Springer, Jan - Be My Dream Tonight [The Desperadoes 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Springer, Jan - Be My Dream Tonight [The Desperadoes 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Jan Springer

  The heat of his erection pressed against his underwear, and he groaned against her mouth. The guttural sound intoxicated her senses. He lifted his ass, and she slid his pants over his hips and down. Then she slipped his underwear down and gasped into his mouth at the feel of his hot, swollen, very long cock sliding against her palms.

  Oh wow, he was immense!

  As she stroked his length, he growled with an animalistic sound that snapped through her like a live wire. She loved that sound. It was familiar and made her blood run hot through her veins. Without warning, he broke the kiss, and they both breathed against each other’s mouths, gasping for air.

  “Give me a minute,” he said, and he moved slightly away from her, giving her enough space to catch a glimpse of his engorged cock.

  She shuddered as an exquisite rush of anticipation raced through her. Okay, he was very big. Bigger than she remembered.

  He moved fast, producing a packet of condoms, seemingly from nowhere, but most likely from his jeans’ back pocket. The man was prepared. He wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted her.

  She whimpered as he ripped the tip off the packet, then placed the condom on the nearby coffee table beside her rifle Then he turned to her, his dark brown eyes flaring with arousal as he stared at her.

  “Why don’t we get rid of that blanket, sweetness?”

  His breathing sounded harsh, and she moaned softly as he reached up and found the edges of the blanket that she’d been clutching. Tugging it gently, she let go, and he spread open the edges. His gaze widened in surprise when he noticed she wore nothing beneath. She preferred to sleep in the nude, and since they were in a warm house, she’d opted to just that tonight. Besides, her underclothes, which she’d freshly washed earlier after the men had gone out, were hanging up to dry in the corner of the living room on a rope she’d strewn.

  “Had I known you were in here naked on the couch all this time with me just sitting outside on the other side of this door…” His voice sounded strangled and thick with emotion.

  Heat simmered inside her as he reached out and cupped her breasts. He held them gently in his palms, testing their weight.

  “So long I’ve been wanting to do this, baby. Way too long. We haven’t touched another woman since you, Eve.”

  “No one?” Gosh, that was so surprising. She’d convinced herself they’d been with pleasure girls. Had thought they would have a favorite by now.

  He shook his head, frowning. Arousal flooded her as he rubbed her nipples tenderly with roughened thumbs. The friction wasn’t nearly enough for her, and she wanted more.

  “Harder,” she whispered.

  He grinned. “Still the same, aren’t you, Eve?”

  She wanted to ask him what he meant by that remark, because she didn’t know, but suddenly his head lowered, and her breathing grew rapid and raspy. All she could do was helplessly clutch her hands into the blanket that had puddled around her waist.

  Her breath hitched as she watched his full lips part, and she gasped at the intensity of incredible, firm heat as he sucked her left nipple into his hot mouth. With his tongue, he laved the tip with such an intense pressure she could feel the spirals of electric awakening zipping a straight line deep into her vagina.

  She gasped, thrust her hands up, and held his solid shoulders to steady herself.

  He popped her nipple free and grinned up at her.

  “You like?”

  She could barely nod.

  “Good, then I haven’t lost my touch.” He dipped his head to her other nipple, sucking it in between his lips. This time he bit, his teeth sharp and so demanding, she couldn’t help but cry out as pain splashed into her swirling senses. The pain quickly turned to something else, something dreamy and quite erotic, but then before she could explore this exquisite sensation, to her disappointment, he backed off and seemed content to suckle.

  She liked watching him at her breast. His bald head glowed in the flashes of flame light from the fire, and his eyes were scrunched tight. She felt his muscles flex beneath her fingers and moaned as a hand slipped between her thighs. She widened her legs as best as she could and whimpered when his finger dipped inside her sopping vagina. He collected her juices and then slid his lubed finger over her clit, stroking her with such a firm, superb pressure, she couldn’t help but undulate her hips against the surging sensations.

  “I wanted to take my time.” He swore softly against her mouth. “But you’ve always been too damned sweet. I can’t wait.”

  “Don’t wait. Take me now,” she panted. The need to be fucked was intense and intoxicating and surreal. It seemed unbelievable that she would so naturally want a man whom she hadn’t seen in so long to make love to her.

  She whimpered as she watched him roll on his condom, sheathing his thick, dark erection. Her heart cracked madly against her chest as he watched her lie on her back on the couch.

  He came over her, his big body so nicely tense and sweetly perspiring. The muscles in his arms were bunching as he braced himself over her. Reaching up, she curled her hands over his strong shoulders. She dug her nails into his warm flesh as she felt the bulge of his plum-shaped cockhead enter her vagina. There was a brief hesitation. His eyes captured hers. In the firelight, his eyes glowed red with lust and shone with love, and her heart sang.

  This man belonged to you once. He still wants you. Make him yours again.

  She dug her fingers deeper into his thick muscles, pulling him downward.

  “Take me,” she whispered. “Take me hard.”

  “You still like it rough, hey, baby?” His white teeth flashed in the semidarkness.

  She wasn’t sure if she did like it rough. But yeah, forceful sounded good about now.

  She nodded her consent.

  His eyes darkened.

  Before she could brace herself, he entered her in one swift, solid thrust that stretched her unbelievably wide. She gasped at the intense fullness, but her gasp was swiftly swallowed as Riley’s mouth melted over hers. His kiss was powerful. His thrusts into her were even more powerful. And rough.

  Every time he thrust into her, his pelvic bone rubbed her clit, unleashing another round of wicked sensations. They made her heady, made her desperate for release. His mouth possessed hers. His solid flesh entered her and withdrew in long, fierce strokes that dipped right down into her soul.

  He fucked her intensely, without control, and she bucked against his possession in a desperate frenzy. The delicious sensations scrambling through her snowballed, launching her toward the climax just out of her reach. She needed this pleasure. Craved that climax. And then she was there.

  Her pussy clenched around him so tightly, she heard him cry out, whether in pain or arousal, she didn’t care. She just wanted him to keep riding her as she herself rode the hot sprays of bliss.

  She didn’t think his pistoning strokes could get any more powerful. But they did. The intensity of it almost frightened her, but then she relaxed, knowing he would never hurt her. Could never hurt her, no matter how out of control he got.

  And, she realized as she kissed him feverishly, she liked that he was so out of control. Liked the wildness about him, especially after the gentleness and concern she’d experienced from him.

  He grunted and groaned as he pistoned. She met his every thrust, loving the almost painful, white-hot blades of pleasure twisting through her. She felt his body tighten. His thrusts increased in speed and fierceness.

  Once. Twice.

  Then he was shouting her name as he exploded into his own arc of pleasure.

  Chapter Four

  Maddox met Kayne at the front door in the wee hours of early morning just as the first streaks of gray lifted over the western mountain range. Neither man commented on why they’d stayed up through the night as they quietly trudged into the cool cabin.

  Maddox had taken care of the deer, and they would have a feast tonight. The rest he’d put into Trader Jack’s homemade smokehouse out back. He’d set the required w
ood, and it would smoke for many days, curing the meat. Hopefully they’d stay here for a few more days. It was nice here. Pleasant. Warm. And Eve deserved to be out of the elements.

  Suddenly, going after those gold bars that Wolfe might or might not have seemed unimportant now.

  “Wonder where Riley’s gotten off to? He was supposed to be on lookout through the night,” Kayne said in a low voice as they both removed their outerwear in the hallway.

  “Probably grabbing something to eat,” Maddox replied as Kayne brushed past him and headed to the living room. Riley wasn’t much for lookout duty, but he’d never failed them yet.

  “Or grabbing Eve,” Kayne said. His voice had dipped into a hoarse, aroused sound that immediately caught Mad’s attention. He followed Kayne’s gaze to the couch situated near the fireplace. Eve and Riley lay in a tangled heap, sound asleep. Their bodies melted together beneath a blanket that barely hid their nudity. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to see what had taken place here tonight.

  Eve’s bare left thigh taunted them, and Riley’s very naked ass sticking out from beneath the blanket made Maddox smile. With the room cooling down due to the lack of fire from the fireplace, it was obvious their combined body heat was keeping them warm.

  “I guess Riley and Eve found their comfort in each other last night.” Kayne chuckled. Reaching over, he grabbed a thick blanket from a nearby pile and draped it over the two of them.

  Maddox smiled. He liked this relationship of sharing Eve. No jealousies here.

  Before the Catastrophe, it wouldn’t have occurred to him to share a woman. Hell, he’d never slept with a woman more than a couple of times before breaking things off with her in the old days. Truth was he’d feared relationships with women. His parents divorced when he’d been at the tender age of eight. Before that, his parents fought all the time. Even after divorcing they fought through him. They’d used him as their messenger, their go-between, sending spiteful messages to each other through him. Living between them had been like living in a war zone. It had stressed him out so much, it had turned him off to any long-term relationships.

  But Eve, she’d been different. She hadn’t argued. She was easygoing, and she belonged to all three of them. He didn’t feel threatened that he had to stay in a relationship with her.

  “I think it was good for Eve to have Riley be her first after all this time,” Kayne said in a low voice as he motioned for Maddox to follow him into the kitchen.

  Shock spun through him when, a moment later, he watched Kayne reach over and flip the light switch. The single bulb hanging from a wire in the center of the room suddenly glowed brownish yellow, flickered a couple of times, then burned a bright yellow, illuminating the room with light.

  “Electricity? What the hell?” He asked as he stared at the first burning lightbulb he’d seen in years. Blinking in disbelief, he resisted the urge to rub his eyes with his fists. Man, he could not believe this.

  “Trader Jack got those final parts he was after for that homemade wind turbine of his up on the ridge. That son of a bitch didn’t get a chance to put all the parts in though before he…” Kayne inhaled softly and let the words trail off. Maddox knew what he meant. Before he’d stepped on that rusty nail.

  “I found a bunch of old boards up there. Lots of rusty nails in them. That’s where he must have stepped on one. We’ll have to clear it away as soon as we get a chance.”

  “But how did you get the turbine to work? Motors were supposed to have been fried, and he said the parts he was looking for would most likely not be in production yet.”

  “Well, obviously he found them. Brand-spanking-new parts and a couple of new batteries, too. His business of bartering paid off, and he got those parts he needed. He left his plans on a makeshift worktable up there, and thanks that we didn’t get any rain, the plans were still readable. I used our faithful lights in the sky to follow Jack’s instructions of installation and fit the last part. Oh, and the electricity won’t last for…”

  As if the lightbulb was listening to Kayne, it flickered. Maddox’s gut twisted, and he held his breath. The lightbulb died.

  “…long.” Kayne shrugged his shoulders.

  “Shit,” Maddox whispered as disappointment speared through him.

  “No worries. If the wind keeps blowing, the batteries will be fully charged by tonight.” Kayne flipped off the light switch.

  Maddox couldn’t believe what Kayne had just said. They would have a freaking light source besides candlelight, oil lamp, or the fire. Heck, he was starting to feel like a civilized man again.

  “Eve looks real sexy with Riley draped all over her, doesn’t she?” Kayne asked with a grin on his face. Mad recognized that look. The meaning came across loud and clear. His look spoke of sex.

  “She’d look a hell of a lot better with a butt plug draped inside of her,” Mad taunted. “I think she’s had a good day and two nights to get used to us and the idea of being plugged. I think she’s ready.”

  To Mad’s relief, Kayne winked. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  The two of them couldn’t move fast enough to their saddlebags. Maddox, for one, was excited as hell because he planned on giving Eve one hell of a welcome back present.

  * * * *

  Eve felt so soft and curvy as she slept nestled against Riley. Every single inch of her heated skin that pressed against him teased him senseless. His cock was fully engorged yet again and pushed erotically against the searing brand of her inner thigh. All he had to do was move over her and enter her in one swift plunge, and he’d be lost in her tight warmth once again.

  He moaned softly at that thought but remained still. He wanted to enjoy her in this way just a bit longer, and then he’d take her. She smelled lightly of woodsmoke, lavender soap, and sex. She smelled really nice.

  He’d missed holding her. Missed waking up beside her. Missed loving her. His breath caught at that last thought.

  Love. A simple four-letter word that would reveal to her the eternity of his emotions. Yet, he hadn’t been able to say that word to her. Why did it have to be so damned hard to just say he loved her?

  Maybe if he whispered it? Maybe she’d hear his pledge in her sleep? And she would know deep in her heart how he felt about her? That way he wouldn’t have to tell her to her face.

  Riley sighed slowly, a shot of frustration ripping through him. He was a chickenshit through and through, wasn’t he? Idiot.

  A gentle nudge to his elbow had him opening his eyes. He stifled his surprised curse to find Maddox and Kayne standing there looking down at him and Eve.

  At their lusty grins, shards of arousal sizzled through him like blades of white-hot lightning.

  “It’s time,” Kayne said in a soft, strangled voice, and Riley knew exactly what he was talking about.

  * * * *

  Sweet arousal lanced her pussy, and Eve couldn’t help but clutch her hands into fists and buck her hips against the wet pressure rubbing her clit. Somewhere, down deep in the delightful oblivion of sleep, she knew someone was lapping leisurely at her pussy. It had to be Riley. She vaguely remembered falling asleep in his arms after he’d given her a couple of really breathtaking climaxes.

  She moaned softly at the erotic sensations shimmering through her as muscled shoulders gently nudged against her widespread legs. Had she spread her legs? She must have, or maybe he had while she’d slept. Hot breath whispered against her pussy, and she moaned again as he leisurely sucked her labia into his mouth. Teeth bit way too lightly for her liking, and a tongue dipped way too lazily into her wet pussy.

  A pair of hot hands slipped over her breasts, slowly rubbing and erotically caressing.

  Mmm, very nice, but she wanted him to be rough, just like last night. She’d realized she liked sex rough, and Riley had really made her purr. She wanted a repeat performance.

  Maybe he was just toying with her now. Playing. Not wanting to disturb her sleep, yet exploring her body and getting reacquainted. She hoped he would
climb over her again, impale her, and start thrusting madly into her. Hard and rough, while she just lay here beneath him, enjoying it. She really should wake up and ask him to do just that.

  A thumb pressed against her tight sphincter. She tensed for a split second at the interesting sensation. It was foreign, yet familiar at the same time. It was a hint of the wicked pressure she’d been craving after experiencing naughty flashbacks of being anally penetrated. To her surprise, the pressure made her cream, and a warm tongue eagerly licked between her pussy folds, lapping quickly, the intensity of it making her moan softly.

  She relaxed as the thumb moved away from her anus. Yeah, Riley was playing with her. Teasing her into wanting that butt plug that Kayne had taunted her about the other night.

  Involuntarily, she tensed as she heard something nearby. It sounded oddly like the slurp of lube. The sound of it made her realize she felt hot. Her body inflamed. Needy.

  More cream gushed toward the stroking tongue. Maybe he’d been playing with her pussy and breasts for a while, and she hadn’t woken up? The three men used to do that. They would touch her while she slept. And back then she’d slept deeply after many intense sex sessions. They would arouse her to the point when she did awaken, she was already triple penetrated and enjoying the best after-sleep sex of her life.

  Yeah, she remembered that now. Their grunts and groans. The searing slap of flesh against flesh. The awesome pressure and pleasure-pain of a man’s engorged cock sinking into her pussy while another man’s thick cock slid into her ass, impaling her. The brutal pressure had always made her cry out in shock and then in blissful agony as she exploded into a vortex of pleasure. A cock would then be thrust into her mouth to quiet her, usually Kayne’s, cutting off her cries. He liked the way she did oral on him. To the point where he’d taught her how to take him deep into her throat.


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