Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1

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Alaskan Tigers Box Set 1 Page 52

by Marissa Dobson

  Tabitha offered Robin to take the corner seat, closer to the chair where Harmony would sit when she joined them. “I knew you would be great at this. You were able to get through to her, when the rest of us couldn’t.”

  “I’m not sure it was me. Maybe she was just tired of feeling trapped. Either way, I’m glad she did. I’ll work with her as much as she wants, but I’m not a licensed therapist. She might need more help than I can give her.”

  “I know you were one semester away from your master’s degree in psychology.” Tabitha nudged her. “You’re the best we have. She can’t talk to someone who doesn’t know shifters exist. Have you thought about going back for your last semester? It could be beneficial to have a licensed therapist on our team.”

  “I took the college classes because I was working with so many people who needed support, as well as the abused spouses group. Bobby hated my studies and tried to force me to quit. It was my first real rebellion from his rule when I continued in school. If he wouldn’t have been killed, I’d have graduated next month.” Sadness coated her voice. So much lost at the time, yet now she was on the road to recovering her life and adding to it. She no longer wanted the life she once had. Robin wanted the life she was being offered now—Adam, the clan, the job, all of it. If she could come up with the money for the tuition, she could attend her last semester online and have her degree in a few months.

  “You should finish your degree. You have so much to offer people,” Tabitha said.

  The bathroom door creaked open and Harmony stepped out wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, revealing a haunted look in her eyes. She limped on her mangled leg.

  “If you’re calm enough, I’ll have Bethany heal your leg.” Raja pulled out his cell to call his mate.

  “I mean your people no harm, and I do appreciate you taking me in. I’m sorry I’ve been…uneasy.” Harmony sank onto the chair, releasing a sigh.

  Raja put the phone to his ear. “Love, have Shadow bring you over. Harmony’s shifted and we need you to heal her.”

  Tabitha leaned forward, resting her elbows on her thighs. “Harmony, beside Henry, are you running from anyone else? We need to know, not only for your safety, but for my clan as well, so please be truthful.”

  “Just the clan in Ohio. I couldn’t go back and I was scared another clan would force me to return. It was a miracle I escaped. I’d rather be alone than to go through the violence again.” Harmony’s gaze fell to the floor.

  Robin could feel the torment surging from Harmony.

  “We won’t send you to Ohio. The situation there will need to be dealt with. They can’t continue to discard the unworthy to Henry.” Tabitha looked to Raja who put away his cell.

  “Tabitha’s right,” he said. “Once we’ve dealt with another situation on our plate, we’ll contact the Alpha of the Ohio Tigers.”

  “They’ll see me dead for violating their trust.” Harmony cried.

  “We won’t let that happen,” Tabitha tried to reassure her. “You’re safe here.”

  “First we need to care for your leg. Bethany’s on her way. Felix will need to come in to hold you while she’s healing your leg. Could I take a look at it now?” Once Harmony nodded Raja strolled toward her.

  “I’m not going to attack anyone.” Harmony pulled the leg of her jeans up, allowing him to see the wound on her leg.

  “It’s mainly for precaution.” He knelt in front of her, examining the damage. “Healing of a wound this extensive is extremely painful. It will help Bethany if you’re completely still while she’s working on your leg. Robin will help me hold your arms while Felix will keep your leg straight.”

  “Me?” Robin raised an eyebrow.

  “Harmony connected with you, so your presence might keep her calm. Others have been trying to get her to shift for days with no results. She seems to trust you.” Raja smiled.

  Harmony appeared much younger than twenty. “I won’t be any trouble,” she said.

  “I know you won’t.” Robin scooted forward on the sofa to lay her hand over Harmony’s. “Don’t worry, it will be fine. I’ll be by your side. Healing will take a lot from you so I’ll doubt you’ll be up to talking. How about I come over after breakfast and we can talk then?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” Harmony flinched under Raja’s touch on her leg.

  “We’re going to need information about what happened to prevent further suffering.” Raja moved her leg to view the other side. “This is a nasty wound. Even after Bethany heals it, you’re going to have some internal healing. You’re going to need to take it easy for a bit. That means staying here.”

  “Fine, but does the guard have to be at the door? I feel like a prisoner.”

  “For the next few days, yes. It’s possible your leg could turn septic. A guard outside will be able to smell if your condition worsens and can alert Bethany or Doc.” Tabitha looked around the apartment. “Your meals will be delivered, and unlike the last few days you need to eat. You’re malnourished and your wound won’t heal completely until you start taking care of your body.”

  Shadow opened the door, peaking inside before allowing Bethany to enter. “It’s nice to see you’ve shifted. I’ve been waiting to heal your wound.” She walked toward Harmony.

  Raja straightened from his kneeling position, laying his hand on Bethany’s shoulder to stop her. “Shadow, please ask Felix to come in.”

  Bethany leaned to her mate, keeping her voice a whisper. “Is that wise?”

  “Harmony knows and it’s fine. Right, Harmony?” Raja turned to the injured tigress.

  Harmony nodded. “Yes, sir…” The rest of her words died on her tongue.

  The tension surging through Harmony’s body flowed through Robin’s until she thought she was drowning in terror. She’d pull her hand away if the young tigress didn’t have a death grip on it. She placed her other hand on top, rubbing her thumb over Harmony’s knuckles. “Adam mentioned I’d feel some of the emotions from the clan members, especially when touching, because of his connection to you and his level within the clan. Harmony has no connection to the Alaskan Tigers, so why do I feel it with her?” Robin asked Raja.

  “You should only feel a prickle, but now that you mention the sensation, I have it as well.” Raja frowned. “Tabitha?”

  Tabitha nodded. “I sense it too. I’m so use to feeling everyone’s emotions that I didn’t pay attention. Harmony has no connections to our clan.” She shook her head. “It doesn’t make sense.”

  Raja glanced at Shadow, and then at Felix. They each nodded. He ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. “She hasn’t found her mate yet, so that’s not it.”

  “Could it be through Henry?” Tabitha looked to Felix. “Technically he’s connected by being his twin. That’s why twin shifters are rarely in different clans. Their emotions are tied together and to have them dedicated to two different Alphas would cause conflicting feelings in each of them.”

  “It’s possible I guess. Henry gave no oath to the Ohio Tigers. They don’t consider him one of us because of his condition.” Felix’s hands balled into fists. “He’s only there because their doctor works with mentally ill patients. If Henry bit Harmony, she’d have a connection to me. Body fluids would bring the bond to life.”

  “Shit!” Tabitha sank back on the sofa. “Harmony, did Henry?”

  Tears fell down Harmony’s face. She shook her head. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be here.”

  “Shh.” Bethany wrapped her arm around Harmony. “None of this is your fault.”

  “I cause problems everywhere I go,” she mumbled.

  “No you don’t, however this will affect your life, more so if you choose to relocate to another clan. You’ll still have a connection to us through Felix, no matter where you go.” Raja dropped his hand to his side. “We can’t change this. We need to focus on healing your leg. The bed would be a better spot to do it. Bethany, you ready?”

ny nodded. “If Harmony is.”

  Bethany and Raja helped Harmony to the bed. They situated the pillows behind her and Raja placed his hands on her shoulders. Robin took Harmony’s hands in hers. Tabitha sat at the end of the bed.

  “Whatever you do don’t shift,” Bethany said, and then ordered Shadow and Felix to stand close. “Felix is going to hold your legs. Your connection with him might become stronger, so we need to make sure you don’t move while I’m healing you. He’ll make sure he only touches you over your jeans to keep the connection minimal, not skin to skin contact. Now relax.”

  Felix wrapped his hands around Harmony’s ankles. Robin felt a sensation of emotions soar. She met Harmony’s gaze and smiled. “You can do this.”

  Bethany nodded. “Everyone ready?” Without waiting for an answer, she placed her hands on the wound. The moment a glowing light shone from her hands, Harmony’s body convulsed on the bed, fighting them.

  “It’s okay, Harmony, we’re almost done. Just hang in there. Don’t shift on us. You’re doing great, sweetie,” Robin urged. She clenched her teeth as Harmony’s pain escalated through her.

  Robin’s link to Adam sprang to life. Love! What’s going on? She heard his voice in her mind, His presence, though distant, helped her relax. She wasn’t sure how he did it, maybe it was another benefit of mating, either way she was grateful.

  She divided her concentration for a moment, just long enough to let Adam know what happened. I’m fine. Thank you. We’ve made progress with Harmony. Bethany’s healing her now.

  You’re an amazing woman, Robin Zimmer. He stayed with her, easing the pain she sensed through Harmony until it died away. Robin was left exhausted. Her body ached in too many places. It was as if she went through the healing with Harmony. She didn’t miss the flood of emotions and pain, only the comfort of Adam. He’ll be home soon.

  Home? When did she begin to accept the Alaskan Tigers compound as her home?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Adam slumped in his seat. He had less than an hour to regain the strength he used comforting Robin from so many miles away. He let out a deep breath, releasing the tension he took from Robin. The fear that had coursed through her woke him from a deep sleep, nearly half a continent away. Now with the knowledge she was safe, he forced his muscles to relax.

  “You felt it as well?” Ty asked, frowning.

  He nodded. “Through Robin, but I don’t understand why. Harmony isn’t from our clan.” Adam kept his voice low to avoid waking the others.

  “Henry’s body fluids connected her to Felix and in turn us. We’ll have to do something about this after we get back. Henry might be beyond help due to this unspeakable action from the Ohio Alpha.” Ty’s head rested against the back of the chair, his eyes closed.

  “It will be tough on Felix. He knows our ways, he’ll understand. We should explore all options before settling on action. Killing Henry may be our only choice to keep others safe.”

  “Understanding and accepting are different. You and Felix are Tabitha’s best guards, losing either of you will jeopardize her safety. Not to mention we’re family. I don’t want to see any of our family hurting.” Ty pushed his chair back, reclining again. “Get some more rest, we’ll be there soon. We’ll deal with the Ohio and Texas clans when this shit with Pierce is over.”

  Dealing with them meant taking the unit’s Alpha out of power. Which meant either utter chaos, fighting amongst themselves to elect a new Alpha, or the clans were so used to being controlled they would be relieved for a calmer existence. Shifters with emotional issues were more difficult to deal with.

  Adam knew through their connection, Robin had agreed to help anyone who wanted to work through their issues, but she was only one person. They couldn’t bring in outside councilors to help with shifter problems without exposing themselves. Too much risk unless they wanted to expose themselves. Would the obstacles never end? Would the Alaskan Tigers never have time to sit back and enjoy their lives, or would there always be something jeopardizing their safety?

  “Ty.” He waited until his Alpha opened his eyes. “Maybe we should create a specialized team for clan safety. Danger could get more precarious in the coming months, especially taking down two clan Alphas. Some might see us as a threat. It might be wise for Tabitha to come out to all clans as Queen of the Tigers. Something to think about.”

  “Good point, we’ll consult the book and Tabitha when we get back to Alaska.” Ty’s eyes closed again letting Adam know their conversation was over for now.

  One disaster at a time and they’d survive. They also had to consider who was more of a threat, Ohio or Texas? Who would be their next mission?

  Robin sank to the floor utterly exhausted, resting her head against the side of the bed. No one other than herself and Bethany seemed to be suffering, which added to her confusion.

  Raja knelt in front of her, taking her hand in his. “Just rest, Robin. Some of it will pass shortly. You’ll still feel tired but it won’t be so bad.”

  Her rolling stomach and pounding head eased with Raja’s touch. “Why does your touch help? I thought only Adam’s would.”

  “As the Lieutenant my touch will help any member of our clan, as long as they’re committed to us. Ty and Tabitha’s abilities work the same way. Bethany’s skill is slightly different since she’s a healer. She carries the gene to shift without shifting.

  “That means you consider yourself part of our family now.” Tabitha squatted down next to them, wrapping her arms around Robin’s neck. “Welcome to the family.”

  A smile pulled her lips, and tears threatened to fall. She was a part of such a close-knit family. “I guess I have.”

  They stayed cuddled on the floor waiting for the effects to pass until Harmony’s whispered voice called to Robin.

  “It’s okay, I’m right here.” Robin took Harmony’s hand. Glancing up, she found Harmony curled into a tight ball in the center of the bed.

  “Why did it hurt you more than anyone else?”

  Tabitha stood and moved to the edge of the bed. “I believe it’s because you’ve formed a connection with Robin. She’s the only one you feel any loyalty to. The rest of us felt your pain through her. In a way, Robin served to dull the pain. Normally the Elders do that for the clan, which is why for serious healing one of the Elders is normally there to act as a buffer.”

  That explained why Robin was feeling Harmony’s emotions nearly as strong as she felt Adam’s. “Will it wear off?” Robin asked.

  “If Harmony commits herself to the Alaskan Tigers, you’ll feel the connection just as Ty and I do. If she commits to another clan it could be worse because her commitments would be divided.” Raja helped Robin off the floor to sit on the edge of the bed next to Harmony.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Harmony forced a weak smile at Robin.

  “It’s all right, Harmony. There’s no harm done. Everything is going to be fine. Right now you need to get some sleep.” Robin wasn’t sure if she was fighting just exhaustion from the healing or if Harmony’s fatigue was added into the mix. Either way she needed to get some rest. She wanted to be awake when the team went after Pierce. She needed to be connected to Adam to know he was okay. If she was asleep, she might not know if something serious happened to him, so Robin wasn’t taking the chance.

  “Stay with me until I’m asleep, please.” Harmony rested back on the bed, her eyelids half closed.

  “Okay.” Robin ran her hand through Harmony’s thick red hair, moving it away from her face.

  “Felix, Shadow, and Korbin, take Tabitha and Bethany home. I’ll stay with Robin until she’s done.” Raja stepped toward Bethany, wrapping his arm around her. “I’ll be along shortly, get some rest.” He pressed his lips to hers.

  Watching the intimacy between Raja and Bethany made Robin long to have the same with Adam—to have him by her side. With his support she felt like she could take on the world, instead of cowering in fear. “You don’t have to stay, Raja.�

  “If the emotions become too much for you again, I’m the only one who can help you.” He leaned against the wall next to the bed watching everyone file out. “Lance has taken his post outside.”

  Robin rubbed her hand over Harmony’s shoulder. Silence engulfed the room. Emotions still played through her, most of them Harmony’s, but at least they weren’t as draining as before. Minutes passed before the young tigress drifted to sleep. “Can she feel my emotions as well?” Robin asked Raja.

  He gazed down at her and shook her head. “Not now, she’s going through too much of her own turmoil to feel anything else. It’s doubtful it will be different in the future since the connection was built out of her devotion and loyalty to you. Unless Ty and I are gravely injured, only our mates will feel our emotions through the connection. If we were to force them upon others they can be felt to a degree. Think of a box filled with rocks. The heavier it is, the better chance of someone besides our mate would feel it.”

  “She owes me nothing.” She looked down at Harmony, lying in a curled ball. She was so young and innocent.

  “That’s not how Harmony sees it. There was a link between you as if you were the Alpha Female here. Even if she commits to the clan, if at any time your beliefs don’t line up with the Elders, Harmony will follow you over us. Do you understand what that means?”

  Robin had an idea, but didn’t want to say what she was thinking. “Not completely.”

  “Hypothetically, if you gain more bonds while helping the injured, you could create your own following. A clan and Alpha Female without being a shifter.” His eyes seemed to search her for a reaction. “It’s something that’s never happened. You could be the first.”

  “I have no desire to do that, nor the means. I didn’t mean to poach your territory or position.” Would her connection to Harmony make things difficult for Adam?

  “You have the means with Adam. He’s strong enough to lead his own clan, only his commitment to Ty keeps him here, holding him back. If anyone were to convince him to step out on his own, it could be his mate.” Raja straightened, not moving away from the wall. “With your abilities you would be in the same position as Tabitha. The connection would take the place of shifting.”


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