Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1 Page 15

by Marissa Dobson

  Chapter Three

  I should have been paying more attention to Tabitha’s emotions. Allowing her to get that close to a shift without my noticing was something I won’t let happen again. Raja helped himself to another mug of coffee while he waited for Ty. Felix had left to deal with the guards.

  Ty re-entered the kitchen, shoulders slouched and steps dragging as if he should’ve been asleep. His body didn’t appear to glide as it normally did. He ran a hand through his long, dark hair and yawned. Raja poured another cup of coffee and slid it across the counter.


  Raja nodded and sipped his coffee. “You should be sleeping. I can deal with the reporters.”

  “I have no doubts about that. I needed to discuss something with you.” Ty took a drink of his coffee and raked his hand through his hair again.

  Raja tensed. His friend wasn’t tired, something else weighed on his shoulders. Something troubled him.

  “What’s going on, Ty? We’ve always been straight with each other.”

  “I know I told you Tabitha’s friend Alice was murdered. Well, it seems as though the suspect is out on bond. The team I sent to keep an eye on him has been unable to locate him. He’s disappeared.”

  “Bond? You’re shitting me. He murdered two girls.” Raja couldn’t believe what he heard.

  “Seems as though the justice system is fucked up. Jails are overcrowded. From what I can tell, it looks like someone pulled the right strings to get him out and there’s only one person I can think of who’d do that.”

  “Tabitha’s safe as long as she’s in the compound. We’ll double her security to ensure that.”

  “It gets worse.” Ty finished the last of his coffee. “He’s teamed up with his mob connections and Pierce.”

  “How the hell did they find each other?” Apprehension thickened the air. This made things more dangerous. The sooner Tabitha could go through the transition, the better. She’d be able to protect herself easier once she changed.

  “I’m guessing through the mob connection. We knew Pierce had some limited connections. The mob likes shifters on their payroll for extra protection.”

  “How much longer until the change?”

  “A week, two at most. She’s close. Today proved it.” Ty stood and put his coffee mug in the dishwasher.

  “Are you going to tell her?”

  “Sooner or later, yes. But not yet. I don’t want to push her into shifting too early.”

  It was the reasonable choice. “Then rest with her. You both need each other now. Let me fill Felix in, we’ll get a plan together and keep an eye on things.”

  Ty nodded, slipping away to be with his mate.

  Raja poured himself another coffee. The day promised to be long. He could tell the stress of not being able to make Tabitha safe ate at Ty.

  If that’s what it’s like to be mated, I don’t want any part of it.

  He sat in front of his laptop, trying to put his finger on Pierce’s next move. With all the information they had, there was no reason why they shouldn’t have a new lead.

  His cell phone dinged, letting him know that he had a new text message. It read, She agreed to meet us this evening. Will let you know how it goes.

  Leo was always short and to the point. With a little luck, Pierce’s sister would be willing to help, not that it would protect him. No way could they allow him to live after so many had died at his hands, especially not after the attacks on Tabitha. Raja would kill him with his own hands if he had the chance.

  While Tabitha showered, they put together a quiet meeting to discuss the plans to double her guards without making her aware of any danger. Raja wasn’t convinced it was the best way to deal with the situation, but it was what Ty wanted.

  “With Leo gone, I’d like Adam to be temporarily reassigned to Tabitha’s guards. We need the expanded manpower,” Felix stressed when they reconvened in Ty’s office.

  “As long as he’s teamed with a more experienced guard. He’s used to guarding the grounds, not an Elder,” Raja cut in. “If she has another episode like this afternoon, he won’t stand a chance against the magic she exudes. We need someone who will still be able to fight if danger arises.”

  “Understood, Raja. I’ll team him with Thomas.”

  “Very well then.” Ty tapped the desk with his fingers. “We have the guards teamed up and scheduled. Remember, Tabitha doesn’t need to know about—”

  The door opened and silence fell.

  Tabitha glared. Her face spelled out the truth, she’d overheard them and they were about to pay. “You don’t want me to know about what?”

  “It’s nothing, darling.” Ty rose from behind his desk to go to his mate.

  “Nothing, my ass. You have been acting suspiciously all day and I want to know what’s up.” Anger threaded her voice, as clear as an Alaskan Tiger’s stripes.

  Raja inched toward the door. The last place he wanted to be was in the middle of an argument between mates—especially his Alphas.

  “I never took you as a coward, Raja.” Her words startled him. Any chance of slipping out the door without her knowing vanished.

  “My Queen, I’m not a coward, but it’s not my place to get between mates.”

  “Then tell me what’s going on, since my mate would prefer to keep me in the dark.” She fixed her irritation on him.

  He could see Ty’s position, but he was stuck. His Alphas wanted different things. “Tabitha, I think this is something you need to discuss with him. The only thing I can tell you is we’re increasing your protection. We were meeting to discuss the guard schedule.”

  “Doubling my guards?”

  Ty dropped onto his desktop in defeat. He didn’t want to go up against his mate. “Tabby, things have become more dangerous. We’re only trying to protect you.”

  “Keeping me in the dark isn’t protecting me, Ty.”

  “With all due respect, she cannot afford the stress this is putting on her. Tell her,” Raja murmured. It might not be his place, but he couldn’t stand to see them both so torn up.

  “Oh, that’ll be less stressful for her, will it? Now you think you know what’s better for my mate than I do!” Ty eyed the other man.

  “This is ridiculous,” Tabitha snapped. “You can’t keep it from me and we can’t take our anger out on Raja. Don’t shelter me. If I’m truly the Queen of the Tigers, then I have a right to know what the danger is.”

  “Leave. I’ll fill her in.” Ty growled.

  Raja wasn’t sure if Ty had given in out of defeat or because he realized they were right, but it didn’t matter. Tabitha needed to know.

  Once he’d departed, Raja paced his quarters, unable to calm himself. He couldn’t put his finger on it. There was something in the pit of his stomach that left him feeling ill. He checked the surveillance of the compound and everything appeared calm. Too calm.

  The calm before the storm. Oh, I hope I’m wrong.

  Nothing to do but wait—wait until the other shoe dropped. He’d never been good at waiting. He needed to run. Stripping off his clothes, he shifted.

  Chapter Four

  Bethany danced around the hotel room. Coming to Alaska was a dream come true for her. Visiting for five days, she planned to see and do as much as she could. When she won the trip she couldn’t believe her luck, she couldn’t even remember entering the contest. She’d never won anything in her life.

  She grabbed her cell phone from her purse and called her baby sister. When Jamie didn’t answer, she left a message.

  “I can’t believe Mom almost talked me out of coming. It’s beautiful here,” Bethany gushed. “Mom’s negative feelings are off. Nothing can go wrong. Tomorrow a day on the slopes, snowboarding. Tonight I plan to check out the nightclub the door attendant recommended. My cell reception is spotty, but I’ll call you soon. Love ya, sis.”

  Tossing the phone on the bed, she glanced at the bedside clock. Twenty minutes before the cab arrives. I have time to freshen up.
  When Bethany arrived, the first thing she noticed was the nightclub was just like any other she’d ever been to. The drinks flowed, the music was so loud she had to scream to talk, and the dance floor was crowded.

  Partying and nightclubs weren’t really her thing, but she’d promised her baby sister she would go. Jamie’s words rang in her ears: “For once in your life, be wild. Let your hair down and do something you wouldn’t normally do. Go to a nightclub for me, dance and have a good time.”

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  Turning on her bar stool, she found a man in jeans, a T-shirt, and a cowboy hat riding low over his eyes.

  “Okay. I’ll have a cola.”

  “A soda? Live on the wild side, darling. How about something stronger?”

  “Sorry. I don’t drink the hard stuff,” she said, shaking her head.

  “I hate drinking alone, but I won’t allow a lady to ruin my night.” He motioned to the bartender.

  His rudeness shocked her. She should’ve walked out, but her mom taught her better. She wouldn’t respond to him in the same crass manner. She allowed him to buy her a drink, she’d finish it and then make her excuses.

  Why did I ever let Jamie talk me into this?

  Life filled the club. Everyone laughed, having a good time it seemed, except her. She was completely out of her element.

  “What brings you here tonight?” He leaned into her so he didn’t have to shout.

  “I promised my sister I would hit up a nightclub while I’m here.”

  “You’re not from these parts then?”

  “No. I won this trip.”

  “Oh, you must be Bethany. I’m Josh, your ski instructor for tomorrow.” He shook her hand.

  “I changed that. I don’t need an instructor. I decided to go snowboarding instead. But thank you for the drink.” Finishing her soda, she rose. “I really must be going. It was a long trip, and I’m tired.”

  “Let me give you a ride back to the hotel. I have to go there anyway to pick up a few things.”

  “That’s kind of you, but I already called a cab.” She stood, sliding her purse over her shoulder.

  “Come on.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the exit.

  “You’re hurting me.” She tried to pull away from him, but his grip tightened.

  “I will hurt you if you don’t come with me.” He closed the distance between them, his voice a harsh whisper, his breath tinged with liquor. No one in the boisterous crowd seemed to notice her distress.

  Her heart beat feverishly, stomach rolling. God help me, Mom was right. I should have listened.

  Raja ran until he exhausted his nervous energy. After a long, hot shower, he still felt as if he was crawling to get out of his skin. His cell phone vibrated on the desk. I hope this will be something to distract me.

  It was Leo.

  “Raja.” He answered as he rose from his bed, listening.

  “She’ll only tell you or Ty and it has to be in person. What do you want us to do?”

  “I’ll speak with Ty and get back to you. There are some new threats where Tabitha is concerned. I’m not sure he’ll want a strange human in the compound. But if so, be ready to leave at a moment’s notice.”

  “She doesn’t seem like much of a threat, just concerned about her brother. We’ll stand by for your word.” It was late, but Ty would want to know immediately. He dialed his Alpha as soon as Leo hung up.

  “Yes?” Ty’s voice was heavy with exhaustion and Tabitha murmured sleepily in the background.

  “I’m sorry to bother you at this late hour. I heard from Leo and I need to speak with you.”

  “Come over.”

  He’d never heard his Alpha sound so tired.

  “I’ll be right there.” Raja hung up and slipped on a T-shirt. He didn’t want to delay talking to Ty. Upon arriving at Ty’s quarters, he was surprised to find Tabitha waiting in the living room as well. “My Queen, I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

  “It’s fine, Raja. I wouldn’t be able to sleep without Ty anyway. What did you find out?”

  Ty gave him permission with a slight nod.

  “Jessica says she has information, but won’t tell Leo and Connor what she knows until she meets with you. My guess would be she’s trying to save her brother’s ass.”

  Ty let out a deep sigh. “I would predict the same. I can’t travel to speak with her in person, but I’ll arrange a call tomorrow.”

  “She’ll only do it in person. Leo asked about bringing her here. It’s safer than the alternative.” Raja disliked the idea, even if it was the only way to get the information from Jessica.

  “I’m not sure it’s safe, but it seems like our only choice. Call Leo. I’ll expect them tomorrow.”

  In the solitude of his quarters, Raja pulled his cell phone out.

  “Leo. Bring her here. We’ll expect you tomorrow. But make it clear to her that if she brings danger to our clan, it will be her life on the line.”

  He didn’t wait for Leo to respond but ended the call.

  Chapter Five

  Sometime in the early morning hours, the sandman finally visited. It wasn’t restful. Raja tossed and turned, strange and terrifying dreams plagued him. The turmoil of recent events was playing out in his subconscious.

  “Raja, you’re needed in Ty’s quarters.” The earbud he kept in his ear at all times dragged him from his troubled sleep. When he was off duty, he set it to disturb only for an emergency.

  He growled.

  “Situation has arisen, and you’re needed. Report immediately.”

  Situation? He didn’t waste time changing. He grabbed his handgun from the nightstand and strapped his knife to his thigh before rushing down the short hall to Tabitha and Ty’s quarters.

  Felix opened the door. Behind him Ty comforted Tabitha. There didn’t seem to be any immediate danger, but she appeared distraught.

  He stood waiting, knowing Ty would fill him in.

  “Tabby, there’s no use in you being here. Why don’t you go into the study?” Ty said, trying to calm his mate.

  “No. I’m fine.”


  “If I’m to be Queen, I have to face even the worst things.”

  “You are Queen, but you don’t have to do this. I won’t argue with you. There’s no time if we’re going to save her.”

  Confusion filled Raja and it must’ve shown on his face as Ty glanced at him.

  “Hit play and you won’t be so perplexed any longer.” Ty nodded toward the laptop sitting on the table.

  He stepped to it and pushed the play button. A young girl filled the screen. Her eyes filled with terror and her blonde hair matted with dried blood. Her pleas, then her screams, filled the room as a man hit her over and over again.

  “Bethany here will die unless you give up Tabitha Leigh. We tried to be civil about this and confront you directly. Now we’ll kill innocent women until we have her. If you want the girl to live, drop Tabitha off in front of the Fairbanks International Airport at midnight. Once she’s in our custody, you’ll receive the girl’s location. If you wish to play more games, she’ll be the first of many dead women I leave in my wake.” The terrified look in Bethany’s eyes tore out Raja’s heart. In all his years he’d witnessed some awful stuff and yet nothing affected him like the video did.

  “Shit.” He ran his free hand over his face, feeling the slight stubble under his fingertips. “Did you put a trace on it?”

  “Connor’s working on it now.” Ty nodded, his arm wrapped tightly around his mate.

  “I can’t let her die because of me,” Tabitha said firmly. “If we can’t find where this was sent from, I’ll meet him.”

  “The hell you will, Tabitha!” Ty roared.

  “That girl has nothing to do with this. She’s innocent.”

  “Ty’s right. You would be trading one life for another,” Raja cut in. “There’s no way we’ll allow you to do that.” No matter the cost, he wouldn’t allow her t
o risk herself. He couldn’t get the image of the girl out of his mind. Something about her called to him and he wanted to find her.

  “Raja, I wasn’t asking permission. I won’t let her die in my place. She probably has a family that would miss her.”

  “What, and you don’t?” Anger darkened Ty’s voice.

  “That isn’t what I meant, and you know it.”

  Ty held onto his temper by a thin thread. Since finding his mate, his emotions were more on edge, especially when it came to her.

  Meanwhile, the large living room that only a few days earlier held over two dozen of their guards closed in around Raja.

  “We don’t have time for this now,” he snapped. “Tabitha, get rid of the thought. It isn’t happening. I’ll lock you in one of the cells until this is over if you even think about leaving the grounds. I’ll do whatever I can to save Bethany, but you’re our first concern.” Raja glanced at his Alphas briefly and then turned his attention to the laptop screen where the girl’s face still stared up at him. He’d find a way to keep Tabitha safe and rescue the girl before it was too late.

  “Felix, go to my room, there’s a black box on the dresser. Bring it here. Then find out where Connor stands on locating the transmission.” Raja realized he still held his handgun. His pajama pants didn’t have the elastic to keep the gun at the small of his back as he would’ve preferred. “Grab my gun harness. It should be on the dresser as well.” He turned to his Alpha Female.

  “Now, Tabitha, sit down. We need to discuss a few things. While we’re talking, I need some coffee to think straight.” He didn’t bother to ask for some. This was his home away from home. He made his way to the kitchen, with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Pulling the coffee beans out of the freezer, he measured out enough to make a full pot. “I know we’ve told you if you’re killed before you can carry on your line, then all tiger shifters will cease to exist. So why would you be willing to risk everyone’s life?”


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