A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One Page 8

by J. L. Clayton

  However, I paid more attention to the sound of his voice, then the words that came with said voice. Who could blame me! Wowzer! Talk about orgasmic. His voice almost rivaled that of my dream voice. I could have listened to his voice all day without even knowing what I was doing. Tru didn’t seem to notice that I was about to climax right there. I was experiencing waves of tingling sensations through parts of my body that will not be named while gawking opened mouth at him. He must get that open-mouth-gawking look all the time. Tru just smiled his cute-crooked grin and kept right on talking.

  “C, there are so many things you will learn about my friends. Take Paco and Jolon, for instance. They have a nickname that almost everyone in school calls them. It’s kinda strange, but once you get to know them, you’ll understand why. I mean, the dudes are always together, and the next thing you know, you’ll be calling them it, too. Anyway, we call them P-J. And, if these two are not together, then something’s off. Nevertheless, you won’t have to worry about that. You’ll never see them without one another.” Tru laughed. “And they wonder why they don’t have girlfriends.” He shrugged.

  Paco and Jolon, or as Tru would call them P-J . . . huh, maybe I should call them peanut butter and jelly. I grinned and shook my head. Where was I? Oh yeah, P-J was giving Tru killer glares, but for some unexplainable reason, they said nothing to him. I gazed at Paco and Jolon, noting that they were Native American, like Tru and his sis. Paco dressed in a short- sleeve hoodie with faded jeans. In addition, the guy had the coolest hair style, a Mohawk that started from his forehead going down past his shoulders ending up in a curl. Paco, well, let me put it this away. He wouldn’t win for best looking guy. Although, he did have a nice smile and he was smiling at me from ear-to-ear, with his arms propped up on the seat behind me.

  Now Jolon, he went for a more skater look, with big baggy jeans and a shirt that said KNOW-ME! It was kind of funny. He was cute, but not my type. Jolon’s hair was long, just like Tru’s. And both Paco and Jolon had hair that beautiful midnight color like Tru’s. Paco had dark blue eyes and Jolon’s eyes were dark brown. However, neither one could compare to someone as delicious as my Tru. Well, realistically he’s not my Tru. All the same, this was my head, and I could fantasize about whatever, or whomever I wanted. I’d like to order a side of Tru, with a large sexy smile and a big fat kiss to go, please

  Tru: need I say more? He could be wearing rags and still look good. He was the epitome of good looks, and what he was wearing—oh, baby—made it that much better. He had on a navy blue pinstriped pattern vest and a short-sleeve light-blue hoodie underneath the vest. Completing his sexy look was rugged denim boot-cut jeans and a mischievous spark to his eye.

  Tru said, “Oh, yes let’s not forget, Dee. She’s our tagalong and Z’s best friend. So naturally we have to tolerate her, but then again, we’re all very close.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Dee said in a harshly sweet-Alabama voice. “When did you ever have to tolerate me? I’m the one who is always putting up with your ass.”

  Zitkala let out a small snicker and then gave Dee a high five. “You go, girl,” she murmured.

  “Very funny.” Tru rolled his eyes.

  I looked at Dee. She just looked plain next to her friends. I mean, she wasn’t fugly, you know cover-up-your-face-with-a-bag ugly. Besides, she was making a nasty face my way. One I did not like. No doubt she was thinking I looked as plain as her. Then her nose scrunched up, like something smelled really, really bad. Like, maybe, I smelled really, really bad. Jeez! She was giving me the stink eye and all. When she stared at me, it was as if she wished I would leave or better yet, fall over dead. What was up with that? She was wearing something simple, jeans and a black t-shirt. Her skin was fair, and she had short brown hair that curled up at the ends. Her eyes were a sharp color of dark starless night, and the evil look she was giving me would not let up. Really? Maybe she was just being a little over protective of her friends. Creepy much?

  My mouth felt dry, as if there was a knot lodged in my throat. I was very nervous, my lips were quivering, and Tru just kept freaking smiling at me. Maybe he was trying to reassure me that I’d be fine. Dee really didn’t want to kill me, and I wasn’t that plain. Right! However, as sexy as Tru’s smile was, it still did not help my nerves. I was too anxious and a little overwhelmed. I knew when I opened my mouth my voice would crack, and that would be the end. I decided to give myself a mental push: Come on, come on say something. You can do it.

  “Hello, I’m Charlie. It’s nice to meet ya’ll.”

  “Hey, Charlie,” they all said at once.

  Ironically, Dee was the first one to break the ice after that. She looked at me, and spoke in a sweet Alabama voice that had a little twinge to it. “Charlie, let me catch you up to speed since you haven’t been here all year . . . next Friday.” She smiled sadistically. “We are having a dance. It’s were the girls ask the guys.” A hint of amusement flashed in her eyes.

  What? Does this girl think I’m stupid? As, if! I was not about to ask a guy to the dance. I hardly know anyone. Besides, I would probably fudge it up just like I always do. I‘m as clumsy at talking to guys, as I am at walking. Undoubtedly, this chick thought I was slow or something. It was very interesting that she was the only one who seemed to not like me. I just smiled; shrugging it off like it was nothing.

  She just kept on talking. “Since you’re new, I was thinking you probably need some help figuring out the guys. Like who’s single, and who not to mess with!” she said pointedly. “Plus, you’ll need to know who is a real pain in the ass.” She glared at Tru. “I thought that I could be your guide on all things TC High.” She looked happy, but weirdly intense, like she had just got me good!

  Yeah. Puh-leeze! If I wanted to know anything about Turtle Creek High, I wouldn’t ask her. It was going to take more than that. I flicked my long eyelashes her way and smiled innocently.

  “Shit,” Zitkala sighed. “You’re going to scare Charlie before she has time to adjust. Stop being mean. Man, Dee, stop making her worry about the dance.” Z smiled, leaned over the truck’s seat, and nudged Dee playfully.

  “Sorry,” Dee grumbled shrugging. “I was trying to be nice.”

  Paco and Jolon busted out laughing. “

  Yeah,” Jolon snorted. “Right, that’s a big stretch for you.”

  Paco said, “You’re trying to be nice? You don’t know the meaning of the word nice. When it comes to a new girl at our school, you’re too afraid they’ll take Tru from you to be nice. However, he’s told you countless times that you’re just friends. Why can’t you get that through your thick skull, Dee?”

  Paco looked into Dee’s eyes waiting a heartbeat, but instead of telling him off, she just sat there looking ticked. Her jaw was clenched, and both of her eyebrows lifted in anger with just a hint of hurt on her fragile face. Dee glared at Paco challengingly.

  Paco shrugged. “Oh, Dee, you try your hardest to make the new girls not want to hang out with us.”

  “Please,” Paco and Jolon said together as if they had rehearsed their lines. “Just this once,” both held up their index finger after saying once. “Don’t run Charlie off.”

  It was surreal watching Paco and Jolon in action. I could see why they called them P-J. I was also starting to think I had stepped into a fight that had been going on for a while, and by now the tension in the truck had risen to its highest. I could see Tru’s dark-brown skin turning a rich, thick shade of red: livid. He slowly let off the gas pedal and turned around. There was so much anger pouring off his body that I felt my hands shake. The bad thing about this scenario was not that he was about to say or do something out of irritation. No.

  The bad thing was that Tru didn’t seem to care that his eyes were no longer on the road. Eek! Glaring at Paco and Jolon, in a husky voice of sheer strength and demand, Tru said through clenched teeth, “That’s it, I’ve had enough. P-J, lay off. I don’t think it’s necessary to make Dee feel uncomfortable, and we’re al
l going to be nice to C.”

  I jumped at the tone in his voice and the way he said “C,” made me somewhat scared. What was I thinking? I got into a truck with people I didn’t know, and now they were freaking me out.

  “This is C’s first day at a strange school with classmates she’s never met, and you guys are probably freaking her out.”

  Wow, was I projecting!

  “So chill the fuck out.” Tru grinned. “Got it?”

  I was taken aback by the massive power in Tru’s voice and his language! Kiss your mother with that mouth? Everyone else looked just as surprised as me. And was it twisted of me to think his anger made him look sexy. There was something very predatory about him, something that was right under his skin ready to be freed. Plus, the way his friends responded to his commands, with so much respect and loyalty was awe-inspiring. I glanced around noticing the look on everyone’s faces. Particularly, Dee’s - her expression was more menacing. Probably thinking I was the cause of Tru getting so mad. I should probably have said something. In any case, I didn’t want the conversation taking any more bad turns. Maybe salvage my hopefully soon-to-be-friendship with Dee. Well, what the hell, here went nothing.

  “Hey, thanks a lot, Dee,” I said nervously. “Um, that would be great.” I swallowed. What was I doing? “I would love your help.” I smiled feeling a little more confident with my words. “As you can see, I need plenty of it.”

  Ha-ha, grunt-grunt! Oh perfect, I just let out a little snort. Well, that was extremely embarrassing, I never snort. Maybe they didn’t hear it. Maybe!

  “I do appreciate all of you for being nice to me.” I gave them a friendly smile. I was trying to hold back my embarrassment. Did I really just snort like a pig two seconds ago? All of ‘em but Dee gave me a nice smile. This was going to be one tough egg to crack. I was going to have to put in overtime just so I could get her to like me. Was it even worth it?

  “Oh, yes that would be just peachy!” She gave me a fake smile. Nice! “Like I said, I’m here if you need a guide.” She glowered with a grin.

  Chapter Ten

  TC High

  “Well, C, we’re here,” Tru said. “C’mon, time to get out and see your new school.”

  Yay, I thought bitterly, at least for now it was my school. However, I didn’t want Tru knowing this, so I smiled and hopped out of his truck obligingly. The school itself was huge. It had little buildings that kind of look like apartments scattered around here and there. One enormous football field and a big sign with flashing lights that read: Welcome to TC High home of the Snappers. We headed up to the front entrance of the school. Tru walked beside me. A couple of times his arm would brush against my shoulder. It sent tiny jolts through my entire body.

  He leaned down and whispered into my ear softly. It felt intimately sensual, causing my whole body to quiver. “Thanks for that back there.”

  “Yeah . . . um, what was that back there anyways?”

  He shrugged.

  “C’mon, tell me. That was really crazy, and I was freaking out. It felt like I walked in on an argument that has been going on for a while now.”

  “It was nothing,” he said.


  “C, drop it.”

  I could see he wasn’t going to tell me so I let up. “Kay.”

  “Don’t be mad at me,” he said. Our heads were still close together, so as he spoke, his lips caressed my ear. Probably by accident, but still it sent shivers down my spine and a burst of heat right through my body. Tru looked at me funny. “Are you OK?”

  “Yes, I’m—,” but I stopped in mid-sentence to catch my breath and regain my wits. “Fine, I’m fine. It’s no biggie, and I’m not mad at you.” I shrugged my shoulders and hoped I wasn’t giving myself away from the pleasure I felt as his lips brushed my ear and his breath caressed my body. This was totally embarrassing! Get a grip!

  As always, though, Tru just smiled and winked. “So, C, what do you think of the school?”

  Before I could answer him, I heard a “Woo-hoo,” that came from Paco. And a “Woot,” sound came from Jolon followed up with a, “Gotta love the school,” from them both.

  I laughed. “It’s nice, Tru.” Ducking my head, I murmured. “Um, so, I have a nickname?”

  I watched as Tru slowly reached up putting his big hand on the top of his hair and then with a slight movement, he scratched the back of his head. It grabbed my attention to his long locks shimmering in the sun. Pretty! He looked down at me with a little hesitation in his voice and asked, “Yeah . . . hope that’s O-K?”

  “I love it. It’s perfect,” I said with a hint of flirtation in my voice. Then my heart started beating hard and fast, practically jumping out of my chest. I thought something was going to happen. He’s going to kiss me. Yes! But, as always, it was just my imagination.

  He just nudged me playfully saying, “C’mon, let me show you around.”

  We headed up the stairs that led into the school. An unpleasant feeling crashed down on my body, like an unstoppable force pushing me into a not-so-good feeling of restless unease. Fortunately my mom (love her), had already taken care of everything. She’d gotten my books and my class schedule, so that was one less thing to stress over. Mental note, thank Mom!

  Tru snatched my class schedule out of my hands.

  I was like, “Hey, give me that.”

  Tru said, “In a sec.” Grinning he looked over my schedule. “Well, it looks like we have the majority of classes together. So, showing you the ropes is going to be a piece of cake.”

  I shook my head laughing. I was like, “That’s good to know.”

  Tru reached up with his huge hands, smiling at me he playfully ruffled my hair as we walked down the hall. Everyone was looking at me, at us! I could only imagine what they were thinking. “Oh, look at the new kid and look who she’s with.” I rolled my eyes: Thanks a lot Dad…kid!

  “Don’t worry, C, you’ll be fine.”

  Tru tucked me under his arms bringing me close to his chest. He felt warm and safe. I could hear his heart beating fast. He held me firmly against him, reassuring me. Being this close to him sent electrical goose-bumps surging all over my body. Perhaps now I knew what it really felt like to be alive. We headed toward the lockers, and all I kept on thinking was that this hot, sweet, guy was holding me close to his body. Me. I leaned forward and took Tru’s sweet scent in. I engulfed his aroma greedily. His smell was a musky blend of sweet honey and tangy mint. He smelled good! He smelled delicious! He smelled down right yummy!

  Tru gazed down at me, placing his chin on the top of my head and squeezing me, he said, “I got you. You’re in good hands. I’ll take good care of you. Promise!”

  I smiled. However, feeling the warmth around me and how much I was drawn to him didn’t last when I saw Jace. Something was off. He looked defeated. There was sadness on his face, and that made me miserable. Oh, God. Had he seen how much I was into Tru? I didn’t want to hurt Jace, and looking at his expression made me cringe. I guess Tru felt the tension in me, because he withdrew his arm and stepped back to glance down at me.

  “C, what’s up? Did I do or say something wrong? I mean, I never meant to cross a line. I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable, did I? ”

  I looked up at him, surprised. Couldn’t he see how I felt? I wanted him! I want you!

  “Tru, why would you think that? No, silly, you did nothing wrong.”

  “Well . . . um . . . I felt you stiffen. So, I thought I was making you feel uncomfortable.”

  “No- no,” I said in a frantic tone. “Um, your arms around me,” I smiled. “It’s really nice.”

  Tru looked pleased. He had that cute-crooked grin I was growing fond of. I guess my comment did it for him.

  “Dudette, if I didn’t offend you, then what’s wrong?”

  I swallowed hard. Pausing, I said, “It’s just that I see someone I know. And it surprised me. Um, that’s all. I’m going to say hi. I’ll be right back. ‘Kay?”

sp; “Well, if I have to let you go,” Tru shook his head playfully. “I guess it’s cool, but I’ll miss you.” Tru hooted. He was totally flirting with me. It was so obvious. Wasn’t he? I didn’t know! I was confused!

  “Thanks, Tru. Oh, but you try not to miss me much.” I smiled a wicked smile and winked at him. Two can play that game. I wasn’t trying in the least bit to hide my flirting from Tru. I wanted him to know how I felt by being totally and utterly obvious.

  I stepped away from Tru and walked toward Jace with a heavy heart. It was strange, but it seemed the closer I approached him, the sadder I felt. I didn’t understand why. I also didn’t understand why I still felt like I knew him, or that I should know him. And oh, God, Jace looked good. In his sexy faded jeans, olive-colored shirt, which, I have to say, fit tightly against his well-defined chest. Yeah, he looked good.

  “Hey, Jace,” I smiled. “See, I told you that I wouldn’t forget about you. I do mean that, you know, I could never forget you.” In that moment, I knew in my heart what I said was true. I could never forget Jace, even if I tried.

  Jace gave me a sad wistful look. It seemed to say something I should understand, but for the life of me I didn’t know what it could mean. His eyes closed, and he sighed saying a little harshly, “Are you sure about that? It looks like you and my enemy looked pretty cozy.” Jace glared. “I saw his hands all over you.”

  “No-oo-o,” I sputtered. “He was just being friendly. We’re just friends. There’s nothing going on.”


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