A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One Page 14

by J. L. Clayton

  She smiled unhappily. “Charlie, I think you’re old enough to hug someone from the opposite sex. Plus, what I thought about Tru was all wrong. He explained to me why he didn’t come in yesterday.”

  I know that my mom’s a very good liar, but, man, this was brilliant. Or I was wrong! God, maybe I was being a little melodramatic. Yes, I have to admit I was being a total bitch. Mom was being nice, and I was taking full advantage of that. Before I could say anything though, Tru led me out of the house by my elbow. Mom smiled at us. I felt bad, really I did. I love my mom. So why was I being so mean? I shook my head as we climbed in Tru’s truck. I smiled at him weakly and decided when I got home I would apologies to her. I also decided that I wasn’t going to fug-up my day anymore than I already had. P-J, Dee, and Z were missing from the truck again. Of course, I had to know why they were not riding with us. I was starting to think that maybe they didn’t like me. I could see Dee not liking me. She made it clear the first day we met. However, P-J and Z genuinely seemed to like me. Well, that’s what I thought, but usually I’m wrong.

  “Hey, Tru, where is the gang at? Did I scare them off?” I fake smiled. “I don’t mind letting Mom drive me to school.”

  Tru looked over at me with one eyebrow raised. I wish I could do that one-eyebrow thing. Tru gave me his cute-crooked grin. “Why do you always think the worst? I know that I’ve not known you long, but what I do know is that you seem to think no one likes you. And that thing with your mom, yeah, you don’t have to worry about it, because I’m sure you are. It happens. Parents and their kids fight, you know.”

  I started, “I’m not I’m—“

  “Yes, you are. I can see it in your eyes. C, don’t you know how special you are to me and how beautiful I think you are? How I love seeing you!”

  I swallowed and smiled, feeling warm all over. Tru leaned over and brushed his hand across my cheek. I felt the heat from his hand, and it seemed to burn me, but in a good way. Tru’s skin was always so hot. Literally. How did I get so lucky? I had a sweet, good-looking guy sitting next to me, telling me I was beautiful? Plain ‘ol Charlie, a nobody, but the way he was looking—was not like he was looking at a plain ordinary girl—but at someone who deserved to be looked at. Someone beautiful! And that someone was me.

  “Thank you, Tru, you’re so sweet.” I frowned. “But you didn’t answer my question. Where is the gang?”

  Tru clenched the steering wheel much tighter than it needed. He let out a long, slow breath. Sighing he said, “I ask them not to ride with us.”

  Confused I asked, “OK. . . Why?”

  “The thing is,” Tru started. “I like you, and I needed to know how you feel about me. I didn’t want anyone else to hear our conversation, you understand.”

  “Oh, I see!” I bit my fingernail. “Well, um, I like you too, Tru.” I giggled.

  “Yeah, I got that,” Tru rubbed his face with his hands. “But how much do you like me? Just as a friend . . . or more than just friends?”

  I looked over at Tru with weary eyes, still confused about my feelings. But I knew this moment would come, and he had been nothing more than sweet to me. Therefore, I owed him an explanation. “Tru,” I paused not believing what I was about to say. Wasn’t I the one who was hoping he would ask me out, and now I was going to screw it up . . . All because of Jace! “I like you . . . So . . . So-much! If you only knew, but—”

  “Hold up, C. I can guess what you’re about to say.”

  I looked at him amazed. Did he know I liked Jace? Was I that easy to read?

  “Uh, err, what?”

  He looked at me sheepishly and muttered, “But you just want to be friends . . . Right?”

  “No, no—that’s not it at all.”

  “OK, I’m sorry but why then? It’s not that complicated. Either you want to be with me, or you don’t. Just tell me,” he all but demanded.

  “Just let me explain first, OK?” I sighed.

  “Fine, go on.” He frowned.

  “I like you, but. . . I like someone else, too.”

  I cringed, waiting for Tru to get all mad or go off, but nothing came. He just sat there with a blank expression plastered on his face. I picked up my hand and rested it on his shoulder for comfort. He flinched like I’d just punched him. I felt sick. I guess the result of what I’d just said was now working its magic. Black magic. He frowned and a sad look crossed his face. I was dismayed by his expression and hoped he would at least want to remain friends now. However, I couldn’t fault him if he didn’t want to stay friends. I knew whichever way it went, someone was bound to get hurt. If that someone had to be yours truly, then so be it.

  “Tru, I’m sorry. What can I say to make this better? Please, tell me? If you want me to get out of your truck, I totally understand. I’m just sorry it had to be this way. I want you to know that I really like you, more than you think.”

  I sat there waiting for a response, but still nothing. I decided my heart had had all it could take. I just wanted to go home, curl up and die from the pain in my chest. I had never felt something so painful in my life. All the other pains I thought were bad did not compare to this. I felt like crying and had to blink the tears away. However bad I felt, I could not and would not let Tru see me cry. I reached for the door handle desperately wanting this day to start over. I wanted to take back what I had said to Mom. I wanted to take back what I had just said to Tru. I wanted to lie. To tell him that I only wanted him. Plus, I wanted to replay everything that happened this morning with Mom. However, I knew that was impossible. I started to open the door, but Tru’s warm hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me to him. My back rested against Tru’s strong chest, reassuringly. Tru breathed out a slow, deliberate breath. His breath seemed to wrap around my body, sending bursts of heat through me. I felt his hand move up alongside my face, slowly tantalizing my skin. He seductively moved his hand down my jaw, to my neck and then to my throat. I sat there in awe. What was going on? Had I missed something? Was I going crazy, or hadn’t I just told him I liked someone else other than him?

  “Tru, what are you doing?”

  “Shh,” he whispered pressing his finger onto my mouth as he turned me around to face him.

  Tru’s sharp-green eyes pierced me. With a sinful smile, he pressed his lips onto mine, parting my mouth with his tongue. He moved his lips with knowledge that he knew what he was doing. His kiss burned me as he probed for the right spot, tasting, needing me in a savage way. I gasped as the truck faded and everything turned to bliss. I twisted my body into his, trying to get as close as I could. I wanted to be one body, one soul. He was my world just then. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled my fingers through his soft black-as-night hair. I was claiming him as mine in that moment. I tasted the texture of his lips, savoring every blissful thrust he sent my way.

  My heart was pounding. Ecstasy was what I was feeling, but all too soon it was over. Tru pulled slowly away. I was breathing ruggedly and looking at him in utter disbelief. He stopped, but why? Thankfully, I was still so close that I could taste him. I thought about kissing him again, pulling him down and ravishing his mouth. Before I could move up for more, Tru placed his hands around my wrists and pulled them away from his neck. He grinned at me wickedly. In a low husky voice, Tru said, “I’m not going to give you up without a fight, C.” Tru frowned. “I also think I know who you like. And that kiss was just a taste of what you could have with me.”

  I was astonished. I stared at him. Tru smiled and pointed at the school. That was funny. I didn’t even know we had arrived. Without haste, he was out of the truck and opening my door. We walked silently to my locker. Even though I liked Jace and wanted him, it was like Tru was already my boyfriend. On the way there I tried to say something, anything, but every time I opened my mouth, Tru would hush me. However, as we approached my locker, I couldn’t resist the urge. I had to try one more time to speak. Just like before, he cut me off. This time, though, instead of hushing me, Tru murmured something I’d neve
r forget.

  “Don’t worry, C.” He looked at me confidently. “I promise you I’m going to win your heart. Besides, I have to win it,” he laughed miserably, “because you already have mine.”

  With that hanging in the air and my stomach falling to the floor, Tru turned and walked away.

  Chapter Eighteen


  My stomach was doing funny flips as little tingles rolled inward. It felt like there were a thousand tiny wings brushing the inside of my stomach. I sucked in a shocked breath, watching as he walked away. I was trying so desperately to catch my breath, but it was a failure. With my jaw open, he left me standing there alone! Alone! How could Tru just walk away after saying what sounded like love!? Just not saying: I love you! And how could someone recover from that? Plus, I was a little muddled. I didn’t think what I felt for him was love. Yeah, he was absolutely hot, sweet, and I really liked him but . . . love him! I didn’t thank so—well, not right now anyway, but I could see myself falling for Tru. Yet I still had a little dilemma: Jace! I liked Jace, too. So yeah, right now I didn’t know who I wanted to give my heart to, because I felt so much for Tru; however, I also felt something deep for Jace. Was it love? I didn’t think so. All I knew was that deep down, I needed them both. I knew that was selfish, wrong, and all around bad, but dang it, who was I kidding? I was just 15, and this was too much for someone my age.

  I groaned with self-loathing, leaning my forehead against my locker as I took in as much air as my body would allow, trying hard not to over exert my breathing. Yeah, cause that would totally suck if I hyperventilated at school. As I stood there I felt it, that dark unnerving-eerie-feeling I had been having was back. It moved up my spine, slowly rolling over my skin. Maybe I breathed in too much air? Yeah, that had to be it…not! Thankfully, though, I heard Tammin. Her sweet voice brought me back from the dark cloud that was crowding around me, almost overpowering. Yuck!

  “Hey, Charlie girl, what’s up?”

  I smiled. I like Tammin. She was funny, nice, and she always made me smile. I turned around to see Tammin and my smile faded quickly. Oh-My-God. . . Was that Dee with her? How? Tammin was supposed to be my friend! Hello! I knew they’d known each other longer than me—but what gives? Besides, I don’t even think Tammin ever hung out with Dee until I brought the two groups together . . . So yeah, I was a little jealous. Not to mention ticked. How did this happen? Tammin was supposed to be on my side— in the future we were going to laugh at how much Dee really didn’t like me—and if she ever said anything cruel, well then I thought Tammin would be the one to make me feel OK about it. But now . . . Grr! Now it looked like my plans had crumbled and all was lost.

  That bitch stole Tamm from me, and the only one to blame was me for bringing them together. Oh misery, thy name is Charlie.

  I stifled a groan. “Hi, Tammin,” I eyed Dee. “And Dee. I’m not doing too much just gathering my stuff for class.”

  “You look kinda sick, did something happen? Are ya okay Charlie?” Tammin asked sweetly.

  You might say that I don’t feel good at all. On one hand, my world seemed to be falling apart lost in nightmares and I felt as if someone or something was watching me. On the other hand, I liked two guys and didn’t know what the hell to do about it. Now, to top it off, we might as well throw in a foot, because the one girlfriend I have ever had . . . the one I thought would be on my side for now on was standing with someone who did not like me. So, heck yeah you could say I was sick! That’s what I wanted to say, but I opted for something less dramatic.

  “Yeah, no I’m okay.” See, less is more. Not!

  “That’s good,” Tammin smiled. “Anyway, I was coming over to see ya when I bumped into Dee. She asked if it would be OK for her to come with.” Tammin leaned in and whispered, “I think she needs to talk to ya?”

  I gazed over at Dee sharply. Her head was down and she was fidgeting with her plain black t-shirt.

  Curious I asked, “What’s up?”

  She looked at me with her pitch-black eyes. Worry and sadness churned within them. I frowned. She was quiet too, and that was really strange. Dee was the first to say something to me in Tru’s truck—even though it was to piss me off—but now she was way too quiet. I was starting to become concerned.

  “Dee?” I sighed deeply. “Come on, you can tell me,” I said prodding her.

  She let out a moan and said, “I’m sorry.”

  “Huh?” I looked at her funny.

  “Huh, what?” Dee asked rolling her eyes.

  “Uh well, I know you said sorry, but why?” I replied thinking there was a whole list of things I could come up with that she should be sorry for, but I didn’t want to go there.

  Dee shuffled her feet from side to side. Looking down she blurted, “You might not know this, but I really didn’t like you the first day we met.”

  (News flash: Dee . . . Gasp . . . you didn’t like me. Yeah, whoop-dee-freaking doo. She’s so lame!)

  Dee smiled coyly, “Even though I was nice, I really didn’t want to be.”

  “I knew that,” I said smugly. Duh I’m not stupid, but she must think I am. What a B-with-an-itch.

  “Really?” Dee look surprised.

  “Yeah, really!” I rolled my eyes. I wanted this girl to be my friend and all, but I don’t like when people think I’m stupid. God, could I smack her? But I probably shouldn’t since she was trying to apologies—in her own way.

  “Wow, I thought I was doing a good job pretending to like you.”

  I gritted my teeth. “Nope, not at all!” I grinned wickedly at the look on her face and then sighed deciding to give Dee a break. “I just went along with you, maybe thinking we would end up friends, or at least I was going to try and get you to be my friend.”

  Dee smiled her mischievous smile and replied, “Huh! You must think you’re smart hmm? And you must have felt pretty confident that you would get me to be your friend.”

  I smiled, “Well not one to toot my own horn. Beep-beep! But, yes, I do and I did!”

  She laughed. “Well,” Dee eyed me, “I guess maybe you are.”

  “Finally someone notices my brilliance. Thank you! First of all, I would like to accept this award on behalf of my mind. Thank you for seeing my wonderful brain.”

  “OK, loser, that’s enough of that,” Dee continued shaking her head. I choked back a laugh. “Man, you’re so weird.” She smiled. I nodded, agreeing with her. Weird people rule! “You know, I thought you had no clue that I didn’t really like you. And this whole time you were just going right along with every word I said! Me,” she pointed at herself. “Thinking you thought I liked you, and you!” Dee pointed at me, “Knowing better.”

  “I know you did.” I shrugged nonchalantly. “But it’s cool; I do accept your apology. I’m wondering, though, what brought it on all of a sudden?”

  Slowly, Dee’s lips curled up at the corner. Then her eyes lit up like the Fourth of July. I could swear I saw fireworks going off after she said his name.


  “Nolan?” I asked.

  “Yes, Nolan.” Dee smiled.

  “OK,” I said. “What about Nolan?”

  “I—I like him,” Dee stammered.

  Wow, didn’t see that coming. So, hum now that she likes someone other than Tru, it’s OK to be my friend. Nice. Well at least she wouldn’t be on my case now.

  “So, you like him?” I asked a little too sharp. “How did that happen?”

  “Remember a day or so ago when you introduced our two tables?”

  How could I forget? That was one crazy first day of school. Plus, that terrifying feeling I had in the cafeteria seemed to be a reoccurring occasion for me. Yeah, it was like something or someone was watching me!

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Well you might not have realized this, but Nolan and I seemed to hit it off. I’ve been talking to him ever since then.”

  “Wow.” I was shocked. “No, I didn’t notice, but that’s cool.”

>   She smiled and giggled putting her hand over her face, maybe a little embarrassed. “Anyway, I just wanted to thank you and tell you that I’m sorry.”

  “Like I said, I forgive you. But why are you thanking me?”

  “If it wasn’t for you, Charlie, I guess it might not have been possible. I might still be hung up on Tru, and let’s just say that would’ve never worked. Besides, Tru just wants to be my friend. However, you can’t help but like him. You know what I mean?”

  Oh yeah, I knew exactly what she meant. She was right. He was likeable. I nodded my head saying, “You’re right, Tru’s something special, if not great.” Tammin came around the locker, placing her hands on mine and Dee’s shoulders making me jump almost out of my skin. “Holy shi-cow, Tammin. I totally forgot you were standing there.” Phew, I almost said a bad word.

  Tammin gave me a grave mocking smile and murmured, “Well, how could ya forget about little’ ol me.” Smiling incorrigibly she added, “I’m so glad y’all guys have put this behind ya. Now down to more important things!”

  “More important things? Like what?” I asked.

  “Duh!” Tammin said dramatically, as if I should already know this. “The dance!” She did this movement with her hands, throwing them up in the air demandingly and looking very irritated. It was a good thing I liked the girl, or I might have rolled my eyes.

  I frowned. “What about the dance?” I asked absently. Like I cared!

  Dee chimed in at this point. “You’re going, right?”

  “Well, yeah, I guess so. I mean, I haven’t really thought about it.”

  “What?” Tammin demanded.

  “What do you mean what?” I asked a little scared. Tammin was freaking me out.

  Dee said, “Well, Charlie, this is a big deal. You can’t not go, and you cannot let the dance be just a thought either.”

  “Why not?” I scowled.

  At this point, it looked like Tammin was going to blow a gasket or something more vital. Maybe I should stand back, and run for cover!


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