Descent (Inferno Book 1)

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Descent (Inferno Book 1) Page 14

by Ashton Blackthorne

  She sat and stared at me. The silence was deafening as she struggled to find her words.

  “I’m sorry, Colt, but you’re wrong. My grandfather caused me so much pain and heartache…he devastated me.” Tears formed in the corners of her eyes.

  “Then why do you seek the very pain that has so deeply scarred you both inside and out?” I templed my fingers below my chin. I knew I was putting her on the spot forcing her to confront her demons, but that was exactly what I wanted her to do. Only after she peeled back all the painful layers surrounding her heart would she be able to really take and enjoy the pain I could give.

  And she would be the one who could complete all my circles.

  By doing so, she’d set me free.

  “Leda, you said we’re too different that I could never understand you. Well, you can’t enjoy sex without feeling pain. I can’t enjoy sex without causing it. Seems like I can understand you perfectly.”

  Leda stiffened a moment as she contemplated my words. She finished her liquor and leaned back from me.

  “Thank you for your analysis, Dr. Freud. But I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. I didn’t know by accepting a date with you it would turn into a fucking psychoanalysis session.”

  Taken aback by the ferocity in her voice, I felt my cock stir. I’d never had any woman speak to me like that. She was definitely submissive, but she had a fire within her.

  One I was more than willing to get burned by.

  “Leda, if you accept my invitation I will speak to you in the language only someone like us can understand—the sweet language of sadomasochism.”



  Over the past few weeks, Colt and I had a few dinners, coffee dates during our lunch breaks and we scened at Seven a couple times. Many of our talks centered around my hard limits.

  “Do you think you’d ever get to a place where they’re no longer hard limits, Leda? Maybe downgrade them to soft limits?” he asked over coffee.

  I frowned. I really didn’t know the answer to that. Since I promised Colt nothing but one-hundred percent honestly, I spoke up with my honest thoughts on the matter.

  “I don’t know, Colt.”

  I thought about being a terrified girl with a hood over my head, bound to a tree in the cold woods. I hated the woods with a passion. The trees masked everything. It held my cries and punished me with its silence.

  “Leda,” Colt said in a hushed tone.

  I felt the warmth of his hand circle my wrist, and I looked up at him. Colt’s forehead was wrinkled, and his jaw was firmly set.

  “Sorry, Colt. I don’t know if I can downgrade them.”

  He nodded slowly, took a sip of his coffee and took hold of my wrist again. Without saying anything, he began rubbing over one of the scars on the back of my hand that extends past my wrist.

  “Leda, you’re still giving hope a chance, right?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  Colt took a deep breath and continued to rub my scar.

  “And you understand, deep down, that even though I’m rough with you, that I’d never permanently harm you, right?”

  I considered him for a moment and slowly nodded. Colt has always been confident since the moment my eyes connected with his. But right now, he looked a bit nervous. I vocalized my confirmation to him, “Yes, Colt. I know you’d never permanently damage me.” Didn’t he know yet that I already was damaged? Despite what Wade and Chastity advise, Colt can’t damage me any more than I already am.

  “Leda,” he started and then paused. He was frowning as he continued to rub my wrist. “Leda, I need you to trust me. Completely.”

  “I do, Colt.”

  He nodded and looked up at me, pinning me to the seat with his dark, sexy eyes.



  The afternoon was unusually warm and humid for this time of year. I ached for her in my loins. Perspiration drenched my tight dress shirt gluing it to my skin.

  As I waited for her to emerge from the office building, I heard thunder rumble across the sky. The light was slowly fading outside and it was becoming darker. The parking garage was emptying out fast and I ducked behind a concrete pillar ready to pounce on her. I had the blindfold in my pocket.

  My heart raced with excitement as I envisioned her reaction. To feel, smell, and taste her fear would be delicious. All of our preparation over the last few weeks was about to come to fruition.

  Finally, the steel elevator doors parted and there she stood. Her long hair blew across her face as a huge gust of wind burst through the parking garage. Thunder shook the sky again as she stepped off the elevator. Clad in a deep blue dress which seemed a bit tight for the office, she began walking towards her car.

  Her high heels clacked against the concrete as I braced myself. Any moment she’d be within striking distance. Holding my breath, I reached into my pocket for the gag I was going to stuff into her mouth.

  Suddenly, she stopped walking. Leda peered into her purse searching for something. Immediately, she pulled out her car keys and resumed walking.

  As I stood ready to leap forward, I saw a man walking towards Leda.


  “Leda, hey, wait up!”

  A stout looking man in a gray suit raced after her waving something in the air. I groaned as I darted back behind the concrete pillar.

  “Hey, Jeremy, what is it?”

  He huffed and puffed out of breath as he stopped right next to her. He was just a few feet away from me.

  “You forgot your planner in the conference room. I figured you’d need it for tomorrow’s meeting.”

  She smiled at him gratefully.

  “Thank you, Jeremy. I would’ve been lost tomorrow without it! But you could’ve called me instead of racing all the way down here.”

  His deeply reddened face started to resume normal coloring as he gasped for air.

  “No problem, Leda. I needed the exercise. Never realized just how out of shape I was until I ran down seven flights of stairs.”

  Leda chuckled as she took her planner from him.

  “Don’t stay out too late tonight, Jeremy. We’ve got a full day tomorrow.”

  He started to walk away as Leda clicked her car door open.

  “Not me, Leda. I’m going home to crash. I’ve been here since 7:00 this morning.”

  “See you in the morning. Go get some rest. Anderson will be all over us if we’re not in top shape for tomorrow’s meeting.”

  He waved his hand at her chuckling as he walked towards his own car.

  I held my breath as I watched Jeremy get into his Mercedes and drive off. Leda turned back to her car and opened the door.

  Instantly, I leapt forward pushing her roughly against the car. She screamed with terror as I knew she would. I stuffed the rag into her mouth as I spun her around. I could feel her heart pounding I pushed my body against hers grabbing her arms to quickly bind her wrists. Her purse crashed to the ground as she struggled to get away.

  With my trunk already popped open, I scooped her up and placed her inside. She was still struggling, her eyes wide with fear. Quickly, I raced back to her car to grab her purse and close her door.

  Tearing the ski mask off, I tossed it inside the front seat as I roared off towards Seven.



  Standing by the door to my car, I heard a few quick footsteps moments before a leather gloved hand clamped over my mouth. I dropped my purse and grabbed the hand covering my mouth.

  Shit! What the hell? This guy was strong and trying to shove some sort of cloth in my mouth. I shook my head violently but stopped when I felt his hand grasping my throat. He turned me around, leaning me against my car and for a fraction of a moment, I saw his ski mask. The eye holes had a gray screen over them, and I couldn’t see his eyes. A fabric band was slipped over my head, and I began to panic more.

  I tried screaming over the cloth that was shoved in my mouth as I was lifted from the ground, but it was
lodged so deep. With my fists, I pounded on his chest and tried swinging for the face. I made contact with what seemed like a mask. My hand that struck him was grabbed, and he squeezed it tightly in his hands.

  He stopped walking and lowered me down. My body was laid to rest in what I knew to be a trunk of a car. Fuck! I wasn’t just being attacked; he was taking me somewhere!

  I fought as the gloved hands grabbed my jaw and held it firmly. Suddenly, images of my grandfather grabbing my jaw came rushing into my head, and I stopped moving.

  The man gathered my hands, and soon I felt cold metal cuffs wrap around my wrists before hearing them lock into place. The next sound I heard was the trunk being slammed shut.


  This wasn't happening.

  Though my eyes were covered, I moved my eyes from side to side, stupidly hoping it would enhance my hearing. The pounding of my heart was distracting as I tried concentrating.

  So many thoughts were assaulting me at a high rate of speed: who had me, what did he want, where was he taking me?

  I was trying to find the lay of the road…down six winding levels of the parking garage…could this be Colt? Right turn out of the parking garage…this didn't sound like Colt’s Ferrari…stop light…the guy didn't say anything, so I don't know what his voice sounds like…car moving again…I hadn't even seen him coming, so I don't know how tall he was…stop light…he gripped my neck and jaw, but since his hands had gloves on, I couldn't tell if it was Colt’s hands. I could tell what Colt’s hands felt like. I knew those hands…another stop light.

  I think I knew the basic area where we were. We were still on the main street just outside my office building. The car turned left, then made a sharp right.

  Colt wouldn’t do this.

  I was lost in thoughts as the car raced through the city. A few times there were sharp stops which made me roll forward.

  Oh, my God…what was going on?

  I really started to panic and began to cry. Quickly I realized that crying made me congested, which made it difficult to breathe. I had to stop.

  I prayed that it was Colt driving.

  Why would he do this, if it is him?

  If it wasn’t him, what did this person want?

  My head was void of any answers to these questions. Faintly, over the noise of the water spray that was coming up from the road and the wheel wells, thunder rumbled in the near distance.

  The car began to slow down and then made a left turn. The rain sounded like golf balls hitting metal, pounded the trunk of the car. It was almost deafening as the car started a much slower pace in a different direction.

  Slowing down wasn’t a good thing in my mind. Slowing down meant we were stopping soon. And God only knows what would happen when we stopped.

  Carefully, I swallowed as to not choke on the cloth that was soaked and lodged in my mouth. The brakes were applied, and the squeaking noise that was emitted announced our arrival. I felt the car being put into park and then shut off.

  No longer did I hear rain, or thunder. All I could hear was the beating of my heart as fear paralyzed me. The car softly raised as the driver got out of the car.

  Oh, fuck!

  The trunk flew open and freezing rain beat down on my body. I writhed around, trying to shield my face from the mix of punishing rain and ice pellets. All movement stopped when the man reached inside and wrapped his hand around my neck.



  I heard the sound of Leda beating against the trunk. Her fear was intoxicating to me. I’d always dreamed of doing this before, but never found a woman brave enough.

  As I pulled the car up to a wooded area on the grounds behind Seven, muffled cries came from the trunk. I wondered if she knew it was me. I’m sure she suspected, but it was her uncertainty that was driving her wild.

  Suddenly, the sky opened up, and rain began pouring down. Perfect.

  Throwing the car into park, I pulled the ski mask back over my face. I wanted her uncertainty prolonged for a few more minutes. The rain drenched me as I flung the trunk open.

  There she was curled up in the fetal position sobbing quietly. Her gag was still in her mouth muffling her cries. Rain began to hit her face causing her to jump.

  Her wrists were still bound tightly behind her back. She squirmed as I lifted her out of the trunk.

  As soon as her feet hit the ground, she attempted to run. Easily, I caught her about the waist and pushed her against the car. The rain continued to pour down upon us soaking us to the skin.

  Shivering, Leda stood there pinned as I slipped the blindfold from her face. I removed the gag.

  “Who are you? Why are you doing this?” She screamed her voice hoarse from crying. Her blue eyes were wide with fright. I could feel the fear coursing through her veins. It was intoxicating.

  I ran my hands up her sides feeling her body through her soaking wet clothes. The rain was quite cold making us both shiver.

  She sucked in her breath as I gripped her sides firmly pulling her to me. Still wearing the ski mask, I pressed my mouth to hers. She twisted her head to the side.

  “Leda,” I whispered yanking the ski mask off tossing it to the ground.

  “Colt,” she smiled briefly looking relieved. But I wasn’t done. I wanted to see that fear in her eyes, to see her broken and then made whole.

  “Turn around,” I growled. Instantly, she complied as I slipped the binds off of her wrists. Her flesh was torn and bloodied. Thunder crashed overhead as the winds whipped through the trees.

  “Colt.” Leda’s voice quivered.

  “Shut up,” I ordered.

  I spun her back around to face me. Her beautiful face was wrinkled with worry as she studied my eyes. I could feel the fear returning to her. An excitement I’d never known began to build within me.

  “I will give you a head start. When I count to three, I want you to run as fast as you can towards that shed.” I gestured to an old, ramshackled maintenance shed a few thousand feet away.

  She blinked as the rain coursed down her face. It was dark outside, and there was only a dim light shining from the shed. The terrain was rugged and now very muddy due to the rain. It would be difficult to run through.

  But that’s just the way I wanted it.

  Leda opened her mouth to speak, but I placed my finger to her lips.

  “No questions. Just do it.”

  “One…two…three!” I counted down. Leda leaned forward on her right foot and began to run. The rain was coming down in sheets now, and I waited a moment before racing after her. It only took a few seconds for me to catch up with her. Tackling her, we fell to the wet ground. Rolling around in the mud, I quickly overpowered her.

  I pinned her arms above her head as I straddled her gazing down in her face. The water poured off of me as the rain fell. Lightening flashed across the sky as illuminating us for a brief second.

  Quickly, I ripped her dress off yanking her bra down roughly. She winced with pain as I roughly caressed her.

  “Colt,” she murmured.

  “Don’t talk until I say.”

  I tore my own shirt off and unzipped my pants. The wind howled loudly all around us.

  She laid there numbly as I pulled her panties off. This wasn’t what I wanted. I didn’t want mere compliance.

  She needed to fight back.

  “Leda, don’t just lie there and take it. I’m about to take you against your will.”

  She looked up at me blinking several times.

  “You told me no talking.”

  I felt my cock deflate. This wasn’t right at all.

  “Dammit, Leda, is this how your grandfather got you all those years ago? Did you just lie there? What about all those other guys who used you as a teenager? Did your grandfather make you into a slut so you would spread your legs for any guy who so much as spoke to you? God, Leda, I don’t want a fucking Barbie doll who lies there like a dead fuck!”

  Leda’s face hardened.

  “How da
re you say that to me? Fuck you, Colt!” She screamed. I pinned her arms back again behind her head.

  That’s more like it. I wanted to see that fire burning within her.

  “Really, Leda? That’s the best you’ve got? Fuck me? How about fuck you?” I laughed as I released her with one hand to fist my throbbing cock readying it to enter her.

  “Is this why you cut yourself? You hate yourself so much you want to die whenever you remember what he did to you?”

  I cupped her face with my other hand squeezing her cheeks.

  “Tell me, Leda, how much you hate yourself. Tell me how much you hate him.”

  She remained silent for a moment. Thunder shook the sky again.

  I slapped her lightly back and forth as my cock ached with need. I wanted to be inside her so badly.

  But not yet.

  “Fucking tell me, Leda! How much do you hate yourself?” I screamed over the pounding of the rain.

  Suddenly, her voice tore through me.


  “More, Leda, tell me more.”

  “I FUCKING HATE HIM! Every second, every single time he was with me. The stench of his Old Spice cologne made me want to puke. The old razor straps he used to spank me with cutting into my thighs...and I, I…let it happen. Oh God, I never…I never…fought back.” She choked on her words, sobbing.

  “Leda, that’s not all. Tell me how much you hate yourself because of it.”

  Her head twisted from side to side her blonde hair turning brown with mud.

  “Most of all, I HATED MYSELF! I never told anyone for years. I just…just let him do it. I didn’t know what else to do. I thought it was my fault…my fault. I still…think about it.” She cried her tears mixing with the rain.


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