Descent (Inferno Book 1)

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Descent (Inferno Book 1) Page 8

by Ashton Blackthorne

  I parked, shut the car off and took a few minutes to gather myself. Reaching into my purse, I retrieved my cell phone and sent Chastity the text I promised to send, letting her know I arrived safely. I flipped the phone over to silent mode and tossed it back into the purse.

  It was dusk, and the shadows of the trees cast eerie dark lines on Seven. From my car, I glanced out into the thick of the trees. Immediately in front of me, I could make out trees, but the further I looked, it was pitch black.

  Fuck. I hate the woods.

  A couple got out of a car and were slowly heading toward the stairs of the porch to Seven’s entrance. Safety in numbers, I thought and got out of the car. I hurried across the gravel parking lot, keeping my back to the woods and not once looking over my shoulder.

  The couple in front of me saw me and waited. As the man held the door open for me, I noticed that his hand bore the same tattoo that Wade, Colt, and Ray had. His was a little different though and had several lines or slash marks around it. I wondered if the marks surrounding the tattoo emblem were for all of the submissives he had initiated into Seven. He had a lot of them. Everything here seems to mean something and is full of history.

  “Thank you,” I said and gave him a slow nod of appreciation.

  I checked in and handed over my purse and jacket over to the coat check attendant. There were restrooms in the lobby, and I decided after my long drive that I needed to give myself a once over before coming face to face again with Colt.

  I had a silent conversation with myself as I checked my makeup and washed my hands. Wade’s words rang out in my head. He breaks girls.

  “I'm already broken,” I whispered to the mirror and then took a deep breath.

  I was to meet Colt in the bar area. The club was busy, and I carefully made my way towards the bar, gazing around, hoping to be able to spot him.

  A gleam caught my eye, and I turned to face the direction it came from. And there he was. I swallowed hard as my eyes held his. His posture was that of a confident man. His hand curled around a glass, and as he brought it to his lips, his watch caught the light again and shined in my eyes. He set his glass down and stood as I approached.

  My heart pounded as I neared the table. I had a feeling I was walking into the devil’s lair. And yet, I felt no fear. Instead, hope lanced through my system. I felt the energy radiate from his body the closer I got…and the warm sensation spreading between my legs.

  Colt was exactly as Wade described; a different breed.



  Walking down the familiar dark corridor of Seven, I began to second guess myself. Should I have contacted Leda? Was she right for me or was I just wasting my time?

  “Mr. Grantham, I didn’t expect you tonight.” The coat check girl smiled at me. She was cute, but not my type. I winked at her.

  “Something unexpected came up.”

  I handed her my coat as I walked inside.

  The place was more crowded than usual for a Thursday night. I made my way through the throngs of people to my usual booth in the back. It was roped off as always for my private use.

  Immediately, Heather, our best bartender was at my side with a bottle of Macallan 25.

  “On the rocks, just the way you like it, Sir.” She bent down to give me an enticing view of her cleavage. All of the women at Seven threw themselves at me, but for most, it was only a tease. Few of them wanted to truly peer into my abyss for fear of what they’d see when they did.

  Could I blame them?

  Moments later, I found myself once again face to face with Leda. Her bewitching blue eyes captivated me as she described her work in detail. She was quite animated using her hands as she spoke.

  “So, that sums up what I do, Colt. What is it you do?” Her perfect sensual lips grazed her glass as she sipped.

  “I do a little bit of everything. I’m an investor, for the most part, that’s the easiest way to describe it. I find companies that I think will do well financially and I invest in them.” I finished my scotch. I felt my cock twitch as she brushed her fingertips against her collarbone. There was a slight scar on her right wrist. I wondered where it came from.

  “Now that we’ve finished the social bullshit why don’t you tell me why you came to meet me tonight? I’m sure that your friends warned you to stay away from me.”

  I watched her every move intently. Her long blonde hair swung freely about her shoulders. Her black dress hugged her every curve, and she leaned forward to give me an enticing view of her ample cleavage. Her hands moved as nervously as she spoke. She was afraid of me I could tell.

  But not so afraid she wouldn’t play. She wouldn’t have come if she was.

  “Leda, tell me about the most erotic experience you’ve ever had.” My abrupt change of the subject had the exact impact I had hoped for. She was completely taken off guard. She bit her lip and looked down.

  “Do you mean in a scene or in general?”

  “Whatever you feel like sharing with me.” I leaned back cocking my head to the side. I was anxious to hear her reply.



  All of the moisture left my mouth, and I found myself at a loss for words. Wade’s words though were screaming at me; don’t get distracted with Colt and think before you answer anything. I was failing miserably at that.

  I hadn’t expected him to ask me to tell him about my most erotic experience. We had been having an easy conversation and then it turned personal so quickly. Maybe this is what Wade was telling me about.

  I looked up from the table and met his dark eyes, and I felt as though there was no harm in testing the waters with him. Our conversation had been great up to this point, and if he dismissed me, then I will at least know that I gave hope a shot.

  “I think that what I find erotic, many would consider really screwed up,” I nervously said.

  Colt’s elbows and forearms were folded on the table as he leaned forward and stared deep into my eyes.

  “Tell me. Tell me what you find erotic. Fuck what other people think. I want to know what turns that pretty little head of yours on and soaks your panties.”

  “Pain,” I whispered.

  Colt’s pupils dilated, and his lips parted ever so slightly. My heartbeat was pounding in my ears and I wondered if I had I just nailed the coffin shut.

  “What else, Leda?”

  He hadn’t cast me aside…yet.

  “Being disciplined, as odd as that sounds.”

  “Why do you say that?” he asked.

  Colt seemed like he genuinely wanted to know, but I couldn’t go there with that. At least not yet, and possibly never. His head was still cocked to the side, watching me with curiosity.

  “How many Doms have you belonged to?”

  “I’ve only had experiences with Service Tops.”

  Colt frowned at me.

  “Quick fix?”

  “Since I don’t have a Dom that I can express a need to, the Service Top option has worked well for me.” I shrugged and suddenly felt as if he thought less of me for having only scened with Service Tops. “They’re always there when I’m in need.”

  His eyes searched my face, and he nodded.

  “So, what’s missing then, Leda?”

  “I feel like I’m missing something. Like there’s so much more to this great lifestyle, but I lack that connection with a Dom. My play with Service Tops is very artificial. I tell them what I’m looking for, we negotiate some, the scene plays out and before I’m even dressed, he’s already thinking about his next session.”

  Colt’s eyes were intense as I spoke. I felt like he was actually listening to me and interested in what I had to say. He tossed back the rest of his drink, and as he leaned forward, he reached out and touched my wrist. I watched his finger trace a circle around a mark on my wrist. He hadn’t touched it, but dragged his long index finger of the tattooed hand around my scar and looked down at it.

  “Let me ask you again, Leda…why did you agree t
o meet me tonight after Wade and his girl warned you about me?” he asked without bringing his head up.

  “Hope,” I said quietly.

  Colt didn’t move his head, but his eyes looked up at me between his lashes. He never broke eye contact with me as he brought his head up. His firm hand curled around my hand. He hadn’t taken hold of my hand, but simply covered my hand with his. There was something about this gesture that was affecting me, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on the reason, but I liked it. I really, really liked it.

  “Well, you know what they say, Leda,” Colt said as he stood up from his seat. He made a gesture with his hand toward a hallway and said, “Give hope a chance.”

  I nodded and followed him down the hall and around the corner to a dimly lit room. Colt closed the door after I walked in behind him. I gazed around at the magnificent furniture in this room. I had never seen such incredible BDSM furniture.

  “You said pain turns you on, Leda. It just so happens, pain turns me on, too. You like to receive, and I like to give.”

  He sauntered toward me as he unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt. By the time he reached me, his entire shirt was unbuttoned, and my eyes were treated to his sexy chest. He reached out and dragged his finger from my ear down my jaw, and when he reached my chin, he turned his wrist quickly and captured my chin and jaw in his firm grip.

  Inhaling quickly, I took in a short breath of air. I felt myself begin to dampen between my legs. The feeling of his grip on my flesh sent surges in all the right directions.

  “Let me rephrase that, Leda. You need to receive pain, and I need to give it.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He gave me a cocky smile and said, “It wasn’t a question.”

  Pay attention! I screamed at myself. I was in a private room with the Master Dom of Seven, who happened to also be some sort of monster Wade tried warning me about. I needed a clear head and to pay the fuck attention.

  “What’s your safe word, Leda?”

  “Metal, Sir.”

  He nodded and looked in my eyes for a few moments before speaking again.

  “Are there any places on your body that I need to avoid, or any prior injuries that I need to know about?”

  Injuries? I had plenty of those.

  “Nothing you need to be aware of, Sir.”

  “What are your hard limits?”

  “Rope bondage, loss of sight and pinching.”

  He gazed at me before nodding and asked me if all pinching was off limits, or just certain areas. I closed my eyes, chastising myself. I wasn’t focusing and wasn’t clear with him.

  “Sorry, Sir. Pinching my sides is the hard limit.”

  “You need to be crystal clear when communicating, Leda. Otherwise, you aren’t effectively communicating.”

  “Yes, Sir. My apologies.”

  “No rope, blindfolds or side pinching. Anything else?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Good. Now that that’s out of the way, lose the clothes and straddle the spanking bench.”



  My cock raged at me as I led her over to the spanking bench. The play area had been cleared and I was more than ready. Something about her just made me think that she could take at least some of what I could give. Perhaps she was the Initiate I should’ve chosen. She was physically stunning which was a plus, but the way she carried herself indicated to me that she could do more than take the pain, but would relish how much I could hurt her.

  Be an eagle, son.

  For the first time before a scene, I heard my father’s advice echoing in my head.

  As she bent over the spanking bench, I knelt behind her stroking the length of her legs. My fingers drifted up to touch her soaked panties. She was more than ready too.

  “Remove your panties,” I ordered.

  Immediately, she bent over peeling the lacy garment off her legs and tossing them to the side. Without a further command from me, she bent over the leather bench with her arms outstretched in front of her. Selecting a leather flogger, I slapped it against my own leg as I walked over to her. Seeing her bent over like that, so vulnerable and needy, just waiting for me to lash her with the flogger, excited me like nothing else.

  I could feel pre-come ooze from the tip of my cock as I stared down at her firm, willing ass. Normally, in these scenes, I would immediately begin whipping my partner, but this time I felt compelled to stroke her flesh first. Dropping the flogger, my fingers traced up the length of her legs. Instead of feeling her wet pussy, my hand was stopped as I felt the edges of some deep scars on the inside of her legs.

  “Leda,” I whispered.

  “Please, Sir, I’ve been a bad girl. I need my punishment.” She begged pushing her ass at me.

  Telling myself, I would inquire about the scars later. I picked up the flogger.

  “What’s your safe word, Leda?”

  “Metal,” she replied. I could hear the desire in her voice. She ached for the pain I was about to give her.

  Making a mental note of her safe word as I was sure she’d be crying it out quickly, I leaned back on my left foot as I readied myself to strike her.

  I drew back my hand and then brought it down as hard as I could on her ass. She gave a soft cry, trembled a bit, but steadied herself. Again and again, I brought the flogger down enjoying the sound it made as it struck her. My cock got harder and harder the more pain she took. Her ass was as red as a rose and surely must be hurting. I’d lost count of how many lashes I’d given her until I found myself tiring out.

  “Stop,” she murmured.

  Ignoring her as she didn’t say the safe word, I continued on. I’d never had a play partner go for so long. Her ass was going to be black and blue tomorrow. I kept going a few more lashes until my arm tired out.

  “That’s enough, Leda. You may stand up.” I commanded, dropping the flogger.

  Incredibly, she stood up shakily at first then she turned to face me. Her eyes were filled with tears, but as she caught my eye, she smiled.

  Instantly, I knew she was the one. That smile. Despite the painful whipping, she was still able to smile. My heart caught in my throat.

  “Come, Leda, I will take you to aftercare.” I scooped her up in my arms and whisked her away to the back.

  Tracing a finger over each lash I’d made, I felt more turned on than I’d ever been in my life. I wondered how tight and wet her pussy would feel around my cock. Fucking a play partner wasn’t something I typically did as unusual as that might sound to outsiders. Whipping them did turn me on, but when they safeworded after only a few lashes, I found myself losing interest quickly. It was difficult to explain, but I needed someone to take the pain I could give. I didn’t want to do it against anyone’s will they needed to submit themselves completely to me.

  I sighed as I gazed at the oozing lashes on her flesh. Taking out the first aid kit, I used antiseptic wipes to clean the cuts and then dabbed some cream on. She was definitely going to feel this whipping for days which was what I suspected she wanted.

  Turning her over, I brushed her long hair from her face.

  “Sir,” she began.

  “You may call me Colt now.”

  “Colt, if I may be so bold, that was amazing.” Her face was smeary with bliss and I wouldn’t have been surprised if she’d came during the whipping.

  “Of course, it was.” I bent down to kiss her lightly on her forehead.

  “When you’re able, you can get up and let yourself out.” I got up to leave. I could feel her eyes burning into the back of my head.

  “May I see you again?” Her voice shook with uncertainty.

  “Am I some kind of Service Top? I will decide when or if I will continue with you. I will be in touch.”

  She nodded her eyes reflected her confusion and disappointment.

  Getting into my car, I had to pull over on the way home. My own hands were shaking from excitement. Of course, I was going to see her again. How could I not? My heart leapt at
the thought she may be the one I’d been waiting for. The way my flogger cut into her flesh, her body jumping at each blow, her pussy dripping wet at the end...this was everything I wanted. Without a doubt, Leda was going to be my new Initiate, but I couldn’t let her know just how deeply she’d affected me. My cock ached with need and I thought about just fisting my own cock right then and there, but somehow that seemed like such a cheat. I wanted to come with my cock buried deep inside her after I’d whipped her thoroughly.

  But that would come later. Next, I had to introduce her to my first circle.



  I was in the same spot as I had been all the other times before this. All of the Service Tops would tend to my wounds and then leave. Just like Colt did. His words were harsh to me, though I shouldn’t be surprised. He was the Master Dom of Seven. Of course, it was up to him if he ever decided to see me again.

  I longed to build a connected relationship with a Dom, but I was growing used to this part of the play sessions; the abandonment part. Aches, deep in my soul, had been growing for some time now.

  “No man will want her once they know what happened to her.”

  My mother’s faded voice rang out in my head. She and my father urged me to keep our family’s filthy secret just that…a secret.

  “Never tell anyone what happened, Leda. You’ll never meet a nice young man if anyone finds out. Nice young men and their families don’t want damaged goods, sweetheart.”

  I must give off some sort of vibe that I’m damaged. Ray knew it, and I’m pretty sure Colt knows it. I will always only be good enough for scene play. Nothing more.

  Sighing, I stood up, gathered my purse and headed to the parking lot. Shit, it was really dark out, and the fog was settling in. It wasn’t as though I was afraid of some unsavory character lurking out there, I simply feared the woods.


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