Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1 Page 11

by Marissa Dobson

  “Where is the bag?” Ty asked, already forming a plan, judging by the thoughtful expression on his face.

  “It’s in the basement of the North Pole apartment building in the rafters to the left of the heater. It’s a black backpack.”

  “Raja, take Thomas and see if you can find this bag. I want to settle this.”

  When the door shut behind Raja, she turned her attention back to the boy. “What clan are you from, Lukas?”

  “My brother, Jinx, took over the West Virginia Tigers. Our numbers are small, but we’re a tight group. My father was friends with your father. After he was murdered and then my father was killed, we felt it was our duty to keep an eye on Pierce whenever we could. Hopefully, this would allow some warning if he was planning an attack.”

  “We have been trying to keep an eye on Pierce as well,” Ty agreed. He glanced at the time, anxious to see the contents of Lukas’s bag.

  They sat, and they waited while Ty questioned Lukas over and over about everything. Finally, a knock sounded from behind them and he turned toward the door. “Yes?”

  “We found it.” Raja entered with a black bag draped over his shoulder.

  Ty took the bag and set it on the bedside table. Unzipping it, he pulled out a laptop.

  “We found a way to hack into his cell phone and record his conversations,” Lukas explained excitedly. “On there is a message that went to his voicemail. Luckily, we were able to intercept it, deleting it before he received it. Since I’ve been traveling, I can’t be sure he hasn’t been contacted again.”

  “Bring the message up.” Ty handed the laptop to the boy.

  He flipped it open and hit the power button. The laptop booted up quickly, and he clicked a few buttons before the message started playing.

  It’s Chris. Tabitha’s on the red-eye plane back tonight. The clan is planning a celebration for her homecoming. You want her dead, then I need backup to take her down. I did what you asked. Now you better pay up.

  Goosebumps covered her arms, and her stomach sank. He put his arm around her, drawing her against him.

  “We’ll handle this. Lukas, you have to understand our situation. Until this is under control, we’re going to have a guard with you. No cell, computer, nothing. You brought this to our attention, and we appreciate it, but we have to be cautious this isn’t a trap.”

  “I understand.” Lukas looked down at his laptop in sadness and nodded. “If you could contact my brother to let him know I’m here, I’m sure he would appreciate it. I’ll cooperate in any way I can.”

  Ty nodded, turning to Raja. “Gather the guards including Marcus, Lance, and Milo. I know they had the night off, but we need them. We’ll meet in my quarters in ten minutes.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Tabitha paced the bedroom, trying to calm down. Sure, she knew Pierce was after her, but hearing the message still sent a jolt through her. Pierce was seriously after her and wanted her dead. How do you handle someone wanting you dead who you’ve never even met?

  “Tabby?” Ty came into the bedroom.

  “I’m fine. I just need a moment.”

  “Come here, baby.” He wrapped his arms around her. “We’ll take care of this. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I know.” His face was full of doubt, making her tremble against him. “It’s just sinking in. I’ve never even met this guy, and he wants to kill me.” She was still having a hard time wrapping her mind around it.

  “It’s going to be fine.” There was a knock on the door to their quarters, meaning the guards had arrived. “Felix, get the door. We’ll be out in a moment.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to gather all the courage she could. She wouldn’t break down. “Let’s do this.”

  “I can handle it myself if you want a few minutes.”

  “I’m fine. I want it over with.”

  He ran his hand down her back one last time as they went to face the guards. “Have a seat. This is going to take some time.” He led her toward a chair that was angled between the two sofas, giving her a good view of everyone.

  Even with the crowd in the living area, it didn’t seem confining. There was still room to move around, as if when building it, they knew there would be a dozen people here waiting for their orders.

  “Most of this won’t come as a shock to you. Pierce knows Tabitha is here and is most likely on his way.” He gave them a moment as if he wanted to let it sink in. “I want everyone on high alert. I want the compound locked down like Fort Knox. No one on or off without my knowledge. Felix, I want guards around the clock on Tabitha. You can arrange that, but as Captain of her Guards, I want you in the main building. You can take the guest quarters.”

  Felix nodded.

  “Next order of business: Thomas and Leo, I want you to find Chris Knight and escort him to one of the cells. I’ll deal with him shortly.”

  “Yes, sir. Charges?” Thomas asked.

  “Treason and conspiracy to commit murder.”

  Thomas and Leo left without another word. The rest of the men watched their sovereigns, waiting for orders.

  “Marcus, Lance, you have first guard duty. The rest of you, we’ll be discussing your shifts and get back with you shortly. In the meantime, keep this to yourself. You’re dismissed.”

  As the guards filed out, Marcus and Lance rose to take their post at the entryway. “Lance, I want you to inform the guards at the gate we’re on lockdown. They’re to call me if anyone tries to enter or leave. Then change out of your tuxedo and return here.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Marcus, wait a moment. Felix, you need to hear this also. Raja, unless you have something pressing, I’d like you to stay too.”

  The men didn’t move. They waited patiently for whatever Ty was going to throw at them. Tabitha, on the other hand, shifted nervously in her chair. She knew what he was going to tell them, and she couldn’t help but wonder if they would feel differently toward her.

  “Some of you know about the legends, the ones surrounding Tabitha. I trust you to keep this between us. It is true that she must carry on her line or tiger shifters will cease to exist. She has to be kept alive at all costs.”

  “Understood,” Felix nodded.

  “There’s more, she will unite all tigers.”


  “Marcus, I know Tora has told you the legend that a tigress will come along and unite the tiger shifter population.”

  “Sure, but it’s just a story.”

  “This proves it isn’t.” Ty grabbed the book from the shelf they’d laid it on and handed it to her.

  “You already know I have the gifts from my father’s line. Why is it so hard to believe?” She touched the book, and it sprang open. “I’m supposed to choose three more guards to stand at my side through this. Ty and I have already discussed that we would like the two of you to be a part of it.”

  “Raja is our Lieutenant and while he remains, we still need three others. We would like the two of you to be a part of that. Felix, as the Captain of the Guards, you needed to know the complete situation. Marcus, I’ll be up front with you. This will be dangerous and will put not only you but your family in danger. But being Raja’s family, the danger will already be there. It’s up to you if you wish to pass on this position. However, no matter your decision, you’ll not be allowed to speak of this.”

  Ty laid his hand on Tabitha’s shoulder, gently rubbing it.

  “I’m honored to be a part of this and will do whatever I can,” Felix said.


  “I’ll do it. Who will be the third?”

  “We haven’t decided yet. I wanted her to get to know each of the guards a little more. At this time we’re leaning toward Lance. Since he’ll have first shift, I’m hoping Tabitha can talk to him a little longer and get her own feel for him.”

  The men seemed satisfied with the answer. She yawned, the excitement was taking its toll on her.

x, why don’t you work up a schedule for the guards and then you can finish enjoying the party if you wish. Plan another meeting with the guards for tomorrow morning after breakfast. We need to go over a plan for dealing with Pierce.”

  “Yes, sir.” He stood, ready to leave.

  Marcus and Raja didn’t move, as if they understood Ty wasn’t finished with them.

  “Ty, I know it’s against the protocol, but I think Tora should be informed.” Raja rubbed his hand over his head.

  “He’s right.” She turned to face Ty, who was still standing behind her. “With both Raja and Marcus standing with us, she’ll be in danger. It’s not just her that we have to worry about, but Scarlet also.”

  “Okay. Marcus, retrieve her from the party and return here.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Tabitha had changed into her plaid pajama pants and tank top and was stretched out on the sofa when Tora came in, carrying a sleeping Scarlet.

  “I was wondering where the party went.”

  “Have a seat, sweetie.” Marcus took the sleeping child from her, giving her arms a break.

  “Tora, come sit with me.” Tabitha patted the cushion beside her. “We want to talk to you.” She slipped her legs under her, giving Tora room to sit.

  “What’s going on?” Tora eyed everyone suspiciously, lowering herself beside Tabitha. Marcus still stood, softly rocking Scarlet.

  When no one else took the lead, Tabitha took over. “Tora, we asked for you to join us so we can explain what happened tonight, and some changes in the future.”

  Ty leaned against the armrest beside Tabitha. “We’re telling you this because Raja and Marcus have both agreed to be a part of the operation, and there’s danger involved. We want you aware so you can take precautions for you and Scarlet.”

  “What danger could we be in?”

  “Marcus and Raja have taken a new position…” Tabitha took a deep breath before continuing. “They tell me you know the legends of the tigress who will come from my line and unite the tigers.”

  “Yes, it’s a legend my parents passed down to us.” Tora nodded, glancing at her brother.

  “It’s not a legend. It’s true. Tabitha is the one.” Raja spoke from the window he stood by.

  “How do you know this?”

  “She can open the book of her line. She has her father’s gift, and it’s what our parents always told us.”

  Tora took a moment to think about it before finally nodding. “Why does this place us in danger? Dad never made it sound dangerous.”

  “Tora, he told it to us as a bedtime story. If he made it sound scary, do you think you would have been able to sleep?” Raja ran his hand through his hair. “Once this is out Pierce won’t be the only one gunning for her. Sorry, Tabitha, but it is true.”

  “I know, Raja. Tora, this will also place you in danger. With both your brother and mate as part of the chosen guards, it could make you a target.” Tabitha watched Tora closely.

  “Chosen guards?”

  “The book said I must choose three guards to help with the tasks. Raja, as our Lieutenant, will stay in that position. I have chosen Marcus and Felix, and we’re considering a few others for the final position.”

  Tora nodded, taking it all in.

  “No matter the situation, you’re always in danger being my sister.” Raja moved closer to her.

  That very statement reminded Tabitha of how Ty ended up with his scar, but it didn’t seem to faze Tora. She just nodded. “True. What can I do?”

  “There’s nothing to do at the moment,” Ty assured her. “We wanted you to understand the situation and be on your guard. If there is ever a time we feel the danger level for you is high, we will assign you protection. We’ll do everything we can to protect you and Scarlet.”

  “Thank you. Scarlet is my main concern.”

  “We understand.” Tabitha laid a hand on her knee.

  “He has been detained.” Lance strolled through the door before he realized they were not alone. Tora still sat on the sofa.

  “Who?” Tora asked.

  “I’m sorry, sir.”

  “You know better than that, Lance. However, Tora has been informed of some of the situation. Being Raja’s sister, she’s in more danger than most of the clan.” Ty turned to Tora before continuing. “Chris Knight. He’s charged with treason and conspiracy to commit murder.”

  The shock she felt was written clearly across her face. “Chris…” She murmured under her breath. Tabitha wouldn’t have heard it had she not been sitting next to her.

  “Were you close?”

  When Tora didn’t answer, Raja spoke up. “They used to be close, before Marcus came to the clan.”

  “We drifted apart once Marcus and I were mated, but I always hoped he would get his life together and find his mate.”

  “Would it be all right if I walk my mate home and put Scarlet to bed?” Marcus asked.

  “Just don’t be long.” Ty nodded. “When you return, take your position at the door.”

  Marcus reached for Tora’s hand and pulled her up. He wrapped his free arm around her and they left.

  “Lance, take your position outside the door until Marcus returns. When he does, we would like to speak with you privately.”

  “Yes, sir.” He nodded before taking his post.

  The three of them were quiet for a few minutes before Ty broke the silence. “Raja, if you ever wanted to step down from your position as Lieutenant and start your own clan, now is the time to do it.”

  “I have no desire to leave. This is my home.”

  “Good. I wanted to get that out of the way before things were set in motion.” He rubbed her shoulders gently. “I’ve been giving this some thought while Tora was here. Pierce’s men are stupid enough to attack us here, so I want to be ready. I think they’ll attack tonight after the party when everyone is exhausted. If I’m wrong, tomorrow we’ll see if we can stage something.”

  “I agree. Which is why I think you need more than two guards.”

  “Fine. After the party, gather up some of the men and station them around the compound. I want them to be ready at a moment’s notice, but I want the place to appear as if everyone is in bed. I don’t want them to know we’re expecting them.”

  Raja nodded at the same moment Lance opened the door.

  “If this is a bad time, I can come back.”

  “No, Raja and I were just leaving. Keep Tabitha company until I return.” He kissed his mate’s cheek. “I’ll be back soon.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Tabitha ran her hand down Ty’s chest, her head resting in the crook of his arm, as the compound began to settle around them. She knew there were guards ready to defend them, but her heart was still in her throat as the possible outcomes ran through her mind.

  She felt powerless, and doing nothing was driving her crazy. These people were after her, not the clan, but her clan was ready to fight to their deaths for her. She’d never had that before—so many people caring about her. It was almost too overwhelming.

  “What did you think of Lance?”

  “I liked him. He seems to always be on guard. As if he’s picturing the worst case scenario and is ready for whatever comes his way.”

  “Being ready for the worst makes you prepared for whatever happens. He’s a good guard, and I believe he would make our core group stronger. He takes orders well and thinks outside the box.”

  Tabitha nodded.

  “Then we agree on Lance?”

  “What about his mate? Does she get a say in this?”

  “Each mated pair is different. Some consider their mate in the decision, and some do not. Marcus knows Tora well and knew he didn’t need to seek her opinion before accepting. It isn’t normal for the guards to be able to discuss situations with their mates. Assignments are normally on a need-to-know basis only. If Lance wishes to decline the position, that is his right, however, with the current situation, he will not be able to discuss it with his mate un
til it is made public.”

  “You mentioned mating hormones before. Do you think Lance’s head is on straight enough for this?”

  “That’s a concern. I think he would be perfect for the position without the mating. Now that he’s newly mated, his thoughts are on other things.” To show what he meant, he kissed her neck. “Then what do you think of Thomas?”

  “He takes orders well.” She let out a soft moan as he continued to kiss her neck. “I can’t think if you keep doing that.”

  “That’s the whole point.”

  He slipped his hand under her shirt, ready to tear it off, when his cell buzzed. “Damn it!” He reached for the phone, growling. “This better be good.” He snarled. “Okay. Stand by until they make their move. Don’t let them escape.” Ending the call he was silent for a moment before hitting another button and bringing the phone to his ear again. “Raja, they’re approaching. Get Felix. I want you both over here.” He slid the phone into his pocket as he turned to her. “Ready for this?”

  “Not in the least bit, but what choice do we have?”

  “Have you ever handled one of these?” he asked, pulling out a gun from the nightstand drawer.

  “I’ve never shot a gun before.”

  Ty had just finished showing her how to work the gun when the soft creak of their door being opened echoed through the room. He had instructed everyone to leave the lights off, giving the impression they were asleep.

  “It’s just Raja and Felix,” he whispered. “You’re going to be fine. Remember to stay behind us, and if Felix tells you it’s time to move, you move, no questions asked. I don’t care what’s happening to me, you go with him. I’ll find you when it’s safe.” He leaned down until their foreheads were touching. “I love you.” He kissed her.


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