Orphan Star

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Orphan Star Page 20

by Foster, Alan Dean;

  "Here is wood," Moam said.

  "Do yon need more?" asked Bluebright.

  "I think this is enough to last us at least a week," Flinx told them. As he spoke Sylzenzuzex was arranging some of the broken wood in a triangular stack, del- icate truhands making a sculpture out of twigs and thin trunks.

  Flinx eased himself up against the wall of the cave, feeling the coolness of the stone through the thermal suit. "How did your parents many times dead think you could regula-move closer to the sun?"

  . "By playing the game," Fluff told him again. "Game and making cave home is one."

  "Digging caves is supposed to bring your world nearer its sun?" Flinx muttered, not sure he had heard correctly.

  But Fluff signaled assent. "Is part of pattern of game."

  "Pattern? What kind of pattern?"

  "Is hard to explain," Fluff conceded languidly.

  Flinx hesitated, voiced a sudden thought, "Fluff, how long have your people been playing the game of digging cave patterns?"

  "How long?"

  "How many of your days?"

  "Days." Fluff decided it was time to consult with the others. He called Bluebright over, and Moam came with Bluebright. Softsmooth joined them and for a brief moment Maybeso winked into existence to add his comment.

  Eventually Fluff turned back to Flinx, spoke with confidence as he named a figure. A large figure. Exceedingly so.

  "Are you certain of your numerology?" Flinx finally asked slowly.

  Fluff indicated the affirmative. "Number is correct. Learned counting system at the mine,"

  Sylzenzuzex eyed Flinx speculatively as he turned away, leaned back against the wall and stared at the dark cold roof above. She paused prior to starting the fire. "How long?"

  There was a long pause before he seemed to come back from a far place, to glance across at her. "Ac- cording to what Fluff says, they've been playing this game of digging interconnecting tunnels for just under fourteen thousand Terran years. This whole section of the continent must be honeycombed with them. No telling how deep they run, either."

  "What is honey?" wondered Moam.

  "What is comb?" Bluebright inquired.

  "How far is deep?" Fluff wanted to know.

  Flinx replied with another question. "How long before this pattern is supposed to be finished. Fluff?"

  The Ujurrian paused, his mind working busily. "Not too long. Twelve thousand more of your years."

  "Give or take a few hundred," Flinx gulped dully.

  But Fluff eyed him reprovingly. "No ... exactly." Great glowing guileless eyes stared back into Flinx's own.

  "And what's supposed to happen when this pattern is complete, when the game is finished?"

  "Two things," explained Fluff pleasantly. "We move a certain ways closer to the warm, and we start looking for a new game."

  "I see." He muttered half to himself. "And Rudenuaman thought these people were primitive because they spent all their time digging caves.'"

  Sylzenzuzex hadn't moved to light the fire. Her face was a mask of uncertainty. "But how can digging a few caves change a planet's orbit?"

  "A few caves? I don"t know, Syl," he murmured softly, "I doubt if anyone does. Maybe the completed pattern produces a large enough alteration in the planetary crust to create a catastrophe fold sufficient to stress space the right amount at the' right moment. If I knew more catastrophe math-and if we had the use of the biggest Church compnter-I could check it.

  "Or maybe the tunnels are intended to tap the heat at the planet's core power, or a combination of it and the fold ... we need some brilliant mathematicians and physicists to answer it."

  Sylzenzuzex eyed Fluff warily. "Can you explain what's supposed to happen. Fluff, and how?"

  The bulky ursinoid gave her a mournful look, a simple task with those manifold-souled eyes. "Is sad, but do not have the terms for."

  It was quiet in the cave then until the pile of dry wood coughed into life. Several small flames appeared at once, and in seconds the fire was blazing enthusiastically. Sylzenzuzex responded with a long, low whistling sigh of appreciation and settled close to the comforting heat.

  "Is warm!" Moam uttered in surprise.

  Bluebright stuck a paw close to the flames, drew it back hastily. "Very warm," he confirmed.

  "We can teach you-hell, we've already taught you-how to make all the fires like this yon want. I'm not saying you should abandon your game, but if you're interested Sylzenzuzex and I can show you how to insure your warmth during aphelion a lot sooner than twelve thousand years from now."

  "Is easier," Fluff conceded, indicating the fire.

  "And fun," added Moam.

  "Listen, Fluff," Flinx began energetically, "why do your people work so long and hard for the cold minds and the others at the mine?"

  "For the berries and nuts they bring us from far places," Softsmooth supplied from a little alcove cut into the cave wall.

  "From far places," Bluebright finished. "Why not travel there and get them for yourselves?"

  "Too far," Fluff explained, "and too hard, Maybeso says."

  Flinx leaned away from the wall, spoke in earnest tones, "Don't you understand, Fluff? I'm trying to show yon that the people at the mine are exploiting you. They're working you as hard as you're willing, at tremendous profit to themselves, and in return they're paying you off with only enough nuts and berries to keep you working for them."

  "What is profit?" asked Moam.

  "What is paying off?" Bluebright wanted to know.

  Flinx started to reply, then realized he didn't have the time. Not for an explanation of modem economics, the ratio of work to value produced, and a hundred other concepts it would be necessary to detail before he could explain those two simple terms to these people.

  Leaning back again, he stared out the cave mouth past the flicker of the fire. A smattering of strange stars had risen above the rim of the mountains bringing the far side of the lake. For hours he remained deep in thought, while his hosts relaxed in polite silence and waited for him to speak again. They recognized his concern and concentration and stayed respectfully out of his thoughts.

  Once he moved to help Sylzenzuzex resplint her broken joint with a stronger piece of wood. Then he returned to his place and his thoughts. After a while the stars were replaced by others, and they sank in their turn.

  He was still sitting there, thinking, when he heard a sound like that made by a warehouse door mounted on old creaky hinges. Fluff yawned a second time and rolled over, opening saucerish eyes at him.

  In a little while, the sun was pouring into the cave, and still Flinx hadn't offered so much as a good morning. They were all watching him curiously. Even Sylzenznzex maintained a respectful silence, sensing that something important was forming beneath that unkempt red hair.

  It was Fluff who broke the endless quiet. "Last night, Flinx-friend, your mind a steady noise like much water falling. Today it is like the ground after water has fallen and frozen-a sameness piled high and white and clean."

  Sylzenzuzex was sitting on her haunches. With truhands and her one good foothand she was cleaning her abdomen, ovipositors, great compound eyes, and antennae.

  "Fluff," Flinx said easily, as if no time had paused since they had last conversed, as if the long night had been but the pause of a minute, "how would you and your people like to start a new game?"

  "Start a new game," repeated Fluff solemnly, "This is a big thing, Flinx-friend."

  "It is," admitted Flinx. "It's called civilization."

  Sylzenzuzex stopped in mid-preen and cocked her head sharply at him, though there was far less certainty in her voice when she spoke her objections: "Flinx, you can't. You know now why the Church placed this world Under Edict. We can't, no matter how we may feel personally about Fluff and Moam and the rest of these people, contravene the decision of the Council."

  "Who says so?" Flinx shot back. "Besides, we don't know that the Edict was declared by the Council. A few bureaucrats in th
e right place could have made their own little godlike decision to consign the Ujurrians to ignorance. I'm sorry, Syl, but while I admit the Church is responsible for some good works, it's still an organization composed of humanx beings. Like all beings, their allegiance is first to themselves and second to everyone else. Would the Church disband if they could be convinced it was in the Commonwealth's best interests? I doubt it."

  "Whereas you, Philip Lynx, are concerned first with everyone else," she countered.

  Frowning, he started pacing the warming floor of the cave. "I honestly don't know, Syl. I don't even know who I am, much less what I am." His tone strengthened. "But I do know that in these people I see an innocence and kindness that I've never encountered on any humanx world." He stopped abruptly, stared out at the stars the morning sun made on the lake.

  "I may be a young fool, a narrow-minded idealist- call it anything you like, but I think I know what I want to be now. If they'll have me, that is. For the first time in my life, I know."

  "What's that?" she asked.

  "A teacher." He faced the patient Ujurrians. "I want to teach you. Fluff. And you Moam, and you Bluebright and Softsmooth, and even Maybeso, wherever you are."

  "Here," a voice grumbled from outside. Maybeso was lying on the low heatherlike growth before the cave entrance, rolling and stretching with pleasure.

  "I want to teach all of yon this new game."

  "A big thing," Fluff repeated slowly. "This is not for us alone to decide."

  "Others must be told," Bluebright agreed.

  It took some time for everyone to be told. To be exact, it took eleven days, four hours, and a small basket of minutes and seconds. Then they had to wait another eleven days, four hours, and some minutes for everyone to answer.

  But it took very little time for each individual to decide.

  On the twenty-third day after the question was asked, Maybeso appeared outside the cave. Flinx and Sylzenzuzex were sitting by the lakeshore with Fluff, Moam, and BluebSght. They didn't notice the new arrival.

  At that moment, Flinx was holding a long tough vine with sharp shards of bone attached to one end. While the others of their small group watched, he was teaching Fluff how to fish. Fluff looked delighted as he brought in the fourth catch of the day, a rounded silvery organism that looked like a cross between a blow- fish and a trout.

  Swimmers, the Ujurrians explained, had smaller lights than najacs and other land prey. Therefore fishing was a smaller evil than hunting.

  "This too is part of the new game?" Moam inqmred, duplicating the vine and bone hook arrangement perfectly on her first try.

  "It is," Flinx admitted.

  "That's good," Bluebright observed.

  "I hope everyone agrees."

  Sylzenznzex downed another clutch of berries. The sugar content was satisfactory, and the freshness enlivened her diet.

  Miffed, Maybeso vanished from before the cave and reappeared next to her. She nearly fell off the smooth granite she'd been crouched on.

  "Everyone has answered," Maybeso announced. "Most everybody says yes. We play the new game now."

  "Fourteen thousand years of digging, down the excretory cannal," Sylzenzuzex commented, climbing to her feet again and brushing at her abdomen. "I hope you know what you're doing, Flinx."

  "Not to worry," Maybeso snorted at her. "Only here do we play new game, now. Other places on backsides of the world will continue with old game. If new game is not fun," he paused slightly, "we go back to old game," He turned a forceful gaze on Flinx. "Forever," he added.

  Flinx shifted uncomfortably as the enigmatic Ujurrian vanished. Several weeks ago he had been so sure of himself, fired with a messianic zeal he had never previously experienced. Now the first real doubts were beginning to gnaw at his confidence. He turned away from the stares around him-the ursinoids were well equipped for staring.

  "Is good," was all Fluff murmured. "How do we begin the game, Flinx?"

  He indicated the perfect hook-and-line arrangements everyone had completed. "Fire was a start. This is a start. Now I want everyone who works for the people at the mine to come here to learn with us-at night- time, so the cold minds will not become suspicious.

  That would be," he hesitated only briefly, "bad for the game."

  "But when will we sleep?" Moam wanted to know.

  "I won't talk too long," replied Flinx hopefully. "It's necessary. Maybe," he added without much confidence, "we can accomplish the first part of the game without making any light places dark. Ours or anyone else's."

  "Is good," declared Fluff. "We will tell the others at the mine."

  Sylzenzwzex sidled close to him as the ursinoids dispersed.

  "Teach them something basic about civilization while we help ourselves," he murmured. "Once they get rid of the people at the mine, they'll have a start at obtaining all the nuts and berries they want...."

  Chapter Twelve

  "I hope," Teleen anz Rudenuaman ventured, "that the Baron concludes his hunt soon. We're running low on a number of synthetics and supplements for the food synthesizers, and we're nearly out of stock on several other unduplicatable items."

  "There is no need to worry about the Baron," Meevo FFGW assured her from beneath his stiff human face..

  There really wasn't any reason for concern, she insisted to herself, turning to look out the newly replaced pink window panels. On the mountain above, the miners worked steadily, efficiently as always.

  The Baron had made several journeys through Commonwealth territory before. Nevertheless, she couldn't help experiencing a pang of concern every time one of her ships carried any of the disguised reptilians. She might survive, via a web of confusing explanations, if a Commonwealth patrol ship ever intercepted one of those missions and discovered the AAnn on board.

  But she would lose an irreplaceable business associate. Not all of the AAnn aristocracy were as understanding of human motivations or as business-minded as Riidi WW.

  The office communit buzzed for attention. Meevo rose and answered the call. Turning from the vista of forest and mountain, she saw his flexible humanoid mask twist repeatedly, a sign that incomprehensible reptilian contortions were occurring beneath.

  "Said what ... what happened?" The AAnn's thick voice rose. Teleen leaned closer. "What is going on, Meevo?"

  Slowly the AAnn engineer replaced the communit receiver. "That ... was Chargis at the mine. The escaped human and thranx have returned alive. He reports that there are many natives with them, and that the newcomers have joined with those working the mine in armed revolt."

  "No, no ..." She felt faint as his words overpowered her. "The natives, in arms ... that's impossible." Her voice rose to a scream as she regained control of herself. "Impossible! They don't know the difference between a power drill and a beamer. Why would they want to revolt, anyway? What do they want ... more nuts and berries? This is insane!" Her face elongated suddenly, dangerously. "No, wait-you said the human and thranx had returned with them?"

  "So Chargis insists."

  "But that's impossible, too. They should have died weeks ago from exposure. Somehow," she concluded inescapably, "they must have succeeded in communicating with the natives."

  "I would say that is understatement," the engineer declared. "I was told the natives possessed no language, no means of communicating abstract concepts among themselves-let alone with outsiders."

  "We have overlooked something, Meevo."

  "As a nye, I say that is so," the engineer concurred. "But it will not matter in the end. It is one thing to teach a savage how to fire a weapon and another to ex- plain the tactics of warfare to it."

  "Where did they get weapons, anyway?" Teleen wondered, staring up the mountainside once more. The distant structures showed no sign of the conflict evidently taking place within.

  "Chargis said that they overwhelmed the guard and broke into the mill armory," Meevo explained. "There was only one guard, as there are none here who would steal weapons. Chargis went on to
say that the natives were clumsy and undisciplined in breaking in, and that the human and thranx tried hard to quiet them." He grinned viciously. "They may have unleashed something they cannot control. Chargis said ..." The engineer hesitated.

  "Go on," Teleen prompted, determined to listen to it all, "what else did Chargis say?"

  "He said that the natives gave him the impression that they regarded this all as ... a game."

  "A game," she repeated slowly. "Let them continue to think that, even as they are dying. Contact all personnel on base," she ordered. "Have them abandon all buildings except those here, centered around Administration, We have hand beamers and laser cannon big enough to knock a military shuttle out of the sky. We'll just relax here, holding communications, food processing, this structure, and the power station until the Baron returns.

  "After we've incinerated some of their number," she continued casually, as though she were speaking of pruning weeds, "the game may lose interest for them. If not, the shuttles will end it quickly enough." She glanced back at him. "Also have Chargis gather some good marksmen into two groups. They can use the two big groundcars and keep our friendly workers bottled up where they are. Mind the shooting, though; I don't want anything damaged within the mine buildings unless it's absolutely unavoidable. That equipment is expensive. Barring that, they can have target practice on any natives they find outside."

  She added, in a half-mutter, "But under no circumstances are they to kill the human youth or the thranx female. I want both of them healthy and undamaged."

  She shook her head, disgusted, as the engineer moved to relay her orders. "Damned inconvenient. We're going to have to import and train a whole new clutch of manual laborers. ..."

  Everything, Flinx thought furiously, had gone smoothly and according to plan-at the start. Then he had watched helplessly as months of planning and instruction were cast aside, submerged in the uncontrollable pleasure the Ujurrians took in breaking into the armory to get at the toys which made things vanish. Not even Fluff could calm them.

  "They're enjoying themselves, Flinx," Sylzenzuzex explained, trying to reassure him. "Can you blame them? This game is much more exciting than anything they've ever played before."


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