TheTraveler - book 1

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TheTraveler - book 1 Page 20

by Robin Marienus Miller

  Owsee, "no I want to look over the press, maybe juice a few baskets of fruit."

  I said, "okay then, I'll see you when I get back."

  “No light flight”

  I walked up the path and across the field to my ship. The flight across the mountains no longer seem to take as long. Arriving at the mother ship I pulled out the remaining three containers and put them side by side. Picking all three up at the same time was not easy, as the clamps had very little room to work with. After the frustrating part was over, I had no problem with the weight. But I could see my power units going down at a fast rate. With all three containers, I was using more power than I expected. I kept looking at the readout and how far I still had to go. This trip seemed to take a lot longer than the others, as my power readings kept going down at an alarming rate. Finally I could see the lake, as I came over the crest of the mountain and it was going to be close. My power readout was flashing as I made my descent for a landing. I pulled up at the last moment just as the containers hit the ground, and hit the release for the clamps while making a banking maneuver. Then I set the ship down next to the containers. My power readout stopped flashing, but the ship was not going anywhere without a good charge. I then opened the top on the three containers that I had set down near the water.

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  Now for a little fun, I said to myself. I reached out to the water with my hand and try to lift some up, but it just slipped through my telekinetic fingers. So I reached out with both hands cupped and lifted the water up and over the containers then let it go. It came down with a great splash, sending half of it over the side and on to me, soaking me from head to toe. I did it again with a bit more care and filled the containers near to the top.

  I then tried some telekinetic fishing. I stretched out my hand over the water and thought of a net that was cast in the middle of the lake, then I pulled it in. As it got close to shore I could see the water was full of fish. I could of pull them onshore or sent them to the containers, however, I was not ready for them yet. So I let them go and they swam away.

  I then disconnected the power cells in my ship and move them outside. They were 5 feet tall, 3 high and very heavy, near 300 pounds each; so it took some telekinetic help to move them. I then left the power cells next to the ship and walked back to the house. It was only then that I noticed I was dry. My hair was still wet but the rest me was dry. Self drying clothes, I don't remember Kitty telling me about that trick.

  When I got home I went to the barn to see how Owsee was doing.

  I had to raise my voice to be heard over the sound of the press, as I asked Owsee how it was working.

  He turned it off and said, "it's working fine, just like it was before I left. It had some dust I needed to wash off, but the years have been kind to it. How did you get done so fast?"

  I said, "I moved all three at one time, which is good as the power cells all need to be charged now."

  Owsee, "Kitty is not back with the transport yet, but if you can move the cells down here I can have them ready by morning, maybe even tonight."

  I said, "it don't matter if it's tonight or tomorrow, as long as they have a good charge in them. It's going to take some power to get the containers full of water back to the other ship."

  Owsee, "have you figured out how to get the water into the containers?"

  I said, "yes, and it's already done."

  Owsee, "how did you do it?"

  I said, "I just told the water to come and it did."

  Owsee, "too bad you can't do the same with the fish."

  I said, "I can, but the less time they spend in those containers the better they will be."

  Owsee, "so you can call the fish ah. Don't tell Kitty, or we will no longer be able to get away with spending the day on the lake again."

  I said, "I would lay odds that she already knows the way we fish, but I'll keep our little secret for now. And as for those power cells, let's try to see if I can use the spice dew and my telekinetic enhancer to bring them here."

  So I sat down on a short stool and pulled out a glass flask of spice dew. My first drink got my mind as far as outside in the yard. With the next I got to the ship but was not able to move the cells before I was pulled back. I then took a large gulp of the spice dew and flew the cells across the field, and to the barn before I was pulled back into my body. I then opened my eyes and there they were.

  Owsee, "that's amazing. How do you feel?"

  I said, "a little tired, but not bad."

  Owsee, "and now you can mix the two powers to move things you cannot see with just your eyes."

  I said, "yes, with the help of the spice dew no ship will be able to stop me, at least not for long."

  Owsee, "I'll get the cables and hook the cells to the generator."

  I said, "can you use the more fruit to juice?"

  Owsee, "yes, but it must be the same kind, the sweet tarts."

  I said, "so that's what you call them. They taste like what I would call a pineapple, but they look like a pear."

  Owsee, "sweet tarts is the best the translator can do."

  I said, "well whatever you call it, here comes another batch."

  I walked out the back of the barn to the orchard behind the house. There was a tree right next to the other one I had picked. I tried to get the feel of the tree as I gently lifted the fruit up and off without disturbing a leaf. There was a lot more than five baskets to this one. So I used my mind to fill them 3 feet higher than the baskets and sent them to the barn, where after I set them down the extra fell on the clean barn floor.

  Owsee was looking at a meter on one side of the cells and said, "when this gets to the green they will be done. I just hope no one touches them, or they will get a bad shock."

  I said, "I'll make a sign." It read, "Danger! Stay away.”

  I put it by the power cells with a rock to keep it in place.

  Then I said, "now anyone that can read will know not to get close to them."

  Owsee, "that's a great idea, I never thought of such a thing."

  I said, "we use signs like this all over my home planet, to tell people what we want, or do not want, them to do. Sometimes there are so many signs, trying to tell us what to do, that we long for the peace of the woods. Now that I think about it, I want to apologize for the signs that will surely be popping up all over the place. Soon the cities will be full of signs trying to tell you what to do."

  Owsee, "well it’s a good thing we do not live in the city."

  He opened the press and dumped another basket of fruit into it. I started to help by picking up the fruit that was on the floor and putting it in the empty baskets.

  Owsee, "by the way, the Mayor came by while we were still drilling. We talked about teaching children to read and write and he thought it was a good idea. We are going to put together a program to start as soon as we can get all the wrist translators we need, for which the Mayor thanks you for your generosity."

  I said, "I'm happy I can do it for the children."

  We got all the fruit in the press and close the lid. Owsee then started the press and the juice started to fill the barrels. After a short time, he turned the motor off, saying that the weight of the top would do the rest. So we went into the house with a small keg and put it in the icebox, that's what he still called a refrigerator.

  I said, "you know, this goes good with the rum."

  So we made a tall glass for both of us. I drank it right down, forgetting how much rum we putting it, and asked for another.

  I relit my pipe and asked Owsee how long it would take to put the computer chips back in place on the big ship.

  He said, "not long, there are some things on board that don't need to be restored. The moving floor and the detachable bridge will not need their relays. But I will put the chips back in the replicators, it's good to be able to get something to eat on a long trip."

  I said I would like that, and that I was going to try to stay up most of the night
so I could sleep on the way to the third station. That way I would be able to be awake for the trip home. I wanted to be fully alert for that part of the journey.

  Owsee said that staying up all night is something we do well. Then he pulled out the fire powder and made two lines on the table. Pulling out a short tube he did a line then offered it to me. But I just held my hand up, as to say stop, then put a finger to my nose and made the powder rise like a tiny tornado, and up my nose it went.

  I then said, "now how cool is that?"

  Owsee, "yes, you are getting more control over small things. I think that is where the true power lies. Even the biggest ship can be stopped by pulling a few of its main memory chips. And with the help of some spice dew you can do it."

  I said, "let's hope it does not come to that, I still want to make a clean getaway."

  Owsee, "yes, but remember what I said, the memory chips. Without them they can do nothing to you."

  I said, "what I need now is information. How about you pull out that flat screen, and see if we can find out who is working the docks that may know something we need, while we enjoy our drink."

  So he pulled out the monitor and set it on the small bar top so we both could see, then started a search of import traders. One was into clothes, we made a note of that for Kitty. Another was a supplier of food and tools. Then we spotted one that was a seller of translators and other small chip devices. We tried to get him on the line but were put on hold. Owsee asked if I wanted to wait to hear back from this one. I said he seemed to be the best bet so far, for information. Before we could say another word he came on the line saying, "you have reached trader Sam. Just tell me what you want and I will find it for you."

  I said, "it looks like you deal in a lot of things that use small chips."

  He said, "well yes I do, what do you need?"

  I said, "I need to know someone that deals in raw crystals to make the chips."

  He said, "that's CM, I will not deal with them."

  I said, "neither will I, I'm interested in a one-time sale of a few cargo containers of crystals. I can transport as far as the E3 station."

  Sam said, "I sell I legitimate merchandise. I don't get involved with smugglers."

  I said, "that's not what I hear. And for let's say, a thousand credits, maybe you could hear something as well."

  Sam, "500 now and the rest when I call you back."

  I said, "I need the info tonight."

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  Sam, "don't worry, I'll get right back to you. Now if you'll just scan your credit chip for me."

  I pulled my bank credit chip out from the back of my translator, where I kept it, and scanned yes to the 500 charge.

  He said, "trader Sam will be back with you shortly."

  Owsee, "a thousand credits is a lot of money."

  I said, "he is taking at risk."

  Owsee, "what is the risk? The CM has no ears here."

  I said, "it's the people he will put us in contact with, they don't like newcomers. And if you send them a CM spy they will rip your face off, and stick it up your ass, so you can see them kick you out an airlock."

  Owsee, "you're right, if they don't like you or the deal goes bad, they will take it out on him for sending you."

  I said, "yes, and a thousand credits may not be a lot for that kind of risk, but it is enough for him to buy the information from someone else."

  I drained my drink and Owsee asked if I would like another one.

  I said, "no, I needed something small and sweet to mellow out with."

  He said, "how about a shot of the bud liqueur?"

  I said, "that's just the ticket," and he poured me a short one.

  I took a small sip and worked it around my gums. Then I relit my pipe and let the aroma tease my nose a bit.

  Then turning to Owsee I said, "I've been thinking about Goo da wa, and a story we could cut up and hand out a page or two every night for up to three weeks. It's called, "one more bike," and it is about a neighbor with a lot of children but not much money. And how one boy, works to get a new bike."

  Owsee, "that sounds like a good story, how soon can I read it?"

  I said, "I'll write it down on my trip back, it will give me something to do. Then there will be at least 20 pages to copy, for anyone that wants one."

  Owsee, "20 pages for each person sounds like a lot of writing to me."

  I said, "you're right, I wish we had a copying machine."

  But before Owsee could ask what a copying machine was, trader Sam came back on the line.

  He said, "I have a man at station two that needs a ride to station three, where he will introduce you to the man you need to do business with, if you want to sell crystals. The man you are picking up is called Ranger, and he wants to know when you will be there and how to tell it is you."

  I said, "I was not planning to take on a passenger."

  Sam, "it's the only way the deal will work."

  I said, "tell him to look for a very large ship in the middle of the night, your time, and a man on the dock next to it in Elvin ware. How will I know him?"

  Sam, "my 500 credits please."

  I slipped my chip in the slot and okayed the credits.

  Sam, "he will be all in black and walking with a metal pole. Good luck and goodbye."

  Owsee, "looks like your trip will be interrupted by a pickup."

  I said, "I can still get some sleep before I get to him. It's probably their way to check me out before I meet the head man."

  I ate some nuts that were on the table as Owsee pointed out that the sun was setting and Kitty was not back yet.

  I said, "she said she was planning to make a day of it"

  Owsee, "that she did. I better take a look at those power cells, it's not good to overcharge them."

  I said, "I'll go with you, I need to stretch my legs a bit."

  Owsee, "I bet you do. After drinking that bud liqueur if you don't walk around your legs forget how to."

  I said, "that's why I only drank a little bit from a shot glass. Have you thought what you want for supper yet?"

  Owsee, "no, I haven't, how about you?"

  I said, "no, but if Kitty is very late I will start cooking myself."

  Owsee, "you could make some more of those pan cakes. I could eat them any time of the day."

  I said, "I have something else you may like called crepes, they are like a thin pancake rolled up with a filling of cheese or jam."

  Owsee, "oh let's have them."

  I said, "let's wait a little while for Kitty first. If she don't show up soon I'll start cooking."

  The power cells were already at the green mark, yet there was still some room before they had to come off.

  Owsee turned the press on again and the juice came gushing out into the barrel. After a few moments, he moved another barrel into place.

  Owsee, "have you been up stairs yet? Come and see."

  So we went up the heavy wooden stairs to a finished upper room. It had a hard wood floor and the walls were done in a light colored wood. The only thing up there, other than the dust, was a rocking chair by the hay loft door.

  I said, "this is very nice. I see why you would like to live up here. All you need is a bit of furniture."

  Owsee, "yes, it's one of the last things my father and I worked on before he died. He would sit in that chair, looking at the stars, wondering what stories his sons would have brought back."

  I said, "for a race about storytellers I have not heard where your people are from."

  Owsee, "that's because it was a forbidden story that died with the first ones that came here. Our old world was so full of people that the ones that left did not want them to know of this place. It's also why we change the name of the planet every 50 years. I think we may have had a written language once, but it was forbidden by the first ones so the secret could be kept. I think we also made up a new spoken language that was so different from the first one that no one would know, or guest, wh
ere we were from. At lease those are all the stories that I have heard. The fact is that you and I are so alike that we may even be from Earth, who knows?"

  I said, "I always believed that in the past we may have come from the stars, I know a lot of us went to them."

  We went back downstairs and Owsee shut down the power to the cells and unhooked them.

  I said, "I'll take them back tomorrow. By the way, will you take the furniture from your bedroom for your new place?"


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