Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off)

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Analise's Journey, Bundle (Doms of Chicago Serial Spin Off) Page 22

by Trace, Dakota

  "I'm ready, Master." Grim spoke softly.

  "Are you topping from the bottom, slave?" Liam asked equally softly, his eyes never leaving Analise's pale face.

  "No, Master." Grim hesitated, before looking to see what was distracting Liam. Breaking the role of submissive, he cocked his head and snapped his fingers, summoning Analise to join him. Liam decided to let it slide, especially when Analise moved to her feet and slowly approached them. When she stopped in front of them, she looked from one to the other as if she was trying to judge which way to go. Finally she sank to her knees in front of the spanking bench Dom had set out in the middle of the circle, in anticipation of Grim's punishment.

  "I await your command, Master." The words were spoken roughly, but her acceptance was clear as she met Liam's gaze.

  The pressure in his chest eased as he read the resolution in them. She was willing to try even if it made her uncomfortable. If his heart hadn't already let her in, it would've at that moment.

  Liam took the crop from Grim. "Kneel, slave and look upon what got you into such trouble."

  "Yes, Master." Grim slowly knelt arranging his body over the spanking bench. Folding his arms to create a pillow to rest his chin on, he looked directly at Analise.

  "I need you to talk to her, Grimwell. Explain to her why you're being punished." Liam swung the crop a couple times warming up his arm. "Make her understand why you did what you did. Set a good example. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Master." Grim spoke clearly.

  "Good." Bracing himself, Liam shifted into position on the side of Grim. "What is your safeword, Grim?"

  "Russo, Master."

  "Correct. If it becomes too much, you will say it."

  "Yes, Master."

  "Tell her why you deliberately disobeyed, slave." Liam punctuated his command with the first lash. Using his experience, he centered the first stripe over the fleshy part of Grim's ass.

  "I wanted Master's attention." Grim hissed, his buttocks clenching.

  "And what else, slave? Don't blame it all on just wanting attention. There was more to your actions than that." Liam shifted before landing the next stroke a few inches down.

  Grim jerked in response. "I needed to touch our submissive to make sure she was real, not a part of my imagination."

  "Good." Liam struck again, this lash landing on the opposite buttock. "And touching was the only way to assure yourself of that?"

  "Yes, Master." Grim cried out, pressing his face down into his arms. A move that Liam knew he did to hide the fact tears were in his eyes. A leftover habit from a strict father, who'd told Grim repeatedly that men didn't cry. One Grim also knew Liam wouldn’t tolerate.

  "Do not hide your face.” Liam’s voice was hoarse, even to his own ears. “Those tears belong to me, slave."

  Grim lifted his head. "Yes, Master. They belong to you."

  "That's right." Liam drew in a deep breath, checking on Analise out of the corner of his eye. A lone tear had slipped free, but she still remained firm and her body never wavered. "So you disobeyed because you wanted attention, and wanted to assure yourself our submissive was real? Is that the only reason you disobeyed?"

  "No, Master." Grim's arm twitched as if to reach out and touch Analise.

  "Unless you want more added to your punishment, you will remain still, Grimwell, and tell me the other reason you ignored my command."

  "Because I wanted to, Master." The words seemed to be dragged from the depths of Grim's soul. "She's mine and I wanted to touch her."

  "Enough that you disobeyed a direct order from your Master." Liam brought down the crop three more times in rapid succession, never breaking the skin, but making sure his sub could feel it.

  "Yes, Master." Grim groaned.

  Liam paused, examining the red welts on Grim's bottom. "What level are you at, Grim?"

  "Green, Master."

  "Analise?" Liam spoke softly, drawing her attention away from Grim's. "Please come here."

  She licked her lips and for a moment he thought she would balk, but she surprised him. She rose slowly, gracefully to her feet after pressing a kiss to Grim's forehead. "Yes, Master."

  He motioned her to his side. This would be the true test of her resolve, of whether or not she'd become theirs. "Look at your Sir's bottom. See what disobeying earned him."

  He waited as she looked down at Grim's bottom. Her brow furrowed as she lifted her hand to touch. He held his breath as she lightly traced one of the red marks, before looking back up at him.

  "The last two strokes Grim earned are because your Sir masturbated because he was aroused by you. I will give you a choice here. You can either take his last two lashes, or leave the room and be free of us."

  Her eyes flew up to his, and it took all of Liam's control to stand firm. He was a hard man when it came to this, but he couldn't offer anything more to her if she couldn't accept him as he was. He would not have her coming back later and crying foul, or requesting to leave because she couldn’t handle what he was. He was not her Daddy-dom like Grim was.

  * * * *

  Master's ultimatum rang in her ears. Staring down at the marks on Grim's bottom, Analise was relieved to see that Master hadn't been brutal in his use of the crop. Her Sir had taken six strokes because he'd needed both her and Master, so how could she not do the same? Her acceptance by kneeling in front of Grim, giving him support as he took the first six lashes had shown her acceptance of Grim as her Sir.

  She licked her lips, and looked up at her Master. Even behind the hard mask he wore, she could see he expected her to flee, to leave him and Grim behind. She couldn't do that. She'd promised to accept both men as her Masters. Not just one or other. Medium impact play, possible piercing to be revisited later, no hard impact play, and no breaking up the horny men. That's what she'd agreed to, what they agreed to.

  She slowly straightened and touched her Master's jaw. Under her fingers, it clenched. "As I told you before, Master, I'm an equal opportunity gal." Aware of the eyes on her, she slowly slipped free of her underwear, before kneeling with her face pressed to the floor and her arms above her head, exposing her rounded bottom to Liam. "I await your punishment, Master."

  Next to her, she heard a rumble from Grim, and she closed her eyes, hoping that her Sir wouldn't ruin her gift by protesting. Turning her head against her arm, she met Grim's eyes. Sending reassurances with a gaze, she pleaded with him to allow her to do this, to allow her to cement her place in their lives, to give Liam the submission he needed.

  "Your safeword?" The ritualistic question was nothing less than what she expected. That was their Master, caring but firm.

  "Red, Master." They'd agreed upon a simple red for her.

  "Count off, Analise." Their master's voice washed over as she continued to stare into Grim's eyes.

  "Yes, Master." She barely had the response out before her bottom lit up with pain. It was much sharper than she'd expected. How the hell did Grim handle this? One strike and she was ready to safe word. It was only the love in Grim's eyes which kept her centered. She clenched her teeth and forced the words past her lips. "One, Master."

  "Good girl." Master's approval washed over her, pushing aside the lingering ache from the crop. "One more, Analise and this will be done."

  "Yes, Master." This time, the stroke was much lighter but still stung.

  "Two, Master." She relaxed, glad the punishment was over, but even happier that she'd been able to give Liam what he needed.

  * * * *

  "All is forgiven and we now start anew." Master's relief was obvious to Grim as he knelt down between him and Analise. He watched as Master pressed a kiss to Analise's lips, before turning to devour his own. As Liam's tongue shot into his mouth to rub over his, Grim moaned softly. This was their master, a hard but loving man. When Liam finally moved back, Grim drew a ragged breath. "Can you stand, Grim, or do you need me?"

  Realizing what Liam was asking, Grim slowly pushed to his knees. "I can stand, Master. Please at
tend Analise, she is not used to such things."

  "Very giving of you, Grimwell." Liam brushed his fingers over Grim's cheek, before gathering Analise in his arms. Master Dom came up immediately, with two warmed blankets draped over one arm. With his free arm, he offered it to Grim to help him stand. Gratitude filled him as he grasped Dom's arm. "Thank you, Master Dominic."

  "Think nothing of it." Dominic stared into his eyes, checking his responses, Grim was sure. But it was nice to have the supporting hand as he walked over to where Master was already sitting, cuddling their submissive on his lap. Happiness flooded him as Liam's eyes met his. A short nod was all he needed. Master had chosen - Analise was now theirs.

  Sinking to his knees between Master's spread thighs, he rested his head against Analise's lap. "Sweetheart?" He spoke softly as Dominic draped one blanket over him, before spreading the second over Analise's shoulders.

  Analise opened her eyes. "Yes, Sir?"

  Picking up her hand, he pressed his lips against her hand. "You know I love you, right?"

  A soft smile tugged at her lips, before she rested her head against Liam's shoulder. "I bet you say that to all the girls who willingly take your lashes, Sir."

  A chuckle escaped Grim. "Smart ass." He moved closer, despite his bottom stinging.

  * * * *

  "Your turn, Analise, Truth or Pain?" Lena leaned forward as she picked up a cherry tomato off the plate next to her. At her feet, Jude who’d accepted pain during the last turn, was sitting cross-legged in deference to his bad knee, while giving her a killer foot rub.

  Stirring herself from Liam's lap, she leveled a gaze at her best friend. "Pain." Under her, Liam stiffened. They'd been all playing the dirty version of Truth or Dare for the past half hour and this was the first time she'd actually taken the dare.

  A twinkle entered Lena's eye. "Ohhh, it looks like Liam's and Grim's little subbie has finally decided to play with us." Lena pursed her lips and tapped her chin. "Okay, I dare you to give in to your darkest desire.”

  Analise's face flushed. She was so going to kill her friend. Not even her Master and Sir knew about the fantasy so dark, she shied away from it when they'd questioned her about things she wanted to do. Something that she confided to Lena one night, after a few too many margaritas. It wasn't an act a good girl would do, but she'd hoped one day to try with her men - if she ever found the courage to ask.

  Lena began to hum the jeopardy tune. "You have five seconds to comply or forfeit, Analise."

  Analise wanted to groan. She really didn't want to spend time strapped to the pillory blindfolded, and unable to see or touch her Masters. "Fine." She pushed free of the blanket. "But I can't do it by myself." She licked her lips, unsure of who to ask, Master or Sir, to be her second.

  She looked at both men. Screw it, I'll ask both of them.

  "Master, Sir...I need your help with this." She fidgeted.

  "With what?" Liam asked softly, his eyes darkening with desire.

  "I want...crap." She leaned down and whispered what she wanted in his ear. His breath came out in a rush.

  "Son of a bitch." He gave Grim a tap, stirring his submissive from his blanket cocoon, where he’d been curled against Liam’s leg, "On your knees, Grimwell, now."

  Other than a widening of his eyes, Grim obeyed. Once he was on his knees, Liam winked at the other Doms, before donning his Dom stance. “It seems our little submissive has a very dirty mind, Grim, and wants to role-play for a moment. All you have to do is hold your position. And no matter what happens, what you hear, you are to remain still. At no time will Analise be in danger. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.” Grim sounded confused but retained his position.

  Analise’s breath grew ragged when Master turned his eyes towards her. It was actually going to happen, she thought, her Master was going to force her to taste, to prepare her Sir’s ass for him. Her nipples tightened in response. She wasn’t sure why the dark fantasy of being made to do something so naughty, so nasty, according to her girl-friends back home, tripped her trigger but it did.

  “You know what I want, sub.” Master stood with his hands on his hips. “On your knees behind him, and don’t tell me you don’t want it. I can see the desire in your eyes no matter how much you protest.”

  “But…I…Master…please.” Even as the words of protest fell from her lips, the folds between her thighs grew wetter.

  “Are you disobeying me, sub?” Liam furrowed his brow and took a warning step towards her.

  Scrambling towards Grim, she shook her head. “No Master…it’s just I’ve never…done such a thing before…”

  “There’s a first time for everything. I want to see your face in his ass right now, or your bottom is going to catch hell.”

  “I…” She placed her hands on the still reddened stripes, wanting to kiss them better, but quickly losing herself to the fantasy.

  “Dom, grab me that flogger. This little slut needs an incentive evidently.”

  Analise groaned softly. There was something about the way he said slut that reminded her of how she’d vowed to her uncle that she’d be their slut if it meant having them. “No, I’m going…I’m going…” She lightly pressed her mouth to the inside crease of Grim’s ass, even she felt the soft brush of the flogger against her own butt.

  Pretending to be hesitant, she lifted her head.

  “I said lick.” Liam growled pushing her face firmly forward, not hard enough to hurt, but strong enough to let her know his will wouldn’t be opposed. “Yes, Master.” She mumbled against Grim’s crease, giving up any pretense of struggle. Now that her mouth was so temptingly close to her desire, she no longer wanted to fight. She wanted to feel the surface of Grim’s rosebud against her tongue, to feel the heat of his body as she wet him and prepared him for more. The trailing of the flogger against her skin and hoarse growl erupting from Grim were only icing on the cake.

  Lapping the tight little star with her tongue, she explored the most forbidden part on a man’s body, loving the way Grim shivered against her mouth, hissing and jerking as she circled the opening, until she grew brave enough to force the tip of her tongue in. Grim bucked against her mouth, but she rode the movement forcing her tongue deeper. She needed him nice and wet for what she wanted to do. She was barely aware of the people watching them, too caught up her in own fantasy of rimming her Sir, while their Master watched. Again and again, she wormed her tongue inside of him, coating his inside ring with as much spittle as she could. It wasn’t until she heard Master’s voice telling her it was enough, only then did she pull back and take a ragged breath. His dark amber eyes were glowing with his desire.

  “Gently press it against him, then give it a slow twist as you slide it in. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.” She reached for the lubed plug he held in his hand, but he held it out of her reach. “Master?” Confusion battled the lust coursing through her body. How was she to place the plug inside Sir if Master didn’t give it to her?

  “I want to taste.” His guttural command surprised her. The last thing she expected was for him to want her to share.

  Her eyes widened as Master covered her mouth with his, his tongue thrusting deep, while he held her head with one hand. She whimpered sharing the essence of her Sir with him, until Sir’s flavor mixed with Master’s. When he finally came up for air, Liam placed the plug in her hand. “Remember what I said, sub. You fuck this up and I will paddle you.”

  She nodded. “Yes, Master.” Then with trembling hands, she guided the well lubed plug to Grim’s entrance. Resting it against the wet surface of his rosebud, she gave a firm shove while twisting it side to side. Sir cried out and probably would’ve come immediately if Master hadn’t thought quickly and clamped his hand down on the base of Sir’s cock. By the time she had the plug fully inserted, she wasn’t sure who was breathing harder, herself, Master, or Sir. Once it was done, all three of them moved back to their former places, indicating the end of her turn. She almos
t giggled as Grim settled a bit gingerly into his cocoon - whether it was from his warm ass, the plug, or his very stiff cock she didn’t know. She suspected it was a bit of all three, as he gave her a look that promised retribution.

  “God damn, girl, when you go for broke, you go for broke.” Lena seemed to be in awe, and several of the other Doms echoed her sentiment. Licking her lips, Analise drew a breath and smiled before looking to their hostess. Who’d ever known that a play party could be such fun? “Okay, Kalinda. Truth or Pain?”

  Episode XII: Analise’s Choice & Reward

  Part XXVI: Analise’s Choice

  After trudging up three flights of stairs carrying her purse, and satchel full of design work for the weekend, the last thing Analise wanted to do was deal with man lounging against the wall next her apartment door. Her uncle, looking a bit wearier than he had the last time she'd seen him, straightened as she approached. His hair looked like he'd run his hands through it several times. His normally pressed polo shirt had been replaced by an old t-shirt she could've sworn he'd gotten from her father, and the jeans had a rip in the knee.

  "Please tell me you're not here to chew on my ass again, Uncle Paulie. I'm really not in the mood to deal with a grown man's tantrum tonight. I've had a lousy day."

  He tucked his fingers in the front of pockets of his jeans and sighed. "I guess I have that coming."

  "That and more." She agreed, coming to stop in front of her apartment. Pulling out her keys, she unlocked the door, shoving it open. When Paulie continued to stand next to the wall not moving, she wanted to scream. "Well, come on in. There's no need for you to stand in the hall."


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