A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One

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A Spark Of Magic: Chosen Saga Book One Page 29

by J. L. Clayton

  What should I do? Was he about to say what I thought? Was Tru going to tell me he loved me? Oh God, I opened my mouth to say something, but Tru placed his fingers on my lips and shushed me.

  “What I’m giving you is what my father and his father so on and so forth gave to their one chosen mates, the one who they loved with all their heart!” Tru smiled sadly shaking his head. At that point, even if I’d wanted to say something, all coherent thoughts had left my mind when he said the words chosen mate and love in the same sentence. And how could he love me? We hadn’t known each other long. I cared for him, but I knew I didn’t love him. Not yet! And was his love that of the wolf. Was the wolf the one pulling the strings because of my scent? “God, C,” Tru continued. “From the moment I laid eyes on you, I was struck. You took my heart, and I cannot seem to get it back.” A single tear glistened in Tru’s wonderful eyes. He kissed my lips with the slightest brush, sending heat and warmth through my entire body. If it weren’t for Tru’s strong arms around me, my knees might’ve given in sending me plummeting to the floor.

  “C, it was like my breath was stolen. My heart seemed to merge with yours. When you came into my life, all I wanted was you. All I thought about was you. Your smile, your laugh, your lips, and your eyes seemed to hold me captive.” I could feel it. My stomach knotted up. I just knew it was coming. He was going to tell me he loved me. I didn’t know how to feel about it, or what to say if he confessed his undying love to me. Tru’s eyes lit up with joy and happiness. He laughed and spun me around on the dance floor like a mad man.

  “God, I love you. Oh, how I love you, C. It feels so very good saying it out loud. I’m not even sure I could ever stop loving you. I don’t know if I would want to stop loving you. Please take my gift, for this is a token of my love and that way you will always know how I feel for you. God,” Tru shouted. Everyone looked at us. I shrugged and they went back to dancing, oblivious to what was really going on. “You shot out across the sky just like lightning, taking my soul and heart with you.”

  Tru leaned in and kissed me with a need I’d never felt from him. He held me near his chest and said, “I know it’s crazy, but I do love you. I just cannot stop loving you. Oh, I’ve tried, but it was useless.” I swallowed hard and looked up at him. I didn’t know what he’d seen, but Tru smiled, saying, “Don’t worry. You don’t have to say a word. I just had to let you know how I felt.”

  With tears now sliding down my face, I looked into his eyes. I saw so much relief. He’d finally told me. That made him so happy. And of course I was crying. Great, this party was becoming nothing but a crying fest for me. Regardless, I didn’t even know I was crying until Tru’s finger brushed a tear from my cheek. I smiled and held out my hand. He took it in his. I was happy, too. I felt something deep for him. But there was Jace. Could I love Tru, and I hated to say it, Jace too? Can you love two people at once? Was it even fair to love two people at once? Probably not, definitely when one of the guys was my friend and the other was my boyfriend.

  I smiled and kissed his fingertips saying, “Tru, I love the gift. And, um, what you said . . . It was wonderful, beautiful. Everything a girl would want to hear.” I sighed, “Although, I don’t know if it’s love for me yet. But I do have strong feelings for you. If that won’t lead me to love, then I don’t know what will.”

  Tru laughed and leaned in to kiss my nose. Then he said, “Well, that’s all I can ask as long as there’s a chance.” He smiled. I could see some smugness in his expression. He said low and sexy, “Because, C, you’ll fall for me. I can promise you that.”

  I laughed and pushed him. Tru kissed me, and we danced. The night was wonderful, more than I thought my sixteenth birthday would be. It exceeded my expectations. However, there was one thing missing. Even after Tru confessed his love, all the wonderful gifts I got. There still was something missing: Jace! Yeah, I know it was so messed up. You can even hate me. Tru was a great guy. But well, there seemed to be something wrong with me. It might have been heartless, inconsiderate, and damn dumb—and I’d probably even be sorry for lusting after Jace while I had a boyfriend. But I guess there you had it: I was one dumb heartless bitch.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  A Very Special Kind of Person

  The party was well over and everyone had left. I said goodbye to all my friends and a special long, hot goodbye to Tru. It was the type of goodbye that had my face flushed and heat washing over my body. Yeah, that was how hot that kiss was. So much so that it should’ve been put in its own category. All in all, it was the best birthday ever, but I really didn’t have much to go by, seeing that this was my first birthday party with friends. I loved it. I was in my room getting ready to take a bath when it happened. His strong hand wrapped around my mouth and his forearm pressed into my neck cutting off my air. He pressed me against the wall and parted my legs, bringing his knee in between them. I struggled and tried to cry out, but it was useless. Max was here to finish what he had started.

  “Now, now that’s enough of that, darling. We have some unfinished business,” Max hissed.

  Tears rolled down my face as I struggled in vain. The night had been perfect, and I had been so happy, but now everything was messed up. How could I have for one second forgotten about Max? How could I have forgotten that he was out there just waiting? I was so dumb, and it was going to cost me my life.

  “First I’m gonna have my way with ya, then I’m gonna slit that pretty little throat and leave ya here for ya folks to see. What do’ ya think about that, darling? Sound like fun to ya?”

  I shook violently. I was so mad and way passed the point of pissed off. I could not believe that this asshat sneaked into my room to have his way with me and kill me on my birthday! Well, that was not going to happen. I was so tired of being the weak victim, the sad girl who couldn’t defend herself. Well. Not. Anymore! I pulled at that deep well of anger, forcing whatever I did when I was mad to happen just one more time. Because this time I was going to make it count. Max was not going to leave my room alive. I was going to make sure of that.

  There was a snap, like something was being pried open inside me. I felt heat rise through my hands. The temperature of my body increased, and this burning rage took me over. I looked up at Max. His eyes widened and he staggered backwards.

  “What the fuck. Ya eyes, they aren’t right.”

  I smiled at him feeling powerful. “Aw don’t worry, Max. It will all be over in a second.”

  “W-what will be over?” He asked with a tremor in his voice. I think it was the first time I’d ever really seen him scared, and I liked it.

  I shrugged. “Your life.”

  I charged him, my hands outstretched. He tripped and did a back flip over my bed. I dove at him not scared as flames now licked at my skin. As I came crashing down on Max, my bedroom door was flung open and in came my dad. He was wielding a sword of some kind. He looked totally badass. I stopped what I was doing and looked at him, amazed. Once I was focused on him and not Max, the fire that was licking up my skin died just as quickly as it came. Dad held the sword menacingly. I shook my head and could not believe what I was seeing.

  “Um, Dad? What-um? Dad?”

  “Awe, to hell with ya crazy people, I’m out of here,” Max said as he raced for my bedroom door.

  In a quick movement, dad flipped the sword so it was hilt first. He hit Max on the side of the head connecting with his temple, knocking him out cold. I watched as Max’s body crashed to the floor and it lay there limply. I stared incredulously. All the fighting, all the struggling, and all I needed was my dad.

  Dad flipped the sword over his shoulder and slid it into a sheath that was strapped onto his back. “Kiddo, are you OK?” I nodded numbly as my mom rushed into the room.

  “Sam, I called the cops. They’re on their way.” Mom wrapped me in a hug and held me tightly as dad went to gather some rope.

  Once he was back, my parents tied Max up. Dad left the room while mom and I sat waiting. It seemed to tak
e forever. And there was so many questions going through my head, but I was too tired to ask them. All I knew was that it was over. Finally over! Max was going to get what he deserved and I could rest. Officer Bart asked us what had happened. I told him some of the truth. I only left out the part where I magically set myself on fire. Cause that wouldn’t have went over well. Then Dad lied. He told Officer Bart he had a baseball bat—which dad just so happen to have in his hands and he gladly handed it over—he said he used said bat to knock Max out with.

  I just stared. I had too much on my mind to say anything. After taking my statement, the police left. I felt drained, so I headed up to my room. As I was climbing the stairs ready to crash—forget the shower I was beat—Mom’s low sorrowful voice stopped me. The way she sounded had my heart rate up. This terrible feeling spread through my gut. I’d never heard my mom’s voice sound quite like that before.

  “Charlie, I think it’s time to talk about some things. Come sit down.”

  I turned and looked at her, then glanced at my dad. Both of their faces were set in grim lines. What was it now?

  I sighed, “Mom, Dad, what’s going on?” I asked dryly afraid of what they would say.

  “Come on, Kiddo, this is important. Sit.” Dad’s voice was commanding.

  I felt weary. Regardless I walked over to the brown suede sofa in the living room and sat down. Mom and Dad took the opposite seats directly in front of me. I was truly starting to have a terrible feeling. God, I could not seem to go one day without something going totally, dreadfully, bad. Woo-hoo!

  “Charlie,” Mom said. She took in a breath. Sighing, she let it all out before speaking again. “What I am about to tell you is very important. I just need you to understand that it has to be done now, Sweetie.”

  I looked at Mom, eyebrows raised, wondering if this had to do with Max and the whole dad-wielding-sword thing or if dad happened to see me on fire. My mind was going from 90 to nothing, and I, of course, was starting to flip out. However, I nodded for her to tell me whatever it was. Although, I had this awful sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that I knew exactly what she was about to say, and I didn’t think it was about tonight at all.

  “Charlie,” Mom murmured her eyes filling up with unshed tears.

  That almost clinched it for me. I knew, just knew what was coming next.

  “We’re very sorry that we have to tell you this, but just remember that your father and I love you very much, Dear.”

  Oh no! Nooo! We were moving again! Great! Why was this happening? Grrr!

  I felt my face turning crimson red. I was mad. No scratch that, I was far from mad—I was on the brink of rage—and all rationality left my body. I just hoped I didn’t go up in flames.

  I shot straight up and shouted, “No! I’m not moving!” I swept my arm around the room and continued. “We’re staying here, you got that! You cannot do this to me anymore. Ugh! If you guys want to leave, fine. By all means do it. But you’re not taking me. No!”

  I stomped my right foot like a three year old—pathetic—when I said no. I clenched my hands into fists, and then placed them on either side of my hips, spreading my legs in my best “Peter pan,” pose. I glared, showing them I meant every last word and trying to breathe through the heat. Even if I looked ridiculous—which I don’t doubt I did look funny—I needed them to know I wasn’t moving again. Not again!

  Mom and Dad looked at one another. Dad sighed and said in a deep voice, “Sit down now. That’s not what we have to tell you, Kiddo. So. . . Sit . . . Back. . . Down!” Dad’s voice rumbled through the house, shocking me.

  Aggravated, I slowly sagged back down in my seat, the heat in my body fading. I couldn’t recall Dad ever speaking to me in that tone. It made me think about saying something sarcastic. It was hard, but I bit back my comment and sat there waiting to hear the inevitable.

  “Charlie,” Mom murmured with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

  Disappointment? Why did she have the right to be disappointed in me? Besides, I was not the one pulling my kid all over the world, she was. They were!

  “I wanted to do this slowly, but with your outburst and the short time we have left and what happened tonight with your dad gives me no choice. Promise me you’ll not say a word until I am done. OK, Charlie?”

  Yeah, yeah! Whatever! Puh-leeze! That’s what I wanted to say, but I just looked at her and nodded. I also wanted to stick out my tongue. However, I held back. Immature, who me? No never! See, I could take a hint. Not a word out of me. Apparently, Mom saw the look on my face. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Well, I guess I got my immaturity from Mother. Mom smiled her yeah-you-have-to-be-quiet smile. Why do parents have a look for everything?

  Unfortunately, I think this is something I’ll never know.

  Mom said, “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but, Charlie, we are not your biological parents.” She said it in a moderately, matter-of-fact way. Temporarily speechless, I narrowed my eyes at them both.

  If Mom was trying to come up with a good excuse for moving, this one was awful—it was one of her least intelligent excuses ever. She must have been losing her touch.

  “I am so sorry to tell you this.” I watched in horror as tears streamed down my mother’s cheeks. “Charlie, your parents are no longer with us.”

  I stood up abruptly shaking my head. Dad came over and placed one hand on my shoulder setting me back down, all the while rubbing my back for comfort. Yeah, sure I always thought my parents were not my biological parents . . . but I didn’t expect it to be literal.

  Ah. It was just a thought, nothing more.

  I opened my mouth, closed it, then opened it again, but Mom stopped me.

  “You said you would listen, so just let me tell you everything then you can speak.”

  Sickened, I nodded, hugging my knees to my chest. I was confused and worried, but I managed to smile and tell her to go on. She might as well not stop now.

  “You are a very special kind of person, Charlie.” Mom paused, collecting herself. “You have special abilities, natural magical powers if you will. And they are not yet bloomed. In addition to that, your father and I are your chosen guardians.”

  I looked at her and almost smiled. I wondered what she would think if I told her that my magical powers were already blooming, if I said I already had a little bit of magic! I already had a spark of magic. I wondered what she would have said then. Hey, I did hear that a little bit of magic can go a long way. I just wondered how far my magic would go when it was fully bloomed, and when the inferno inside me was set free. What could I do then? What power would I have then? And how totally awesome would that be? Then I did smile.



  He watched as the policeman loaded Max into his vehicle. He was enraged. Crispin could not believe what he read in Max’s mind. He had a trader among him. One of his loyal followers set this in motion and he would not stand for it. First he was going to take care of Max, and then his follower. Crispin saw the car coming down the road. He stepped out directly in front of the moving vehicle. It slammed into him, but he felt nothing. The car crumbled in on itself. Crispin looked at the cop. Officer Bart was dead, but that did not faze Crispin. He was not here for the officer, and unfortunately the policeman was just a casualty in his little game. Crispin was here for Max and only Max. With deadly speed and strength, Crispin gathered up Max and ripped out his spine. Max’s eyes flew open and he gasped. Crispin smiled at the dying man.

  He said, “She is mine to kill, mine to play with and no one else’s.”

  Max took in several shuddering breaths and died. It was a shame that he died so quickly, but what was done was done, Crispin thought. However, that thought faded as he realized that now it was time for him to get the girl and take care of his follower. He grinned. Oh how he was going to enjoy this next part of the game.


  I am dedicating this book to my brother in-law, he is no longer with us, but
I know if he was here now he would be so proud of me for finally getting my book out there. He said he was my biggest fan! Steven Ray Clayton, you are missed!




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