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Noah Page 2

by Jennifer Foor


  “Come on, Noah. Stay the night with me.” A finger trailed over my chest where she’d already unbuttoned my flannel shirt. I couldn’t help but watch her lips over-annunciate the words as she spoke to me. “I’ll make it worth your while. You know I can. Tell me you don’t want me to touch you. We both know you do. Let me give you a reason to stay. I can convince you if you give me the chance.”

  I knew if I gave myself a second to think about it I’d change my mind. She was stacked in all the right places, and always aimed to please. My girlfriend, Perry, had the biggest heart and she knew just how to play me to get whatever she wanted.

  She could also do this thing with her legs, by putting them behind her head and holding them there without using her hands. Thinking about it made my dick buck inside of my jeans. “Per, we talked about this.” We’d been dating for a while, and if the circumstances were different, I could have seen myself really settling down with her. She wasn’t perfect, but certainly not boring. I’d fucked that all up a while back and there was no way out of the dilemma I’d made for myself, except to end things. She didn’t understand it, but I was trying to protect her, to save her from potentially hating not only me, but someone she cared deeply for.

  Disappointment washed over her face while she used her body to try and sway me into a different decision. I could feel her tits pressing on my chest and one of her knees rubbing between the inside of my legs. If I looked down I’d be able to see the crease of her cleavage and maybe even her hardened nipples poking out of the fabric of her top. Her bottom lip came out as she replied. “I know what you said, but –.”

  She really thought that she could stop this from happening if we slept together. I had to give her points for confidence, that’s for sure. It wasn’t like she would have been wrong. Perry knew how I liked it and she never turned down the opportunity of trying out new things.

  While concentrating on why I was there, I placed my finger over her lips to make her stop. At first she kissed it softly, but within a few seconds she had a hold of my wrist and was preparing to show me exactly what she was going to do to my cock if I decided to stay. “But nothin’! This thing between us is over. It was probably over before it even started. You know it just as much as I do.” I was full of shit and she wasn’t going to accept it. She wanted the real truth; the truth that I wasn’t able to give her.

  Her eyes began to moisten as a new type of pleading continued. I watched black mascara leave a trail over her cheeks. She wiped it away with her fingers. “I saw this night going differently.”

  My hands grabbed both of her arms. We made eye contact while I began to try to reassure her. “I told you before why we had to end things. This has nothin’ to do with you, Per. You’re so god damn sexy, and I’m tellin’ you the truth when I say it’s goin’ to hurt me more than it’s goin’ to hurt you.” Another jolt hit my dick.

  “Then don’t do it.” Her lips had begun to tremble when she spoke.

  I did feel bad for what I was doing. None of this was her fault. I certainly could have pretended to work things out just to be able to get a piece whenever I wanted it. All I had to do was say the word and we’d be in bed, having amazing makeup sex.

  Instead, I was trying to do the right thing. What she didn’t know was what was keeping her from telling me to go to hell. If she’d found out that I’d slept with her sister while she was out of town, she wouldn’t be standing in front of me ready to spread her legs.

  It wasn’t like I planned on cheating at all. It just happened. I’d been out with a couple buddies and she was there, dancing on top of the bar. I let her have fun for a while until she began to take off her clothes. Knowing that she’d more than likely mention to her sister that she’d seen me, I felt obligated to get her home safely.

  Unfortunately, once she was alone in my truck things went from innocent to crazy in a matter of seconds. While trying to keep focused on the road, clothes were being removed and thrown out the window. Being that we lived so deep in the country, street lights were non-existent. There was no way that I could get out of the truck and locate everything in the pitch black.

  In my defense I did try to fight her off. It was difficult to do that with one arm, while driving with the other. By the time I’d pulled over the truck, she was climbing on top of me shoving her tongue down my throat.

  I could have stopped her, forced her off of me, and called her sister to straighten her out, but I didn’t. I took one look at her naked body, that dark hair falling over her shoulders and the way her ass felt against the palms of my hands, and I couldn’t stop myself.

  I took her right there, with no regard for the consequences.

  What started in the truck, ended up back at her place. We both felt like shit the next morning, and it was then that I knew I had to end things with Perry. I was raised to be respectful, and accepted that my mistakes would come with sacrifices.

  I liked her, but not enough to live with the lie for however long it would last. Plus, I knew that her sister meant the world to her. Losing me was something that she could get over, but losing her sister was something I was trying to avoid from happening. Taking myself out of the equation was the right thing to do.

  We’d been arguing about the decision to break up for the past hour. I’d planned on saying my peace and leaving, getting the breakup over with before my parent’s big party that was planned for the next day. I may have been a cheating asshole, but I was decent enough to not put her through a big event with my huge family when I knew all along we were going to break up.

  Her cries were louder as she clung to my shirt. “I don’t believe you.”

  “You don’t believe what?”

  “The reason. We get along fine and you know it. This all started after I got back from Jamaica. Is that it? Are you breaking up with me because I went somewhere with my friends? Is there someone else?”

  “Of course not,” I defended.

  “Then what?” She got close to my face again and stared me in the eyes. I could see the hurt and distrust in them, and honestly felt terrible over it. I knew that while I was with her sister I never once thought about her, but instead enjoyed every minute of it. Sure, my alcohol consumption that night could have helped me get over that guilt hurdle quickly, but I still knew exactly what I was doing while it was happening.

  Perry pushed me backwards until my knees caught the back of her couch. Before my ass hit the cushions, she was tugging off her shirt. I wanted her to stop, knowing that my anger was going to blow up shortly if this continued. She watched me while she let her shorts and underwear fall to her ankles.

  I should have closed my eyes, looking away from the prize in front of me. Unlike her sister, her golden colored hair shined against the light of the ceiling fan above us. Her light blue eyes were surrounded by redness, and the pain and fear had left her looking desperate and confused. “Don’t climb –.”

  Her body was in front of me, slowly moving onto my lap. She leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. The taste of her salty mouth only reminded me of how much pain I’d caused her, though I couldn’t bring myself to stop. The hunger inside of me increased for her, and as our tongues collided and meshed together, I felt my dick taking control of my decision.

  When I pulled away it gave me a few seconds to come to terms with the mistake I was about to make. As much as I wanted to, I knew I couldn’t let it happen. I turned my head, rejecting her next attempt for a kiss. I think she knew right then that I wasn’t going to let it happen anymore. “Please. I love –.”

  The mere mention of that word was enough to scare me away from any relationship that I’d had in the past. There hadn’t ever been time in my life for love. Perry had been the first woman that I’d considered getting serious with, and my actions had only personified the fact that I wasn’t ready.

  With a determined look on my face, I pulled away and rested my forehead on hers. “I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  She cupped my che
eks and waited for me to open my eyes and look at her. “One last time? Let me show you what you’re giving up. I don’t want to lose you.”

  The constant urge between my legs was giving me the go-ahead, while my mind fought with that decision tooth and nail. I picked Perry’s petite body up and sat her back down on the couch beside me. “Jesus, Per. I told you I can’t do this. Please don’t make this harder than it already is. I care about you, but it ain’t goin’ to work out. Enough is enough. I’ve got too much goin’ on in my life right now.”

  “There’s always a reason, so if it isn’t me then you need to tell me what it is. I know you aren’t happy at home, but that has nothing to do with us. You can get another job while we’re still together. Just tell me.” She waited for me to reply, but I kept quiet. Perry turned, grabbing my shirt and shaking me. “Please, just tell me. Tell me why you don’t want me anymore. Give me a reason to let you walk away, because right now it hurts too much to think about.”

  I covered my face with my hands, realizing that it would have been easier to do all of this over the phone like every other pussy my age would have done. “Would you just stop? I’m just not into this anymore. It’s old and I want out.”

  I was lying through my teeth, avoiding the real truth to spare her heart for breaking even more. Why couldn’t women just let things go? Why did they have to keep digging for answers all of the time?

  “You slept with someone else, didn’t you?” She sniffled and wiped her tears before continuing. “Who is she, Noah? Do I know her? Is it one of your old girlfriends? Is that why you won’t tell me? Did you fuck one of them while I was away? How could you do this to me? How could you?” she repeated.

  Before I could deny anything she was saying the front door shut and we turned to see her sister standing there, looking at what was happening. She dropped a bag of groceries and looked to be in some kind of trance. She finally looked over at me and I attempted to shake my head, as a silent plea for her to stay quiet. I could see the words coming out of her mouth before I could hear them.

  “Per, I’m so sorry. We didn’t mean for it to happen.”

  And there it was.

  She’d walked in hearing half of a sentence, seeing Perry a mess, and thought I’d told her sister that we’d slept together. Her apology was something that neither of us saw coming, and neither was the fist to my face that followed it. I clenched my jaw as I stood up and turned to see her hauling ass toward her sister, knocking her on the foyer floor.

  While a cat fight could be considered sexy, this was far from being that. I’d destroyed the friendship between these two sisters, just like I ruined everything else in my life.

  Once I had Perry by the back of her hair, I slowly lifted her off of her sister, giving her enough time to grab her purse and leave. When I released my hold on her, Perry fell to the floor and began to sob.

  That’s probably where I should have walked out the door and changed my cell phone number. Instead, being the man I was, I crouched down and wrapped my arms around her. “I’m sorry, Per. It was an accident and I didn’t want it to turn out this way. I was tryin’ to avoid this exact thing from happenin’, darlin’.”

  She turned and looked like she was possessed by the devil as she spoke. “Get out! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!”

  I made it to the door before a remote control hit the back of my head. When I turned I noticed her arm cocked back with something else to throw at me. I pointed my finger and then walked out before she could do it.

  It took me a while to leave the parking lot of her apartment building, and even longer to call her sister to let her know what a huge mistake she’d made in assuming that I’d confessed our little secret. As much as it was selfish, I was glad that it was no longer my burden to keep. I had enough on my plate to deal with, and the sooner I took care of everything, the sooner I could figure out what I wanted to do with my life, because god knows I didn’t want to work on the ranch anymore. I just needed to figure out how to tell my family, without it blowing up in my face, like this had.

  After all, at the end of the day I knew family was the most important thing in life. Without them I was nothing, so I had to find a way to break free without destroying my relationship with them.

  There had to be a way.


  There’s nothing like falling asleep and having a dream about a sexy brunette with her legs wrapped around my waist, naked and ready for what I’m about to give her. I knew I was sleeping, because this particular woman had a knack for talking too much. This moment was too perfect to be real.

  In my dream her eyes, a crazy bright blue, were gleaming at me with entice. Her lips still wet from where her own tongue had stroked over them. I could still see the hint of glitter from the gloss she’d been wearing before our kissing rubbed it off. I licked my own and tasted the flavor of strawberry. Highlighted curls hung down to where her tank top met her skin, which happened to be extremely close to her nipples. I knew from being with her in the past that she had a set of tits worth memorizing, with matching silver dollar nipples that I’d sucked on more times than I could count.

  We were right there, ready to seal the deal when I sat up in my bed and looked around the room.

  Pissed, I narrowed in on what had disturbed such an awesome dream.

  It only took a few seconds to realize that I’d woken to the sound of someone beating on the door. Ever since I’d decided to stay in the old doublewide at the back of the ranch I never got visitors, especially in the middle of the night.

  Until now.

  I looked around the room for the brunette, just to make sure that I hadn’t been dreaming about the sound. Sure enough, I heard the knocking again. My feet fell to the floor and I wiped my eyes, discovering the clock on the bedside table read three-fifteen. Since I knew my phone was on, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out who it was.

  Instinct should have told me that there was something wrong. Maybe I should have known that it would be her all-along. Out of anyone in my life, she’d always come running to me first. I’d always been that one person she could count on.

  After making my way to the back kitchen door, I flipped on the exterior light. One glance allowed me to verify who’d woken me up. My stomach dropped when she looked up and I saw the makeup smeared over her cheeks. Even in the dim light it was that apparent. I opened the door quickly, moving out of the way as she rushed in. Perhaps I should have not been so blunt, but this wasn’t the first time she’d coming running to the ranch. Here lately she’d been calling more, complaining about the same thing each time. “What the hell? Tell me you finally broke up with that piece of shit, Bells?” My cousin wasn’t just family, she’d been my best friend for as long as I could remember, probably since before we were old enough to know what that meant. Living in different states never stopped our connection. She knew all of my secrets and I knew hers. She was that one person that nobody else came before. Seeing her in pain broke my heart.

  She fell into my chest and wasn’t able to answer as her sobs completely overwhelmed her. I held her tight and thought back to the first time she’d called me crying. Even though they’d been a couple for a long time, since their senior year in high school, her boyfriend wasn’t as serious as my cousin wanted him to be.

  I held her tight in my arms, content with the fact that I’d do just about anything to take away her pain, including beating the shit out of his scrawny ass. He’d cheated and lied so many times, but she never learned. “Bells, you know you can’t keep doin’ this to yourself.”

  “I know,” she snapped. It was the confirmation that I needed. Her boyfriend was the culprit.

  “You also shouldn’t be drivin’ this late all messed up.”

  “I couldn’t go home to my parents. Besides, they’ll all be here in the morning. Do you really think I could ride in a car with them or my grandparents for all that time? Look at me. They’d know and drill me until I told them. I just knew I couldn’t do it. There’s no wa
y I could deal with Jake or Jax. Mom would know immediately, and she’d tell Dad.” She pushed herself out of my arms and walked over to the sink to wash her face. I grabbed some paper towels and handed them to her as she turned off the faucet.

  The whole family was coming to the ranch for a surprise anniversary party for my parents. Since the actual date was still months away, they had no idea they were being ambushed with a celebration, instead of a plain old visit.

  My cousin continued. “Home is the first place he’ll look. Besides, you and I both know that if my dad finds out what he’s done, he’ll kill him. He just about promised it the last time he caught us fightin’.”

  I wanted to snicker at the comment. Isabella was my first cousin. We’d grown up being the best of friends. I’d protect her with my life, especially from scumbag boyfriends that didn’t have any business getting into her pants. Although she acted like she didn’t need it to her parents, I was always the shoulder she could cry on.

  “What’d he do this time?”

  She sniffled. “I found a ton of messages on his phone from that same girl. Apparently his friend Jeb never even existed. Instead he’s been spendin’ his nights in bed with Jen. All those nights I felt bad that he was workin’ so hard. This whole time he’s been bangin’ some whore. Let me get my hands on her and I’ll shove my foot so far up her snatch that she’ll never be able to have sex again.”

  She took a deep breath while I clenched my jaw to prevent from laughing at her explanation of what she’d like to do to the girl. “I think the blame should be on him, Bells. He’s the one who can’t keep his dick in his pants.”

  She shook her head. “They grew up together. She was his first.”

  Right away I saw her changing her attitude so that she would be able to forgive him again. It pissed me off so much, because I knew things would never change. As long as she was letting him get away with it, he’d keep doing it. In my experience, she was giving him the best of both worlds. Sure, she’d be mad for a time, but then he’d come crying back at the right moment and somehow earn a spot back in her good graces. This wasn’t anything recent either. Through college they’d been on again off again, never able to call it quits or settling down. “I just can’t believe he did this shit right before the big party. Everyone’s goin’ to wonder why he’s not here. What am I supposed to tell them?”


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