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Noah Page 13

by Jennifer Foor

  “Yeah,” she answered. “It’s a little overwhelming. I didn’t know it would feel like this.”

  I leaned against the brick building right next to her. “You’re doin’ great. The crowd loves you. You’re a natural, you know that?”

  She shrugged. “That’s what my mom always said.”

  “She knew what she was talkin’ about.”

  I looked toward her, spotting the sweat that was running between her cleavage. My mouth watered and I licked my lips, feeling a jump in my dick immediately. I faced her and ran one finger over the outside of her arm. Our eyes met, and her lips parted. “We need to get back inside, Noah.”

  I pinned her against the brick and leaned my face forward until our lips gently grazed. “Not until I get what I want.”

  She wasn’t scared of my acknowledgement. In fact, she kissed me without fuss.

  I checked the street and noticed that everyone had gone inside except for us. Knowing that we were alone, I took my hands and ran them down her hips, lifting her dress until I felt her panties. I gripped her ass and pulled her against me, letting her feel what she was already doing to me. “You feel that?”

  She nodded and looked me right in the eyes.

  I lifted her with both hands still on her ass. “Tell me you want me, Shalan. I’m tired of playin’ games. We need to fuck so I can calm down. You’ve got me wired.”

  We kissed again, this time allowing our tongues to slip around together. I grabbed at the back of her panties and started pulling them up, tugging so that they’d go between her lips and rub on her clit. She gasped against my mouth and opened her eyes. Her breathing was heavy, and if we didn’t have people waiting I was pretty sure she’d let me continue what I was doing.

  I let her down, allowing her feet to touch the ground again. Before she could push her dress back down, I reached my hand between her legs, adjusting the panties and getting a slight feel of her skin, which felt very smooth. I groaned against her mouth and rubbed the fabric that covered her pussy. “I’m going to make you cum until you can’t walk straight. You hear me?”

  She nodded against my mouth and allowed me to keep rubbing that warm, welcoming spot. I swear for a second I even thought she spread her legs, allowing me easier access. My lips ran over the base of her neck and up to her ear, while I slipped her panties aside with two fingers. I needed to feel it, to feel what her pussy was going to be like. As soon as I separated those lips and inched my way in between, I knew I was in for something dangerous. She was wet, unbelievably soaked and ready. I groaned again, picturing the way my dick could slide right inside with a simple push. “Oh, baby, there’s no denyin’ it now.” I pushed my fingers inside of her more and then started moving them back and forth. “Tonight this is mine, you hear me? Oh fuck, darlin’, I want this right now.”

  She kissed me and spoke at the same time. “We need to get back inside.”

  I fucked her with my fingers harder. “You want me to stop?”

  She shook her head. “No!”

  I kissed her so hard that her head fell back against the building. I picked up one leg and held it up, while continuing to please her with my other hand. My thumb began a vigorous circular motion over her clit and I felt her body begin to buckle. Her face tightened and she let out this cry that sounded of pleasure and pain mixed together.

  I pulled my fingers out before she was finished, and her eyes sparked open. I lifted my two fingers up to her mouth and dragged them across her lips. “When you lick your lips up there on that stage, I’ll know you’re thinkin’ about me fuckin’ you later. Do it, Shalan. Taste your pussy and try to deny that it’s proof you want me.”

  She licked her top lip lightly and closed her eyes.

  There wasn’t need for a response. I could see it from her body language. In just a couple hours she’d be in my bed, naked and giving me what I craved.

  I slid her panties back over and pushed down her dress, before walking back inside and leaving her breathless.

  The next set went better. I sang along side of her as backup, while she continued belting out songs that I’d never tried to sing before. Each time I caught her stare she was wetting those lips. It didn’t matter if the taste was gone. I knew she was ready, and that’s all that I wanted.

  Our last song choice was supposed to be an old song by Fleetwood Mac. Once again, I wasn’t going to have to sing. At the very last minute she changed it up. Shalan pulled me off the stool and started singing.

  She started the song with the chorus, I guess so the band and I would catch on.

  “I want to kiss you all over.

  And over again.

  I want to kiss you all over.

  Until the night closes in.”

  Then I chimed in.

  “Until the night closes in.”

  The band started to play and the crowd got rowdy. Loud whistles could be heard over the music.

  Shalan smiled and approached me, singing the song to me instead of the crowd.

  “When I get home, babe, going to light your fire.

  All day I have been thinkin´ about you, babe.

  You are my one desire.”

  She left the next verse to me and I prayed I knew all the words. After all, it was an old ass song.

  “Going to wrap my arms around you.

  Hold you close to me.

  Oh, babe I want to taste your lips.

  I want to be your fantasy, yea.”

  I thought about those lips and how they tasted, and I’m pretty sure it was what she expected me to do. She ran the back of her body up and down me, and I played into her little show, acting surprised to the crowd.

  “Don´t know what I would do without you, babe.

  Don´t know where I would be.

  You are not just another lover.

  No, you are everything to me.”

  I knew it was song, but she was still singing it to me. I kept singing, while running my free hand over the front of her abdomen. The crowd of people seemed to like to show, and I wasn’t about to back down.

  “Ev´rytime I am with you, baby.

  I cannot believe it is true.

  When you are layin´ in my arms.

  And you do the things you do.”

  Then together we sang,

  “You can see it in my eyes.

  I can feel it in your touch.

  You do not have to say a thing.

  Just let me show how much.

  I love you, I need you, yea.

  I want to kiss you all over.

  And over again.

  I want to kiss you all over.

  Until the night closes in.

  Until the night closes in.”

  We sang the whole song together, secretly knowing that it was foreplay between the two of us. Nobody had to know what I wanted to do to her, and it turned me on more knowing we were starting it in front of them.

  When the song ended our lips were inches apart. Her eyes were fixed on me, and a huge smile was across her face. She knew she’d done well. Shalan didn’t need me to tell her. The crowd of cheering people were going crazy for her.

  As the band began to clean up and we started helping them, that’s when the base player approached us. “So tonight was awesome, you guys. Listen, we wanted to wait and see how things went before we asked you again, but based on tonight’s performance I’d say you both know what you’re doing. Me and the guys are in a real bind. Without a lead singer we’re going to have to cancel our gigs for the next two weeks. I know you’re just here visiting, but we’ll take whatever we can get. Of course, you’ll be paid for your time.”

  “We’ll do it.” Shalan didn’t wait for me to respond.

  “Perfect.” He turned to face the other members. “They’ll do it.” I nodded when they did, kind of a man’s way to say thanks.

  He paid us a hundred bucks each for the gig, and Shalan handed it over to me. “This is for the dress.”

  I closed her hands with the money inside. “It’s
yours. All I did was help out.”

  “I can’t take your money, Noah.”

  I leaned against her ear. “You can and you will. It ain’t the money that I want.”

  When I pulled away I saw the look in her eyes. She was telling me yes, and I wasn’t about to waste another second.

  We say goodnight to the band, knowing that a bed waited for us a few floors up.


  We practically ran toward the elevators. I held her hand and led the way, saying nothing as we passed by a few folks standing around in the lobby.

  All I wanted was to be alone with her, but that didn’t happen in the elevator, at first. A pile of people came in right after us. Shalan stood on the opposite side of the elevator staring at me. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her body, and thinking how good it was going to feel having her naked in my bed. I’d sampled so much already, and knew what I was in for, but nothing was like experiencing the real deal, and we were about to go to that level; the level she’d been denying me.

  The people trickled off the elevator onto the second floor, leaving one more for us to conquer before we could get to the room. As soon as we were alone I took the few steps I needed to get to her. I could feel her breath on my face, and closed my eyes imagining that sweet voice singing to me. When I opened them back up she hadn’t moved. I ran my nose over the skin of her neck as the elevator began to go up. She smelled like the hotel soap, but even the familiar scent made my mouth water being on her skin.

  I was obsessing over touching her, but knew if I placed my hands on her in the elevator we weren’t coming out until I was finished. I neared her lips with mine. “Just one kiss. I need to taste those sweet lips.”

  She closed her eyes and let her lips touch mine. They were so soft, so welcoming. By the time the doors opened I’d slipped my tongue into her mouth and had begun savoring the way hers played with mine.

  We pulled apart when the doors started to close with us still inside. I grabbed her hand and led her down the long hall until we reached the door to our room. Before I could grab the card out of my back pocket she’d shoved me against it. I picked her up and spun her around until her back was flat, leaning on the door..

  She sucked on my bottom lip until it started to hurt and then pulled away. I looked at her as I went in for another kiss. Her eyes got heavy and finally closed as our tongues meshed together. All I could think about was her voice singing those songs. She’d given me chills with the lyrics and the way her voice carried every word. I felt like I’d been put into a sexual trance; one I didn’t want to wake up from.

  Without looking, I stuck the card inside of the door and opened it. Before it even closed I’d lifted the dress over her ass. She’d grabbed the buckle to my belt and ripped the whole thing out of the loops of my pants.

  Shalan stood up straight and I watched her mosey her way out of the dress, while never taking her eyes off of mine. The way she bit her lip sent jolts to my cock. I wanted those puffy things around it, sucking it until my load was spent. Then I’d turn her around and fuck her, because she’d be begging for it.

  We were in the little entrance area of the room. She was leaning against one wall, as I did the same to the other. In only a bra and her panties she put her hands flat against the wall and raised her chin. Her eyes so tantalizing, where communicating with me without having to speak.

  My jeans fell to the floor. I stepped out of my boots and then the pants, freeing my legs completely. I could tell she was nervous about taking off the remainder of her clothes. To me, she may have well already been naked. That curvy figure told me everything I needed to know. I stuck my thumbs on the inside of my boxers and looked at how she was watching me. A smile formed across my mouth, knowing she was about to be proven wrong again.

  Now I wasn’t the type of guy to brag to other guys about having a big dick. Honestly, I only spoke from being told so many times that I was a nice size. I’d seen plenty of giant cocks in vulgar emails from my cousins and uncles. Obviously there were a variety of sizes out there in the world. She certainly could have seen bigger, but from the look on her face, I was pretty sure she hadn’t.

  “See somethin’ you like?”

  She kept her top teeth on that bottom lip and shook her head. “No.” A smile formed in the corner of her mouth. “I see something that I want.”

  If this girl was nervous she wasn’t showing it, because she motioned with her fingers for me to get closer. I took a couple steps forward until my hands were pressed on the wall above her head. I looked down into those seducing eyes and licked my lips. “Now’s the time to back out.”

  She shook her head. “Why would I do that?”

  If I didn’t get her into bed soon, I was going to have to take her right against the wall. She wanted to know why. I was confident in myself enough to know she was going to like it. “Because it might be the best you’ve ever had. Then what will you do?”

  “I was about to ask you the same question, cowboy. What are you going to do if I’m the best you’ve ever had? Have you considered that?”

  I leaned in and kissed her. “Maybe I should.”

  Her lips slipped off of mine while she spoke. “You definitely should.” I backed away and yanked down the front of her bra, causing her tits to pop out of the top. She lifted her hands above her head. I pressed her body harder as I slipped down and licked one of her soft nipples. As I pulled away it had already begun to harden.

  Shalan ran her hand through my hair, grabbing it and leading me back down to repeat what I’d just done.

  I could feel the course texture of her nipple crossing the top of my tongue again. A sound escaped her lips, almost a gentle cry, as I suckled on it and then finally let it go. My wet saliva glistened over it, reminding me of where it had just been. I found her mouth easily, without even paying attention. Her kisses were ravenous, much like mine. I was hungry for her, and everything that was about to happen between us.

  This wasn’t just the excitement of sexual tension building between us. It was a sporadic mutual decision, fueled by lust and unsettled nerves. We both needed some kind of release and we’d found a way to handle it together.

  This was a woman that didn’t know my past. She didn’t know I’d cheated on my girlfriend with her sister, or had problems being in a committed relationship. Everything about this was new, and refreshing. I could be whoever I wanted, and so could she.

  I picked Shalan up and carried her over to the first bed. When her ass hit the mattress she backed up, tossing off her bra as she went. I slid between her legs and spread them without asking. My hands held both of them apart while my eyes focused on the prize that only a thin pair of panties kept me from.

  Shalan giggled when she saw me stop and take in every inch of her body. “What are you waiting for?”

  I studied her beautiful face, her perfect tits, the navel ring that sparkled against her skin, and then those panties. My thumbs got a hold of the elastic on the sides and slowly I pulled them down over her hips. I looked up and saw her mouth open just enough. Her sweet lips were still wet from our last kiss and I didn’t know whether to look down at what I was doing, or pause for another one of her sensual kisses.

  She leaned up on her elbows and long, dark strands of hair fell down over her breasts. She wanted me to taste her, but I wasn’t ready to give her what she desired. There was too many other things I wanted to do first.

  “Stand up.” She did as I requested, standing on the bed and looking down at me. Gradually, inch by inch, I pulled down the panties and got my first look at her pussy. She wasn’t acting like my staring at her was making her uncomfortable. For someone that hid the way she looked, she wasn’t at all ashamed to be naked in front of me.

  A reminder of how she affected me was making me want to react immediately to the way she was standing, so close I could kiss her pussy if I just leaned a few inches closer. My dick caused me to take a second and rethink my decision. Instead of plunging right in, I kissed her inner
thigh, licking up until my hair teased her sex. She ran her fingers through mine, while I pulled her back down on the bed. I crawled forward, dangling my body over the top of that sexy figure to kiss her again. Our tongues collided and teased until the intensity overwhelmed us. As I pulled away she grabbed my hand and stuck my middle finger in her mouth, sucking it with her eyes fixed on me. I watched her little tongue flick the tip and then take it back in again. My dick beat like a pulse and I imagined it in her mouth, being surrounded by her own slippery saliva.

  “Yeah, I like that show.” I moved her hair away from her face. “How about you do that same thing somewhere else.”

  She giggled and removed my finger, displaying these wild eyes that I’d never seen before. She took ahold of my erection and pulled me up so that it was close to her. I watched as she ran my tip over the smooth skin of her chin. “You’d like me to suck it, wouldn’t you?” She licked her lips and stared at it. I watched her bite down on her own lip and suck it. “Mmm, I bet I could make you feel you so good.”

  “Don’t mess around, Shalan. This goes both ways.”

  She licked the tip quickly. “Exactly.” Then she spit on it, coasting the saliva around and then licking it back off. She held me at the base and teased the tip with her mouth. Gently making contact with her tongue, and then moving it away. I started moving my body forward to provoke her to go on with it, but she was determined to make me beg.

  The room was blistering hot, and I thought about pulling her into the bathroom and grabbing a shower. Shalan had other plans for us. She shook my cock, slapping it against her lips as it moved around. Then her lips wrapped around the tip and she sucked hard. “Whoa!” I needed her to stop. What she was doing was uncomfortable. And then I understood.

  She spit on my cock again and used her bottom lip to spread it over my shaft. Her eyes stayed on me as she took as much of me in her mouth as she could. Her lips, stretched out as far as they could go, were full of cock.


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