“Of course not,” she said, walking over to me and embracing me. Her eyes locked on mine as she added, “Sheldon, I’m in love with you baby. You! It’s over with me and Jack.”
“That’s all I wanted to hear,” I said smiling.
We kissed.
“Are you still up for going to the movies?” I asked releasing her.
“Sure am.”
“What do you want to see?”
“There’s a new movie out called Bassment Deep. It’s about a jazz musician who plays string bass and some woman he falls in love with while he and his band are on tour.”
“Sounds like a winner,” I said walking towards the door. Diana followed after she grabbed her purse.
Locking the apartment door, she turned and we headed for the Mercedes. She was wearing brown stockings, a dark brown form fitting skirt, and a beige colored blouse with ruffles and dark brown shoes. Her earrings were brown and dark green and oval shaped. Her mild fragrance was sweet and Latin spicy. Hypnotic to say the least. The woman was every bit the perfect model, the model who escaped getting discovered because she wasn’t in the right place at the right time or had no interest in profiting off of her natural gifts.
Climbing inside of her car I drove off. Once we got on the East-West Expressway, about two miles later, I shifted gears and took the car into warp speed. Diana smiled and trained her eyes onto the scenery outside of the car and then back to me. As much as I wanted to say that Jack didn’t know what he was missing, inside I had a feeling he knew exactly what he was missing. The fact that he had a conversation about getting back together with Diana right after being in my presence did not sit well with me. Not wanting to spoil my outing with Diana, I filed the thought away in the far recesses of my memory bank for another place and time.
Time seemed to be flying. Or so it seemed that way. What mattered was that tomorrow I was scheduled to embark upon my return trip to Philadelphia. I was packed, had a U-Haul truck reserved for my return trip and one last day left to enjoy Diana’s company. We had no specific plans on how we were going to spend our time together but it did not matter as long as we were together. At least, that’s the way I felt about it. I’m sure Diana felt the same way too.
I was just about to tidy up the kitchen when my phone rang. Looking at the number display, I saw that it was Diana. She sounded frantic.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“I just had a bunch of roses delivered to me from a local florist. The card that came with it is signed Jack,” she stammered. “God, why doesn’t he just leave me alone?”
“Was there a message on the card?”
“Yes,” she replied, her voice strained. “It said – Thinking of you and loving only you Diana. Please marry me. Love you, Jack.”
“This guy just doesn’t give up,” I said. “Look, do you know where he is staying? Or where I might find him?”
“What do you have in mind Sheldon?”
“I just want to have a chat with him, you know, show him that I’m from around the block.”
“Please, don’t get yourself into any trouble now,” she pleaded.
“There won’t be any trouble.”
“You promise.”
“I promise.”
She then told me where I could find him.
“Hey, when are you coming over to see me today?”
“Around four this afternoon. How’s that?”
“Sounds fine to me.”
“I’ll see you then. Love you babe.”
“Love you too, Sheldon. Stay out of trouble now.”
“I will.”
It was around 1:00PM that afternoon when I arrived at the tavern Diana said that Jack hung out at on his off days. Jack was a restaurant manager she had told me. And he loved to drink. Parking the car I borrowed from my cousin Mike, I made my entrance. The place was a well-established redneck waterhole just off of Orange Blossom Trail. Inside, honky tonk music played loudly throughout the joint. Two couples were dancing on the dance floor while three couples and a small group of men sat at the bar. Like other taverns, this one was dimly lit and boasted several mounted television monitors throughout the place. For an afternoon, the place was pretty busy. I got a few looks but nothing more than that.
I didn’t see Jack so I decided to grab a beer at the bar and wait a while. One of the bartenders came over to where I sat and took my order. She was a blonde, very attractive and very friendly considering where I was. I ordered a Michelob. But after looking at a menu that was handed to me, I added hot wings and chips to my order.
Twelve minutes passed by and I had downed half a mug of cold drafted beer and still no Jack. By now my hot wing order had arrived. While I paid scant attention to an ESPN News channel sports show, I devoured my hot wings and chips. I ordered a second beer to chase them down.
Thirty-five minutes passed by and still no Jack. Growing impatient, I dropped a five dollar tip on the counter and thanked the bartender. She thanked me and gingerly said, as she wiped the counter down, “Hope you enjoyed everything sweetie. Do hurry back and see us again.”
“Everything was great, thank you,” I said as I stood up and made my way towards the exit. On the way out I picked up a community newspaper to read later.
Outside, the sun blinded me momentarily. When my eyes adjusted to the sunlight I caught a glimpse of an imposing figure walking towards me. It was Jack.
“Well, well,” he chuckled, appearing as if he had already had a beer or two down the pipe. “If it ain’t Diana’s Mr. Smooth Super Cool Sheldon. Ole lover boy himself in the flesh and here at my favorite waterhole. What else did Diana tell you about me?”
“That you sent her some flowers and a proposal note.”
“Oh, she told you about that, huh,” he said, getting a little too close for comfort. His breath reeked of alcohol.
“Yeah, she told that and a lot more.”
“Like what?”
“Like she doesn’t want you to send her flowers or anything else that may annoy her, for one.”
“And what else?” he asked, looking up into my eyes in a cocky and menacing way.
“That you had better back off.”
“Diana said that?”
“No, I’m saying you had better back off.”
“And what if I don’t?” he said, his breath reeked of alcohol.
“Then I’ll just have to put it in writing.”
“What do you mean you’ll have to put it in writing?”
“See this article,” I said raising the newspaper to eye level with both hands.
“What damn article are you talking about you goddamned nigga?”
“This one,” I said shoving the paper closer to his face. When he leaned in closer, I balled my fist and sucker punched him hard using the paper to shield my intent. It was a move I had gotten from an Indiana Jones movie. The force of my punch dropped him to the ground and instantaneously. There he sat slumped and dazed and totally confused.
“That article,” I said sarcastically. “Now, I want you to leave Diana alone. You understand! Keep on with your antics and your face will be plastered all over the news the next time we have a run in. You got that?”
His response was anything but lucid. But I understood the slight nodding of his head.
“Like I said, leave Diana alone. And don’t ever call me nigga again, nigga.”
Turning, I headed for the car Mike let me borrow. As I drove away, I could see Jack struggling to get up and stumbling a few times before he finally managed to stand upright, though he remained unsteady. I could tell that he had no clue what had hit him.
Rounding the corner, I drove over to Diana’s place.
Chapter 16
Home sweet home and that’s exactly how Diana made me feel whenever I visited her pad. As always, she’d thrust herself into my awaiting arms after she’d open the front door and smack me on the lips with her warm vibrant lips. It was a delicious treat I never tired of. Her smile was as jubilant as they
make them in Hollywood and bright enough to light up any dimly lit pool hall.
“Come on in,” she said, beaming.
I followed as she led me over to the sofa where we sat down. Leaning against me, she planted her head against my shoulder.
“I am so out of it, Sheldon,” she said peering up at me. “You’re leaving me tomorrow and I just don’t know how I am going to deal with your absence. I’ve become so attached to you.”
I kissed her on the forehead and said, “I’m out of it too. It’s going to be hard for me to look over to my right and you’re not there. It’s going to be a long drive indeed without you. I’m going to miss you the entire trip up.”
“How soon can you return here for a visit?”
“Two or three weeks at the earliest.”
“That will be like two or three lifetimes for me.”
“Things will work themselves out,” I assured her.
“I don’t know,” she murmured with a touch of sadness. “I still have Jack to deal with.”
“Hopefully he has gotten the message,” I said, stroking her arm.
“That’s right; you were supposed to talk to him. Did you?”
“Yeah, we had our little pow-wow.”
“What did you say to him Sheldon?” she said rising up. “I really want to know. And what’s this about him getting the message?”
“I told him that he needs to think about getting on with his life, a life without you in it.”
“And what else?”
“Not much after that.”
“There had to be more to it than what you’re telling me.”
“I guess you can say that I placed special emphasis on a certain aspect of my warning to him.”
At that point, she grew silent and thoughtful.
“Look, I don’t think he’ll be much of a problem anymore.”
“Okay, if you say so. I’ll leave it at that but I know you are holding back on me,” she said with a chuckle.
“Listen, let’s go out and have a real blast while we can, okay?”
“It certainly beats sitting around here talking about Jack. I guess I’m ready,” she said standing up.
Within minutes we were tearing up the road in her car. I would pick up Mike’s car later after we returned.
Talk about a whirlwind outing. We did in one evening what took most people three weekends to do. We visited Downtown Disney and Universal City Walk, at Universal Studio, both an entertainment/dining complex. We dined and strolled about, made a few purchases, and did the nightclub scene. By the time we returned to Diana’s place it was going on twelve midnight. Too tired to drive, I spent the night with her. Once again, in her own sweet and tender way, she made that night a ‘home sweet home’ proposition for me. Like lovers going to the gallows, we made love that night like there was no tomorrow. There wasn’t a part of her body that I didn’t probe, touch, or kiss.
Whether it was because of the desire we had for one another or sheer anticipation of the act of lovemaking or the fact that it would be a while for us after tomorrow, whatever the reason, the excitement of our desire and lovemaking resulted in a brief but highly charged encounter. We managed to reach the summit of our copulation and within minutes of my initial probe of her love canal. But it wasn’t over yet. Diana was determined to work this hard body of mine for all it was worth. And I did not let her down.
Below me, with her eyes shut tightly and biting her lower lip; Diana moaned and squirmed and twisted her body every which way. Like a piston working inside of an engine, I worked my magic and did not miss a beat. I could sense that she was beginning to feel an all-consuming and rapidly rising orgasm that promised to erupt and flood inside of her. Sensing this I added a few more well placed moves to heighten her state of arousal, desire, and pleasure. In time her erratic movements became more synchronized with mine until we moved as one. As I continued to mix and stir things up inside of her, she held onto me tighter, her moaning becoming more pronounced.
As she undulated below me and unrelentlessly, I continued my thrusting action, until her sex-starved body began to quiver, shake, and explode a second time. And big time. The pleasure she derived from my abundant gift and skillful talents left her few options but to blast off into the stratosphere.
Exhausted we fought desperately to catch our breath as we collapsed onto the bed panting like lions in the summer heat. The cool air from the air-conditioner settled over us like a cold blanket until our beads of sweat became chilled moisture, the heat we had generated now dissipating. After a tender kiss, we fell fast asleep in each other’s arms. Lovemaking didn’t get any better than this. Well, except in the dead of winter in front of a fireplace with burning Hickory wood inside with soft romantic music playing in the background.
The following morning Diana followed me over to my place where I dropped off Mike’s car. He had already left for work. On the way over to pick up the U-Haul truck, we stopped by Mikes job so that I could introduce him to Diana and bid him goodbye. I apologized to him for not spending more time with him before my scheduled departure but he said he understood, especially after meeting Diana. After we left Mike, we stopped at a McDonald’s drive thru and ordered breakfast to go. We both had bacon and egg biscuits and orange juice.
We chattered about the times we shared, especially over the past few days, as well as certain aspects of our trip up north. We even shared a laughed or two when it came to other things about our trip north. Once the U-Haul lot came into view, just half a block away, we suddenly grew solemn. It was like when a loved one died but it doesn’t really hit you until you walk into the church or the chamber where the body lied in state. It was only then that you knew that this was all real. For me, it really hit home that I was leaving in an hour or two. A wave of sadness suddenly came over me. Diana’s tone and expression alone told me that she was just as saddened.
“Well, baby, this is it,” she said with moist eyes. “You think you are rested enough to hit the road today?”
I shrugged then replied, “I’m rested enough but I am not ready to leave you Diana.”
“I’m not ready for you to leave me either,” she said.
“Well, I guess I had better go and get this show on the road,” I said opening up the car door and exiting. Diana followed me inside of the place. The assistant manager showed me the truck that had been set aside for me and I got a chance to look it over inside and out. We both made note of the marks and dings, and dents already on the vehicle as we walked around it. I made sure that the blinkers and turn signals and the air conditioner worked. And the radio, too. Once I was satisfied that the truck was roadworthy, the three of us returned to the office. While I signed paperwork, Diana sat nearby, flipping through a fashion magazine.
Having taken custody of the truck, I took the short route back to my place while Diana tagged along in her car. When we arrived at my place we began to load the truck. Since I did not have a lot of furniture and personal items to transport, I had rented the smallest truck they had in their inventory and on the lot. Since it was smaller, it would be good on mileage. Growing hot and sweaty, Diana and I wrapped things up twenty minutes later. Going inside, we took a refreshing lukewarm shower together and made love during the process. Once again, perhaps from sheer arousal or excitement or anticipation, our impromptu love session, though explosive, lasted every bit of four minutes. Though short, it was sweet, satisfying, and fulfilling in every way. Our orgasm was so intense and so earthshaking that it seemed as though we had made love for hours. There was no reason to complain.
After we dried off, we rubbed one another down with body cream. It was a massage to die for. Diana’s hands were soothing and therapeutic, as she rubbed, kneaded, and chopped at my body with controlled force. The cadence itself was like a sleep aide. Her controlled staccato-like rhythms were as relaxing as any therapeutic vibrator. When it was my turn to massage her, I gave her the five-star treatment as well. Her flesh was warm to the touch and very soft. Afterwards, I lay
alongside of her on my bed and gazed into her eyes, eyes that were starked with sadness.
“I promise to call you every day until I see you again, Diana,” I said assuring her. “Matter of fact, I will call you several times a day if it pleases you.”
“That would be nice and thoughtful,” she replied, stroking my arm tenderly. “Listen, I was just thinking.”
“What?” I said, caressing her face with my hand.
“I was thinking that perhaps you might want to try getting a few hours of sleep before you hit the road. Sheldon, I just want you to be well rested, that’s all.”
“Well, I wasn’t planning on sleeping right now,” I said, stroking her thigh. “But now that we’ve made love and I’m feeling very relaxed, perhaps I just might take your advice on that.”
“It would make me feel a lot better, that’s for sure,” she declared as she took my hand in hers and kissed it.
“Okay, you’ve got me sold on the idea, so let’s sleep.”
“God, I’m going to miss you Sheldon,” she said curling up against me.
Wrapping my arm around her small waist, I said, “Not half as much as I’m going to miss you, especially on the ride up.”
“I wished that I could go with you, I really do Sheldon.”
“The only place you’re going right now is to sleep, my lady,” I chuckled in an attempt to lighten things up.
“Okay, I’m going to sleep.”
“I’ll see you in my dreams,” I proclaimed.
“You can count on it, love.”
We both woke up two hours later, Diana a minute or two before me. Glancing at the radio clock on the night stand, I saw that it was just a few minutes after 1:00PM. Not wanting to let go of the moment we held onto one another as if to ward off the inevitable. Though there was a lot on our minds, neither one of us said a word. While all was quiet, I could feel her heart pounding wildly. Mine was beating as fiercely.
“Diana, I think we better rise and shine,” I said, stroking her cheek.
Now Wouldn't You Like to Know Page 13