Descent (Inferno Book 1)

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Descent (Inferno Book 1) Page 4

by Ashton Blackthorne

  As I moved past the photographs, I felt my stomach coil at the thought of meeting tonight’s Initiates. The last few Initiate nights had been a bust, to say the least. None of them could make it past my second circle. The music blared from the main room as the lights lowered. They were all awaiting my entrance.

  Straightening my collar, I smoothed my hair back before I stepped out onto the stage. Dozens of gorgeous ladies awaited me along with a room full of male Dominants. Tradition dictated that I would receive the first choice amid the newest female Initiates.

  Sitting down onstage in my designated black Baroque throne, I eagerly awaited the Initiates to be marched past me for selection.

  There were many beautiful girls to choose from, but beauty wasn’t the only factor in my selection. As I eyed the girls, I weighed their strengths guessing at their weaknesses. My ideal choice would be a woman who could make it all the way through my seven circles. The girls were dressed in their sexiest outfits with a number pinned above their right breast.

  Finally, I settled on Number 8, a petite brunette with long silky hair and firm breasts.

  “Number 8,” I stated loudly. She bowed her head, and I could see a smile teasing on her face.

  After I made my selection, the other Doms were allowed to choose based upon the order by which their ancestor had joined Seven. Taking Number 8’s hand, I led her to my play area to begin her initiation.

  “Number 8, what is your name?”

  She kept looking down. That was an excellent sign of submission. Someone had filled her in on club rules.

  “Kayla. Would you like to change it, Sir?”

  Very good. Deferring to me on all levels was a requirement to be my submissive.

  “I rather like it. You may keep it. Have you been briefed on all club rules?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “By whom?”

  “Samantha Simmons.”

  “Very good. She’s been an extraordinary submissive for many of our Doms. Do you have a safe word chosen for this evening?”

  She continued to keep her head down. Her hands clutched at her tight black dress nervously.

  “My safe word tonight is Eclipse.”

  “Fine. Do you have any hard limits?”

  “No, Sir.”

  I was astonished. Every woman had at least one. She was an amateur, a wanna be. My cock immediately softened.

  “Are you certain, Kayla? I can play very hard. I will only warn you once.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I groaned inwardly. I knew right then she’d never make it past the second circle if she even survived tonight. She had no idea what she was doing. I was shocked as Samantha Simmons, her sponsor for the evening knew me well. Why hadn’t she warned her of my extreme proclivities?

  Nevertheless, I’d made my selection. I took her by the hand and led her to a pole in the center of the play area.

  “Strip.” I ordered watching as she complied. Her body was beautiful. She looked quite young maybe only 24 or 25. Another mistake on my part. The younger they were, the less they could take. Her breasts were high up on her chest, and her waist was tiny.

  Quickly, I removed my suit jacket and unbuttoned my shirt. It would begin heating up in here quickly.

  Scanning the table of implements, I chose a leather flogger to start. Placing it aside, I took her wrists and cuffed them above her head with chains that were attached to the pole.

  “Kayla, I will only stop if you use the safe word. Crying or screaming will not make me stop. Do you understand?”

  She nodded.

  “What was that?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I lashed the flogger through the air. She winced briefly. I shook my head. This wouldn’t last long.

  Other Doms were pairing off with former submissives and new Initiates. One girl, in particular, caught my eye. Her long blonde hair curled softly down her back as she was led to another play area. Dammit. Why hadn’t I seen her first?

  “Kayla, are you ready?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Her voice wavered a bit.

  I stood back admiring her firm, unbroken flesh. I brushed my fingertips across her back before I leaned back on my left foot and brought the flogger forward with all my might.


  “Oh!” She cried loudly. Her body jumped as the flogger made contact with her ass. A bright red mark rose up quickly. Again, I hit her with the flogger. Her body pitched forward as blood began to ooze from the angry welt. Again and again, I struck her. My cock throbbed with need. Watching her body be lashed was extremely arousing, I couldn’t wait to take her in the back to finish.

  Suddenly, she collapsed against the pole. Her breathing was shallow as I reached to undo her cuffs. She fell into my arms. Perspiration soaked her body as I carried her to the aftercare area.

  In the back, I laid her on a bed and grabbed a cool cloth. I pressed it against her forehead whispering her name until she came to.

  “Kayla, are you all right?”

  Her blue eyes stared up at me. She nodded weakly.

  “If you can’t take a simple flogging, then this club isn’t for you.”

  “No, Sir, please. I’ve wanted to come here since I was 18. Samantha Simmons is my aunt. She’s been telling me stories about this place since I was 16. She told me how beautiful it was here; how handsome the men were.”

  I shook my head placing the cloth back on her forehead.

  “This place isn’t some sort of fairy tale, Kayla. The other Doms and I play hard. This club isn’t some fetish club you’ll find in the city. The men here have strong lineages dating back to the construction of this place over one hundred years ago. We take this very seriously. The rules of this club are strict. I know your aunt Samantha. She’s been an excellent submissive, but that doesn’t mean you will be one too.”

  Kayla’s lips were dry and cracked. I handed her a bottle of water.

  “How old are you, Kayla?”

  “I just turned 25.”

  “I think you’re a bit young for me. I prefer my submissives to be at least thirty.”

  “You’re Colt Grantham, Master Dom. Samantha told me all about you.”

  I leaned back smirking.

  “Did she? And what did she say?”

  “She said that you are the legend himself. You haven’t been able to find a woman to pass even your second circle. I wanted to be that woman.”

  “Kayla, I only have one hard limit. One. And that is bodily secretions other than come. That’s it. That means if you bleed it doesn’t bother me. In fact, it may excite me. I’m more sadistic than the guys you’ll find here. I don’t want to hurt you against your will though.”

  She thought a moment. I imagined the huge bleeding welts on her ass were hurting quite a bit by now.

  “Oh,” she said biting her lip. I was going to have to dismiss her right now.

  “Why don’t you lie here a bit until you feel better? I’ll have someone check on you shortly. I appreciate your time, but you’re not the one for me.”

  Disappointment filled her blue eyes making them mist over. I sighed deeply as I headed back to the main staging area. Hopefully, there would be another woman out there better suited to me.

  Because damned if my cock wasn’t hard.



  Chastity and I had talked off and on during the week about me being an Initiate. I really wanted this and the opportunity to be selected by a Dom. The Doms at Seven seemed different than what I was used to, and if any of them play like that Dom, Colt, then I would be a very satisfied woman.

  I already had the idea in my head that Chastity, and especially Wade, didn't want me to have anything to do with Colt. They warned me on my first night at Seven, and this week whenever we talked about Initiate Night. The two of them seemed to have silent conversations while I was right there. It reminded me of my folks and how they acted once things came to light.

  One night this week while I was lying in bed, I overheard one o
f their conversations. The headboard of their bed was just on the other side of my wall, and I could hear everything.

  “Leeds is excited about being an Initiate. Hopefully, an experienced, but nurturing Dom will select her,” Chastity said.

  “I don't give a fuck who picks her, as long as it's not Colt. I'm thinking about saying something to him, though then I fear that would make him interested in her.”

  “Oh, Wade, do you think it's wise to say something to him? I'd hate for it to cause a rift between you guys.”

  “Baby, I'm serious. I've known Colt a lot longer than you, and Leda doesn't need to get involved with him. He could really fuck her up. He's an excellent mind fucker, and he’d run around like a tornado in her head.”

  I frowned when Chastity hadn't said anything to defend me, and Wade spoke again.

  “Is Leeds still burning herself with the hot water?”

  My heart began pounding.

  “No, not to my knowledge.”

  “Good. I expect that you'll support me on this matter, Chastity. We need to keep her away from Colt. Did she stop cutting too?”

  “She hasn’t cut since college, Wade.”

  I didn't want to listen anymore. I had rolled over and pulled the pillow to curl around my head, effectively blocking out the sounds of my friends.

  As I walked onto the slightly elevated stage, I was filled with excitement and eagerness. I was one of the ten women who were the Fall Initiates. It was quite an honor to be an Initiate of Seven, and I was happy to be one of the available submissives. Chastity had gone over the club rules with me, and even though I think she was excited to nominate me as an Initiate, I had detected hesitation on her part over the past few days.

  Donning a card that said “Number 3” pinned to my sheer top, I carefully moved to my designated spot on the stage. I had kept my head down as someone called Colt Grantham to the stage for his selection.

  My heart was pounding as I stood still, head downward and waited…and waited. I could feel his presence before I saw his feet enter my line of sight. His shoes were polished, and I couldn’t help but notice that the hem length of his pants was perfect. This told me one of two things about Mr. Grantham: he either had someone handle his wardrobe, or he had impeccable taste and awareness of how to dress.

  His shoes and legs moved past me pretty quickly, leaving a trail of his spicy cologne hanging in the air. He spent a fair amount of time lingering around submissive Number 4 before he moved on. The sound of his shoes became distant, and he eventually made another pass behind all of the submissives. As the slow, calculated thudding noise of Colt’s well-polished shoes began making their way toward me, I parted my lips to help my breathing even out. Again, he paused near submissive Number 4 and moved past me again without slowing down.

  Of course.

  Why would he slow down or stop? I was just some submissive who was a friend with a member. None of these Doms knew anything about me other than that I was “Number 3” and blonde. The other submissive Initiates had probably at least been to Seven on a guest night or have scened with an existing Dom here. I had only visited the club once…and the scene from last weekend has been burned into my memory.

  “Number 8,” Colt announced.


  At least I wasn’t poor Number 4. She probably had her hopes up since he hung around her for a while. I listened to five other Doms make their selections before my number was called.

  “Number 3. Come, love,” a deep voice called my number as his black boots filled my vision.

  I took his offered hand, and he led us off the stage. Once I was on the solid, hardwood main floor, he spoke.


  I looked up and saw a confident and friendly face. A small smile crept onto his face as he met my eyes.

  “Follow me, love,” he instructed.

  With my head lowered just enough to show respect but making sure that I didn’t fall, I followed him down the hall and around the corner into a room. He pointed to a spot on the floor and asked me to stand there. The door to the room clicked shut, and he took up a spot on the edge of a desk.

  “Eyes. You can call me ‘Sir.’ What’s your name, love?”

  “Leda, Sir.”

  “Leda. That’s a pretty name,” he said as his eyes roamed my body. “What are Leda’s hard limits?”

  “Bondage, Sir. Rope, specifically, Sir…pinching my sides, and sight deprivation, Sir.”

  I swallowed hard, hoping it didn’t mean that he wouldn’t play with me tonight. I was eager to experience a Dom of Seven. He nodded slowly as he eyes continued to roam.

  “That won’t be a problem tonight, Leda. Do you have locations on your body that I should avoid or injuries that I should know about?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “What’s your safe word, Leda?”

  “Metal, Sir.”

  “Metal, it is. Undress, Leda. You’ve been a naughty student, and your teacher is going to give you a special punishment after school.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I quickly removed my clothes as he unbuttoned his shirt at the cuffs and proceeded to pull it off. When his shirt came off completely, I saw the same tattoo that I’ve seen on Wade and Colt.

  He guided me to the desk and bent me over. I barely got into position before I heard him pull the belt from his belt loops. The leather made contact with my ass, and while it had alerted my body, I was hoping he’d make it sting a bit more. By the time he hit my ass for the twentieth time, I had pulled my bottom lip between my teeth.

  “Are you a bad girl, Leda?”

  “Yes, Sir. Very bad.”

  The belt continued to kiss my flesh. It felt incredible, and I internally was hoping he’d use more force.

  “Bad girls get their asses beat, Leda. And then they get fucked in the ass.”

  It all sounded splendid to me, and I welcomed the ass beating. My pussy was drenched, and my clit was swollen. Much to my disappointment, the swinging belt slowed, and he began rubbing over the spot on my ass where the belt had hit. His aim has been spot on. But, he wasn’t stopping, was he?

  “Be still, love, while I fuck this ass.”

  My heart pounded, and I felt a pang in my stomach. Inwardly I urged him to continue punishing me. I was ready to take more of a punishment with that belt. I needed it.

  My chin slid forward on the desk as he entered my ass. He grabbed a handful of my hair and proceeded to fuck my well lubed ass. Tears welled in my eyes as he grunted and came.

  Damn. He was done.

  As he pulled out, he ran his hand gently, too gently, over my aching ass.

  “I’ll get you taken care of, love. Just give me a moment.”

  I remained where he left me as he moved around the room. He came back to me and pulled me to lie across his lap. For a very brief moment, excitement raced through my body as an inkling of hope flittered through my mind; maybe he wasn’t done.

  As the cooling lotion was spread across my ass, the hope that he wasn’t done with me, extinguished.

  “Does that feel better, love?”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you for caring for my wounds.”

  I knew it was the protocol for the Dom and sub to spend some time together afterward. At least, that’s how I understood that these things worked and what I had experienced. In the prior clubs I’ve played at, I had only played with Service Tops. Many times, I was just one of several subs that the Top would play with that evening. While aftercare was always provided, it never felt genuine to me. I hadn’t developed much of a connection with any of the Service Tops, so aftercare seemed, well, lacking.

  Or maybe my expectations were simply unrealistic.

  This Dom seemed to be doing all of the right things: he held me on his lap afterward, snuggled me against his warm skin, stroked my hair, gave me some water and cared for the wounds he inflicted.

  “So, Leda, this week I will send you via email some questions for you to answer. Based on your answers, I’ll devise a tra
ining plan for us to work on so I can get you fully initiated into Seven.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I replied.

  We parted ways for the evening, and I roamed around the main room for a while. My mind was racing, and as much as I wanted some air, I refrained from going outside to the huge patio deck. It was dark out, and there were woods not even twenty yards away.

  An old-fashioned parlor styled sofa sat against a wall in a dimly lit corner of the main room. No one was near it, and since it sat in the shadows, I felt like it was the perfect place for me right now.

  I flopped down on the plush, velvet sofa and gazed around the main floor. I had no idea where Chastity and Wade were. I’m sure they were off having fun. Perhaps they were off testing out that spider gag.

  Leaning over, I braced my elbows on my knees and stared at the floor. Looking at the floor was an easy way to hide. No one could see me then, and realize something was wrong with me.

  Something obviously was very wrong with me. I was always left unsatisfied. I always wished they could go harder or longer…or darker. I loved kinky play, but I loved an element that went way past the kinky play scene. I loved where the line of pain and pleasure became blurred. Where pain became so great, that it turned into total bliss. I wanted that element in my life. I had it once with a Service Top while I was in college. I remember the scene vividly, and it was the first time I had experienced sub space. Ever since then, I had been chasing that element. I wanted that, but with someone I could connect and build a D/s dynamic with.

  And now that I was starting the initiating process, I really wasn’t sure if that would ever be a possibility. I learned that the Dom who picked me was named Ray. He seemed nice enough and wanted to work with me this week on building a plan so he could get me fully initiated.

  Then what? Does he keep me? Does he find me a permanent Dom? Does he release me after I’m initiated? How long does he have to initiate me?

  Out of despair and frustration, I rubbed my forehead. My “Number 3” card with the safety pin attached to it, sputtered out of my hand, caught a little drift in the air and slid under the sole of a very polished dress shoe. Before I looked up, I noticed the pant hems were perfectly tailored…just like the pant hems of Colt Grantham, the Master Dom of Seven.


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