Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1 Page 19

by Marissa Dobson

  The torture of the girl went on for what seemed like hours, but in reality lasted only minutes. Raja stared at the blanched face of his mate’s sister wishing her death would come swiftly if only to spare her.

  Pierce’s voice filled the earphones again. “I wish I had more time to play with you, Momma. Nevertheless, you suffered enough watching your little girl die. Know this, I’ll hunt Bethany down and do the same to her.”

  The woman looked defeated. All the fight gone from her. She had a hard time breathing, as the knife in her chest must have punctured a lung.

  He sliced the woman’s throat, spraying blood across the camera lens. The woman slumped in her chair as Pierce picked up the camera and tried to wipe it off.

  “Dear sister of mine. You’ve betrayed me. Going to the ones I despise the most. Know I’ll find you too. I might not make you suffer, after all, you’re family, but your life will still be over. Tell me, was it worth it?”

  With that, the video ended. Raja leaned back in his chair and roared.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Hours later the conference room was empty except for Raja and Ty. Felix had left moments before to join Tabitha and Bethany, leaving the men alone.

  “Do you want Tabitha and I to stay when you tell Bethany?”

  “No. I’ll do it alone. Her father used to tell her stories of shifters, but I don’t think she knows they were part of her family.”

  “If she does, she might be able to give us an idea of who he’ll target next. I have the West Virginia Tigers looking into possible relatives and connections, but it will take time.”

  “I’ll see what I can find.”

  “Raja, I know what you’re thinking and the answer is no.” Raja stared at Ty until he continued. “You can’t sit there and tell me you’re not thinking of going after Pierce yourself.”

  “I want to be on the team that takes him down.”


  “What do you mean no?”

  “Exactly what I said. You’re too valuable to the clan. Tabitha and Bethany would never forgive me if I let something happen to you. If he attacks the compound or us then yes, you’ll be expected to fight, but as my Lieutenant, you aren’t on the front lines any longer. Especially on this one.”

  Raja growled. He couldn’t believe his ears.

  “Growl all you want. Face it, you’re mated now. Our numbers are too low to toss away a mated couple.”

  “Don’t give me that crap.”

  “You wouldn’t support my decision to go into the front lines either, and the whole reason he’s targeting us is because my mate could be the end of the tigers.”

  “You are Alpha. You’re not supposed to be in battle.” Raja snarled, getting to his feet.

  “You’re my Lieutenant and valuable to the clan. Without you and Bethany, Tabitha cannot complete her mission to bring all the tigers together. Your mating was one of the steps the book mentioned that needed to be completed.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Raja narrowed his eyes.

  “Tell you that you had to mate for things to go forward? Seriously? You would have fought the mating at every crossroads. You said you wanted nothing to do with a mate. Now, my friend, you have no choice. Your mate is downstairs waiting for you.”

  “I’m not sure she’ll be ready to accept me after I give her the news of her family,” Raja admitted, before sliding his hands into his pockets trying to calm his nerves.

  Raja was in a battle he wouldn’t win, unless he wanted to fight Ty for dominance, which he did not intend to do. There has to be a way around it without bringing Pierce to the compound.

  “We heard a roar. What’s going on?” Bethany asked, panic filling her voice.

  “Tabitha, Ty’s in the hall. I need to speak with Bethany alone.”

  “If you need anything, Raja can reach me.” Tabitha stood, giving Bethany’s hand a squeeze before leaving.

  “What’s going on?”

  He closed the distance between them in three quick strides, taking her hand into his. “I told you before we received a video, which is how we knew you were taken. Connor, our wolf computer geek, was able to trace it.”

  “What does that have to do with the roar I heard?”

  “We received another one.” Raja dropped onto the chair next to the bed, his head in his hands.

  “Then go save her like you did me. I’m fine. I don’t need you hovering when there’s another life in jeopardy.”

  Raja looked up, grief clogging his throat. His heart broke for her. The news he had to deliver was horrific, with no easy way to say it.

  “Raja…” Concern thickened her voice.

  “It’s not the same.” He took a deep breath, saying a silent prayer for the strength and words to tell her.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, Bethany.” He leaned in close to the bed, wrapping his hands around her small, delicate ones. Nothing would be the same for her ever again. “It’s your family.”

  “What about them? They’re home in Virginia, safe. Right?” When he didn’t answer, she dug her fingers into his palm. “Tell me what’s going on. You’re starting to scare me.”

  “The man who ordered your kidnapping, Pierce…he attacked your parents’ home.”

  “But they’re fine, right?” She pulled away to grab for her cell on the nightstand, tears already gleaming in her eyes.

  Raja recaptured her hands, not letting her reach the phone. “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re wrong. They were supposed to go to the cabin, they wouldn’t be home. You have to be wrong.” Her voice broke as she pleaded with him, tears spilling down her cheeks.

  “I watched the video myself.”

  “Jamie? Is she okay?”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Bethany sobbed, her shoulders trembling. Raja stood, setting his gun on the nightstand. He eased himself on the bed next to her, careful not to disturb her injured knee, then wrapped his arms around her. She snuggled into his embrace, and he held her as she shuddered with grief, wishing he could take this pain away as easily as the physical agony.

  After a few minutes of uncontrollable tears, she turned her head away, leaving a wet spot, but he didn’t mind. She tilted her head up to look at him. “I want to see the video.”

  “No!” He growled.

  “I want to see it,” she stated with more determination.

  “It’s out of the question. I won’t let your last memories of your family be tainted by their murders. Bethany, please leave it be. I won’t have it.” He growled again, his tiger pacing furiously inside him.

  “I have a right.”

  “Please…” He wanted to yell at her to make her drop it, but it was the last thing she needed.

  “It’s that bad? You were roaring.” Her voice cracked.

  Raja nodded, unable to speak.

  “I’ll have to go home…to deal with things.”

  “We’ll make arrangements, but we have to wait for the police to contact you. If not, they would want to know where you received your knowledge. The clan has to stay hidden.”

  “Why can’t we take the video to the police?”

  “He shifts in it.”

  “To keep your secret safe, my family dies in vain? No justice for their murders?” Her voice was accusatory as she pulled away from him.

  “Your parents and sister will get justice. I’ll see to that. This is bigger than you, or even your family. He killed Tabitha’s parents years ago. We have been hunting him for a long time.”

  “He gets to run free for years? If someone would’ve fought for Tabitha’s parents, maybe mine would still be alive!” Grief and helplessness collided in her torn expression.

  “Bethany, you know nothing of the situation,” he spat at her before jerking his emotions under control. “We have been searching for him all these years. Hunting him every time a lead comes up. Until recently, we thought—hoped he was dead. We’re working hard to find him and take him out of the equation.

  “Why did you think he was dead?”

  “He waited for Tabitha. She’s coming into her tigress, and he wants to stop it. That’s what brought him out of hiding.”

  “What does she have to do with any of it?” She shivered as if chilled.

  “Come here.” He rubbed her arms, hoping she would relax in his embrace. She rested her head against him, tears dripping onto his chest. She belonged there. Her body fit snugly against him. “It’s a long story.”

  “I don’t have anywhere to go.” She sounded so small, desperate.

  Maybe the story could help distract her. Distract him. Paltry comfort that it might be. “Tabitha is our Queen. If she dies before she can carry on the line, legend has it that we’ll all die with her.”

  “She’s a tiger?”

  “She will be. She has the tigress in her but hasn’t completed the transition yet. You can feel it when you’re around her that she’ll shift soon.” He ran his fingers up and down her arm.

  “You can?”

  “A shifter can. Humans wouldn’t know or understand what to look for.” He rolled his shoulder as he told her more about his clan and the people he considered family. She was his mate and not only did she have to accept him for what he was, she also needed to accept the clan.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Bethany finally fell asleep in his arms, leaving him unable to get anything done. Usually, sitting still made him restless, but with Bethany in his arms he experienced contentment. He enjoyed the feeling of her body next to his.

  Tabitha entered the room with the Captain of her Guards, Felix. “Ty told me what’s in the video. I wanted to make sure she’s all right.”

  “I don’t think she’s all right, but she’s dealing with it the best she can. She wants to go home, to take care of things.”

  “I expected as much. However, Ty and I have spoken about this and don’t feel it’s wise at this time.”

  Raja’s body stiffened, unable to believe what he was hearing. He didn’t plan to let her travel home alone. He and a handful of guards could go with her. “You’re asking her to miss her parents’ and sister’s funerals?”

  “Not exactly. We were hoping she would agree to have the bodies flown here. Ty wants to send a team from the West Virginia Tigers to search for evidence. We need to discuss this with her immediately. We also need you to find out about the uncle. See what she knows about him.”

  “Give me some time with her to see what I can find out. Then we can discuss her family’s arrangements. I’m assuming you would prefer not to wait, but she’s struggling here.”

  “Okay. You have forty minutes. I’ll bring Ty back then. Unless you want to bring her upstairs. Doc agreed to allow her to move into one of the guest rooms.”

  “She can stay in my quarters,” Raja barked.

  “I guess it means you’ll bring her upstairs, then?”

  He nodded.

  “Good. We’ll see you in forty minutes in our quarters.” She didn’t give him time to change his mind, sweeping out with Felix in attendance.

  “Love,” he whispered gently, rubbing has hand against her cheek. She moaned. “Love, I need you to wake up.”

  “Hmmm,” she moaned, half asleep.

  “Come on, love.”

  “Love?” Her eyes snapped open, but there was no anger in her voice.

  “Yes, you are my love.” He trailed his hand over her cheek before lowering his head toward hers and kissing her. “Now that you’re awake. Do you have an uncle?”

  “Dad has a brother, but I haven’t seen him since I was a child. Why?”

  “What’s his name? Do you know where we can find him?”

  “What do you want with him?” She questioned.

  “Pierce mentioned him in the video. If he isn’t part of this as we believe, then he’s in danger.”

  “Uncle James was always more of a loner. I don’t know where he is now, but I remember Dad saying he had a cabin in North Dakota. But what would my uncle have to do with it?”

  “I’m not sure yet, but we will figure it out. I’ll see if Connor can locate James. We have to meet with Ty and Tabitha upstairs. Doc said you are doing better and can move to your own room. I’d like you to stay in my quarters. You’ll have your own room. I want you close so I can protect you.” Raja slipped out of bed and grabbed his gun.

  “Why are we meeting them?”

  “To discuss your plans to travel to Virginia.” He steered a wheelchair close to the bed. “We’ll try to get you on your feet tomorrow with crutches, but tonight you’ll have to use this.” He slid his arm under her legs and the other one behind her back, lifting her. When he stood with her in his arms, as if she weighed nothing, he snuggled her into his body. “I know this isn’t the best time, but I’m in love with you, Bethany.” He kissed her again, this time deeply and passionately. It came naturally to him.

  He felt her body tense when he spoke, but as his lips met hers the tension fell away. She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around him.

  “I’m so sorry for your loss.” Tabitha said, bending to give Bethany a hug. “We’ll see they receive justice, we won’t stop until Pierce has been taken down.”

  The open space of Ty’s quarters left Bethany feeling exposed. The room had a masculine feel with soft touches that had to have come from Tabitha. The deep red walls made the white and black furniture stand out, while the dark wood of the tables and television stand tied everything together.

  Bethany nodded, holding tight to Raja’s hand as if he was a life raft, while tears threatened to fall. I will not cry again.

  “Let’s get this over with. Bethany needs to get her leg elevated,” Raja announced, using his free hand to wheel her toward the sofa where Ty and Felix stood.

  “What’s this about?” Bethany ran her sweaty palm over her thigh. “If you’re concerned I’ll tell your secret when I leave, there’s no need. Raja saved my life and keeping his secret is the least I can do.”

  “That’s not what worries us. We’re more distressed for you and your loss. We understand you wish to travel to Virginia.” Ty stood next to the sofa, his arm around Tabitha. Even entangled with her, he still held an air of danger and foreboding.

  “Yes. I’m the only one left and would need to make arrangements.”

  “Bethany, I know this is hard right now, and the last thing you need is another shock.” Ty slipped his arm from Tabitha and came around the sofa to stand close to Bethany. “I would like to send in a team of shifters to search for evidence to help us locate Pierce.”

  “I’m sure the police will handle that.” She shook her head, unable—unwilling—to understand the reason behind it.

  “They’ll miss things. Not because they’re inadequate but because they don’t have the abilities we do. Shifters can pick up his scent and track him. The police won’t be able to give you the justice you deserve.”

  “I doubt you could arrive before someone contacts the police.” It was a feeble argument, but she didn’t have much in her—not after learning of the death of her family.

  “Not from here, most likely. However, there’s a clan in West Virginia. The Alpha and some of his best guards are already on their way.”

  “You were going to do it with or without my consent, is that it?” Her voice was low, but anger roused beneath the grief within her.

  “We were hoping to gain your permission.” Tabitha moved to stand next to him, gently rubbing her arm across Ty’s lower back before he encircled her in his arms.

  “That doesn’t answer my question.”

  “You’re right, it doesn’t.” Ty smiled weakly. “I can’t give you a direct answer. Yes, the men would have checked the outside of the home to see if they were able to detect a scent. If they felt it was imperative to go inside, then yes, the order would have been given to do what was necessary.”

  Bethany stared at him, unsure of what to say. She appreciated his honesty, yet he informed her as what, a matter of courtesy?
br />   “You have to understand this is about more than just you. More innocents will be killed unless he’s caught. Do you really want their deaths on your conscience?”

  A soft growl came from Raja as he placed his free hand on Bethany’s shoulder. She shook her head. “I don’t want to see anyone else die at his hands, but I would also hate for your men to go to jail for destroying evidence. Do whatever is necessary.”

  Ty nodded to Felix, who stepped away from the group and pulled out his cell phone.

  A teakettle whistled from the kitchen. Tabitha leaned forward. “Adam is making us hot tea. I thought it would be better for you than coffee with your medication. I always enjoyed tea on cold winter nights.”

  “Thank you.” Bethany didn’t care about the tea, she wanted this over. She wanted to be alone with Raja again, to cuddle with him on a sofa, or better yet in bed, his arms around him. She wanted to feel his body against hers, her hands on his chest. She was drawn to him as a heroin addict is drawn to the next needle. His touch was all she desired. She wanted it to help her forget her loss. She wished she could look at him, but that meant he would have to move—and the potent desire to stay in his arms wouldn’t leave her.

  “I asked Raja to speak with you about your uncle. I’m assuming he did.” Tabitha’s gaze went from Bethany to Raja, who was still standing behind her.

  “Yes. I don’t understand what my uncle has to do with any of this. So he’s mentioned in the video. What does that matter? Anyone could search my family tree and find out my father had a brother.”

  “He wasn’t just mentioned…” Ty eyed Raja. “Pierce said, ‘Tonight the family will have to face the beast their uncle created.’ That’s the only lead we have to go on. It might tell us why this happened to you.”

  “What would my Uncle James have to do with any of this?”

  “I don’t know,” Tabitha said as Adam brought in a tray with tea and cookies. He placed it on the coffee table. “Thank you, Adam.” Tabitha made her way back to the sofa across from Bethany and Raja, her hand still in Ty’s, making sure he followed her.


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