TheTraveler - book 1

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TheTraveler - book 1 Page 24

by Robin Marienus Miller

  Owsee said, "if Kitty is still asleep I want pancakes."

  I said, "the only way to get up before Kitty is not to go to bed at all."

  Owsee, "well I guess that means we are up before her for a change."

  I said, "I bet she is asleep on the front porch."

  Owsee, "I bet you're right, I think I can see her from here."

  As we got closer, we could see she was there alright, on the love seat with a pillow under her head.

  As soon as we stepped on the porch she set up with a yawn and said, "good morning, who wants breakfast?"

  Owsee said, "I want pancakes."

  I said, "I was thinking about French toast, if you like pancakes you'll love French toast, and I'll show you how to make it."

  Owsee, "okay let's have French toast."

  Then Kitty said, "okay so teach me to make French toast."

  So we went in the kitchen and I showed her what to do. Then I went into the living room and sat down on the sofa. But in what seemed to be a blink of an eye, Kitty was calling me to the table. Owsee was already there and we passed things around until we all had what we wanted.

  There was butter, jam, berries and nuts, milk, juice and fresh fruit on the table.

  Owsee said, "I can't get over how good this is. I thought pancakes were the best, now this is on the top of my list."

  I said, "if you think that's good, wait until I make my crepes. I make them with jam or cheese inside."

  Owsee, "it all sounds good. Between the two of you, I bet you could write a cookbook. Is that what you would call it, a cookbook?"

  I said, "cookbooks are very well read on my home planet, and there are a lot of them; each with its own secrets and tips. And unlike here, the women on my planet find it in good taste to teach others as much as they can, even the men learn. As a matter of fact, some of our best chefs are men."

  I then took my dish into the kitchen, with Kitty close behind with the other ones, she said she would clean them.

  I then got the mugs and juice as I said, "I have a lot of things I need to do before I take off, but I should see you in about two days."

  Kitty reached around my neck and pulled me close. Then gave me a passionate kiss and said, "now you be careful out there."

  I said I would. And with that, I went out to the barn with Owsee close behind.

  As we walked Owsee asked how I would like to move the power cells back to the ship.

  I said, "let's put them on the transport, so people won’t see me levitating them to the lake."

  Owsee, "okay but they are too heavy for me to move. I'll need some special help from you just to get them on the transport."

  I said, "I can handle that."

  So I put my hand on the first one and thought, “it as light as a feather.” I picked it up as if it was a beach ball, then walked over and put it on the back of the transport. I did the others the same way. As I was loading the last one Kitty had just come out of the house, and seeing me put it on the transport said, "I didn't realize how strong you were."

  It almost broke my concentration as I was setting it down. I then turned to see her wave goodbye as she headed to work.

  I said, "we'd better tie the cells down, even though it's a short drive."

  Owsee, "you're right, it's no good if one of these bad boys get loose."

  So Owsee got a rope from the barn and told me he was never very good with knots so I had better do it.

  As I was tying down the cylinders Owsee brought out a keg of fresh juice and put it on the transport, saying, "you may want something fresh to drink on your trip."

  He then went back in and came out with a big sack that he tossed up.

  I asked, "what’s this?"

  He said, "bud, enough to pass out on all the stations."

  I said, "dam, these guys are going to really love to see me."

  Then he brought out three bags to fill with fruit for the dock workers. So we drove up the dirt road next to the orchard and stopped half way and pick the fruit.

  Owsee said they should like the big yellow ones. There was no one in sight, so I had Owsee hold the bags while I used the power of my telekinetic enhancer to pick the fruit, and have it fly into the bags. They were the size of a grapefruit but its sections tasted like an orange, very sweet.

  We then drove across the field to the ship and unloaded. After getting the power cells in place, we went fishing.

  Owsee said, "this ought to be good."

  We went to the edge of the waters and I stretch out my hand, while thinking of a great net in the water. I slowly pulled my 30 foot wide telekinetic net on shore. There were hundreds of fish. I thought of only the large ones and made them rise up and fly into the tank of water. Then I pushed the rest of them back into deep water and they swam away.

  Owsee said, "you make one hell of a fisherman," and that we had at least 60 large fish per container. That would give each dockworker at least two each.

  I asked Owsee if it was too much out of the lake. He said the lake had not been well finished in over 30 years. And because we put the small ones back and this was a one-time deal, it would be fine. So we put the tops on the containers and locked them down.

  Owsee said, "your power is sure a timesaver."

  I said, "yes, but I hope no one saw me."

  Owsee, "it's still early, people are not out yet."

  I said, "I still want to keep this thing a secret as long as I can."

  Owsee, "the people of the town know you have a power, the only secret is that you have the telekinetic enhancer."

  I said, "and that is what I want to keep a secret. It could be a temptation for someone to try to take it away from me. And in the wrong hands, while I don't even want to think about it."

  We got on the ship and power her up. The thrusters sounded smooth and strong.

  I asked Owsee if he wanted to take the controls. He said, "no, I think I'll leave this one is up to you."

  So I pulled up, over the containers, set down lightly on top and engage the clamps. I lifted them up in a smooth motion, and we were off.

  Owsee, "I have never seen it done better before. With moves like that, you could work anywhere. It's no wonder the guild gave you a free ticket."

  I said, "work -- yes, live -- no. And there is a lot more to life than how you spend your time working."

  Owsee, "that's so true, but most of us never get past the, I need a job part."

  Then he pointed out where the mountains sloped at the edge of the hidden lake. He said that was where I needed to put the nose of the big ship to take on water.

  Owsee, "and I want you to take each of the three stations a full 2500 units of water each."

  I said, "but if I take them that much they will not have room to take on their full shipment when the CM tankers come, they will be onto us."

  Owsee, "yes, but I want them to know they can no longer hold the stations hostage with a little water. Do you know why they called the dock workers RATS?"

  I said, "yes it stands for, “Rough And Tarnished Souls.”

  Owsee, "that's right, yet most of them would not commit a crime just to get off the station. If you find a dockworker, or he finds you, that wants to leave, please feel free to bring them here. We can get them jobs in the city without a problem. Or maybe a transport back to their home world if they like."

  I said, "if I start taking dockworkers they will be on me in a day. You know it is illegal to give any station worker that has a contract with the CM an unauthorized ride."

  Owsee, "the Mining Guild protects the minors but there is no protection or rights for the station workers. That's why they treat them like slaves."

  I said, "there should be a dock workers Union."

  Owsee, "the CM would never allow it. They would just get new workers from overcrowded planet and give them what looked like a good contract. But when the workers get to the stations they find there is no one to stand up for their rights and no way out."

  I said, "if the doc
kworkers could join up with the Miners Guild they would have the power to make it right."

  Owsee yes, but the Mining Guild will not go that far. They make too much on the contracts they have with the CM. And there are just not enough dockworkers to make it work a strike."

  I said, "I always thought it would give the guild more power. Dockworkers are the heart of any station. Without them ships don't move, and mines shut down. There is no water or food if the dockworker will not put it on a ship, and that's a line I would not want to cross."

  Owsee, "you're right, and the workers have tried to unite themselves a number of times. Only to find themselves locked up for their troubles, or relocated to a place where no one ever heard from them again."

  I said, "so the only way to make it better is to run a freedom ship, anyone that wants to leave can do so. That way the only thing the CM could do, to stop the workers from leaving, is to make it better."

  Owsee, "you can get away with it once, but if you try it again they will hunt you down and blow you away."

  I said, "that's the danger of trying to change things."

  Owsee, "a little water from time to time they will overlook to some degree. Even a one-time dockworkers walk off to freedom, may not cause them to come after you. But they have many big, powerful ships, to enforce their will over the stations. You don't dare to keep showing up to take workers off. That's why even the crystal Pirates will not give the RATS a ride, they would hunt them down."

  I said, "I can disable any ship that comes after me. But if they send more than one they may get off a few shots before I can shut them down. That's why I will need a ship that can take a some hits."

  Owsee, "you want to build a warship?"

  I said, "no, a freedom ship."

  Owsee, "that's asking a lot. Let's try to get through this one trip, in one piece, before we talk about taking on the whole CM battle fleet."

  I said, "you're right, let's get this one over before starting a war."

  I set the containers down next to the side of the ship they were to be loaded into, then landed nearby.

  Owsee said he was going to put the chips back in the computers while I unloaded my ship, and put the supplies on his. So I set the bag of buds on my shoulder, then just told the keg of juice and the three bags of fruit to lead the way. There was no one to see me playing with my new powers out here, and we looked like some kind of a parade, as I levitated the supplies to the ship.

  I put it all in the cargo bay and went out to start on the containers. I moved them slowly, as the slightest mistake could damage the containers of fish and water. I did not want any leaks to deal with.

  When I went back on board Owsee was on the bridge, done putting in the chips and running system checks.

  Owsee, "it's all up and running, come here and look at the water take on maneuvers."

  He showed me a topical graph of the area and how we just draw a line and tap in the course, then where the water take on symbol was, and that I must tap it when it flashes full. He said I must then lay in a take off course, but when I got back through the gate just to hit the home course symbol and it would bring me right here.

  I said, "good, the one thing I was not sure about was finding this mountain out of all the ones on your planet."

  Owsee, "I put a few things that I had in storage in the mess hall for you. Oh, and when you get back, if you decide to use a hopper take it outside first or you'll bounce off the walls."

  We said our goodbyes then he went to my ship and took off for home.

  After I was sure he was far enough away I engage the engines, and started on my preprogram course to the water take on spot.

  I could feel the rumble of the engines as the big ship started to take off. I was glad to be setting down or I would've fallen. Outside of my windows I could only see dust as the ship rose from the desert and headed toward the mountains.

  The ride soon smoothed out and we were at the water take on spot in less than a minute. The hose deployed automatically and the water started to fill the tank.

  Owsee said it would not take long, but that I needed to hit the shut down symbol as soon as it started to flash. I was a bit tense as I waited for the tanks to fill. How long would it take to suck up over 7000 units of water? The seconds seemed to drag on and on. Then the light came on and I hit the stop button, the hose retracted and I was ready to go.

  I plotted a course to the first Star gate and hit the engage. We were off!

  It was a bit rough until the ship got out of the atmosphere, then there was no vibration at all. The ship was on auto now and would stop when we got to the first gate. So I went down to the mess hall to see what Owsee had left me. It seemed strange walking the hallways, knowing no one else was on board.

  When I got to the mess hall there was a sign that read, "go to storage box 0021 =>."

  At the end of the wall were a great number of boxes in the walls like at a bus station. 0021 was on the bottom, and about 4 x 4 feet in size. I hit the open button and it slid out with a whoosh, pushing my foot out of the way as it came. I shall remember to stand to one side next time. There was something like a bubble wrap on the top, which deflated and sucked itself back into the wall as I touched it. The box had a 5 gallon keg of rum in it, a bottle of bud liqueur, two bottles of detox water and a note that read, "be wise, be safe, be back soon."

  I put the bottle of bud liqueur and the two bottles of detox water in my shoulder bag and moved the rum to the hall. Then went down to the storage bay to get the barrel of juice and brought them up to the bridge. I made myself a drink, and sat down for a smoke and a rest.

  I must have dozed off, for the next thing I knew I was at the gate and it was requesting my destination.

  I told it the first station in this sector and a corporate mining android came online, and said, "please declare your cargo and prepare to be scanned for contraband."

  I said, "I had a free pass, no declaring of cargo. Guild #624, 792, 647, 012. I then ran my finger across a DNA scanner. A few moments later the CMA said, "thank you for your cooperation, have a safe trip."

  The gate then powered up and I moved through into hyperspace.

  I drank my drink and told myself to get some rest, but it was not easy as I had slept the night before. Then I remembered I had a bottle of bud liqueur. So I reached under the table for a short glass and poured myself a few shots. I sipped it as I smoked and played around with the view screen to find out how far I had to go, but all it would save was, "in transit."

  At least that's what my translators said it was saying. If this ship had a written language it could have been saying I was off course and I would never know it. Now if I could only understand their number system I would be set. They probably got it from another race anyway.

  I started to think about those fish. So I went down to the containers and opened the tops just enough to give them some more air. I was lucky that even the cargo decks of had gravity plates in the floor.

  Then I went to the other end of the cargo bay, to look at the hoppers Owsee was talking about. I found a pair stuffed behind a palette tied to the wall. They did not look like much. Just some fast hydraulics on the legs and a pair of re-tractable wings, no thrusters. But there was a picture on the side, of a man in a suit with body padding and a helmet. I thought to myself, if those things can jump a mile -- then what would it feel like to fall from a mile jump? I think I would rather walk.

  After getting myself something to eat, I went back to the bridge.

  I was having another drink when I thought I saw a large black ship just to one side of me. More like a shadow of a figure, then it was gone. It did not go left or right, it just went. I'm not sure if it was looking me over or was just on the same course. For a moment I thought I would like a better look at it, then I thought it might be better that it was gone.

  Just then, the ship dropped into normal space, not far from the station.

  I turned around and got ready for my next jump. This time I not only
gave it my DNA scan but my Guild number as well, and the gate powered up without a CMA inquiry. I set course and made the jump.

  On my way to the station to buy poured myself a glass of bud liqueur and drank it down, then laid back for a nap.

  I soon woke up with the feeling I was being watched.

  The black ship was out there are again, just far enough away that I could not see it well.


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