Crow Jazz Page 18
by Linda Rogers
Thank you Mother Tongue and Mona Fertig, Peter Haase, Pearl Luke, editor, and Judith Brand, copy editor, for cutting the crusts off my sandwiches. And thanks to Mark Hand for exquisite book design.
Thank you Rick for my morning coffee, the crows, the music.
“Darling Boy,” “Three Strikes” and “Woolgatherer,” have appeared in anthologies dedicated to Carter Vanderbilt Cooper, who flew too close to the sun. “Mouse, Not, A Sixties Scoop” appeared in the fall issue of ELQ and is nominated for a National Magazine Award, and “Three Strikes,” again in the Canadian Comedy anthology, That Damned Beaver, Exile Editions. The Spanish translation of “One More Story” will appear in the CCLA Anthology in 2018.