My Hookup Girl

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My Hookup Girl Page 9

by Nicky Fox

  “How you holding up, Evie?” Lee looks concerned. Maggie sits back and sips her sweet tea. I glance between my best friends. There’s compassion and concern there. Lee keeps rubbing her tummy like a precious bowling ball.

  “I’m okay. The paint can be easily removed and I’m sure I’ll find a job soon.” I’m trying to put on a brave front. I know they see right through me. It’s all I can do right now, just go through the motions. I can only hope that everything will turn out all right.

  “What about Jake? Maggie told me what an asshole he was to you.”

  I turn to Maggie, startled. “Maggie! What the hell?”

  Maggie looks between Lee and me, raising her hands in defeat.

  “Lee, it’s nothing. This is a bit awkward. I mean he’s your brother-in-law. We weren’t in a relationship. There’s nothing really to talk about.” I push my chair back and rise up. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  I take a couple of deep breaths and wash my hands at the sink. I just need to get away from the questions for a little while. I don’t want to talk about Jake. I’d rather talk about my assault with Trent than my non-existent relationship. I can’t hole up in this bathroom all day though. I look at my tired face in the mirror. Damn, I look like shit. I need to be a little wild. I know exactly what this girl chat needs, I march out to the porch.

  “I want to get drunk.” I place my hands on my hips, excited with my idea. Maggie smiles and nods her head. She’s always on board to drink. I wonder if she was a party girl like me in school. Lee looks between us. She’s the angel between us and obviously since she’s pregnant, there will be no alcohol for her. I feel bad she can’t drink, but I need this. I want to let go of the stress, heartbreak, and fear of the past day.

  “Yeah, gurl,” Maggie draws out. I give them the first smile I’ve had all day. Lee hops up as fast as a pregnant woman can.

  “I’ve got just the thing. You can get as drunk as you girls want. We’ll have a sleepover!” Lee’s so excited it’s infectious. We all start jumping up and down. This, this is what I need. Thank God. I’ve got my girls and I’m about to get my drink on.

  “I’ll get the shot glasses,” Maggie calls as she follows Lee in the kitchen.

  Their voices fade out. I take the quiet moment by myself to look over the vast farmland. It’s gorgeous. I’m not a country girl, but today this is an escape for me, an escape I desperately need. The sun is already beginning to set and the bright pink sky takes my breath away. Maybe, I just need to get out of the city for a while. Lee’s cottage is still empty. I could escape for a little while until I get some things straightened out. I know she would jump at the chance of having me right down the road. Maybe I could help her with the baby for a little while when she arrives.

  I wonder what Jake is doing tonight? Probably not thinking about me. Knowing him, he’s neck deep in paperwork at his desk. I sigh. At his desk. I remember us on my desk. God, was that only a few days ago? So much has happened since then. It’s gotten a lot more serious. I’m still in my thoughts when Lee and Maggie return with big smiles on their faces. It’s hard not to return it, so I do.

  I can hear “Coconut” sung by Harry Nilsson playing from the house. Put the lime in the coconut . . . Yes! I’m going to let loose and not think about Jake. There’s no other place I’d rather be right now, than here partying with my girls. Lee raises the tequila bottle and Maggie raises the two empty shot glasses she retrieved from the kitchen.

  In unison they yell, “Woohoo!” They proceed to sing to the “Coconut” song as she pours the shots. Of course, Lee refills her sweet tea instead. Maggie hands me a shot filled to the rim with clear liquid. I can’t wait to knock it back and forget everything. The three of us raise our glasses and clink. The booze hits my lips and the relief is almost instant. The tequila is like a warm blanket. I know what’s to come and I’m looking forward to the darkness, the loss of feeling, and reach for the wild.

  Hunter walks by inconspicuously, probably checking on his wife for the fifth time since we’ve been here. His presence just makes me think of Jake.

  “Another,” I belt out!

  Maggie’s totally on board with being my drinking buddy. I just hope Lee doesn’t have to deal with two drunk women vomiting in her bathroom. Maggie can usually handle her liquor and I’m no light-weight either, so we should be okay. We’re in the middle of nowhere. There’s not much trouble two drunk girls and a pregnant woman can get into.

  “Banana Boat Song” rings out of the speakers. We all slowly dance to the rhythm. I shoot another shot and flip it over on the wood bistro table. I’m already feeling a little woozy from the booze. It spreads through my body making my limbs relax. I didn’t realize how stiff I was. Maggie comes my way and twirls me around the porch. I giggle and grab Lee, slowly turning her around. It’s a bit difficult, but she makes it with the grace she always has. I’m sure we’re a sight. Two buzzed women and a very pregnant woman dancing to the “Banana Boat Song.” I stop swaying to pour another shot. Maggie joins me again and we clink.

  I think I hear Hunter chuckling outside somewhere. I hear him mention to his foreman, Carlos, something about drunk girls. I get the giggles and it’s infectious. Maggie laughs with me. We’re by no means sloppy drunk, but we’re feeling real good. Then, another song starts and I can’t stop dancing. “Shake, Shake, Señora” hits my eardrums and Maggie and I start a small conga line. Lee sits on the porch swing and claps as we entertain her with our awful moves.

  “Dance, dance, dance Lenora!” I sing. At least, I think I sing it. I could be yelling . . . or screaming. I’m not sure. It’s all at the same volume to me. Maggie’s shaking her booty and feeling up on her body. “Go, Mags!” She gives me a thumbs up. I suddenly have the best idea. I unbutton the last few buttons on my blouse until it reaches the bottom of my breasts and tie the ends into a knot. I now have a crop top and I’m ready to get this conga line really started. I head over to Maggie and place my hands on her hips. She’s game and we make another small line. Lee’s rolling around on the porch swing, she’s giggling so much.

  We’re having the best time on this little screened-in porch with our tequila, sweet tea, and music. I’ve lost count of the amount of shots Maggie and I have had, but things are getting a little wild. I don’t know if I’ll remember tonight when tomorrow comes. But I do know whatever hangover I’ll have will have been worth it. Maggie and I end up on the floor looking up at Lee in her swing. We’re belting out “What’s up” by 4 Non Blondes. She’s laughing over us like some golden angel.

  “I should text Jake the lyrics to “Hello” by Adele.” I bust out laughing as does Maggie. Lee’s quiet. “He’s such a dick. All because I wouldn’t tell him about my ex.”

  “Oh, Evie,” Lee says sympathetically.

  I begin to cry, like a sad drunk. I’m never a weepy drunk; I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Maggie is crying with me in commiseration. She holds me while Lee pats my head like the mother she will become.

  “I thought you were in love with him. Oh, sweetie.” Lee sighs and I wipe my nose on my sleeve.

  “He broke my heart. I’m just someone he fucked a couple times.” I repeat his words and they burn now just as much as they did then. Lee’s making her way down to the floor with Maggie and me. We’re one big heaping girl mess on the floor. We must be making a scene, because Hunter rushes in. He’s huffing and puffing like he’s been running. He has the most confused look on his face. “Your boyfriend is an asshole!” I point and focus my wrath on poor Hunter. I know it’s not right, but I don’t care right now.

  “Huh?” he replies.

  “She means your brother,” Lee corrects and pats me on the head.

  “Not myboyfriend! Imjust sumone he fucked,” I slur.

  “Okay, sweetie. Let’s get ya up and in bed.” Lee struggles to get up and soon Hunter is holding her arm, helping her. Then, a gush of water rushes out and hits me in the shoulder. I say the first thing that comes to mind.


  Everyone’s gaze moves to Lee. She’s breathing heavily with wide eyes. Shit just got real. Did I just say that aloud?

  “Hunter?” She looks to him. Hunter looks scared as shit. I’m drunk. Maggie’s drunk. What the hell are we going to do? It sobers me a little. I’m shaky getting up off the floor, but I make it to Lee’s other side.

  “Hunter, we need to get Lee to the hospital.” I say the most obvious thing and roll my eyes at myself. Hunter isn’t moving though. He’s looking down at the puddle on the floor.

  Maggie springs up quickly and for once says the most intelligent thing I think I’ve ever heard from her. “Hunter, get the truck. I’ll get her bag. Evie, stay with Lenora and lead her out the front door.” She claps and we all spring into action.

  Lee waddles slowly and leans on me heavily. It’s fucking go time and I’m still drunk. Shit. I picked the worst time to Alanis Morissette out. I grab Lee’s sweet tea and gulp it down. I need to water down the alcohol in my system and focus.

  “Okay, Lee. You’ve got this. It’s happening! You’re going to meet your baby soon.” She doesn’t say anything, just nods her head. Lee looks really stressed out and worried. Moments ago, she was comforting my wailing ass and now I’m trying to keep her steady. At least, I think we’re steady. Things are spinning slightly for me. I close my eyes and breathe through my mouth, deep breaths. I just need to concentrate on her.

  So far, it looks like Lee hasn’t had any contractions yet. That means we have time to get to the hospital. Luckily, their farmhouse is off the interstate. We could be at the hospital in minutes.

  Maggie rushes down the stairs almost falling on her ass twice. She finally reaches the bottom and holds up a huge ass purple bag. “Is this it, Lenora?” Wow, Maggie looks really pale. I hope she’s not going to barf. That’ll make me barf and then Hunter will come inside to a bunch of women puking. I gag a little at the thought. Okay, breathe, don’t think of puking.

  “Yes, I packed it two weeks ago. Everything should be in it. Thanks, Maggie.” Lee grips my hand a little tighter. It breaks me out of my puke filled visions. It’s go time. Lee seems to be going through the motions. I know she’s in shock.

  “Let’s get to the hospital.” Maggie moves around us stumbling a little and holds the door open. The headlights to Hunter’s truck shine in our faces as we step outside. The truck is idling.

  Hunter bounds over to us and sweeps Lee off her feet. “Come on, baby. We’re having our baby.”

  I almost tear up at that comment. Lee’s about to become a mother and she couldn’t have married a better man for her. They’re perfect for each other. He’s everything she needs and she’s everything he needs. I’m filled with awe at their beautiful relationship. I envy their bond. I shake my head and get in after Lee is deposited in the middle of the backseat. Maggie slips in on the other side and we’re off to the hospital.


  Hunter gets Lee settled in her room at the hospital. Maggie and I have grabbed some coffee from one of the coffee machines on the maternity floor. It tastes like shit and is hard to swallow, but it’s keeping us coherent and awake. Thankfully, I haven’t vomited. Maggie looks cool as a cucumber now. I think she’s pissed out her buzz, either that or she vomited a couple of times in the bathroom. Her color is back in her cheeks. I haven’t had time to go to the bathroom.

  Lee’s contractions have started. It’s difficult watching her in so much pain. Both Maggie and I are gritting our teeth when she grasps one of our hands. Hunter is by her side the entire time. He’s going to be an amazing dad. He’s whispering calming words to her and brushing hair off her face. He even grabbed a wet washcloth and wiped her face. Hunter looks at her like she’s the most important thing in his world. I’m so happy for my friend.

  She’s in a single room with a large window. It’s so dark outside, I can’t see one foot past the glass. I don’t know what time it is, but I know it’s really late at night or really early in the morning. We make a few trips to an ice machine down the hall to get Lee ice chips. It’s the only thing Nurse Nina will let her have. I’ve tried to sweet talk Nina into letting her have some Jell-O, but I think she smelled the alcohol on my breath. She dismissed me by turning around and ignoring me, old bag. I flicked her off behind her back. She can suck it. I might have to smuggle some Jell-O in here.

  Lee’s doctor is delivering another baby right now, so she hasn’t checked in on her. Hunter is worried that their baby girl is going to come before the doctor is finished with the other mother, but the staff is keeping a close eye on Lee. Hunter is a rock though. He’s putting on a solid front for her and keeping her calm by playing Enya from his phone. My ears are about to bleed, but I’d endure this for twenty-four hours if it meant I was here with Lee for this magical moment.

  “Did I make it?” I look behind me to find a disheveled Jake bound into the delivery room. The air is suddenly sucked out of the entire space. He’s wearing a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His hair is a mess, like he’s run his hands through it. I eye him with contempt. Maggie freezes beside me and I feel Lee’s gaze on my face. I know there’s an elephant in the room but I don’t want my personal problems to ruin her delivery. His gaze sweeps over to me and I can’t help but stare daggers at him.

  “What the fuck are you wearing?” Jake snaps at me.

  I look down and now notice my blouse is still tied up under my knockers like a crop top. Shit. I didn’t think about it when we left the house. Why didn’t anyone tell me I was showing my midriff all over the hospital? Oh well, who the fuck cares? He can’t tell me shit. I flick him off and turn back to my friend in labor.

  Jake ignores my reaction. He strides over to the other side of Lee’s bed. Hunter and him hug and give each other a back pat. Maggie rubs my lower arm in support. God, I feel like everyone in this room is waiting for me to either lash out at Jake or cry. I’m not going to do it. I can be an adult. I can handle my emotions. I’m soberish now. Lee places her hand on top of mine on the bed railing. I appreciate all the support from my girls.

  “Hey, brother. I’m glad you could make it. Lenora’s contractions are getting closer together. It should be any moment now.”

  Jake leans down and gives Lee a quick kiss on the cheek. She smiles up at him as another contraction takes hold. Hunter’s focus is immediately on her. The grip Lee has on my hand tightens as her face contorts in pain. Maggie and I both make huffing and puffing sounds like we’re feeling the contraction with her. I’m so proud of my brave friend right now. She’s doing beautifully. Jake’s eyes widen at the pain emanated on Lee’s face.

  “I’m glad I didn’t miss this.” Jake’s smile comes off more as a grimace. He looks back at me and that’s when I notice I’ve been staring at him. I look back to Lee and then down to the ice chip cup I’m holding in my other hand. “Maggie, Evie.” From the corner of my eye I see Jake nod at both of us in greeting. I ignore him and shake the now empty ice chip cup.

  Maggie gives him a quiet “hey.” Irrationally, I feel like stomping on her foot for acknowledging him. I just need to get away for a quick moment and regroup myself. This hostile environment can’t be good for Lee.

  “I better get some more ice chips. I’ll be right back.” With the biggest smile I can muster, I pat her shoulder and head out. Speed walking out the door, I take refuge in the small alcove where the ice machine is. I take a few deep breaths and close my eyes, giving myself a little pep talk.

  This is about Lenora. It’s an amazing, life changing moment for her. I need to push aside my conflict with Jake and concentrate on Lee’s needs. It’s my obligation to support her right now, even if I want to punch Jake in the face and make out with some hot doctor right in front of him. Damn. I need to get ahold of these emotions. Now, deep breaths. I need to find my Zen place. Hmm, first thing that comes to mind is Jake’s bed. That won’t do. A tropical paradise with swaying palm trees. I have a margarita in my hand and I’m laid out on a lounger. Nice.

nbsp; I’m at peace and in a good place to go and tackle this birth with Lee. After the cup is full of ice, I turn to leave and am suddenly bombarded by Jake’s massive frame in the doorway. Fuck. I really need that margarita right now.


  I don’t let Jake get out another word. I dodge him and continue on my path to Lee’s room. I had calmed myself down and now, him just saying my name gets me all worked up again. I don’t need this right now.

  “Evie, don’t run from me. I need to talk to you.”

  I turn on him with a rage I can barely contain. “You need to talk to me? I don’t want to hear anything from you. This is neither the time nor the place. I’m just someone you fucked a couple of times.”

  Jake’s usual confident demeanor suddenly sags. His shoulders slouch and he nods in acceptance. I’ve never seen him look defeated, ever. It almost makes me want to comfort him, but I hear those words he said to me and I ignore my weak heart and return to Lee’s room.

  “You’re a godsend, Evie. These ice chips are everything right now. It’s the only thing that keeps my nausea at bay. I swear if you hadn’t left your job and that terrible thing with your car, you wouldn’t be at my house when I needed you most.” It’s a sweet comment, but unknowingly Lee just let the cat out of the bag. I think I hear Maggie gasp beside me.

  “What? You lost your job because of that asshole? Did he do something to your car?” Jake’s gaze is piercing as he grips the side rail on the opposite side of the bed from me. I say nothing. I stare at him, trying to figure out the emotions registering across his face. I see fury mostly. Well, I’m pissed too, buddy. Welcome to the club.

  Hunter puts his two cents in. “Yeah, Evie’s car was spray painted with some numbers. I think it was dates, right Lenora?” He has no idea the Pandora’s box he’s just opened. Lee looks completely mortified. She didn’t think about Jake not knowing what happened to me. I don’t blame her. She can’t dwell on it too long since another contraction hits her out of nowhere. This is why I didn’t want to tell anyone about us hooking up. Now, Jake and I are duking it out in the delivery room.


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