Forever Seventeen

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Forever Seventeen Page 8

by Lizzie Bowen

PARTY!” The boys cried. They all began bouncing around violently in the backseat, shaking the car. I started shimmying and first pumping in my seat as well.

  “Guys, you're gonna flip the car!” Hunter cried.

  “Your driving with do that anyway!” Logan cried in reply. I giggled a little.

  “Oh, you think that's funny do ya, love?” Hunter asked. I shook my head, but still giggled as I did it.

  “She's only known you for like two hours and she already knows your the world's worst driver.”

  Logan teased. I covered my mouth with my hand to suppress any more unexpected laughs and to hide my smile. My smile soon disappeared as my jaw dropped to the floor in shock. When we pulled in, there were tons of girls outside screaming and banging on the windows of the car.

  “Oh my gosh... is it always like this?” I asked, barely even able to talk.

  “Pretty much, but it's fine. We love seeing the fans.” Josh replied.

  “But how will we even eat?” I asked.

  “It all works out fine. If they don't respect our privacy, we've got security guards.” Josh said soothingly.

  “Is it even safe?” I continued to interview.

  “We'll keep you safe.” Hunter said with a laugh.

  “Good, because I'm actually really scared right now.” I admitted.

  “Oh, you don't say? What could have given it away? Your chattering teeth or the fact that your peeing your pants right now.” Hunter said with a smirk.

  “Am not!” I protested. He grinned at me.

  “Well, that's what you get for making fun of my driving.” He muttered. I rolled my eyes then prepared to slide out of the car into the monstrous sea of shrieking fans. Hunter got out first, the security hurrying to his side trying to push their way through the mass of people. Paparazzi swarmed the scene snapping pictures in his face and videotaping his every move. They all shouted his name and begged for a picture of autograph. I slid out as well, not at all prepared for the ciaos that would occur when I did. I was practically blinded by the rapid flashing bulbs of cameras that struck like lightning everywhere I looked. I shut my eyes and still saw spots. It made me really self-conscious. I really didn't want them taking pictures of me or zooming their cameras in on me. I felt like I was some sort of pop star right now and that kind of spotlight was most diffidently not one that I belonged in. I was far from perfect and that's exactly what I felt like every star in Hollywood either was or seemed to be striving for.

  Hunter lightly tugged on my arm, pulling me through the crowd. He stopped and posed for a few pictures and signed a few things, but kept me in close range.

  “Stay there.” He said pointing to the spot directly behind him. I nodded obediently. I looked around. There were girls sobbing. Hunter went over and embraced all the girls that were wailing. The shrieks and cries didn't seem to faze him a bit though. This was his life now. He rubbed their backs as he hugged them and flashed his warm smile to calm them. The sight warned me heart and not many things did that. Once he was finished, he came back to me and put his hand on my back gently pushing me through the crowd until we finally reached the doors of the restaurant.

  “Thanks. I thought I was gonna die.” I stated dramatically.

  “I wouldn't let that happen.” Hunter assured

  “Good, I'm not a fan of dying.” I said. He laughed.

  “Because then we'd have to go through that long and painful process of getting another guitar player and that would just be too much work.” He said cheekily.

  “Oh, thanks. I feel so special.” I said, rolling my eyes.

  “Oh, and there’s be the whole funeral issue. That would be a pain.” Hunter added.

  “My parents could sue too, right? Now that would be a good magazine article.” I said.

  “That would be a minor setback.” He agreed.

  “You know and you might have a little guilt for being the reason an innocent young girl died.” I said.

  “Maybe just a little guilt.” He said with a shrug. We both laughed. The other boys finally came trailing behind us. A sobbing fan was still clinging to Josh. He patted her back and tried to calm her.

  “Shhh, don't cry, babe.” He said softly.

  “Awwww!” I couldn't help, but ruin the moment.

  “It really seems like you care about them.” I stated absently. I was still mesmerized by the outcome of people that had showed up just to watch them eat dinner.

  “Our fans are everything.” Corey stated. I wondered what it was like to be someone's everything.

  “Most of them have been here since day one in our career.” Josh stated, staring at them with loving eyes.

  “I've never really loved someone like I love them.” Hunter said.

  “Oh, stop getting sentimental you big sap!” Logan whined, slugging Hunter's arm.

  “Well, all this sentimental talk has made me hungry.” Josh informed.

  “Let's eat!” I cried. We all walked into the restaurant. It was so fancy and tasteful. I'd never been somewhere so nice looking in my entire life. I scanned the room. I the environment was reverent and quiet. It had lacy white tablecloths and little chandlers hanging here and there. Hunter noticed my wide eyes.

  “Impressed?” He asked with a satisfied smirk on his face. I nodded.

  “I'm very impressed. Well done.” I said, trying to hide the fact that I considered McDonalds fancy.

  “Have you ever been anywhere like this before?” He asked.

  “Never. My idea of fancy is pretty much oreos and netflix. That's my idea of a good night.” I said with a laugh. Hunter laughed at my lame joke which made me really happy. Not many people got my weird quirky sense of humor.

  We all sat at a long table and got our menus out. I scanned the menu thoroughly.

  “What are you going to get?” Hunter asked leaning in to look at my menu.

  “To be honest, I don't know what anything on here is.” I admitted.

  “That's alright. Just get what I get. You'll love it, I guarantee.” He said.

  “Oh, guaranteed?” I asked.

  “Yes, it's amazing.” He stated. The waiter came to take our orders. Even he was dressed to the nines with his black vest, white collared button-up shirt underneath, and black pants on his bottom half.

  “I'll have purloined garlic shrimp cobob with a side of okra please.” Hunter said.

  “Uh, yeah what he said.” I told the waiter. The boys laughed.

  “Well, excuse me for counting Burger King as a luxury.” I scoffed. The rest of the boys ordered their fancy food as well. The waiter penned their orders down, then walked briskly back into the kitchen.

  “Boys, I've got to go to the lou.” Logan informed.

  “I could use a trip to the toilet as well.” Corey said, getting up with him.

  “I think I'll join the two of you to wash up.” Josh stated. The three of them all left, leaving Hunter and I alone. Woah, awkward. I wasn't quite sure what to say. I licked my lips real slow like I did in pretty much every awkward situation. I was tempted to pull my phone out and text to avoid the awkwardness, but Hunter spoke up.

  “They're like a bunch of girls going in pacts like that.” He said.

  “Yeah, and I love the way they announced it to us as well.” I said with a laugh. Hunter grinned and shook his head.

  “Is it always like these?” I asked, gesturing to the madness still happening outside.

  “Most days.” Hunter replied.

  “That's insane.” I said, staring at all the girls swarming the restaurant. They were looking through the windows at us. They had a certain look in their eyes that I had become very good at recognizing. It was jealousy. I had become very familiar seeing it often in my reflection, but it was very strange to see it in other's eyes. It gave me a queer feeling.

  “You get used to it though.” Hunter said with a shrug.

  “I don't think I ever could.” I said, staring out the window.

  “You'll have to.” He said
. I raised an eyebrow.

  “What do you mean by that?” I asked.

  “Pretty much everyone one on our staff or even somewhat related to us is forced into this lifestyle. My mum gets noticed everywhere and fans send things to my house back home. Even our security guards and stylist often get noticed or mobbed.” Hunter explained.

  “Wow, that's crazy.” I said.

  “Yeah, we got some pretty amazing fans. Some of them have pretty much devoted their entire life to us. It's mad to think about really. They're just so passionate and devoted to us.” Hunter said, shaking his head as if he didn't believe it himself. I smiled a little at his accent when he said the word us. It was beautiful... poetic actually in a way when he spoke of his fans.

  “It must be nice to be loved like that.” I said with a sigh. I closed my mouth quickly and tightened my jaw the minute I said it.

  “What do you mean by that? You've never been loved?” He asked, cocking a brow. I really didn't feel like giving him my life story. It was really hard for me to discuss my feelings... I guess I just wasn't gifted in that area.

  “No, um I mean... uh...” I stammered. I sipped on my drink trying to dodge the question. But the rest of the boys came just in time and saved me.

  “So what did we miss?” Logan boomed, flopping back into his chair.

  “We were just talking about how crazy these guys are.” I said, pointing out the window.

  “We prefer the word devoted.” Corey said.

  “Well, they're very devoted.” I said.

  “Yes... yes, they are.” Josh said, giving them a little wave. Screams erupted when he did. I laughed.

  “I wish guys at my school had that reaction.” I said with a smile. But the smile on my lips disappeared as quickly as it had formed. I had just let more personal information slip out. I guess things like this kept slipping because deep down I wanted to discuss them. But I knew I just couldn't. It was as simple as that. I just... couldn't do it.

  “Guys at your school don't like you?” Corey question. I really didn't want to answer that question. This was my chance to start over, what happened for all those years was history now. No need to talk about things of the past.

  “No, I mean... um. Well, I'm sort of... I mean, uh-” I stuttered. But I was saved once again by the waiter coming with our food.

  “Oh, yay! Food!” I cried, trying my best to quickly convert the subject to more pleasant matters.

  “Great, I'm starving.” Corey said, rubbing his stomach.

  “It looks delicious.” I said, licking my lips. The waiter placed the steaming food down in front of us. We thanked her and I bowed my head to say a quick prayer. When, I opened my eyes and lifted my head the boys were all staring at me.

  “What are ya doin', love?” Josh asked.

  “Did you go to sleep on us?” Hunter asked with a laugh.

  “Maybe she just didn't want to look at your face!” Logan cried, slugging Hunter in the arm. Hunter slugged him right back just as hard, if not harder.

  “No, I was just... praying.” I said. It didn't really sound quite as cool as it did in my head.

  “Oh... um, that's great.” Corey said, quickly. I knew they didn't get the whole God thing, but I was going to try my best to change that. I knew I could do it. My pastor often talked about being with people that are a good influence to you. I kinda wondered if a bunch of non-believers were a bad influence. But I guess if they were God wouldn't have put me with them. I tried to push away the thought for now anyway.

  “How's the food?” Hunter asked.

  “Probably the best I've ever tasted.” I said, taking another bite of my shrimp.

  “Yeah, Hunter why don't you taste as well?” Logan cried, tossing a piece of his food at Hunter's face. It bounced off Hunter's nose and straight into my drink. Strawberry lemonade flew all over the tablecloth and some of it splashed into my lap. I squealed at the icy liquid ran down my leg. I threw a bit of shrimp back at Logan for revenge.

  Before I knew it, we were in a full-on food fight. Everything that was considered edible was being thrown and even some very non-edible things as well. The waiter came to us very unimpressed.

  “Um, excuse me, but I believe I am going to have to ask you to leave.” She said firmly. Her expression was very stern and as cheeky as these boys were I knew that there was no weaseling our way out of this one.

  “But... we're not done eating.” Corey said quietly.

  “Out!” She cried, pointing at the doorway.

  We all exited the restaurant with our heads hanging in shame. But the minute they went through the doors, they all burst out laughing. I couldn't help, but laugh as well... and it felt so nice.

  “Don't you guys even feel a little bit bad?” I asked.

  “Oh, believe me, babe! That is not the first time that's happened.” Logan said with a laugh.

  “Haven't you ever gotten kicked out of a restaurant?” Corey inquired.

  “No, never.” I replied honestly. The boys burst into laughter once again.

  “Well... stick with us and it will be a pretty re-occurring event.” Hunter said, with a laugh. The girls were still squealing and the boys stopped to snap a few more pictures, give a few more hugs, and sign a few more things. Then, we all slid into the car.

  “Get ready for the horror.” Logan teased, referring to Hunter's driving.

  We laughed pretty much the entire way home. It felt so good to laugh for a change, I had forgotten what it truly felt like. When I got home, I flopped on my bed and let out a long sigh. I had just done what every girl in the entire world had dreampt of doing. I had hang out with All4U. I fell asleep that night dreaming sweet and happy dreams. I had friends. That had never happened before. For once everything was right in the world.



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