Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1 Page 25

by Marissa Dobson

  “Who are your guards? Have you met them yet?”

  Bethany bit her lip in consternation, noticing Tora’s evasion of her suspicions. So there was more to it after all. She shook her head, making a mental note to ask Raja later. “Shadow is the Captain of my Guards. I’ve met her. There are four other men I have yet to meet.”

  She turned her head when Raja opened the sliding glass door and stepped in before shutting it behind him. “Am I interrupting?”

  “Go read to your niece before she falls asleep. She’s been waiting for her Uncle Raja all night.”

  He stepped closer to Bethany, leaning down and brushing a kiss to her ear, whispering, “You doing okay?”

  Bethany nodded. His concern and affection warmed her through and through. He kissed her again and headed up the stairs.

  “You two make a remarkable couple.” Tora reached across the table to place her hand over Bethany’s. “Welcome to the family. It’s nice to finally have a sister. All Marcus gave me was another brother.” She snorted, and the two women laughed together. The conversation continued to bother Bethany, who was beginning to feel a tad overwhelmed. There was so much to absorb. Was she prepared for it—or would it be too much for her?

  With all the time Raja spent on his Elder duties, he enjoyed the normalcy of a family dinner more than most. He didn’t take a single moment for granted. Time with his sister and her mate had been limited of late. He was grateful for the evening, happier still that Bethany enjoyed herself. It had given everyone time to get to know each other without the pressures of work. Bethany and James had been able to slip off into the living room to talk in private, while he caught up with Tora and Marcus.

  For the first time since Bethany had come into his life he was seeing a different side of her, a side that was lighthearted and relaxed. Every once in a while he caught a glimpse of that familiar sorrow in her eyes, but as long as she was busy, or chatting with someone, he could see she was at ease. Whatever had happened between her and James that evening had given her some closure. Slowly, they were starting to reconnect after all these years apart.

  After the table was cleaned, leftovers stored, dishes in the dishwasher, and the evening was winding down, Raja was ready to escape with his mate. His tiger paced within him, needing to have his mate alone again. He wanted to feel her naked and writhing beneath him. Tora appeared to be watching him, and he could sense something was on her mind. His little sister wasn’t patient, leaving no doubt she wouldn’t pull him aside to tell him before the night was over.

  A light knock on the door interrupted them. “I’ll get it,” Raja told Tora as she served dessert and coffee in the living room.

  He sensed Shadow on the other side of the door before he opened it. His mate’s new Captain of the Guard met his gaze quietly. “I’m sorry to bother you during dinner, but I need to speak with you.”

  He glanced toward Bethany who was actively chatting with James and hoped she wouldn’t mind he had to slip off to meet with Shadow. He was used to having family engagements, dinners, and everything else interrupted by clan business but she wasn’t. Unsure how she’d react if he didn’t let her know where he was going he stepped back and let Shadow and Styx in before he went to his mate.

  As he neared his tiger peeked up, demanding he swoop her into his arms and rush them back to his quarters. “Bethany, Shadow’s here about some clan business I wanted to let you know I’ll be right back.”

  “Can’t this wait?” Tora bitched.

  Marcus took hold of his wife’s arm. “Raja, feel free to use my office for as long as you need.”

  “Thank you.” He glanced back at Bethany one last time to see her smile and nod to him before turning back to James. His mate was stronger than he gave her credit for. Hopefully she’d never resent him for these interruptions.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Raja met with Shadow and Styx in Marcus’s office. He kept his voice low out of respect for his sister and her family, but his irritation was making the hairs on the back of his neck bristle.

  Shadow’s words had incited his anger: “While we were training with Felix and his men, I received a message from Chris.”

  “The same Chris who betrayed his clan?” Raja’s words emerged laced with a barely perceptible growl.

  “Yes. He wishes to speak with you. Connor could set up a video conference.” Shadow’s face remained expressionless, her back straight, her presentation indicative of a highly trained warrior. Her gaze shifted toward the guard who stood beside her. “I brought Styx along to stay with Bethany. Chris will only be available at the number he left for a short time. This would need to be done quickly.”

  “What does he want?”

  “He only said he has information.”

  Raja stared out the window. Chris was a good guard until his betrayal.

  “Fine. Inform Ty of the situation. Let him know I’ll be there to speak with him after I find out what Chris wants. I’ll need a few minutes with Tora and Bethany and then I’ll meet you in the conference room.”

  “Styx, wait here,” Raja ordered before following Shadow out of the office.

  He approached his sister at the kitchen table, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry for the interruption. Something has come up. Styx is in your office, he’s one of Bethany’s guards. I need to deal with this now.” He turned to his mate, who appeared saddened by the sudden change in plans. “Bethany, after you finish your dessert and wish to leave, he’ll escort you back to our quarters. I hope to be back before then but if not, he’ll stay with you until I’m home.” He moved to Bethany, slipping an arm around her waist and placing a soft kiss on her temple.

  “Styx?” Tora’s fork dropped as she glared at him, her eyes fiery with anger. “What are you thinking?”

  “He’s a great warrior.” Raja’s arm tensed around Bethany’s until he realized if he didn’t loosen his grip he’d bruise her for sure.

  “He’s ruthless.” She roared at him. “You’re trusting him with your mate…your future children.”

  Bethany stilled under his touch, but he moved his hand to her shoulder to rub her tense muscles. “I know they will be in good hands. He’ll protect them at all costs.”

  “Who else did you assign to her guard?” Tora demanded. She rose from the table and glared at him.

  “The twins Drew and Jayden, and Milo.” He indulged her because they were guests in Tora’s home, but it only went so far. He paused to eye his sister. “I don’t have time to debate this with you right now. I trust Styx to keep her safe. She’s my mate, I wouldn’t put her in jeopardy.”

  “Bethany will be staying here until you return.” Tora slammed the dishrag down on the counter.

  “I can make my own decisions.” Bethany straightened, slipping her hand around Raja’s and giving it gentle squeeze. “If this man has Raja’s trust, then he has mine as well. He can escort me back to the main building in a bit.”

  Raja exhaled, relaxing. The fact his mate had lent her support filled him with pride. “You’re sure?” he asked timidly, looking deeply into her eyes.

  “Yes. I need to put my leg up, it’s starting to throb a little. Go, my love. I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll be back soon. I love you,” he said, kissing her again. He turned his head toward the office. “Styx.”

  After the introductions, Raja slipped out quietly. He hated to leave Bethany to deal with Tora’s anger, but he had little choice.

  “Five minutes and I’ll have you connected,” Connor called out when Raja entered the conference room.

  “Ty said to deal with this, then swing by his quarters.” Shadow handed him a printout. “Connor traced the number. That’s the location. I’ve contacted Jinx and he has a team on the way.”

  “Jinx, in West Virginia, is the closest clan to Georgia?”

  “It shouldn’t be surprising there are no tiger clans in the south. The heat is not something most of us enjoy.”

  “Probably why he chos
e Georgia. Still no idea what Chris wants?”

  Shadow shook her head.

  “Raja, you’re almost connected.” Connor vacated the chair, allowing Raja to sit in front of the laptop.

  Moments later, Chris’s face filled the screen. “Thank you for taking the time to speak with me, Raja.”

  “What is it you want, Chris?” Raja watched the screen with a lack of enthusiasm. He didn’t care to be dealing with the traitor, his betrayal cut deep through the clan.

  “First I should apologize for what happened—”

  “You mean for your betrayal?” He sneered, it was still a raw wound.

  “Yes, my betrayal. If I had any choice—”

  “Chris, you had a choice. You chose the wrong option. Now get to the point of this call.”

  “I couldn’t risk my sister. They had her and promised to kill her if I didn’t assist them. You have a sister, so you should understand.” Chris leaned closer to the camera. “I hope the news I bring you might start building the bridge to forgiveness, that this news might take my name off your bounty list.”

  “What do you want in exchange for this information?”

  “I would ask that you call off your hunters.”

  “You were a worthy addition to the Alaskan Tigers before your treachery. Nevertheless, you were not worth sending a team after. If you have hunters on your trail, they’re not ours. What’s your information?”

  “Pierce’s trusted advisor, Victor, will be in San Francisco at the end of the week. He’s meeting with a high-ranking Russian tiger. If anyone knows where Pierce is or what his next move is, it will be Victor.”

  Raja sat in the chair unmoving while he ran through the facts he knew of Victor, which were few. He nodded and ended the communication.

  “Connor, find out everything you can about Victor, report to me the minute you get something useful. If I don’t hear from you, we’ll have a conference at ten o’clock tomorrow morning. This could all be a setup.”

  Raja rose and glanced at Shadow. “Get back to your evening off. They might be few and far between if things continue on this path. I’ll speak with Ty and then I’ll find Bethany, and we’ll be retiring for the night. You won’t be needed unless something happens.”

  “Thank you.” She nodded, following him out of the conference room. They parted ways, and Raja headed for Ty’s quarters.

  “Ahh, Raja, please sit. Can I get you anything to drink? Coffee perhaps?”

  “Thank you, Tabitha, but no. I need a moment of Ty’s time, please.” Raja yawned. His eyes felt ready to close from lack of sleep.

  “He’ll be right out. He’s meeting with Felix in his office.”

  Tabitha curled up on the large black sofa, propping herself up with red throw pillows, a romance novel carefully laid aside to keep the page. All around the room, small, feminine changes added to the warmth of Ty’s formerly masculine quarters. The throw pillows, new drapes with brighter prints—everything brought a relaxing female touch.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting. Felix and I were going over the changes in the guard schedules now that you’ve taken Drew and Jayden from the grounds guards, not to mention Styx and Milo.” Ty stepped out of his office followed by Felix.

  “If it is inconvenient, I can make other arrangements.”

  “No, it’s fine. We have promoted two boys from the training class for grounds duty and will be testing some of the guards to move into the positions Milo and Styx left. Keeping Bethany safe is priority as well. Now, what did Chris contact you for?”

  “Victor will be in San Francisco at the end of the week.” Raja leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees.

  “It could be a setup.”

  “I thought of that as well. But he asked for us to remove the hunters we had on him.”

  “We didn’t send hunters after him.” Ty took as seat next to his mate, pulling her feet into his lap.

  “I’m aware of that. I believe they’re Pierce’s. I have Connor digging up everything he can about Victor.” Raja rubbed the arch of his nose. “Chris honestly believed the hunters were ours, and didn’t seem to suspect Pierce. He exchanged the information for the safety of himself and his sister. He hasn’t changed, he’s selfish. He only contacted us to get the hunters off his ass. He probably still believes the hunters are ours, that if the information is correct then we’ll leave him alone.”

  “Even if the information is good I want him taken out. He’s too dangerous to keep alive. He betrayed us once, he’ll do it again if he has the chance. Our mates are much too valuable to risk it.” Ty rubbed his hand over Tabitha’s leg.

  Raja nodded. “I told Connor to be at the conference room at ten o’clock, just key people for this meeting—Felix, Marcus, Thomas, Adam, Connor, Shadow, Styx, us, and our mates. Chris still has friends among the clan. I doubt anyone else will betray us. But I don’t want to give them the opportunity.”

  “Let Lance and Spencer know they’re on standby. I want them ready to leave at a moment’s notice. They’ll be the ones we send to deal with Chris.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Raja found Styx standing inside the door, appearing disconcerted, when he returned to his quarters.

  “While you’re here, make yourself at home,” Raja said, shutting the door behind him. “As long as you’re ready to spring to action if the situation calls for it. You don’t have to stand by the door all the time, looking like a marble statue.” He quirked his lips upward in a half-hearted attempt to relax Bethany’s newest guard.

  “That’s what I told him.” His mate sat on the sofa, her knee propped up on pillows.

  “Styx, thank you for bringing her back. I hope my sister didn’t give you too much trouble.”

  The guard’s nippy shake of the head was met with Bethany’s musical laughter, lightening the mood. Even Styx seemed to relax at the sound of it.

  “Don’t lie to him.” Bethany grinned. “Tora’s very special and I like her, but she has a stubborn streak. It wasn’t until Marcus stepped in that she backed down.”

  “Then I apologize for her actions. Tora has heard rumors from the battlefield. It has left her a little cautious.” He shook his head, amused and exasperated. At least his headstrong sibling listened to her mate. “Marcus is a smart man. He knows better than to question my decisions. Tora, however, is a bit pushy. You think she’s bad now, but she was quite the handful before she mated. She’s always been one to speak her mind and didn’t care how much trouble she got into in the process.”

  “I’ll understand if you wish to override Shadow’s decision for me as Bethany’s guard,” Styx offered, but the look in his eyes said that was the last thing he wanted.

  “No. I trust you to keep Bethany safe.”

  “Very well.” He stepped away. “If that is all, I’ll retire to my cabin.”

  “Be at the conference room at ten tomorrow morning.” Raja dismissed him.

  “I’ll keep my ear piece in, in case you need me.” Styx slipped out the door, leaving them alone.

  Raja secured the locks and went to his mate. His duty handled, his desire to be with her overrode all else.

  “What happened?”

  “Into bed.” He lifted her from the sofa. She wrapped her arms around his neck, snuggling her head into his chest.

  “You’re tired. I can walk.”

  “I know you can, but I want to feel you against me.” He nudged the door open with his foot, laid her on the bed, and slipped off his shoes and gun holster before crawling in next to her.

  “You’re still dressed.” She rolled to cuddle into his body.

  “I don’t care. Undress later.” His eyes fluttered as his head hit the pillow. “Chris contacted us tonight. I had to take care of it.”

  “Who’s Chris?”

  “He…betrayed…” He wanted to answer her questions, but holding her and knowing she was safe allowed him to relax. In this instance, her very presence was like a sleeping pill. He drifted off, unable to keep his eye
s open any longer.

  Curiosity nibbled at Bethany. When she caught sight of his phone still clipped to his pants, she retrieved it and found Ty’s cell number. She texted him, hoping Tabitha was still awake.

  Tabitha, it’s Bethany. Who’s Chris? Raja fell asleep before I got the whole story.

  She slipped out of bed and wandered toward the living room. She needed time to think. Everything was happening so quickly. Her heart told her she was in love with Raja while her mind screamed it was too early, that she needed to take it slow. She wasn’t just falling in love with someone, she was being thrust into a different world. One with shifters, danger, death, betrayal, and who knew what else. She needed to make sure she was ready for this. What if she lost him like she lost everyone else she cared about?

  Sinking onto the sofa, she knew it didn’t matter how harrowing this new world was, she couldn’t stop what she was feeling for Raja. She loved him, and it didn’t matter if it seemed like it was too soon because it changed nothing. The adoration coursing through her wouldn’t be denied.

  She wasn’t sure how long she sat there, lost in her thoughts, but she almost gave up on Tabitha texting her back. Just as she was about to go back to bed, the cell phone vibrated in her hand.

  He betrayed us to Pierce. Tried to trade me for his sister.

  Sick to her stomach, Bethany typed back, Oh God. As the message sent, she couldn’t help but ruminate on how her reply wasn’t enough. There were no words she could offer Tabitha, just like there was no real consolation anyone could offer her after the death of her parents.

  Then she stared at the cell and waited for Tabitha to tell her more. Finally, it vibrated again.

  Said he has info about a member of Pierce’s gang. Geek Connor is on it. We’ll know more tomorrow. Sleep. You both need it.

  “What’s this?” Raja woke Bethany sometime in the middle of the night. She was still clenching the cell phone.


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