A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One Page 22

by J. L. Clayton

  Announcement: Two men were found dead! They were mutilated and severely burned. The police aren’t giving out any details at this time, but an insider told channel eight news that the two men were found today around 3 o’clock out in the woods. An eyewitness said what she saw was shocking. Then it read: This just in: Sheriff Jon Lite has confirmed that the two men were indeed murdered. As of now the only thing the police can give us is that they found the men burned and disfigured out in the woods. They suspect that the mutilation could have likely been done by an animal. However, Sheriff Jon Lite said they aren’t for certain. Stay tuned to channel eight for more updates on this and your local news.

  A gasp spilled out of my mouth. Officer Burt looked alarmed as Mom rushed to my side. “What is it, Charlie?” Mom asked. “Are you in pain?”

  “Nnnno,” I pointed at the TV shaking. “Th-the people on the TV, that’s them. Well that’s two of them. But . . . they’re dead! My God, how is that possible?”

  Officer Burt raised his eyebrows. He asked, “Are you sure those are your assailants?”

  I glared at him. He had some nerve. How could I ever forget their faces?” I said sharply. “Yes. I’m sure. That’s two of the guys. They’re the ones who almost killed me. I would never forget their faces. Never!”

  Officer Burt apologized to me and excused himself as he left the room, but before going he told us that he would find out what happened. It was eerily quiet after everyone went home. The hospital patients were asleep for the night. But I couldn’t sleep. I kept on thinking about the news and how two of the three guys who had attacked me were now dead from burns. I was scared. What if the last guy tried to find me, deciding that he wasn’t done with me and he wanted to finish the job? What if he was outside my room right then just waiting for the right time to kill me? The door to my room opened and I jumped, letting out a loud scream.

  “Woo,” said Officer Burt. I found out he was assigned to me that night, and I was grateful. He held up his hands. “It’s just me. Sorry to alarm you.”

  I let out a slow breath and smiled weakly. “It’s okay. I just got the jitters, um that’s all.”

  “Well, everything looks quiet, so I’m going to run down to the cafeteria and get a coffee. You think you’ll be alright until then?”

  “Sure, I’ll be cool.” I smiled even though I was screaming inside. Was he crazy? What if something happened?

  I lay there trying to sleep, but failing. God, I wished I wouldn’t have told my mom and dad to go home. They wanted to stay. But oh, I insisted! Yeah, that was brilliant. I was desperately wishing I had someone here with me. Around thirteen minutes later, I heard the door creak. I kept my eyes shut. Besides, it was probably Officer Burt here to tell me he was back. And I didn’t want to seem like a total spaz. I had done that enough already, being all twitchy and spooked every time the door opened. Yeah, no thank you! So when the door closed, I sighed and opened my eyes thinking I was alone, but to my surprise there was a male nurse approaching my bedside. It was dark and I could barely see him, but as he came closer I started to get this worried feeling and I knew something was off.

  I opened my mouth to say something when I heard his slimy drawl. “Did ya miss me, darling?”

  I started to scream, but he was fast, too fast and all that came out before he put a cloth over my mouth and nose was a pathetic squeak. A pungent odor hit me really hard, overwhelming my nostrils with a sickly sweet scent. Everything started to get fuzzy around the edges. That was the last thing I remembered before I awoke in some kind of room. It was cold. I coughed and tried to move, but my hands were tied to a shelf above my head. My mouth was gagged, so any effort to call out for help was hopeless. I looked franticly around, trying to understand where I was exactly. The floor below me was blue tiled. I still had my hospital gown on, so that was a good thing. And I saw hospital supplies on one shelf. Even better! I guessed I was in one of the hospital supply rooms, or the basement. So that meant I hadn’t been out long. There was still hope! I was still in the hospital, so then Officer Burt could find me. Or at least he could let someone know I was missing, and then they could find me. Yeah, I had high hopes.

  “Look, I have done everything ya told me to! Max hissed. He must’ve been talking on the phone because there was no reply. I listened closely, trying to find out who he was talking to and what he was talking about. Whatever it was, it had to do with me and what was going to happen to me now. “Just like ya said I got them two shitheads drunk and talked them into stalking the school for some pretty girls.” He listened. “By the way, I was wondering something.” There was a brief pause. “How’d ya know she’d be coming outside anyways?”

  I frowned. What was he talking about? Someone knew I was going to leave the dance?

  “Fine. Fine. Ya’r right, I’m not getting paid to ask questions, but ya better give me something real good, cause this shit could hit the fan anytime now. And trust me, sweetheart, I’m not afraid to take ya down with me.” He listened. “Yeah, well I didn’t have a chance to leave the hospital.”

  At least I learned something from this conversation. We were still at the hospital. Yay! After my little blast of happiness dwindled, I knew I had to do something. I felt around the shelf that my hands were tied to. Bingo. The sharp end of a nail was sticking out. I angled my hands over the tip and slowly started rubbing the rope back and forth, up and down. It was agonizingly slow, but I did feel the rope give with each rub and tug.

  “So what do ya want me to do with the girl?” Max asked, and I stopped my movements. Then I heard him smile as he spoke. And yes, you can hear someone smile when they are talking. “Oh, I can do that.” I heard the phone close and Max’s footsteps as he came closer. I flinched as he leaned down. Leering Max said, “And so—so much more. This is ya’r end game, darling, and I’m here to collect my winnings.”

  Chapter Thirty

  No Random Act

  “Now I’m gonna move this here piece of cloth, and ya’re gonna be a good girl. Right!” I nodded. “Good. Good. If ya scream, y’all regret it.”

  I wasn’t stupid. I wasn’t going to scream. I had to play this smart, and I knew that I needed to get him to start talking. Max touched my face and slowly traced my cheek. I gagged and closed my eyes, silently begging God for help. His fingers brushed my lips as he plucked the gag out of my mouth. He was so close. I could smell his foul breath and feel his body heat. I turned my head, gasping for good clean air.

  Max grasped my cheeks roughly and turned my head so that I was facing him. “Awe, now don’t be that way, darling. We’re going to get to know each other really well, and I want ya to like it, cause I sure as hell am going to enjoy myself.” Max leaned in. I tried to pull away, but my back was against the wall, so there was nowhere for me to go. “Ya smell real good, darling.” If I never heard anyone call me darling again, then it would be too soon. “I just want to eat ya up.” Then Max kissed me. His lips were the single most disgusting thing I had ever had touching my mouth. I pulled away. He chuckled, but his laugh was cut off quickly. “Fuck.” He spat looking down at his pocket. He glanced back at me and said. “Hold that thought.” He stood up and started pacing the little room thinking. He looked like a caged beast. I watched him warily wiping off my mouth as good as I could with my shoulder all the while I worked on the rope. Happy to know that the rope binding my hands was almost severed. Just a little more! While I worked on freeing myself, I decided to interrogate him. Maybe, just maybe I’ll get something out of him.

  “What do you want with me?”

  “What do ya think?” He stopped and leered at me suggestively.

  I swallowed and quickly stopped moving my arms. Slowly he started to pace again, and I started back, loosening the rope with more force now. I knew it was only a matter of time for me, and I had to get out of this. “I don’t get it,” I said cautiously distracting him. “Why do you want me now? You could just let me go, you know. Um, I will forget ever seeing your face.” I pleaded. As he paced
the room contemplating if he was going to answer me or not, I pulled on my ties roughly. I felt the rope give, and I knew I was free. I just had to wait. Just wait for the right time.

  “Yes, but ya’r not some random act, or just another girl I like to play with. Although I can say playing with ya is an added bonus.” He grinned malevolently. “Oh yeah, ya were picked out by a very powerful person that is paying good money for ya, darling.”

  “Why?” I asked my voice cracking a little on the word. “I am nothing! Why would anyone pay someone to do this to me? Why?”

  “Why! I don’t know. See, first my orders where to play with ya . . . rough ya up so that ya would be scared and compliant.” I shuddered. He laughed. “Yeah, I see it sounds like fun to ya, too.” I shook my head and he shrugged.

  “So that’s what you’re going to do with me. You’re going to deliver me as a package to your boss?” I said disbelieving.

  He made a tsk-tsk-tsk sound. “That was the plan, but things seemed to have changed.”

  “What’s changed?” I squirmed. “What are you planning on doing to me now?” Fear tinged my voice.

  “Well, ya see, the boss don’t want ya anymore, darling, ya too much trouble. So the boss told me that I will be paid impressively if I just off ya. Of course I agreed.”

  “Of course,” I muttered dryly.

  Max glared at me and took a menacing step forward. I clenched my body ready for the strike, but it didn’t come. I opened my eyes. Max cursed under his breath. I watched as he slowly took a black cell phone out of his front jeans pocket. “Listen to me very carefully, darling. I’m gonna take this here call, and ya’re gonna be very, very quiet! ’Cause if you open that pretty little mouth of ya’rs . . . well, hell, me killin’ ya isn’t gonna be the worst of your problems. There are so many things I could do to ya.” He smiled wickedly licking his lips. I shuttered. “Let’s just say if ya don’t keep that sweet little mouth closed, then before ya die, girl, there are things that I can do to ya that will have ya screaming while ya’re six feet under. Ya get my drift?” I nodded knowing what he was capable of. “Good. That’s good.” He looked at me a little longer. Then abruptly he turned and walked to the far corner of the room so he could take his call.

  I knew I had to get out of there. I wasn’t going to let this sicko do whatever he wanted with me. Max’s back was turned from me. I slowly stood up quickly scanning the room for a weapon. I saw boxes of galls, band aides, bottles of antiseptic and hospital gowns. Pretty much nothing good to use on him. If all else failed, I guess I could have thrown some of the glass bottles. That might have worked. I shook with fear; however, I worked up the nerve and just went for it. I screamed and dove right at the bastard’s back and hit him real good. He let out an oath as we both went sprawling to the floor. His cell phone skittered across the floor and slid under a shelf. I got up and crawled on hands and knees reaching for the phone. I needed to find out who he was talking to. However, Max grabbed my leg and pulled me back. I kicked him and got a satisfying grunt in return.

  “Ya bitch,” he snarled backhanding me.

  I screamed, “Go to hell,” as loud as I could and smashed one of the medication bottles over his head. I cut my hand, but I didn’t care. Seeing the blood run down his face was all the pleasure I needed. I jumped up and ran for the door, but he was right on my heels. Max grabbed me by the hair and shoved me against the wall. Searing pain shot through my head. I tried to pull away, but his hold was unyielding.

  “Let me go,” I screamed not caring what he could do to me. All I cared about was getting free.

  “I’ve had enough of that mouth,” Max said as he covered my mouth with one of his hands.

  He used the other one to wrap around my neck. Max started choking me. I didn’t know how, but I knew he wasn’t going to kill me. No this was much worse. Max was going to choke me until I passed out and then have his way with me. All the screaming and kicking, all the damn noise I made was a freaking waste of energy. Maybe—I thought as my head started spinning—I could have done just a little more. I felt my world going gray. I looked at him. He was smiling. Happy that once again he beat the helpless little girl. That thought alone pissed me off. I felt my body go hot. I started shaking and then like an electric current a spark of something shot from my hands and straight into Max. He yelped and fell backwards hitting the floor with a satisfying thud. I gasped for air, sucking in a big lung full of that wonderful, blissful stuff. I spared Max a quick glance. He was out cold. I didn’t waste any more time. I shot out of the room and ran right into Officer Burt.

  “Oh, thank God,” I said letting him hug me. I started to cry.

  “What happened?” He asked urgently.

  “My attacker—the one that got away. He’s here. He’s in that room.” I pointed down the hall.

  Officer Burt nodded and called for backup as he rushed to investigate. I staggered toward a wall and slid down it. Nurses and doctors walked by, and then came some more officers. I sat there with my knees pulled up to my chest in shock, waiting to hear something. I felt warm arms around me. I looked up to see my parents. I hugged my mom close and started sobbing. She rubbed my back and smoothed my hair telling me that everything was going to be alright. As they held me, I saw Jace race into the hall. Once he saw us he let out a loud sigh. I saw his shoulders slump. Dad and Mom walked over to talk to him. Jace nodded. My parents left, and Jace took their place.

  “Hey.” He squeezed my shoulder. “Your parents will be back in a sec. They went to see what’s going on.” I nodded.

  Finally, what felt like hours, my parents and Officer Burt strolled my way! Officer Burt knelt down beside me and gave me a sad smile. “I’m sorry to tell you this, Charlie, but he’s gone.”

  Mom, Dad, and Jace all rushed to aid me. I shook my head, back and forth not believing this. No. No. Not again. However, I knew it was true. Dejectedly I nodded. There was nothing else I could do or say. Three hours I talked to Officer Burt, telling him everything only omitting the weird stuff. Weird stuff! Yeah, that’s what I’m calling it—because there was nothing normal about electric heat zinging through a person’s veins—and everything weird about it burning and or shocking the daylight out of somebody to the point of them blacking out. I finally got released from the hospital. It had three weeks and there was still no sign of Max. I was back doing my normal routine—as if my attacks never happened. However, deep down, I knew what happened would never completely fade. But I went on like nothing happened—as if I was OK, hanging out with my friends—so, yes, everything was back the way it should be, Everything but me. At least nothing crazy had happened: No dreams, no mystery voice, and no bizarre heat coming from my body. So that was one good thing. But still, no Max! And that was not good. Where was he? And when would he attack me again.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Mr. Sneaky

  “Hey, C,” Tru smiled at me. “I was wondering . . . well, tomorrow my family’s having a bonfire. Um, would you like to come? It is a great honor, and I would love it if you came.”

  I was looking out of Tru’s truck window in another one of my zoned-out states. I’d been doing that a lot. But when Tru asked me if I would like to go to his bonfire, I snapped to attention. “That sounds fun,” I nodded. “Count me in.” I smiled. Anything was more fun than letting my mind remember what happened to me those awful nights . . . and Max . . . he was still out there. Somewhere stalking, watching me, and waiting for just the right time! Yeah, I wasn’t paranoid or scared, was I? Aw, sarcasm my best defense!

  “You’re home,” Tru scratched the back of his head. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” Hesitantly Tru leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

  I was disappointed. I hopped out of the truck and watched as Tru drove away. Slowly I lifted my hand to the side of my face where Tru’s lips touched. I was kicking myself and glaring at the dust Tru’s truck had kicked up. For three weeks now, Tru has been tentative toward me. Not a single kiss on my lips. It was as if he thoug
ht I would just disappear. Although that sounded like a good idea! I just wished I could start over, go back and never leave the dance, but that was wishful thinking and I knew wishes never come true. I was back in my room getting ready to go over to Jace’s house, thinking this was going to suck. I hadn’t been over to his house in three weeks. I might talk to Jace, but still I tried to avoid him like the black plague. I knew I was hurting him. I also knew he wouldn’t be the way everyone had been with me. Jace would insist on talking about what happened to me. Something I clearly didn’t want to acknowledge, not in the least.

  Jace—Mr. Sneaky—cornered me in the hall that afternoon. He sounded more persistent than normal. There was a hint of urgency in his voice and desperation in his eyes. I just couldn’t shrug it off. He asked if I would like to work out with him. It would be nothing more than just working out. Instead of shaking my head and leaving it at that, I said yes. Now I find myself standing in the doorway to Jace’s shop.

  “Hey, you came!” Jace said with a sly smile and a gleam of excitement in his eyes.

  “Hey, Jace! Yeah I’m here. Um, I’m ready to get started.” I shrugged.

  “Good,” Jace said.

  Before I knew what was going on, he charged me, ramming my body into the ground, causing all the air to whoosh out of me. I gaped at him in surprise—what a jerk—he thought he was funny. Jace smiled down at me. I looked up into bright-blue eyes, and I couldn’t help the grin that was tugging at my mouth. But all too soon the grin faded and then it happened. My world tilted on its axis and everything went black.

  Eyes, evil eyes! Hands, rough hands all over me and their breath—their hot sick breath on my body! No, not again. They’re all here and they’re going to kill me! Max was here, he was back. No. No. No. That was impossible. I shouted, “NO. NO. NO.” I was desperately fighting them off, fighting Max off. Fear was riding my body.


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