Ancient Tides: Division 14: Berkano Vampire Collection

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Ancient Tides: Division 14: Berkano Vampire Collection Page 7

by Weil, J. L.

  “Whatever. Let me go.”

  “Newsflash, sweetheart, you’re sitting on me, and if you slip about an inch or so down, things are either going to be awkward…or interesting,” he added. His lips slowly curled as he lifted a brow. “Could be fun.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Shut up. I’m not a plaything.”

  He lifted both hands in the air on either side of him, his gaze traveling over my body before flicking up. “Who said I’m playing?”

  I put a palm to his chest, intending to push myself to my feet, but I gasped as his hand wrapped around my wrist, hauling me against his chest. I turned my bewildered stare back on Zavier, the air catching in my lungs. He took a deep breath, and I realized my chest was pressed to his so close I could feel his heart beating.

  His hand fell loosely around my waist, and a heady rush trilled through my body. My fingers bunched on his shirt. To my surprise, they wanted to tug him closer, as if they had a mind of their own. The knowledge had my stomach muscles tightening. Maybe it was the adrenaline rush from the fight with the vampires, but holy crap. I was feeling a mad case of insta-lust.

  What was wrong with me? Better question—what the hell was going on with my body?

  I had just ended things with Liam, and here I was, having not-so-innocent thoughts about another guy. Never had I felt this kind of intense level of attraction, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for it, no matter what my body was saying.

  Flattening my hands, I shoved at the center of his chest and pushed to my feet. “Fun’s over.”

  Zavier was bad news all right.

  Chapter 9

  I went to bed all churned up inside, thanks to Zavier and Lilith. The type of spell my coven performed tonight usually left my body in a state of exhaustion that put me in a dreamless coma-like slumber, but as my head hit the pillow and I drifted off, the dreams of the past came.

  Bats swarmed over the mouth of the cave, the swirling and wrestling of their wings stirred in the otherwise eerily calm night. Seeing the Bay as it had been over fifty years ago was always a shock. It was almost unrecognizable, the city lights in the distance so vibrant and bright, but here at the edge of the world, the vast ocean slapped against the cliffs, and it was nestled into the side of the rock that the Rift witches gathered.

  Their voices carried in the wind, candles flickering from the opening, casting shadows that appeared as giants. “In blood taken. In magic given. So we may live. So the undead may rise. No longer bound by thirst. No longer feared by death.” The Rift witches chanted, the words trailing off by the hiss and roll of the surf.

  I moved closer, straining to hear the words that had destroyed the world, but from the darkness, a woman formed, her hair as black as night. Robes the same color of her hair swirled around her. She put a finger to her lips, a smile of terrible beauty.


  “I have waited for you.” Bats swooped and squawked as she lifted her hand toward my face, but her voice rang over the chaos, clear and strong.

  I jerked my head out of her reach, and a bat dived at me.

  In a movement of liquid blur, Lilith grasped my chin, holding my face steady in her clutch. Our eyes met, and I refused to blink or look away. I wouldn’t show her the fear she sought. “Ah yes, my dear, you have the strength I seek, but do you also have the power?”

  “You will get nothing from me but your death,” I spat, letting the words fly from my mouth with malice.

  She laughed, a chilling sound that sent shivers down my arms. “Until then, I’ll have a taste and see.”

  I didn’t have a chance to react. Her fangs extended as she grabbed my wrist, sinking them into my flesh. The sting was quick, and it swiftly gave way to a feeling equivalent to euphoria as the venom on her fangs mixed with my blood.

  “It’s warm,” she said, licking a drop of crimson delicately from the side of her lips as if it was a dab of ice cream. “Your power is ancient…and very tasty. Through your power is the path to redemption. I’ve been searching for you far too long. What is your name?”

  She was a whack-job if she thought I would voluntarily give her my name. “Death.”

  The curve of her lips never wavered, regardless of the darkness that jumped into her glowing eyes. “Your wit is only amusing for so long.”

  “It isn’t meant to amuse, but to warn.”

  She shook her head. “Come to me, and I will reward you. All I ask is for a little of your blood and a pinch of magic. I can give you more power than you’ve ever felt. I can show you how.”

  I snorted. “I’d rather jump off a cliff.”

  A bloodcurdling scream tore through the night. It was drowned out by the rapid beating of wings. My hands flew to cover my face as I ducked, shielding myself. I gasped at the quick pain as something sliced my arm. Cradling it, I felt the warm, wet flow of my own blood drip to the ground, splattering over the gritty sand.

  The earth under my feet shook.

  I must have pissed her off. Good.

  As satisfying as the knowledge was, it didn’t help me in my current predicament. There was something very real about this dream, and although it was of the past, Lilith was very much the present.

  A storm rolled in over the cliffs, gushing winds of frost that struck my face in sharp slaps. Lightning spat from the sky, an angry fire that slammed against the crack of thunder. The candles from the cave extinguished, leaving the bluffs in utter darkness.

  There was a gleeful kind of mean in the air, a sizzle of temper and spite that rippled with power—a power Lilith shouldn’t have—magic.

  What the hell?

  But that wasn’t my immediate concern. In the pitch black of night, I could no longer find my way. I didn’t know which direction was home. There was nothing to guide me back, and I begin to panic. Blind, desperate, and utterly alone, everything the vampire queen wanted—to isolate me until I gave in.

  I refused.

  Through the darkness came a light, and a feeling like a pair of strong arms wrapping around me. I was enclosed in a blanket of warmth and security, the white glow slowly gaining ground, drowning out the fear, the violent storm, and the vampire who was darkness incarnate. Lilith screamed, lunging at me in one last attempt to keep me within her nightmare, but the light of hope was too strong. The dream and the fear faded like smoke in the fog, yet the wariness of what had happened lingered as I slept.

  * * *

  There was one thing I didn’t expect when I woke up in the morning. Zavier Cross in my bed. Part of my brain couldn’t fathom what he was doing lying beside me with a twinkle in his silver eyes.

  Am I dreaming? Did I drink last night?

  His lips curved into a rather devastating smile that showed off his dimples.

  Definitely not dreaming. I couldn’t dream up that smirk, but through the haze of being still groggy, memories of the dream filtered through. Lilith. The Rift witches. Bats. Zavier had not been in the dream, and I was positive he hadn’t been in my bed as I had drifted off last night, so why he was here now?

  Several dark locks fell across his forehead that made my fingers itch to brush them aside. What was going on inside me? My eyes got hung up on his lips, and I couldn’t seem to look away.

  A flush trickled between my breasts, spreading to my belly, and then lower. Wickedness. It was the first word that came to mind.

  Holy crap. I wanted Zavier to touch me. However, it was completely wrong, and I didn’t need another entanglement with a warden. The first one hadn’t ended so well, but the mere thought of his touch on my skin caused my body to arch into him.

  Zavier’s hand was at my hip. It slowly began to inch down my thigh. I did nothing to stop him, my uneven breaths only encouraging him. There was no mistaking the desire that clouded his eyes. I shuddered as the tips of his fingers caressed along the edge of my inner thigh, and my head fell back against the pillow.

  What was happening to me? It was as if someone else had taken over my body, a sex-crazed harlot who was screaming at me to
lean up and kiss those full lips, to wipe off that cocky smirk.

  It was becoming an annoying habit—Zavier knowing what I wanted without my having to utter a word. He pressed a light kiss to the corner of my mouth, testing the waters. His chest rose heavily in time with mine.

  Was I letting this happen?

  My tongued ran over my lips, eager to taste him again. It would be a good time to try to get a read on his essence, my mind rationalized. I was willing to grasp at any excuse to kiss him. It was pathetic, but I hated there was an attraction. No matter how much I ignored it, it only grew stronger.

  Zavier’s eyes stayed on mine as all this went through my head, and the degree of desire that flourished sent a tingling thrill within me. I lost myself in those damn eyes. He pulled me in and took my lips, sweeping me under. And this time, the storm broke over me in wild lightning.

  I embraced it.

  My body naturally leaned toward him, seeking his warmth. His body was like a summer night, the winds breathing the air of the coast over the darkness.

  Desire fluttered in my belly like a dozen velvet butterfly wings. This was insane. Everywhere he touched sparked. His hand trailed from my thigh back to my hip and up my side, lingering just under my breast. The rush of my pulse sent a warning to my brain. Things were spinning out of control too fast. I’d always been a master over my own body and feelings, but what was happening now was foreign—just like Zavier.

  As before, I got sense of who he was, but it could be that my own desire was keeping me from being able to get any real information about the man. I was in so much trouble.

  I wanted my hands on him, on flesh, on muscle. My fingers edged to the hem of his pants, surprised he was wearing any, but he had forgone a shirt. His teeth grazed lightly down my throat as my fingers explored the hard planes of his stomach. Muscles bunched under my touch. There was a sweetness to the way he kissed as Zavier reclaimed my lips, slow and deep, until I could do nothing but melt into him. It was a dangerous concoction he brewed, seducing us both.

  He smelled of the sea and tasted like a honey elixir. Under his hands, he made my skin feel as soft as a rose petal.

  I wanted to leap in, ride the storm he created until the end, no matter where it took me. But the risk, and the pain…I was no stranger to pain of the heart, and based on what he could make me feel with a few swoon-worthy kisses, Zavier had the power to shatter my heart beyond repair. It was already damaged—I was damaged. The last thing I needed was a complication. There were plenty of those already.

  Pressing a hand to his chest, I pulled back, giving us both air. His eyes locked on mine, and I swore I saw something—the swirling of magic—wild and untamed.

  “Good morning,” he murmured, his husky voice dancing over my cheek as a hot, dangerous glint shifted into humor.

  I struggled to find my balance, the reality of what had transpired between us coming into focus. “What are you doing in my bed?”

  He lifted on an elbow and looked down at me. “Don’t you remember? You were calling out my name in the middle of the night.”

  I hadn’t been able to pry anything from the kiss. Zavier was still as much a mystery to me as ever. “I was not.”

  A single brow arched. “Are you sure about that?”

  I bit my lip, tasting him there. The thing was where Zavier was concerned, I wasn’t certain of anything. “That makes no sense. I had a dream, but why would I call for you? I don’t even like you.”

  The pad of his thumb swept over my bottom lip as he captured my gaze. “Do you need me to show you again how much you don’t like me?”

  I swatted his hand away from my face, going into bitch mode. The last thing I needed was a reminder of being in his arms, when I was doing my damnedest to forget it ever happened. “You’re a dick.”

  His lips curled. “You know, you’re not the first girl to tell me so.”

  I shot my nose into the air. “Shocker. This never happened.” I slipped out of the bed, leaving him stretched out across the sheets. “Next time you think you hear me cry in the middle of the night, try the chair in the corner.” Without saying goodbye, I slipped into the bathroom.

  * * *

  Though it was barely dawn, I made my way down to the kitchen. I was Cranky McCranky-Pants, only running on a few hours of sleep and suppressing my need to play hockey tonsil with Zavier. Mornings weren’t my thing. I didn’t understand anyone who got up at the butt crack of dawn on purpose.

  The kitchen wasn’t empty when I walked through. Colin was leaning against the industrial counter with an apple in his hand, dressed in the dark warden uniform. “You look like crap today,” he said, watching me as I went to the pantry.

  “Thanks, bro. I feel even better now.”

  He chuckled. “Late night?”

  My eyes snapped over to him. “No. Why? What did you hear?”

  Might not have been the smartest reaction. Now Colin was suspicious, his gaze narrowing at me, and then to Zavier, who had come in and was quietly helping himself to breakfast. “Nothing. Should I have? What shenanigans did you get yourself into?” Colin shifted so his body faced me.

  I exhaled. So Zavier hadn’t ratted me out. He kept his word. Wow. Color me shocked. “I’ve not gotten myself into anything. I’ve spent some time getting to know the warden you assigned me.”

  He took a bite out of his apple. “What do you mean by getting to know?”

  “I’m not a slut, Colin. Give me some credit. Just because I had a fling with Liam doesn’t mean I sleep around.”

  “Geez, Sky. What crawled up your ass? I wasn’t implying you were anything, but since you brought it up… You do tend to bewitch my friends.”

  “Zavier is a friend?” I asked. I thought I knew all my brother’s friends. I was positive Zavier hadn’t been part of the guards. If he’d gone through training here, I would have remembered him. He had a face that was unforgettable, and yet, Colin made it sound as if they had history.

  Colin leaned back and folded his arms. “You know I wouldn’t assign someone I didn’t personally trust with my life. Zavier and I trained together. He is one of the best, if not the best warden I’ve ever seen.”

  He was laying it on thick. I dropped into a chair, munching on the granola I grabbed from the cupboard. “Sounds like someone has a man crush.”

  “What is with you and Liam? Did you guys have a fight or something? The two of you are pricklier than a desert cactus.”

  “You could say that.” My brother had the ability to make me feel normal…a rare feeling. Colin and I used to be close, but lately, we’d grown distant, each caught up in our own lives and problems.

  And that sucked. I missed him.

  He leaned on the counter. “Skylar, what did you do?”

  I frowned. “Why does it have to be my fault?”

  He gave me that brotherly stern glare.

  “Fine. You got me.” I leaned back in the chair, picking at the granola I’d chosen for breakfast. “I told him I didn’t think we should see each other anymore.”

  “Wow. But that’s probably for the best.”

  “Has there been a second Rift I’m unaware of? What did you do with my brother?”

  He waved his apple in the air. “Hardy-har-har. It was no secret I didn’t approve, and it explains his piss-poor mood.”

  “How is he?” Liam and I hadn’t spoken since the other night. He was avoiding me, and I couldn’t blame him. I was doing a bit of avoiding myself.

  Thoughtful lines crinkled at the corners of his eyes. “Putting on a brave face, but I knew something was eating at him, and now I know what. Makes sense why he has been spending extra time in the combat room.”

  I groaned. “Colin, I’ve made a mess of this. I never wanted to hurt Liam.”

  “I know. It hasn’t been easy for you.” Colin tossed an apple from the basket to me. “Don’t worry about Liam. You know how he gets. Give him a few days to lick his wounded pride, but things will get back to the way they were. Besides
, he’ll be busy over the next few days.”

  I wished I had Colin’s confidence. “What happened?” There was a spark of sadness in Colin’s eyes that he quickly tried to hide from me, but he hadn’t been quick enough.

  “There was another attack in town yesterday.”

  Zavier stiffened from his lounging place in the corner. This was news to him as well.

  The apple was halfway to my mouth when my hand paused. “How many?”

  Colin heaved a heavy sigh before running a hand through his shaggy hair. Someone was in dire need of a trim. “At least three that we know of. Maybe more.”

  “Things are escalating, Colin. We need to do something about it. We can’t let them take innocent people. No one feels safe anymore, especially now that the sunlight has very little effect on them since the Rift.”

  “Sky, you’re telling me facts I already know. I’m working on it. That’s all you need to worry about.”

  Of course. Colin would take care of it alone. Without his little sister’s help, because sheltering me always came first. Sometimes I wanted to scream. When was he going to wake up and see I wasn’t a fragile little girl he had to constantly protect? I’d seen what evil looked like. Keeping me guarded wasn’t going to change the past.

  I understood the responsibility of safeguarding the people of Frisco Bay was a heavy burden, and it was in Colin’s nature to defend. He respected laws and order, unlike someone else I knew.

  Chapter 10

  The furnishings were sparse within the compound, as was common in the Bay. The Rift left District Fourteen in shambles. A simple sofa that desperately needed recovering sat in the corner of the main room, along with a cushioned chair and a scatter of tables.

  I needed a moment alone to gather myself, but it was impossible with Zavier’s stormy eyes watching my every move. He made me feel quivery and no longer empty.

  I had to keep my mind focused on other things like work, inventory for the shop, what I was going to eat for lunch. If I didn’t, my mind wandered to Zavier and what happened this morning.


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