The Devils Stripper

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The Devils Stripper Page 14

by Cilla Lee

“Calm the fuck down and sit, all of you” Razor says pissed off

  “Razor” Dad says and Razor looks at Jordan

  “What do you think?” he asks the Prospect and he stands up straighter

  “Could be all bullshit” he states

  “How so?”

  “Well the Dad knows the daughter’s friends with Zoey, who's apart of the club”


  “Why not let the kid over hear a conversation that's about the club she tells Zoey, Zoey tells us and where focusin' all our energy into lookin' for a rat and not this Zane asshole”

  “Plausible” we all nod

  “Nash get Cuff to check the cop out before we make a move, I want all my basis covered and if this Zane fucker has anythin' to do with it I want that fucker found and found now”

  “Boss we've been lookin' he's a ghost” I tell him

  “Call in Nico see if he can help find this Zane fuckhead, he’s just pissin' me off now and get the cop checked out, Now I'm goin' home to my women” he tells us and gets up and leaves.

  “Right let’s get back to the clubhouse my women’s waitin’ for me” we all leave but Colt and head back to the clubhouse. When I walk back in and hear women yellin’


  When we get back to the clubhouse Nash Dad and I head over to the pool tables “YOU STUPID BITCH HE WAS MINE” we hear yelled and I look over to see Rochelle and Lilly facing off, Tink standin’ next to my women

  “Fuck” I say handin’ Nash the pool cue and he stops me

  “What the fuck man?” I say lookin’ at him

  “Let it play out man, see how she handles it” I look over to where my women's standin’ everyone watchin’ to see how or if she can handle shit in the club

  “YOU FUCKIN BITCH YOU STOLE HIM FROM ME” Rochelle yells in Lilly's face, I can see her hands balled into a fist

  “I didn't steal shit bitch, so back the fuck off” she pushes Rochelle but not enough for her to fall just enough for her to step back


  “Well if he was yours why is he with me” she smiles but I can see she's angry and she looks over to me and I see Tink lean in and say something to her. She looks around the room and she takes a step back. She shakes her head at Tink and starts to walk over to me but Rochelle grabs her arm swings her around and slaps her hard. I take a step towards her my anger growing tenfold watching that bitch hit my women, but Lilly just wipes her mouth and looks at Rochelle

  “That's the last time you touch me bitch” she walks over to me, as I see Socket pulling Rochelle out the door. “I would like to go home now please” she says so sweetly like some cunt just didn't hit her

  “Baby” I say but she puts her hand up to stop me talking

  “Please Stryker” I look around the room but no one is lookin’ at us

  “Ok baby” I take her hand and we walk out to my truck


  The ride home was quiet, Lilly just stared out of the window and Tink bore a hole in the back of my head the whole time, pullin’ up to the house Tink gets out first “I'll see you inside Lilly” she gives me the stink eye again

  “You doin’ ok baby” I ask her

  “Why didn't you help me” she asks and I feel like going back to the clubhouse and punchin’ Nash

  “Baby you need to look out for yourself at the clubhouse” she turns so fast and looks at me (fuck)



  “DON'T FUCKING BABY ME ASSHOLE” she gets out slamming the truck door

  “Lilly stop” I say as she gets to the garage door, she turns around to look at me

  “You left me in the middle of your clubhouse to defend myself, what the fuck happened to looking out for yours huh WHAT THE FUCK STRYKER”

  “Baby the club needed to see that you could look out for yourself”


  “Lilly don't”

  “Don't what say things about your precious club…. you fucking just stood there why'll that bitch hit me, what the fuck did you want me to do beat the shit out of a pregnant woman......WELL”

  “Baby I'm sorry” I take a step forward

  “No, you fucked up, you should have helped me but you didn't” she slides her jacket off and throws it at me




  “NO DON'T YOU, YOU CAN SLEEP IN THE SPARE ROOM” she walks into the house slamming the door

  “FFFFUFUUUUCCCCCKKKK” I yell into the sky

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I cry in my room for hours in Tink’s arms that night, it's the first time I've really cried since I was a kid and I feel broken not just from Stryker not helping me. I just feel helpless something I've always hated, I hate not being in control of anything. The loss of control is an over powering feeling of despair and one I hate, Stryker had come to my door the moment I locked it knocking begging me to open it but I had my mini pit-bull with me yelling at Stryker to go fuck himself for a little mousy thing Tink can be a tornado when she's angry and she was pissed.

  “HOW FUCKING DARE, HE NOT HELP YOU” she’d said over and over pacing the floor back and forth for over an hour. She'd worked herself up so much, then she just got even more pissed off and went down stairs to get the bottle of tequila out of the kitchen cupboard. So now here I was all cried out and very very drunk sitting on the bedroom floor.

  “I can't believe he didn't help you”

  “Yeah I know”

  “I wanted to hit her myself” she says and I smile

  “I know that's why I knew we had to leave”

  “I really wanted to kill that bitch”

  “I know the feeling”

  “Are you really breaking up with Stryker”

  “I don't know Tink I really love him I just.... I don't know”

  “Do you want to move out” I look around mine and Stryker’s room

  “I don't know”

  “What do you think he saw in her?”

  “Honestly, I have no idea, I mean where totally opposite. She's tall skinny huge tits who wouldn't like her, Where I'm short round and have freckles”

  “What are you talking about your naturally beautiful, she has to contour shit so she can look like you on your worse day”

  “Tink you know just what to say to make me feel better”

  “Hay you wanna do something stupid”

  “Like what?”

  “Well we've already got our buzz on let’s go out” I look at her

  “Fuck it lets do it” she jumps up and holds out her hand

  “Come on” It takes us another hour of choosing a dress hair and makeup

  “You look really good Lilly”

  “So, do you Tink, let’s go and have fun” she laughs almost falling over, the cab pulls up to the curb and honks

  “That's the cab come on” just before I open the door I freeze


  “What if Stryker is out there”

  “So, what?”

  “He won't let me go”

  “He can't tell you what to do, come on” she pulls me towards the stairs as we hear the horn honk again. We creep down the stairs just as Stryker’s walking in through the front door and we stop

  “Where the fuck, do you think you’re going” he says pissed off

  “Out” Tink says

  “Like fuck” I watch these two, face off like the bitch and I were just hours ago

  “Where going out Stryker you’re not her Dad”

  “No fuckin’ shit but she's my women”

  “Oh, so now she's your women”

  “Don't fuckin start Tink”






  “ALL RIGHT ENOUGH” I yell at them both and they both turn to look at me

  “Stryker, Tink and I are going out to as you say get a release so move our cabs waiting”

  “No, it's not” I look out to the curb but the cabs gone

  “You ass, you sent it away”

  “Yes, I fuckin’ sent it away you’re not goin’ anywhere”

  “AAAARRRGGGHHH you can't tell me what to do”

  “Yes, I fuckin’ can”

  “No, you fucking can't”

  “Yes, I fuckin’ can”

  “What the fuck is goin’ on” we all turn to see Tiny standing there

  “Lilly and I are going out” Tink says smiling

  “Ok, so why the yellin’”

  “Because of what, your asshat of a son did tonight” Tink says

  “Is this over the cunt” Tiny asks

  “Yes” Tink says and Tiny sighs

  “Come on” he, motions for us to follow him, we all head into the kitchen “Sit all of you” he says and as we take a seat, it's the first time that Stryker doesn't pull me into his lap and I feel my heart skip a beat at the loss of not being with him. We all sit and Tiny looks at me “Lilly, you know that the club is a hard life and we need to know that the women that we bring into the club can handle themselves”

  “But” Tink says but Tiny holds up his hand

  “Look I'm not sayin’ that what the boy did wasn't hard on you, but we need that piece of mind when we go away on runs or when you’re not with us we need to feel safe knowin’ that you can look after yourself. In the club, our way of life is a brutal one and if you can't handle that than you both need to let this go” I look over to Stryker who is grinding his teeth so hard I can hear it and I smile, he looks at me and reaches out his hand and I stare at it. I see Tink next to him shaking her head but I can't help it I put my hand in his and he pulls me to him for me to sit in his lap and he kisses me.

  “ARGH” I hear Tink sigh “At least tell me we can still go out” I look at Stryker and he nods his head yes

  “Yes, you can go out but I'm comin’” Stryker says and Tink sighs again


  We head to the bar that the club own and one that Tiny manages The Devils Den more night club than bar the live band is great and the atmosphere of the place is fantastic. Tiny and Stryker came with us and the drinks where free all night “You hear alone” I hear some guy whisper into my ear as Tink and I are dancing and I shake my head no

  “No, were not sorry”

  “Oh yeah, who you hear with?”

  “She's with me” I hear and the guy turns and see's Stryker, Cuff, Gunner, Blaze, Chance, Tank and his wife Lena who I really like, they'd all come in for a few drinks. The guy doesn’t say anything just walks off and Stryker pulls me to him “You havin’ fun baby” I nod my head

  “You want another drink”

  “No, I'm good I think I've had to many anyway”

  “Ok” he pulls me closer to him and we dance body to body

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  “So, you still got your balls than” Colt asks smilin’ at me

  “Fuck you, how’d you hear about it” Colt smiles

  “Hello the clubhouse grape vine”

  “Fuckin’ bunch of gossipers”

  “So how you ganna handle Rochelle”

  “She has a doctor’s appointment today so I thought I'd go”

  “Really” he says a little surprised

  “Yeah Lilly told me about a paternity test or something”

  “Yeah you ganna do it”

  “Yeah she said the appointments with Dr Hardy”

  “Fuck she hates my ass” I laugh at him

  “Of course, she does you where an ass when Niya was pregnant”

  “Yeah well you'll know what it's like when Lilly and you have a kid one day” I shake my head

  “Not for many years to come man”

  “Oh yeah you plannin’ that already”

  “Yep” is all I tell him and he laughs


  I’m waitin’ at the Doctors Office for Rochelle, when she pulls up in her car when she sees me her face lights up “Hay you” she says all sweet and shit

  “Don't fuckin’ smile, I'm not here for you” I follow her into the Doctors Office, the Office is full of pregnant couples and when we walk in Rochelle loops her arm in mine and I pull away from her “Don't fuckin’ touch me” I tell her and everyone looks away, I see Rochelle's face go red. I sit in the seat as Rochelle checks in rubbin’ her belly like she's fuckin’ nine months pregnant (stupid bitch). We sit for about twenty minutes when she's called and we both go into the office.

  “Well hello Rochelle how are you feeling”

  “Good thanks Dr Hardy this is Stryker”

  “Oh, the Daddy” she holds out her hand for me to shake it

  “Hay Doc”

  “So, let’s get started”

  “Before we do anything Doc, I would like a paternity test done” Rochelle looks at me

  “You want what?” I don't even look at her but keep lookin’ at the Doctor

  “You can do that right”

  “Um yes of course we can”

  “Now” she looks at Rochelle


  “Wait what's going on?” Rochelle says and I turn to look at her

  “You thought I came here to support you, no fuckin’ chance I wanna know if that kids mine before I get invested” she looks between me and the Doctor

  “Dr Hardy can't do that Stryker”

  “She just said she can and I want it done today”


  “But nothin’ you’re not playin’ me for a fuckin’ fool bitch, I want the test done now”

  “I won't do it”

  “Doc can you give us a sec please, get things ready for the test”

  “Ok I'll give you two a minute” as she closes the door I grab Rochelle by the back of the head and pull her to me

  “Bitch your ganna do it one way or another do you hear me” she nods her head just as Dr Hardy walks in.

  “Ok are we both on board than” Rochelle nods her head yes

  The Doctor pulls a trolley with a heap of draws and starts goin’ through them pullin’ out needles and other shit, I look over at Rochelle who hasn’t moved

  “Ok Stryker open your check for me” I open up and the Doctor rubs a long stick around my mouth

  “Rochelle” the Doctor says and Rochelle turns to look at her


  “You’re up it’s just a simple blood test” I watch as she pulls her sleeve up and the Doctor positions the needle”

  “How long till the test comes back” I ask her

  “It will take about a week”

  “How do we get the results”

  “I'll call when they come in”

  “Great thanks Doc” I get up shake her hand and leave not lookin’ back once.


  “Hay, baby how'd it go?” Lilly asked me when I walked in that night (god I hope it's not mine)

  “All good the Doctor done it right then and there”

  “What did Rochelle say?”

  “What could she say!”

  “How long until you get the results”

  “Doc says a week”

  “How are you feeling about it” Lilly asks me and I want to kick my own ass for gettin’ involved with Rochelle, Lilly is twice the women and if anyone was ganna have my kid it will be her.

  “Baby I don't wanna talk about that bitch, how was your day”


  The next week dragged by every message had my heart in my throat “Fuck man your jumpy as shit wha
t the fucks goin’ on” Tucker asked

  “Waitin’ for the results is killin’ me, every time I'm with Lilly and I get a message I see she gets nervous”

  “What'd ya ganna do if the babies yours”

  “I don't fuckin’ know man, Just prayin’ it's not” just than my phone rings


  “Yes, Mr Stryker it's Doctor Hardy the results have come in”


  “I'm sorry I can't give that information over the phone”

  “Doc just fuckin’ tell me will ya” I snap at her

  “The babies not yours” I let out a breath that I think I've been holdin’ in since that cunt told me she was pregnant

  “Thanks Doc, you tell Rochelle yet”

  “No not yet I was about to ring her”

  “Ok Doc thanks again” I hang up and smile, I would love to see that cunts face when the doctor tells her. I ride straight over to the Tattoo shop to see my girl and give her the best news ever.


  “Hay you what are you doing here” she asks as I walk through the door

  “Come to give you the news”

  “Oh, what did the Doctor say?”

  “It's not mine baby” she jumps up and down and then runs into my arms and I swing her around. “You, happy baby” I feel her shoulders move up and down like she's laughing, I lift her head and tears are runnin’ down her face “Baby don't cry, we don't have to deal with cunt again” she sniffs through her nose

  “I know, I'm just happy that no other women are having your baby”

  “Come here” I pull her to me hard as she cries into my shoulder, that night we celebrate at the clubhouse


  “SHOT SHOT SHOT” is yelled over and over I think we've downed a bottle of Tequila so far, Tink is swaying tellin’ everyone she loves them (light weight)

  “You look happy baby” I whisper to Lilly

  “I'd be even happier with your cock inside me” I look at her and she's smiling big

  “Oh yeah you feelin’ horny baby” she nods her head “That's it” I lift her over my shoulder and carry her to my room, as I throw her onto the bed she laughs

  “I think you need to take my clothes off I'm a bit drunk”

  “Not to drunk I hope” I ask, she shakes her head at me and sticks her finger in her mouth and starts to suck on it “Oh, baby your playin’ with fire”

  “I know what I'd love to play with” she gets onto her knees and crawls forward, her face level with my crotch.


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