anyway. But when I look at Lilly I see myself married with kids a couple of sons, fuckin’ perfect and I run my hand over her belly imagining it all swollen with my kid. My dick getting’ hard just thinking about it. I wanna turn her over and mate her breed her bind her to me forever, mark her skin with my brand (fuck). I should get Tink to design
my brand for her (yeah, I'll do that before puttin’ a kid in her) I pull her to me. I lift her leg over mine and slowly rotate my hips and slide into her pussy and she moans “Wake up baby” I rotate my hips again and she turns her head not openin’ her eyes, but she moves her hips. I fuck her slowly reachin’ around and rubbin’ her clit “You feel what you do to me baby”

  “Yes” she says all breathy, I move my dick in her slowly her hot pussy gettin’ wetter

  “You feel so fuckin’ good on my dick babe”

  “You don't feel so bad yourself” I laugh and kiss her neck

  “Baby I want my brand on you” she turns her head and looks at me

  “Your brand”


  “What brand?”

  “My mark tellin’ every fucker you belong to me”


  “A tattoo baby, Property of Stryker on your back so when I fuck you I see it”

  “Stryker, I don't want a tattoo”

  “Baby you’re my Old Lady you need my brand”


  “No buts it's happenin’” I thrust up hard and she moans loud and I push her to her stomach “Open your legs more” she opens, fuck maybe I should talk about more important decisions when I'm fuckin’ her it's the only time she doesn't argue with me I thrust hard. But the angle she's in doesn't let me in deep so I pull her hips up and push her head down and I slam into her and she screams into the mattress (yes that's it) “Fuck I can feel your cervix baby” I pull her back hard impaling her on my dick over and over (yep practice for when I get her knocked up) I move faster harder hittin’ her deep, I push her legs further apart with my knees as far as I can her ass high and her pussy glistening with her juices (fuckin’ beautiful) her lips red and swollen. I pull out and back in hard over and over

  “STRYKER” she yells and I come in her pussy and rub her clit as I move in and out and she comes milkin’ my dick

  “That's is baby, squeeze my dick take all of my cum” she's breathin’ hard

  “God Stryker what's gotten into you?”

  “Nothin baby, just love fuckin’ you (and thinking about getting’ you pregnant) I collapse next to her and pull her to me “What contraception are you on, I know you’re not on the pill”


  “Just wondering that's all”

  “Are you worried I'll get pregnant to” she looks at me and I shake my head no


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