A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One Page 7

by J. L. Clayton

  Like a stalking cat hunting it’s pray. My heart pounded, and there was this overwhelming feeling that my lungs were going to collapse. I wanted this. I had wanted this for so long, a part of my mind was screaming. Finally, I would know what it was like to kiss Jace. I shook my head, confused. Where did that thought come from? I’d just met him, but . . . it was like I had known him my whole life. I took another step, and my back was against the wall. Even so, that didn’t stop Jace. He came in and quickly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to his chest. His eyes said: longing, need, and a . . . burning loss? What was he doing? It happened so fast that I didn’t have time to stop him. Jace’s lips were already crushing mine.

  My first kiss! My! First! Kiss!

  In that split second I was numb, and then this rush of heat shot from my head to my toes. It was like all the blood had left my body, and then it came crashing back into me. This wasn’t at all how I had imagined my first kiss. It was much more intense. Hard, probing and it was hella good. Deep down, a part of me knew that this was how he would kiss, like I had always imagined it. I wanted to stay locked in his embrace. I wanted to kiss him forever. My arms were slowly rising to his neck. However, I stopped short. This was to strange. What was happening? I didn’t know him, but it felt like I did, or should at least! Ugh!

  I broke free from Jace’s kiss, pushing him away, and said in a harsh tone, “What do you think you’re doing?” I frowned at the loss. Yeah, I know I’m twisted, but so was all this, whatever this was. It was 10 shades of weird. What I was feeling. What I was thinking. My mind was being pulled in two directions. One part was telling me that I had never seen him, while another part seemed so sure that I had.

  Jace smirked. “What does it appear to look like I’m doing?”

  I sputtered, “Um, err, kissing me?”

  He smiled and moved forward, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. He slowly lowered his mouth toward mine. I was shocked. He had some nerve. Sure I wanted it, but that didn’t give him the right to take it when he didn’t know I wanted it. Yeah, you figure out that logic.

  I shoved him. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “I’m sorry.” Jace glanced down but he was smirking. “I wasn’t . . . um I was just trying to comfort you. This is going to sound stupid, but I thought that’s what you needed.” My face flushed, and I was getting ticked. What was with this guy? “Hey, don’t be mad. I never meant to make you mad. This isn’t how I wanted our friendship to start.”

  “Friendship? Friendship? What friendship? It looks like you jumped from friends to something more. Jace, you’re a nice guy and I like you . . . but we just met. I don’t know how you handle things when you meet someone, but I’m not like that.” God, if he only knew what I really wanted, then he would be kissing me again.

  “Charlie, this isn’t how I handle things.” He ran a hand over his hair frustratingly. He swallowed hard. “But we have a connection. You can’t tell me you didn’t feel it, too.” His eyes seemed to plead with me. “Besides, I saw the way you looked at me. I know it wasn’t my imagination. God, it’s still written all over your face.” Jace stopped looking kinda sheepish, but then looking determined he added, “I apologize.” He gave a heavy sigh. “I didn’t plan for this. It just happened. I could have stopped myself, but I didn’t want to. Maybe that wasn’t the right thing to do. I’m sorry. Charlie, can we start over? Just forget it ever happened?”

  With every word Jace spoke, the anger faded and all that remained was me, him, and the unfinished hot-sizzling kiss that was starting to overwhelm my mind. So when I spoke, my words sounded shaky and a little husky. “Jace, I’m not mad at you. You’re right. I did and do feel something. I don’t know what it is. This is going to sound crazy, but it’s like I have known you my whole life.” I shook my head knowing that I sounded foolish. I looked at his face and saw a flash of triumph, but it was quickly erased. I glared. “But, just because I feel something for you and you feel something for me . . . and it feels like I should know you, doesn’t give you permission to kiss me.”

  Yeah, I don’t like to be surprised, but I liked . . . no I loved that kiss, and I wanted more. So, then why was my mouth saying something totally opposite of what my body wanted? What was wrong with my brain? I wanted to kiss him or I didn’t – it was as simple as that.

  “Yeah,” Jace shrugged. “I know. I’m sorry. Forgive me. I want us to be friends. If that’s all we can be right now, then that’s fine, for now.” I shot him a glare. He chuckled. “Sorry, too soon, I guess.”

  I shook my head. “Jace, I don’t see why we can’t be friends, but that’s all . . . just friends.” I wanted to scream and bang my head against the wall for telling this hot guy that all we could be was just friends. Give me a break, I really sucked. I closed my eyes, and then opened them quickly. Sighing, I murmured, “You don’t have to apologize anymore, Jace. I forgive you. But don’t pull a stunt like that again, OK?” On the other hand, pull a stunt like that again. I could go for another hot kiss. I would welcome it, and stupidly I guess I would play mad, and we could start all over with this game. Fun! I should just face the truth. I wanted him, and I wanted Tru, too. Grrr!

  “Cool.” Jace smiled mischievously. As if he knew what was going on in my head. “I promise.” Then he did this little gesture with his finger making a cross over his chest. I thought it was sweet. Jace looked at me intensely, and said in a sexy voice, “But if you want me to kiss you . . . please, just ask.” My mouth fell open. Jace smirked.

  One thing I could say about Jace, he was very persistently hot and deliciously persuasive. So much so, that I almost told him to kiss me again. Puh-leeze! Jace grinned looking directly into my eyes. He was leaning very close. I could see his eyes perfectly: insanely-sexy bright-blue eyes.

  “Jace, I can see you’re not going to make this easy. Are you?”

  “Now what’s the fun in that? Just wait, you’re going to fall in love with me.” He winked.

  I smiled and rolled my eyes. I thought he was so full of himself. Thankfully, our conversation was interrupted. My mom was calling us to dinner. “Charlie, it’s time for dinner, come on.”

  “Let’s go eat,” Jace said. “I’m starving.” He blew me a kiss, and turned walking toward the dining room. I shook my head and followed right behind him.

  I sat down and of course, Jace sat right beside me. I had so much fun at dinner. Hanging out with my new friends I learned a lot. They told me all about how they met my parents and how much they missed us. I had a déjà vu moment while Kate and Jerold talked about the past. It was as if what they were telling me, I already knew and topping off my crazy déjà vu moment, was Jace. Unbelievably, Jace was a complete gentleman, not at all what I expected. The aggressor he was earlier was completely gone. Shocking, right? I know! Although, it was probably because he was eating Mom’s food, and complimenting her on how good it was. I have to say he was right. It did taste good. After we were through eating our meal, it was time for them to go home. We all said our goodbyes.

  Kate gave me a hug and said into my ear, “Charlie, next time you need to come over and have dinner with us. I can’t wait to see you again.”

  She squeezed me a bit hard. And I had the feeling that she was mocking me somehow. Rose and Jerold waved goodbye to us. Jace smiling at me made a slight gesture and leaned in order to touch my shoulder. I noticed there was a strange look on his face. I couldn’t explain it, but I figured it out. The look was over Tru.

  Jace whispered in my ear, “I can’t wait to see you at school. Oh, don’t replace me with your best friend Tru.”

  Even though he was totally being snarky, I still had an intense feeling when he whispered into my ear. Warmth spread through my body and it felt good. I wanted him to stay close and embrace me. Then he could kiss me with the passion and intensity we had earlier. My whole body was screaming: please. Tragically, though, nothing happened. Jace grinned, and unfortunately, he headed out the door. Life is just gran
d when you can’t have what you really want. Yeah, I have a sarcastic bitter side to me, but you’ll learn to love it. I managed to get myself back together and yelled out, “Don’t worry, Jace. I’ll never forget you.” I smiled, knowing, I could never forget him.

  Chapter Nine

  Tru’s Friends

  That night, I had another bad nightmare. It was kind of like the one I had earlier that afternoon, but this dream had a little more detail. It felt more real. I was standing in this massive haze. I felt helpless. Like I couldn’t stop the destruction I knew was about to take place. Danger seemed to be all around me, and everything I did felt useless. I kept running toward something, but it was dark and I could hardly see. Slowly, this fog settled over me into a thick suffocating mass. Was I going to die in my dream? Cause you know, that would suck! Then I felt it! The beautiful dress was being torn off my body yet again. Why was this happening? And it seemed the closer I got toward my goal, the farther away whatever I was running to would be. I tried and tried in vain to figure out what I was looking for, but every time I would get close enough to see a glimpse, my dream would start all over. There was no end to this madness! In the distance, I saw four shadows materialize underneath the moonlight at the edge of the meadow, just outside the massive trees. My imagination lost its mind! I was going insane! Probably!

  Out in the background I could see the shadowy figures stretching their arms straight out, like they were trying to pull me to them. And right in the thick of the meadow, one of the shadows stepped forward and held up some kind of object. Moving his or her lips, the shadow curled one finger, beckoning me to come forth. As if my feet had a will of their own, I took a step forward then another and another. All of a sudden, I felt someone or something behind me gripping my wrist tightly, forcing me to stay put. A surge of fear brushed my skin. I was so afraid. I didn’t dare take another step. I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. If I was to step one more inch, something really bad would happen to me. I gazed over my shoulder squinting, trying to see through the fog. I know it was probably really stupid to do so. Kinda like looking under the bed for the boogey-monster. Are you under there, Boogey? But, darn it, my dream self-had to know who, or what had a hold of my wrist. However, all I could see was utter darkness. In that moment, my heart stilled at the thought of me being all alone, and the thing holding me was nowhere in sight.

  I turned back and saw the four shadows flicker, and then I had this strange feeling that this was like Isha’s story that Avani told me. I also had this feeling that somehow this, these dreams, would by some means happen in the near future. Was I having a premonition? Was I seeing what may come? Or was I just completely crazy? Then the dream shattered. Mercifully, I didn’t have to wonder on it too long. Someone was calling me, and at least this time, I didn’t hear the voice. That rich beautiful voice: the voice that had nearly undone me entirely! This time, it was just my mom.

  “Charlie?” Her voice was low and distorted. “Charlie?” However, it strengthened with every nudge for my awakening. “Charlie, come on, Sweetie. Wake up!”

  “Mom?” I asked,

  “Why of course it’s me. Who else did you expect?”

  Groggy and still a little weak, I opened my eyes to see my mom gazing over me with “that” concerned expression again. This is becoming a bad routine.

  Me: Dreaming and not waking up when I’m supposed to.

  Mom: Freaking out and going ballistic on my butt.

  Well, maybe I am over exaggerating. Hey, last year in one of the other numerous cities/towns we’ve lived in, I did try out for drama. So my mom’s not really going ballistic on my butt. She just has that worried, concern look, which right now is really driving me crazy.

  “Charlie, you don’t look so good. Are you well?”

  Her eyes were anxious and just like a mother hen protecting her eggs—jeez—Mom swooped in and cradled me in her warm embrace. I was still shrugging the hazy veil from my eyes, and trying to look good for my mom’s benefit. That was hard. Although, when I looked into Mom’s endearing sapphire-blue eyes, I felt much better. I could see how much she loved me, and she was letting me know that whatever was going on, she was here. All the same, I didn’t want to tell her my dreams/nightmares.

  “Mom, for the last time. . . I’m O—kay. Please stop worrying. You’re giving me a complex. You know as a teen, getting a complex will result into zits, and zits on me, well, that’s not a pretty picture. So stop already.” I pushed her away gently.

  Mom sighed deeply, but smiled. “Charlie, I’m your mother, so naturally I’m going to be concerned. Especially when it’s hard for me to get you to wake up.”

  “I know,” I grumbled. “Sorry. I don’t mean to worry you so much, but I promise I’m fine.” I was getting good at lying. I never thought I had inherited some kind of trait from my parents, but unfortunately I was wrong. I had totally picked up one of their worst habits: lying. I should either be very upset, or very pleased with myself. Well, you never know. My new nifty lying skills might come in handy some day: saving me from prison, hah. Joking people, gee tough crowd.

  “Sweetie,” my mom started. “I love you, so if you don’t think you should go to school, then that’s fine with me.”

  “M—ooom, for the last time. . . I’m OK. I want to go to school. At least let me have some normalcy in my out-of-control life.”

  Mom looked a little defeated. “Fine! Oh, but If you don’t start looking better, we might need to take you to a doctor and Charlie . . .,” she waited for me to look up at her, tapping her right foot impatiently with her arms crossed.

  So I obeyed guiltily. “Huh?”

  “I’m not budging on this one, young lady.”

  She turned—phew—and walked out of my bedroom. Uh, maybe she tried out for drama, too. Because, she was totally being a drama queen just then. “Charlie, I’m not budging on this one, young lady.” O—kay, puh—leeze.

  I could finally breathe. However, I couldn’t shake that horrible dreaded nightmare-dream. Hello, what was up with me and my imagination? And I know I’ve said this like a bazillion times, but it felt too real. I started to wonder what it could mean. And why didn’t I hear the voice? I’ve never had vivid dreams like that before, plus now, I had a major headache from all the concentration. In addition to my headache, boys and girls, it was time for me to get ready for school. Oh, hell. I absolutely needed to look good on my first day at a new school. I definitely needed to look smoking-hot for Tru, Jace . . . Tru? Well one of ‘em. I picked out the most dangerously sexy outfit that I could get away with wearing to school. It was a gorgeous burgundy floral lace top, with silver rhinestone buttons.

  The buttons had a little gap between each individual one showing off some skin. Satin ruffles puffed up the sleeves, and the top cut off right beneath my belly-button, so you could see just a little more bare skin. I picked out my favorite skinny jeans. They had a light vintage look. I pulled them up onto my body, grabbing my sandals and slipping them onto my feet. I took a quick look in the mirror. Somewhat satisfied, thirty minutes later after fixing my hair and face, I heard my mom calling me.

  “Charlie, I think he’s here.” She sounded a little aggravated. “I don’t know why he’s not coming in, but tell him next time if he’s going to pick you up, then he needs to come in and meet your father and I.”

  God, she is the most infuriating woman, and she knows just how to get under my skin.

  “Yeah, Mom, I’ll let him know.” I rolled my eyes and headed out the door to see Tru.

  To my surprise, Tru wasn’t alone. His truck was full. I’m so glad Tru’s truck was big. I glanced around. What was so bad about his truck anyway? When Tru mentioned it, he didn’t sound too thrilled. However, it didn’t look so bad to me. The color was dusty blue, and the truck was an extended cab. It had some-rust around the tailgate and a few dents, but in all it was pretty nice. I didn’t get it. What was so bad? Maybe, I was a little jealous. I wished I had a vehicle to drive. Standing th
ere gazing at Tru’s friends, I felt kinda sick all of a sudden. My legs got heavy and laden. I was stuck. My feet were planted firmly in the ground, as if they were thinking for themselves. I really didn’t want to ride in a truck with people I had never met before. Hello, this is me, awkward Charlie. Yet, I also didn’t want to look like a complete moron standing here. Tru winked at me, his lips curved up into a sensual smile. Just like that the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach gave way.

  Tru goes, “O-si-yo, C.”

  Huh? I think my face had a puzzled look, because Tru’s grin got even bigger going from one side of his cheek to the other.

  “O-si-yo is how my people say hi,” Tru chuckled. “If you’re wondering, that is.”

  Of course, duh! But, I’m glad he cleared it up for me. I just smiled, trying to look smart as if I already knew what it meant.

  “Hey, C, I want you to meet some of my friends.” Tru rolled his eyes. “I guess you can meet my little sis, too.”

  Great, I guess it was time for introductions. I opened his truck door and got into the front seat.

  “Everyone,” Tru announced. “This is Charlize, and C this is everyone.”

  Stunned! I was stunned. What? OK, I know he didn’t expect me to know who “everyone” was, right?

  “Aw, dudette, that’s harsh.” Tru said teasingly, “Come on, you didn’t think I would leave you hanging and not properly introduce you to my friends. Did you, C?”

  I ducked my head sheepishly and said, “Well, um, Tru, I hoped you were going to tell me, but I have to admit I was starting to think we were playing the guessing game, and I knew I was going to lose.”

  Tru and the gang laughed. Then he lifted one eyebrow, shook his head and said, “This is my sister Zitkala.” He pointed at her as he spoke. Tru’s sister: she was gorgeous. Dressed in a blue jean mini skirt, and a blue printed tie-strap tunic. Zitkala’s eyes were golden brown, and her hair was jet black pulled back in a twinning pattern. Her lips were full, and her skin was a shimmering brown color. If I thought my outfit was pushing the school police, Zitkala was overstepping it. Her skirt was way too short, showing off her long legs, and her boots went all the way up to her calves, emphasizing said legs. Zitkala was seated right next to me, and Tru was the driver, of course. In the back seat were Dee, Stevens, Paco, Wing, and Jolon, Hutchins. I was told this as Tru pointed them out, making sure I knew exactly who they all were.


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