_Anthology - Love Bites

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_Anthology - Love Bites Page 15

by _Anthology

  “Yes.” I fibbed, eyeing the guys around us. Leather jackets and tough guys and the occasional biker gang colors as far as the eye could see. This was definitely going for ‘stupidest idea ever.’ “Pretty tough bar for a college chick.” Ewen said in my ear. I could feel his breath on my face. He was leaning close; I could feel warmth at my back. Oh my God, they’re both flirting now. What the hell do I do with this?

  “You’d never know it from the way she handles the shop idiots.” Frank frowned in confusion.

  “At work they’re sober, and I did grow up in Dad’s shop. I dunno how to deal with guys like that in a bar,” I admitted. “I wondered where you learned machining. You don’t act like a vo-tech chickie.” Ewen hadn’t moved. I felt something brush my cheek. Beard hair. Oh my. I didn’t dare turn; he’d be close enough to kiss. I’d thought about that every time I’d watched him thinking at work, tapping his lips with a soapstone welding scribe. Kissable, almost pouty lips for a guy.

  “After school since I was about twelve and every summer in college.”

  “Sorry, thought this bar would be good.” Frank had a couple of pink spots on his cheek. No kidding. He was embarrassed.

  “It’s okay; I feel safe with the two of you.” I wondered if I did, really.

  Frank made a face, and Ewen leaned back a bit.

  Was that wrong to say? Oh. ‘Safe guys’ are the ones you can trust not to hit on you. Oops. They both wanted to hit on me? While we were all being uncomfortably quiet, a big guy tapped Frank on the shoulder. Frank turned and talked. The bar was noisy enough that I couldn’t hear what was said. The guy laughed and went off, shaking his head.

  “So what was that guy asking?” I asked Frank when he turned back.

  “Whose date you are.” He took a sip of beer, watching me.

  I looked between them.

  Ewen blushed. That was cute. I realized he practically had his arm around me.

  “Is this a date?” I asked. I was really wondering what Frank had answered.

  “I wouldn’t mind.” Ewen put an arm around my waist. He felt strong and warm. I looked down. His hand looked huge on me.

  “I asked the both of you here.” Frank draped his arm over my shoulder and onto Ewen’s. That got him closer to me again. I was pressed between their bodies.

  It hit me what he’d said. What? Was he bi? That would explain some of the jokes in the shop. I waited for Ewen to explode.

  “So you did.” Ewen’s lips tightened together. “I ain’t all that interested in guys.” But he didn’t pull away or get mad.

  “Says you.” Frank squeezed his shoulder. “I saw you watching me change last week. Ya had to sit down for a bit.”

  Ewen sighed. “I was afraid you’d noticed. One of the assholes told me you were gay, and I was wondering.”

  I wondered if I’d been bait. If they went off together, I was going to feel like shit. I tried to pull away.

  “That a problem, Gail?” Frank loosened his grip. “I’m bi, not gay.”

  I shook my head, “Not unless I get left behind.” Where did that come from? Since when would I date two guys? Did I even want to watch two guys fuck? Was I just an excuse? Ewen’s eyes widened. “I don’t fucking think so.” He leaned over and kissed me without any preamble at all. His lips were warm, hard on mine. If I opened my mouth, he’d have his tongue in my mouth. I couldn’t quite relax that much. Frank didn’t let go; if anything, he got closer, grinding his hip into me, holding me in place so Ewen could keep kissing. That should have scared me. Instead I nearly melted in their arms, right in the middle of the crowded bar.

  “Hot little babe like her doesn’t get left in the dust.” Frank shook his head. Ewen released me from his lips, leaned back with promises in his eyes. I wanted to find out what he wanted very, very badly.

  “Hot…little…?” I echoed in shock, finally hearing what Frank had said. I’m not hot. I’m kind of chunky, really, big tits, wide ass and short. The only reason I’m in shape is that I walk around campus a lot, since parking is such a bitch. I’d walk to work too, if it weren’t five miles from campus.

  “Don’t argue.” Ewen’s voice had gotten deeper.

  “Okay.” I agreed faintly. “You two are nuts.”

  “Not all guys want starved fifteen year olds with no tits.” Frank leaned into me, his eyes fierce. I didn’t try to escape; I was already pressed into Ewen. I did make a little noise; I couldn’t tell if it was fear or excitement myself. Maybe both. I wanted to say I wasn’t sure about this idea, but words weren’t coming out. You don’t go off with a strange guy for sex on the first date, damn it! Let alone two.

  Just because I worked with both of them didn’t make it better. It’s not like the guys at the machine shop were angels. Last week a police car had come and arrested one of the guys. Frank was foreman because he was scary, not just because he was a good machinist. He could keep people from getting into fights. I’d never seen him have to do more than give someone a shove, but I’d heard about him picking guys up and heaving them around.

  “Big eyes, babe. Is it good or bad?” Frank relaxed a little. His greenish blue eyes went gentle. He didn’t move, but I felt that I could slither out from between them if I wanted to. “I’m not sure.” I managed to gasp. I shouldn’t find two guys mashing me exciting, their damn belt buckles had probably left bruises, but I was soaking into my jeans hard enough to feel it, and my tits hurt from being crinkled so tight. My body didn’t seem to care that they were flirting with each other, too. Or maybe that was even better. I’d looked at gay porn a few times; seeing two guys grope is all good if they’re cute.

  Ewen sighed. “I don’t usually jump a chick on the first date.” He clumsily patted my shoulder. I could feel the sag without even looking.

  Frank gave a little grin and shrugged. “I do, but only if she wants it.” They both stepped back a hair.

  I nearly staggered, I’d been leaning on them harder than I realized. I didn’t step away from the bar. Damn, that would have been fun. “If you two faggots don’t want her, I’d be happy to take over.” Another guy spoke up. He must have been watching the whole thing. He was another big guy, a hardcore biker like Frank. Is there a bike club called the ‘Mooks’? The guy reached for my arm.

  I tried to duck, but even before I’d ducked, Frank was in his face. All I could see was his back, faded denim vest over his leather jacket. “She’s much too good for you, asshole.”

  Oh, God, this is going to turn into a brawl. I wanted to crawl into the floorboards, but as always, they refused to open up conveniently.

  “Let her say so, fucker.” The other guy snorted.

  Frank stepped aside a little. “Gail?”

  I wanted to kill him. How the hell should I answer that? “Thanks, but they asked first.”

  He looked startled. “Ya okay with that shit?” For a moment, I could see actual concern. In his own rough way, he was worried for me. What does a scary biker see in Frank to worry him?

  Am I okay with it? I’d just been asking myself that, obviously enough that Frank had backed off and this guy had butted in. “Okay enough. Thanks for asking, though.”

  He held a hand out. “I’m TJ.”

  Frank’s face wasn’t giving any hints. Son of a bitch.

  “Gail.” I let TJ shake my hand.

  He let go. “Change your mind, babe, come find me. I wouldn’t make you share with nobody.”

  I blushed hard. “Thanks.”

  He turned and went off into the crowd.

  Ewen sighed. “I was sure that was gonna get ugly.”

  “Nah, TJ and I go way back. He thinks I’m a fucking perv,” Frank answered.

  “Are you?” I wondered what I was getting into.

  “Only if ya want it.” He squeezed my shoulder gently. “I guess this was a little much already?” “I didn’t say no,” I replied. I didn’t like the sag of his shoulders. I didn’t want to go away with nothing tonight. “Let’s…give it a try?” I hoped my voice wasn’t
squeaking. I don’t believe I just agreed to a threesome!

  “Finish that beer up, I got a round to buy.” Ewen tipped his mug into his mouth, looking happy.

  “I’d better not…I’m running short on sleep this week.” I looked at my forgotten beer mug. “We’ll make sure you get some tonight…sometime.” Frank smiled. He ran a hand over my shoulder and up to my throat, warm fingers leaving a line across my skin I could feel even as he brushed my lips with a finger.

  “Lips like silk.” Ewen’s eyes went a little vague watching us.

  “You got that right.” Frank ran the back of his hand across my face. “Baby soft skin.”

  Where did all this come from? Right from a scary confrontation to flirting again. “Nerd tan,” I broke in.

  Frank blinked hard. “What?”

  “Nerds stay inside all summer.” I tried not to laugh at his confusion.

  “That’s one way not to have tan lines.” Ewen was trying to stare through my t-shirt.

  “Her beer’s empty.” Ewen waved for another round.

  “But I didn’t….” I looked back. My mug was empty. Hm. Who drank it? I didn’t.

  “That’s the last round, folks.” The bartender set our beers down.

  “Damn,” Ewen muttered.

  “I got beer back at my place.” Frank slapped him on the back.

  Ewen chugged half his beer. “Okay.”


  Frank lived in a little trailer set back in the woods not all that far from work. “Ain’t fancy, but the bed’s comfy.” he said as he turned off the bike.

  I was terrified. What was I doing here? This was nuts. I didn’t move when he got off the bike.

  “C’mon.” He held a hand out.

  I froze.

  “Hey, it’s okay.” He got closer. “Don’t be scared. No is still no, babe. Change your mind and I’ll grumble and take ya back to your car.”

  “Really?” I whispered.

  “I swear. I got lots of turn-ons. Date rape ain’t one.” He picked up one of my hands and kissed it. His eyes were serious for once.

  “That’s good to hear,” Ewen said.

  “Oh, no, not you, asshole. You’re mine. No backing out now.” Frank turned and grinned.

  Ewen backed up a step. “Ah….”

  “Jesus, you’re easy!” Frank cracked up.

  “Prick!” Ewen blushed hard enough to see it in the yard light.

  “Gail?” Frank repeated. I took his hand. He pulled me closer. No more fooling around. Hard up against his chest for a thorough kiss. Lips hard against mine, still tasting of beer. Tongue in my mouth, exploring like his hands on my back and down my ass. I was up on my toes to kiss him.

  I felt an extra hand on my side. Ewen was closer now. His arms went around Frank and me. Frank grinned inside our kiss, and his arm went around Ewen. I felt lips on my neck, softly exploring and nibbling. I’d had sex in college, but nothing this adventurous. Having two guys at once was new enough that I was halfway scared, but it felt so good my knees were feeling a little rubbery.

  Frank let my lips go. He watched Ewen continue to kiss my throat with an intent expression. Not quite a smile. “Let’s take the party inside,” he suggested.

  “Hm?” Ewen opened his eyes. “Yeah, I guess. Been awhile.”

  I kissed Ewen's cheek. His beard was long enough to be soft against my chin. Frank’s five o’clock shadow had been like sandpaper. “I can’t imagine why.”

  He made a face, looked away. “I was in fucking rehab for a year.”

  “What, no cute nurses?” Frank steered us inside.

  Frank’s trailer was little. One-room kitchen and living room, and a decent-sized bathroom and a single bedroom. Painfully neat.

  “Just one.” Ewen blushed again. “A guy.” “And you were frustrated enough not to care?” Frank stripped his jacket off, then his shirt. He did have a six-pack, tight muscles disappearing into his jeans. He must work out to be that built at his age. I tried not to stare below the belt buckle.

  “We got caught in the fucking act.” Ewen was still angry with that. “I got discharged. He lost his fucking job.”

  I hugged him. “Well, there’s no stupid rules in civilian life.”

  “Oh I dunno. Ain’t all that bright to fuck your foreman.” Ewen sighed.

  I hadn’t thought of that. But this wasn’t a career job for me, just work to keep food on the table while I was in college. It was his career. “I could tell you I won’t take it to work, but you won’t fucking believe me until I prove it.” Frank turned around with a beer in his hand from the fridge. He made a face, pursing his lips and raising his eyebrows at us.

  “I decided I didn’t really give a shit when you invited Gail along.” Ewen smiled at me, taking a beer from Frank. Hm. He’d taken his shirt off too. He had more chest hair than Frank and whiter skin. His muscles didn’t bulge, but you could see them all. I wondered if he’d always been thin, or if that was since he’d been hurt in Iraq.

  “I’m not cute enough to lose your job over.” I took off my jacket. Nobody should be, really, but maybe it wasn’t me. Maybe he was hotter for Frank.

  Ewen raised an eyebrow and smiled with one side of his mouth. “Says you. Besides, I just gotta keep him happy and it’s all good.” He nodded toward Frank.

  Frank extended a muscular arm and grabbed me, snorting, and flopped us down on his couch. “No, but you keep thinking that way,” he said to Ewen.

  I ended up sprawled across his lap. He pulled my back against his chest. “Yeep!”

  “She’s wearing too many clothes.” Frank ran his hands under my t-shirt.

  “Yeah.” Ewen pulled one of my legs up and started unlacing my boots. I lost track when Frank’s big, hard hands pushed my bra up and cupped my breasts hard. I did feel my jeans getting unzipped and pulled down, but I could only focus on the tingling and pull of his fingers pinching my nipples and tickling them. Fingers in my pussy were nearly a complete surprise. Frank didn’t let go when I moaned and thrashed.

  “Hot…I want to taste that.” Ewen crouched down and kissed my mound, then worked his way down to the wet flesh of my labia and slowly, inch by inch to suck and lick my clit. His arms wrapped around my hips, hands holding my waist.

  I struggled against his arms at the pleasure. Frank held me tight. “Where ya going?” he growled into my ear.

  “N-nowhere!” I got a hand loose and buried it in Ewen’s hair. “Oh God.” I managed a look and saw that Ewen had lost his clothes. All I could see was naked back and ass. He wasn’t quite kneeling. Ewen let go and stood painfully. “Can’t do floor anymore,” he groaned.

  “Bed’s big enough.” Frank let me go enough to pull my t-shirt off and unhook my sport bra.

  Ewen’s eyes got bigger when he saw my tits without the bra. “Oh…why the fuck do you keep them squashed down like that?” He leaned and suckled on one, holding my shoulders.

  “So no one loses fingers in the cut off saws,” I gasped, letting him pull me to my feet. “That’s a fucking fact.” Frank dropped his jeans. I wondered how he’d kept all that in there -- he was a big boy. Big smile when he saw me looking. Ewen looked and turned bright pink. His dick was up too and it wasn’t anything to be ashamed of. Bigger than any of my boyfriends’.

  “Cute blush.” Frank ran his hand down Ewen’s neck and pecs, over his belly and grabbed his dick, hard.

  Ewen shuddered and a few drops of precome spurted from the tip of his dick. “I’m gonna lose it,” he whispered.

  Frank produced a condom from somewhere and rolled it on Ewen’s dick. “I ain’t big on kneeling either.” He pushed Ewen into the bedroom. The bed took up nearly the entire room.

  “Orgy much?” I giggled. Hopefully they wouldn’t forget me.

  “I like to sprawl out, and, yeah, once in a while.” Frank pushed Ewen on his back and crawled over him. He took Ewen in his mouth without any hurry. They looked like great gay porn. Dark-haired Ewen sprawled on his back, grimacing in pleasure as the to
ugh, bald guy lay on his thighs and teased his dick. I wasn’t sure if I should join them. This was the moment I was scared about, finding out whether I was just an excuse to get them in bed. That would be lame. Watching them was great, but I wanted to touch them too. Wanted to feel Ewen’s shivers as Frank sucked his dick. I could see the motions, but it would feel so much better if I was touching them.

  “Gail?” Ewen opened his eyes and patted the bed. “I wasn’t done. Sit on me, baby.” I crawled onto the bed. Frank looked at me with a grin, right around Ewen’s dick. He had his arms wrapped around Ewen’s hips. Ewen had been digging his hands into the bedding. He reached for me as I knelt next to them. “Face him, just lift your left leg over me, yeah, that’s it.”

  I followed his hands guiding me to crouch over him. He grabbed my hips and crushed me down onto his face, digging his tongue into me deeply. I writhed over him as much as I could with his arms gripping my thighs. The tingling and heat of pleasure made it hard to think or open my eyes.

  When I did, Frank was glancing up at me. I put my own hands on my breasts and pinched my nipples. His hands tightened where he was holding Ewen’s waist. He couldn’t talk; he had Ewen in his mouth, right up to the pubes at each stroke. His eyes admired me moving over Ewen’s face as he did, though. His hips moved, too; he was rubbing his dick into Ewen’s legs as he took his dick in his mouth.

  I felt pleasure tightening my hips, clenching me down on his tongue. I moaned and bucked against him, unable to stop myself. Ewen laughed into me as I struggled. Then I felt him moan too. Frank was moving faster on him, swallowing him to the base and nearly releasing him in turns. I don’t think I could manage that. That was my last thought before pleasure exploded from my core, closing my eyes and arching my back at the sensations overwhelming me.

  Ewen’s hips moved under Frank frantically, pumping harder and harder. He shouted into me as he came.

  Next thing I knew, Frank was lifting me off Ewen. “Don’t smother the poor bastard, babe.”

  “I’d die happy.” Ewen mumbled, wiping his beard, wet with my come.

  Frank lay me down. “Looked awesome from here.” He was still ready, hard as a rock. “And I want some of that,” he growled, holding me down.


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