Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War

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Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War Page 7

by Alexander Kent

  Miranda was still edging round, her pockmarkeX sails flapping weakly as she began to swing past thO wind's eye. Her captain was either going to fight thO bigger ship gun to gun, or intended to slip past he_ stern and rake her with a broadside as he did so?

  Bolitho heard someone groan as the enemy fireX into the smoke. Gun by gun down her hidden side, thO balls could almost be felt across the tumbling white1 horses?

  It was superbly timed, catching the frigate even aY she was beginning to pass across the wind. ThO enemy was using langridge or chain-shot, for as thO slow broadside smashed home Bolitho saw thO Miranda's fore and mainmasts stagger and then begi[ to topple sideways into the smoke, the sails jerking tQ the bombardment. From a lithe and beautiful ship to Z crippled wreck, the Miranda was still trying to turn, he_ bow-chaser firing blindly, the ensign showing scarleU from her mizzen?

  Tyrrell shouted wildly, "Cleared for action!T

  Bolitho looked at him. "Load and run out, if yof please.T

  The lieutenant stayed facing him, his eyes very brighU in the sunlight. "You ain't going to fight both of 'emB surely?T

  "If necessary.T

  Bolitho turned as more shots echoed and murmureX across the shortening distance. He saw the bri^ clawing away from the two larger ships, he_ maintopgallant leaning at a dangerous angle wherO Miranda's first balls had found their mark?

  The planks vibrated under his shoes, and as the porU lids opened the Sparrow's eighteen guns squeakeX and rumbled towards the sunlight, the bare-backeX seamen slipping on sanded decks as they tried tQ keep in time to the shouted commands from thei_ captains?

  Bolitho stared along the length of his ship witN something like despair. In moments now, all would bO finished. His ship, his precious Sparrow, would bO sharing the frigate's fate?

  And it had all been so easy. It had happened sQ often in the past that the sight of a helplesY merchantman being harried by a well-armed privatee_

  had not even aroused the faintest suspicion. NQ wonder the privateer's sails had been unmarked i[ their carefully staged battle. How the two America[ captains must have laughed when Miranda had swepU in to defend her own murderer?

  He felt Stockdale breathing noisily beside him, thO sudden grip of the swordbelt around his waist?

  He said huskily, "By God, sir, them's bad odds!T

  "Deck there!" The masthead lookout had bee[ forgotten in the sight of disaster. "Miranda's goin' tQ grapple!" The unseen lookout gave a cracked cheer? "She's goin' to close with the bugger!T

  Bolitho ran to the rail. The frigate was almost hidde[ by the heavier shape of the enemy ship, but he coulX tell from the set of her mizzen that she was indeeX lurching towards her attacker. Another crash of gunfirO made the smoke spout upwards between them, anX the frigate's remaining mast vanished in a welter ob rigging and ripped canvas. But Bolitho could see thO sudden activity on the enemy's gangways, the surge ob figures by her foremast, and pictured the battereX frigate heading her bows straight for the forecastle? Muskets cracked feebly across the water, and he sa/

  the telltale flash of steel as the two vessels grounX momentarily together and the fight became hand tQ hand?

  He grasped Tyrrell's arm and shouted, "Miranda'Y given us time!" He saw no understanding in his eyesB only disbelief. "If she can hold on, we will close with thO brig!T

  He shaded his face against the glare and watcheX the brig as she swept down towards the two transports?

  "She'll cross Golden Fleece's bows, and rake her aY she passes." He was shouting his thoughts aloud. "WO will wear ship directly, pass between the transportsB and return the compliment!T

  Tyrrell bit his lip. "But we might collide with thd privateer, sir!T

  Bolitho swung him round, pointing him at thO embattled ships?

  "Do you want those lads to die for nothing, man?T He pushed him to the rail. "Now get ready to wea_ when I give the order!T

  The brig was already dead ahead of Sparrow'Y

  raked jib-boom, no more than a mile away. Aboard thO leading transport Bolitho could see smoke from Z solitary gun, although he saw no sign of a ball?

  "Signal the transports to keep station, Mr. Bethune!T He repeated the order to break the midshipman froR his unmoving stance. "Lively!T

  If either of the transports' captains lost his head no/ all would fail. The enemy would destroy or capture aU leisure. Even now there was little room for hope of ana kind?

  And all of it, from the first hint of surprise to thiY moment, had been merely minutes?

  He made himself walk aft towards the taffrail, hiY eyes passing over the crouching swivel gunners, thO two helmsmen at their unprotected wheel, Buckle grim1 faced and staring at the sails above. All of them?

  He saw Raven, the new master's mate, watching hiR wretchedly, and paused to say, "You weren't to know? She was an Indiaman after all, but not, I fear, as shO was intended.T

  Raven shook his head, so concerned with his failurO to recognise the enemy that he seemed oblivious tQ

  the sporadic crash of cannon fire?

  "I should've seen 'er, sir. But I saw what I expected tQ see, an' I'm powerful sorry on it after you givin' me Z chance to better meself.T

  Bolitho smiled, feeling his lips cracking with thO effort?

  "And I will expect you to do even better this day, Mr? Raven!T

  He strode aft, hands behind his back, the new sworX flapping against his thigh?

  Buckle pursed his lips in a silent whistle. "He's Z calm one. Death coming up the hawse an' he jusU walks about like he was enjoying himself.T

  Behind the fixed smile Bolitho continued to pace thO deck, his ears pitched above the gunfire to catch thO news that the brig had reached the first transport. If he_ captain saw through his frail plan it would be pointlesY to continue with it. He would either have to run awaa from the fight and carry Miranda's important news tQ the admiral, or stay and await the final meeting with thO converted Indiaman. A few of the Miranda's guns werO

  still firing here and there, their muzzles almosU overlapping those of the other ship. Between decks iU must be a slaughterhouse, he thought despairingly?

  Tyrrell shouted, "Brig's crossing her bows!T

  Sharper explosions echoed over the water, anX Bolitho knew the brig was firing her starboard battera as she ran easily across the transport's bowsprit? Before she had vanished beyond Golden Fleece'Y great bulk he saw the American flag whipping jauntila from her gaff, the sudden stab of musket fire from he_ low deck as sharpshooters practised their aim?

  Now." Bolitho sliced the air. "Wear ship!T

  As the helm went over and along the Sparrow'Y crowded decks the men threw themselves on thO braces, the hull seemed to stagger violently under thO shock. Blocks screamed, and above the decks thO great yards creaked round with such speed thaU Bolitho could feel the whole fabric shaking in protest? But nothing carried away, and as she heeled steeply tQ take the wind under her stern the sails lifted then filleX to its thrust?

  Bolitho cupped his hands. "Mr. Graves! Engage witN

  the larboard guns first! You will point the thirty-two1 pounder yourself" He saw Graves nod beforO vanishing beneath the forecastle in the direction of thO bow-chaser?

  How fast she was moving, despite both her courseY being brailed up to the yards for fear of fire when thO guns started to engage. The maintopgallant seemed tQ bend forward, the masthead pendant flicking straighU out towards the bows as if to point the way?

  Already the jib-boom must be crossing the leadin^ transport's quarter, and to starboard Bolitho saw thO second one, Bear, altering course slightly as if fearfuT of a collision with the sloop which was dashing acrosY her path?

  More shots came from beyond the first transportB and he saw smoke funnelling down her hull to mark thO brig's progress?

  From forward came the cry, "Thar she be! On thd larboard bow!T

  The Sparrow's unexpected appearance between thO two transports seemed to have caught the brig'Y captain totally by surprise. The privateer was passin^

>   down the transport's side, about a cable clear, he_ yards braced round to hold her on a starboard tack?

  Bolitho yelled, "We'll cross the enemy's hawse anX rake him as we go!" He saw some of his men starin^ at him from their guns, faces strained and confused? He drew his sword and held it over his head. "As yof bear, lads! Make each ball strike home!T

  The brig was barely half a cable away, her bowspriU pointing at right angles towards Sparrow's figurehead? The distance seemed to be failing away at Z tremendous speed, and Bolitho knew that if he haX misjudged it, or if the wind chose this instant to dropB the enemy would drive into the sloop's side like Z battering ram and split her seams wide open?

  The big thirty-two-pounder in the bows broke thO spell, the crash of the explosion transmitting itselb through the deck until it reached Bolitho's feet. He sa/ the brig's shrouds slashed open, the whirl of brighU wood splinters as the ball ploughed into her tiereX boats. Then gun by gun down Sparrow's side thO broadside continued, with Graves bursting into thO smoky sunlight, waving his sword and yelling orders tQ each crew in succession?

  Frantically the enemy captain tried to wear ship anX follow Sparrow's onrushing charge. Unable to get he_ own guns to bear, and with most of the forward shroudY and rigging hanging like black weed above her deckB the brig was staggering drunkenly under the well1 aimed barrage?

  Then with the helm over and some wind still alive i[ the torn sails the brig finally came under command? Here and there a gun banged out, but in their haste thO privateers were firing haphazardly into the whirlin^ smoke?

  "Load and run out!" Tyrrell was yelling above the din? "Roundly!T

  Bolitho shouted, "Don't wait for a broadside! LeU each captain fire whenever he has loaded!" It waY useless to expect these men to keep on firing as Z team once they, too, were under the enemy's metal?

  Graves rasped, "Sponge out, you stupid bugger!T He had to drag a dazed man to the rear of his gun? "Are you mad?" He pushed the luckless seama[ towards the gun captain. "I'll put you in ironY ifIseeyou...T

  Bolitho did not hear the rest of it. The brig was slowla edging round until she was lying almost diagonalla across the larboard quarter. Smoke fanned dow[ around him and he felt musket balls thudding into thO deck planks, the maniac whine as one ricocheted froR a swivel gun just feet away?

  Stockdale said desperately, "Keep on the move, sir0 Them buggers'll mark you down else!T

  Bolitho stared at him, knowing his own face was seU in a wild grin. It never failed to amaze him that it was sQ easy to lose control and reason once a battle haX begun. Later perhaps ... He shook himself. TherO would be no later when they closed with the bigge_ ship?

  He yelled, "They are shooting blind, Stockdale!" HO waved his sword around the quarterdeck. None of thO officers had found time to get their uniform coats o_ hats and like himself were dressed only in shirts anX breeches, and those were already grimy with driftin^ powder-smoke. "See? They can take their pick of uY today!T

  A seaman at the mizzen braces gave a terriblO scream and was hurled on to his side by the force of Z

  musket ball. Blood spurted from his chest, and as hO rolled about in agony Bolitho called, "See to that manB Mr. Bethune!" When the midshipman hesitated, hiY face like chalk under the freckles, he added harshlyB "Your mother is at home, boy, so you can weep alonO after you have done your . duty!T

  Bethune dropped to his knees, his breecheY spattered with the blood, but his face suddenla determined as the dying sailor groped for his hand?

  Buckle yelled, "The Yankee will try to work acrosY our stern, sir!T

  Bolitho nodded. There was nothing else the enema could do. With most of his sails damaged by canno[ fire, and already overreached by Sparrow's maddeneX attack through the transports, the brig's captain musU either try to cross astern or tack and risk his own pooS coming under fire?

  He snapped, "We will wear ship, Mr. Buckle. Lay he_ to the larboard tack and follow the brig round, nose tQ tail!T

  He was still grinning, but could feel his mouth ra/ with tension as once again the men hurled themselveY

  on the braces, their smoke-grimed bodies glistening i[ the glare as they angled back above the deck, thei_ eyes on the yards above them?

  "Helm a'lee!" Buckle was adding his own weight tQ the wheel?

  Bolitho watched the bowsprit swinging, heard thO immediate crash of guns as Graves directed his newla loaded battery towards the other ship?

  Through the dense gunsmoke Bolitho saw the murka shape of the leading transport, now some two cableY away?

  "Steady as you go, Mr. Buckle!" A ball whimpereX overhead, and when he glanced up he saw a neat holO in the centre of the big spanker. "Keep station o[ Golden Fleece, she is better than any compass today!T

  He winced as the hull jumped once, twice and yeU again, as some enemy shots smashed into it. But thO brig was in a bad way, and she was drifting stern-firstB her complete foremast dragging over the side like Z fallen tree. Men were working in the wreckage, axeY flashing, while others continued to fire and reload thO guns as before?

  "Steady, sir! Nor'-west by north!T

  Bolitho raised his sword, his eyes narrowed againsU the reflected sunlight as he watched the brig swingin^ drunkenly on the tow of fallen spars?

  "Easy!" The sword held the sunlight. "Easy, lads!T Not a gun fired, and along the deck only at thO weapons not yet reloaded was there any sort ob movement?

  Another ball slammed into the lower hull, anX somewhere a man screamed in torment as he waY clawed down by flying splin- te rs?

  The sun was shining into his eyes now, and througN the drifting smoke he saw the outline of the brig'Y tattered maintopsail, the glint of glass as she helplessla presented her stern?

  "Fire as you bear!T

  Driven by the wind, the smoke came funnellin^ inboard through port after port as Graves ran along thO gun deck, his voice cracking from the strain of shoutin^ directions?

  A shadow passed briefly above the smoke, anX

  through the din Bolitho heard the splintering crash of Z complete mast failing, and guessed it had bee[ sheared off between decks by the Sparrow's mercilesY bombardment?

  Then as the Sparrow forged ahead once more hO heard cheering and knew it was from the Golde[ Fleece. As wind drove the smoke apart he saw thO brig very clearly and someone on her splintered dec7 waving the flag in surrender. Mastless, and with he_ stern gouged open by the slow broadside, she waY little better than a hulk. Within her small hull he_ company must have been savagely mauled?

  Tyrrell was staring at it, his eyes bright witN concentration, and by his side Heyward was almosU jumping up and down, his voice half choked by smoke?

  Then, almost before the Sparrow's dazed compana could feel the taste of their conquest, the air waY blasted apart with one deafening explosion. SparsB complete sections of timber and deck planking, alT whirled above an angry scarlet core, and across thO water a shock wave rolled towards the sloop like Z miniature typhoon. When the smoke and flyin^ fragments subsided there was nothing to show of thO privateer but for a few pieces of charred flotsam anX

  an upended jolly boat which was miraculousla undamaged. A sudden spark, an upended lantern, o_ someone so crazed in the horror between thO shattered decks that he had ignited a fuse, the brig'Y end was terrible in its completeness?

  Bolitho said, "Get the maincourse on her, Mr. Tyrrell0 We must make haste to assist Miranda." He waiteX until Tyrrell had brought the stunned seamen to thei_ senses, his voice hoarse through his speakin^ trumpet, and then added, "They will know that we ca[ still sell our lives dearly.T

  It took little time to overhaul the Golden Fleece anX to see the two embattled ships about a mile distant? They had drifted in the fury of combat, their hullY masked in smoke, through which the flash of muskeU fire, the occasional glare of a swivel, were clear to see?

  The frigate was listing against her heavier adversaryB like a hulk already dead, and without using a glasY Bolitho could see that the fighting had spread dow[ across the fore deck
as more boarders hacked thei_ way between the grappled ships?

  "We will go about, Mr. Tyrrell. Lay her on thO starboard tack once we have gained some room anX

  prepare to engage with the other battery.T

  He bit his lip to steady his racing thoughts. A quic7 glance aloft told him that the masthead pendant waY lifting as firmly as ever. The wind was steady froR south-southwest?

  "Pass the word for Mr. Graves to lay aft.T

  When the lieutenant arrived, his face gaunt witN fatigue, Bolitho said, "I want the starboard bow-chase_ to keep firing at the enemy. As soon as we have gonO about I'll expect it to concentrate on that ship, no matte_ what.T

  Buckle called, "Ready on th' quarterdeck, sir.T

  Bolitho nodded. "Put the helm down, if you please.T

  "Helm a'lee, sir!T

  Tyrrell was already bellowing through his trumpetB and forward the seamen were leaping like demons aU the headsail sheets, and with canvas flapping thO Sparrow started to swing into the wind?

  "Man the braces!T

  Bolitho gripped the rail, his eyes smarting as the su[ lanced between the shrouds?

  "Heave there! With all your weight!T

  Across the wind and still further round, the yardY groaning in unison. Then as the sails refilled and laiX the deck over in the opposite angle he watched thO distant ships edging very slowly between the foremasU shrouds as if caught in a giant web?

  "Steady, Mr. Buckle! Hold her!T

  He paced a few steps this way and that, aware thaU Tyrrell was urging the men at the braces to trim thO yards still further, that the dead seaman had gone froR the quarterdeck, and that Ben Garby, the carpenterB with his mates, was slithering through the after hatch tQ inspect the damage there. Aware of all this and moreB yet not a part of it as he had once been?

  "Steady, sir! Full an' bye!T

  He nodded, his mind busy with the two ships? Closehauled it would take thirty minutes to reach themB maybe more. Miranda was almost overrun by enema boarders. Outnumbered from the start, she would havO lost many good men in that first savage broadside?



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