Taking Kirsten: A Hotwife Fantasy (Hotwife Fantasies Book 2)

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Taking Kirsten: A Hotwife Fantasy (Hotwife Fantasies Book 2) Page 2

by Lexi Archer

  "Cheer up. It's going to be an awesome night," Super K said. "Sorority Pledge night. Best damned night of the year."

  I glanced down at the pledges to make sure that they were still working. With them it was hard to tell. They found new ways to screw up every other day.

  "Yeah, I suppose it is," I replied.

  Super K slapped me on the shoulder and grinned. "Come on man, don't let those screw ups down there get to you too much. Everyone knows it isn't your fault anyways."

  "I suppose," I said.

  But I couldn't help the nagging feeling that everybody still thought it was my fault. I was the person charged with leading the pledge class after all, and when you were the person in charge you got the blame even if the people you were in charge of were a bunch of screw ups.

  A normal pledge class was usually done in two months, tops. Sometimes if they were really behind, or if something got screwed up, then they might take three months. Either way everything was supposed to be done and finished by the end of the fall semester. To go into midterms as pledges was odd. To go into finals and still be a pledge was unheard of. Now we were at the beginning of the spring semester and these idiots were still pledges. Like I said, there were no words for how monumental their screw up was.

  "Cheer up man," Super K said. "You're not allowed to be depressed on sorority pledge night!"

  I grinned. Super K did have a point. The sororities pledged during the spring semester while the fraternities pledged during the fall semester so that theoretically there wasn't overlap, though obviously results varied. Sorority pledge night was one of the highlights of the year. Even the screw ups down below couldn't take that away from me. The ladies from our partner sorority brought their pledges over to the house and we threw one hell of a party. It was easily one of the biggest party nights of the year.

  Usually it was also sort of a reward for the pledges who recently became brothers, but that wasn't happening tonight.

  By the end of the night the sorority leadership would partner each of the sorority pledges with a lucky brother. The shtick was that the sorority pledge had to do whatever their paired brother said for the night. In practice that usually meant that they were forced to do the usual silly crap that everyone has to do like chugging a beer, things like that. But if the sorority pledge was into you at all…

  Well let me just tell you that things could get very interesting indeed when you got back to the solitude of your room. And the sorority we partnered with had a knack for pairing guys with girls who were definitely into them.

  I squeezed my eyes shut. Not that the solitude of my room would do me any good this year even if I was lucky enough to get paired up with a sorority pledges. Sure I'd had fun in years past, but it was going to be hard to have any fun when I was force paired with a President Dumbass.

  Even on sorority night the pledges' incompetence was reaching out to screw up my good time.

  Frantic movement seen just out of the corner of my eye pulled my attention. I glanced over and saw a blur rushing up the stairs with two bright red cups in hand. The blur rounded the corner and tore down the hall. Right through the spot Super K was standing in.

  Disaster unfolded in slow motion.

  Two red cups spilled over as the blur skidded to a halt when he saw Super K. I winced as the blur slammed into Super K sending beer flying everywhere, and by everywhere I mean mostly all over Super K's shirt. I was splashed with a glancing blow of beer, but years of drinking at the fraternity had made Super K a rather, how should I put this delicately? A rather rotund man. And so his stomach ended up shielding me from the majority of the blast.

  "What the hell?"

  Super K brushed beer from his stomach. The blur came to a halt and I wanted to reach out and smack him. Sure enough, it was Steve. Pledge class president and the source of so many frustrations in my life.

  "Shit! Super K! I'm so sorry," Steve said.

  It was already obvious from the scowl on Super K's face that he wasn't happy, but the scowl deepened at Steve's apology.

  "What did you just call me pledge?" Super K barked. "How do you address brothers?"

  Even I blinked at that one. I don't think I'd ever seen Super K yell this much before in my life.

  "Um, uh, that is to say…"

  I wondered if I should come to Steve's rescue. Surely Super K screaming at him was exactly the kind of situation that the pledge leader was supposed to step in and take care of. But no, I wasn't getting involved in this one. I was mad enough that I wanted to sit back and enjoy the show.

  "Let me remind you. You address brothers as sir," Super K said.

  Steve's face lit up as Super K threw him a lifeline, but I figured I knew what was coming next.

  "Right, I'm sorry Super K, sir!" Steve even did a little salute.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing pledge?" Super K barked again. This time Steve jumped five feet off the floor.

  "What are you talking about, sir? I addressed you properly." Steve said.

  "I am the full brother in this fraternity and I will be the judge of when I am being addressed appropriately by a pledge. Is that clear, pledge?" Super K yelled.

  "Yes sir!"

  "Now is my name Super K, pledge?"

  If anything the sudden quiet in Super K's voice was more ominous than the screaming. A loud and pissed off Super K was one thing, but a quietly furious one was another thing entirely. I knew I would never want to be on the receiving end of that anger.

  "I'm waiting on your answer pledge."

  "Your name is Kevin," Steve whispered.

  "And what is that to you, pledge?"

  "Kevin, sir"

  "That's more like it," Super K said. A grin broke out on his face and Steve smiled back. "Now go and get two more beers for us and then get a couple more for whoever you were taking those to."

  "Yes sir, Kevin sir!"

  Steve ran back down the stairs and nearly knocked down several of his pledge brothers making their way up the stairs with cups of beer in hand. I rolled my eyes. That would've been just the thing. He finishes getting a tongue lashing from Super K only to knock down every other beer being delivered and gets everybody else on the fraternity pissed off at him, and probably pissed off at me in the process. Luckily it looked like his pledge brothers had spent enough time around him at this point that they knew to get out of the way when that blur went roaring past.

  Super K shook his head and chuckled. It was a stark contrast from the anger he'd shown just a moment before. Then again, I thought back to the common refrain when I was a pledge all those years ago: "Don't let it get to you. It's all just a big mind game." Now that I thought back on it I think it was Super K himself who gave me that advice when I came to his dorm rooms, that was back when he still lived in the dorms, crying and thinking that this whole fraternity thing maybe wasn't for me.

  "Pledges," Super K said with another chuckle. "The more they change, the more they stay exactly the same."

  I managed a laugh of my own. "Yeah, tell me about it. But I'm still going to have to do something about that kid."

  "Oh there's no doubt about that. Sneaking beer when they're not supposed to? Getting beer all over the senior brother's shirt? There's no doubt they must pay for those crimes."

  "Definitely," I replied. "I just have no idea what I'm going to do."

  To be honest things like sneaking a beer when you weren't supposed to were common. I did the same thing when I was a pledge. The only stipulation is pledges aren't supposed to get caught, or at the very least they're not supposed to give a loud toast in the middle of the game room where any brother could walk past any moment, look down, and see them brazenly breaking the rules. No, it definitely warranted a punishment.

  Super K patted me on the back. "You never know bro. You might get your chance to put him in his place sooner than you think."

  I didn't know what the hell Super K was talking about, but whatever. He liked to talk in faux philosophy every once in a while,
and I found it was best to let him go with it. Especially if he'd been drinking. There definitely wouldn't be a chance to pull Steve aside before the end of the night. I'd probably end up giving him a good dressing down once we got back to our room for the evening after everyone else had either passed out, gone home, or gone back to the dorms.

  A cacophony of loud giggles distracted me from my contemplation of Steve's punishment. I turned and saw a gaggle of sorority girls streaming from the front entrance down to the game room where the pledges were waiting to serve. Steve appeared just in time with drinks in hand. I took a swig as I gave an appreciative glance to the girls running past.

  One thing you could say about our partner sorority, they definitely knew how to pick'em. There wasn't a single bad looker in the entire bunch. The sorority pledges were easily identifiable because they were dressed up in matching hotpants and tank tops that had "pledge" emblazoned across the back in glittery lettering. Some even had pacifiers in their mouth.

  Huh. Must be some sorority thing. They could be weird with their pledges.

  Of course I had more than those hotpants to look forward to. It’d been a week since the “incident” in the bedroom and I found myself getting more and more worked up thinking about seeing Kirsten like that. She’d be in with the sorority pledges tonight, I was sure of it, and I couldn’t wait to see her in the little uniform they’d worked up. Not to mention Steve would be busy working the keg all night which would give me plenty of one on one time with his girl if I played things just right.

  Needless to say I’d made damn well sure I kept him busy enough over the past week that there wasn’t a chance he could sneak away and see his girl for more than a few minutes.

  "God, I love this night," I said.

  "I'm not arguing with you there, bro," Super K said. "And to think, my dad is always bugging me to graduate already and give all this up. Can you believe it?"

  My train of thought was interrupted by a loud, ear piercing squeal. One of the sorority pledges broke free from the line in a white blur and slammed into Steve. Which had the unfortunate side effect of knocking Super K's beer back into his shirt once again.

  The sorority pledge wrapped her arms and legs around Steve. Of course it was Steve. Who else would it be? And judging by that hot little body grinding against Steve, that body I’d been missing so much this past week, the sorority blur was Kirsten.

  "Oh my God Steve! I was so excited when they told us we were coming to your fraternity tonight," Kirsten said.

  "Baby! I hoped I would see you tonight, but I wasn't sure," he said.

  This was too much. This was entirely too much. Though I didn't mind getting a chance to see Kirsten in that barely there tanktop and those hotpants. That body. That perfectly sculpted ass. Her tempting cleavage and tits that defied gravity. That gorgeous face that could stop a man's heart. I could stare at her for hours and never get tired of looking. And to be honest my annoyance was tempered slightly by the fact that I ogle her for the first time since the towel incident. That it was in such a revealing outfit was just icing on the cake.

  But still, this was another in a long list of things that just would not do.


  I shook my head. Was there an echo in here? I could've sworn somebody screamed out pledge at the same time as me, only that voice sounded far more feminine.

  I turned and saw Julie, head of the pledge class for the sorority and my sorority counterpart in this whole pledge thing, come up behind us splitting a frown between Kirsten and Steve that promised swift and certain murder. She paused to favor me with a brief, long-suffering smile before turning back to Kirsten who stared like a deer in headlights.

  "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Julie asked.

  "It's just been awhile since I've had time to talk to Steve outside of class," Kirsten said. She looked down and studied her shoes, a pair of sandals that showed her toenails painted a bright pink color. Only her eyes darted up quickly when Julie turned to look at Steve. She locked eyes with me and smiled, then looked back to the floor when Julie turned back to her.

  Hey now. What was this?

  "Why haven't you seen your boyfriend outside of class in so long?" Julie asked.

  "Because he’s been busy with his duties at this house," Kirsten replied.

  Kirsten glanced up at me again. Only instead of the anger I'd expect to see there seeing as how I was the one banning her from seeing her boyfriend, that smile was back again. That was the sort of smile that promised things. The sort of smile that made my cock stand up and take notice.

  "So he's being punished?" Julie asked.

  "Well I don't know about that," Kirsten said. "He wouldn't tell me why he’s been so busy."

  Now that was even more interesting. Apparently she was keeping quiet about the towel incident. Which was a good thing since she’d be in deep shit if they found out she was visiting the house without a sorority chaperone. I’d probably be in deep shit for letting it happen, but she didn’t seem to realize that and she didn’t need to know that as far as I was concerned. She looked up again and there was something new there. A quiet pleading.

  Okay. I was intrigued enough that I'd play along. Besides, it gave me the opportunity to seem like I was on her side while I was covering my own ass. That was a win-win as far as I was concerned. I could always tell Julie the whole story later if I stopped being intrigued. Julie could keep her mouth shut avoiding any issues with the Greek Council and make Kirsten miserable at the same time.

  "And it's a good thing for him that he didn't tell you anything," I said. "What goes on in the fraternity is no one's business except for the brothers."

  Kirsten checked to make sure Julie was looking at Steve and mouthed a quick "thank you" to me. I double checked that Julie wasn't looking at me and smiled at Kirsten.

  "Hey," Steve started. "Don't talk to her…"

  "Pledge!" I shouted. I caught Super K giving me an approving nod and couldn't help but smile. That felt good after all the pent-up frustration I'd been dealing with. "Did you just question the terms of your punishment, pledge?"

  "No sir," Steve said.

  "Super K! Did it sound to you like this pledge just questioned the terms of his punishment?"

  "Sure sounded that way to me," Super K said with a laugh.

  "Sorority pledge mistress," I said, turning to Julie. "Did it sound to you like this pledge was questioning the terms of his punishment?"

  "Sure sounded that way to me," Julie replied.

  "Pledge Steve, you need to be punished for this transgression," I said. I pointed down to the kegs below. "You will go down and man the kegs for the rest of the evening. After you are done manning the kegs, when the last person has stumbled out of the house, you will go back to our room."

  "Yes sir," Steve mumbled. It wasn't exactly the resounding 'Sir, yes sir!' I was hoping for, but it would do.

  For now.

  Steve turned to go down the stairs but I held up a finger to hold him in place. I turned to Julie.

  "Pledge mistress, do you know why this pledge is being punished?"

  "I heard it's because his pledge class is running longer than any other pledge class in the history of your fraternity," she said.

  "Almost," I said.

  They would definitely hold the record if they kept on for much longer, but as it stood there was a pledge class back in the late '70s at Boise State University that held the record for the all time longest pledge class in the history of the fraternity. And every night I went to bed, stared at the ceiling, listened to Steve snore in his cot, and wondered if I was going to be the pledge master that presided over the new record holders.

  The thought terrified and infuriated me.

  "Pledge mistress, did you know this girl pledging your sorority is adding to the distraction?"

  Julie smiled a half smile and looked at Kirsten affectionately. "Can you blame him for being a little distracted?"

  I had to smile at that. Julie was quite
the stunner herself with her petite frame, dark brown eyes, and brown hair that ran down past her shoulders. The two of us had a little fun of our own back in our own pledge days, and we'd stayed friends over the years even if ultimately it turned out we weren't so great as a couple. But in our brief time together I'd learned, much to my delighted surprise, that Julie had an appreciation of the fairer sex that led to some of the more interesting adventures of my college career. That appreciation was definitely on display today as she looked Kirsten up and down, though I knew that as pledge mistress she would never dream of acting on the naughty thoughts running through her head.

  And even if I agreed with her, I still had to keep up appearances as the head of this particular pledge class. It wouldn't do to have them thinking that I was going soft just because I saw a pair of pretty blue eyes on the pledge president's girlfriend.

  "Pledge mistress, I wouldn't dream of interfering with the inner workings of your organization, but I will say that I think anyone who is providing a distraction to one of my pledges like this deserves a fitting punishment," I said.

  I'd keep Kirsten's secrets for now, but that didn't mean I was going to be a complete pushover.

  "I'll see what I can do," Julie said with a grin.

  The wide-eyed look of horror on Steve and Kirsten's faces was almost worth it. It was everything I could do not to burst out laughing. It's not like we were actually going to do anything terrible, but in my years of dealing with pledges I'd discovered that the horrors lurking in their imagination, encouraged by just the slightest bit of insinuation, were usually far more terrible than anything I could actually come up with.

  Time to break that terrified trance.

  "Pledge! Get to your post!"

  Steve jumped and ran down the stairs, this time actually knocking the beer out of the hands of one of his pledge brothers. I sighed. No matter what I did I couldn't be free of his screw ups.

  Julie turned to Kirsten. “Why are you standing there pledge? Shouldn’t you be with your sisters?”

  Kirsten jumped and then she was disappearing from sight too. Although the sight of her disappearing from sight was a damn sight better than Steve. Her tight ass looked absolutely amazing in those hotpants. I think Steve said something about her being a cheerleader and a gymnast and I could totally believe it the way that ass moved in a pair of tight shorts.


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