by David Baron
Gilded Age, 34
Gilded Age, The (Twain and Warner), 11
Glenmont (Edison estate), 229
Grand Central Hotel, 121
Grand Pacific Hotel, 109
Grand Trunk Railroad, 15
Grant, Ulysses S., 9, 153
Grays Peak, 196
Great Britain, see England
Great Depression, 229
Great Disappointment, 2
Great Divide Basin, 105, 133, 169
Great Lakes, 98, 152
Griffin, Stockton, 226
gypsy moths, 134
Halley, Edmond, 46, 47
Halley’s Comet, 46, 47
Hamilton College, 30, 31, 72, 75
Hancock, John, 54
Harkness, William, 133–36, 167, 169, 184
Harpers Ferry, Va., 99
Harper’s Weekly, iv, 11
Harrison, Cora, 87, 128, 176, 192
Harvard College Observatory, 134
Harvard University, 54, 55, 79, 235
Hastings-on-the-Hudson, N.Y., 77
Hawthorne, Julian, 38
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 38
Hayden, Ferdinand V., 61
Hayes, Lucy Webb, 65
Hayes, Rutherford B., 49, 65
Heath, Lillian, 115, 117–18
Hecate (asteroid), 31
Helena (asteroid), 31, 142
helium, 53, 56, 138, 139
Henry, Joseph, 13, 17, 28, 61–62, 62, 67, 80–81, 152
henry (unit of measurement), 17
Henry Draper Memorial, 235
Hera (asteroid), 31
Herodotus, 4
Herschel, Caroline, 200
Herschel, William, 200
Hertz, Heinrich, 24
Hess, Fred, 82, 144, 230
high-altitude cerebral edema, 163–64
Hill, George W., 49
Holden, Edward, 181, 219
“Homes of Single Women” (Anthony), 131
Hoover, Herbert, 229
hotel cars, 108
House of Representatives, U.S., Committee on Appropriations of, 58
Howe, Julia Ward, 35, 84
Hoyt, John W., 185
Hughes, David, 97
Huron River, 28
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 17–18
hydrogen, 53, 138
Idaho, 78
incandescent lamps, 205, 221–28, 231–32
India, 139, 145
Indians (American), 34, 78, 94, 95, 107, 115–16, 131
Indian Territory, 107
Indonesia, 237
infrared rays, 68
infrared telescopes, 202
International Exhibition of Arts, Manufactures and Products of the Soil and Mine, see Centennial Exhibition
International Exposition of Electricity, 226–28, 227
Inter-Ocean Hotel, 120
Iowa, University of, 142
Irving Hall, 89–91
Italy, 53
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 131
James Craig Watson Medal, 220, 235, 236
Janssen, Jules, 53, 210
Jesus Christ, 2
“John Brown’s Body,” 84
Johns Hopkins University, 17, 79, 106–7
Johnson County, Tex., 2–4, 197
Judgment Day, 1–2
Juewa (asteroid), 146
Jupiter, 29, 48, 134, 145
Kansas City, Mo., 127
Kansas Pacific Railway, 121
Kelvin, Lord, see Thomson, William
Kendall, Phebe Mitchell, 87–88, 126
Lake House, 173, 177, 194
Langley, John W., 160, 163, 172, 195
Langley, Samuel Pierpont, 68, 68, 89, 96, 159–64, 167, 172, 195, 232
Laramie Daily Sentinel, 145
latitude, 135
Lawrence Street Methodist Church, 199
Leadville, Colo., 128
Lehmann, R. C., 143, 145, 170, 184
Le Verrier, Urbain, 73, 74, 75, 77
Library of Congress, xii
Lindsay, James Ludovic, 56
Little Bighorn, 9
Lockyer, J. Norman, 53, 56, 57, 139–41, 139, 143, 144, 144, 145, 148–49, 169–70, 184, 198, 210, 225, 230, 234, 237
reputation of, 140
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 22
longitude, 135–36
Longs Peak, 179, 191
Louisiana, 202
Louis the Pious, Holy Roman Emperor, 4
Low’s Opera House, 211
Lydians, 4
lynching, 116–18
Machebeuf, Joseph Projectus, 129, 132, 193, 193
McVicker’s Theater, 208
Madison, Wis., 214, 219
magnetism, 23
Maine, Gulf of, 54
Manifest Destiny, 11, 207
Manitoba, 55
Mars, 29, 48, 124, 192
Marsh, Cornelia Woods, 87, 127
Marsh, Othniel C., 61, 65, 203
Massachusetts, 54
Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, 213
Matthew, Book of, 2
Maxwell, James Clerk, 140
Medes, 4
medical colleges, 87
Medicine Bows (mountains), 111
Meeker, Josephine, 116, 130
Meeker, Nathan, 115–16, 130
Meeker Massacre, 115–16
Menlo Park, N.J., 19–26, 19, 20, 21, 67, 76, 91, 95, 110, 122, 203, 229
Mercury, 29, 74, 124, 168, 192
orbit of, 72, 75, 220
perihelion of, 72, 77
transit of, 70–79, 76, 98, 173, 184
meteorology, 151–53, 157
forecasts in, 155
meteor showers, 86, 209
Michigan, University of, 12–13, 31, 38, 70, 153–54, 160, 214
Detroit Observatory of, 27–28, 27, 29, 70, 74
Michigan State Normal School, 141
micrometer, 41
microphone, 97
millenarianism, 1–2
Miller, Ephraim, 2–4, 5, 6, 197
Miller, William, 1–2
Miriam (asteroid), 31–32
Mississippi, 202
Mitchell, Maria, 35–36, 36, 48, 50, 51–52, 62, 73, 75, 79, 80–81, 133, 134, 154, 167, 199, 208, 213, 233, 235–36
Avery and, 130
childhood and education of, 37
comet discovered by, 36
death of, 213
in Denver, 128–29, 131–32, 171, 176, 192–93, 196, 199–200, 200
dome party of, 83–85
and eclipse of 1869, 56, 86, 122, 158
European tour of, 38
faculty housing not supplied to, 38
in journey to Denver, 126–28
lightning phobia of, 150
luggage loss of, 132
luggage retrieved by, 150
Navy employment of, 36–37, 48
observation post of, 171
participation in scientific undertakings denied to, 81–83
as professor, 85–86
shyness of, 40
sister of, see Kendall, Phebe Mitchell
team for 1878 eclipse assembled by, 86–88
and transit of Mercury, 75
and transit of Venus, 81
Vassar professorship of, 37, 38–39
at Woman’s Congress in Philadelphia, 35, 40–41
at Woman’s Congress in Providence, 211–12
on women in science, 35, 40–41
on women’s education, 39
Monroe, James, 155
Montana Territory, 9, 78, 180
Moody, Dwight, 2
moon, 50, 53, 132, 182, 211, 212
orbit of, 47, 135, 168
Morse, Samuel, 67
Morton, Henry, 99, 101, 111, 112, 114, 144, 180, 225, 228, 230
Munich, 237
Myer, Albert J., 152–53, 153, 155, 156–59, 160, 164, 167, 177, 195, 209–10
Myrtle Bower, 113
Nantucket, Mass., 37, 48, 171, 213
National Academy of
Sciences, 61–63, 70, 80, 202, 220, 228, 235
lack of women in, 62
National Mall, 60
Nature, 18, 46–47, 140, 148, 198, 210, 215, 234
Nautical Almanac, 36, 48–49, 54–55, 81, 135, 168, 173
Naval Observatory, U.S., 36, 49, 57–58, 70, 72, 77, 78, 81, 82, 133, 136, 157, 185, 195, 209, 215, 219, 237
Great Equatorial telescope of, 57, 134
navigation, 36
Navy, U.S., 36
Nautical Almanac Office of, 36, 48–49, 54–55, 81, 135, 168, 173
Nebraska, 110
“Need of Women in Science, The” (Mitchell), 41, 235
Neptune, discovery of, 73
Newark, N.J., 15, 19
Newcomb, Mrs., 141, 202
Newcomb, Simon, 17, 31, 47–48, 47, 49–51, 56–57, 60–61, 62, 72, 73, 74, 82, 98, 100, 106, 107, 124, 135, 139–40, 141, 154, 167, 176, 180–81, 185, 185, 189, 202, 208, 215–16, 233–35
eclipse camp of, 137–38, 170, 184
and eclipse of 1860, 54–55, 55
and eclipse of 1869, 56, 158, 186
and eclipse of 1870, 141
Nautical Almanac Office and, 48–49
Newton, Isaac, 22, 47, 48, 51, 220
New York, N.Y., 20, 89, 93, 174, 228
New York Herald, 24, 91, 95, 99–100, 112–13, 137, 147, 167, 174, 180, 186, 187, 201, 202, 224
New York State, 5–6, 228
unemployment in, 9
New York Times, 66–67, 71, 201, 229
New-York Tribune, 13, 24, 59, 71, 91, 140–41, 227
North, Edward, 76
North American (Philadelphia), 34
North Carolina, 56
northeaster, 151–52
Norway, 187
nuclear fusion, 209
Oakes, John Wright, 140
Oklahoma, 107
Omaha, Nebr., 110
Omohundro, John B. “Texas Jack,” 34, 94–95, 94, 107, 109, 113
orbits, calculation of, 48, 73, 86
Orion Nebula, 134
Palace of Industry, Paris, 226, 227
Panic of 1873, 9, 39
Paris, 53, 221, 226–28, 227
Paris Observatory, 38, 73
Parrott, “Big Nose George,” 116–18
path of totality, xiv-xv, 46–47, 49–50, 50, 52, 54–55, 56, 57, 86, 105, 121, 135, 158, 168, 173, 211, 236, 237
Peking, 142, 146
Pennsylvania, University of, 22–23
Pennsylvania Railroad, 82, 101
Penrose, Francis Crammer, 179, 191
penumbra, 179
Percy, Wyo., 111–12
perihelion, 72, 74, 77
Peters, Christian Heinrich Friedrich, 29–33, 30, 56, 61, 70, 78, 199, 215–16, 219
personality of, 31–32
and transit of Mercury, 75–76
and transit of Venus, 81
on Vulcan, 72, 74, 77, 216–17
Philadelphia, Pa., 34–35, 40, 211
Centennial Exhibition in, 9–18, 227
Philadelphia Inquirer, 34, 112, 167
phonograph, 63–65, 64, 67, 68, 69, 93–94, 97, 99
early responses to, 64
promotion of, 93–95
phonomotor, 92–93, 92, 95, 96, 223
photoheliograph, 74–75
photometer, 195
phototelespectroscope, 187
Pikes Peak, 111, 158–64, 160, 162, 172–73, 177, 179, 180, 190, 193–94, 194, 195, 196, 209, 210, 232
signal station on the summit of, 159, 161
Pittsburgh, Pa., 68, 106–7
Pius XI, Pope, 229
planets, 28–29
calculation of orbits of, 48, 73, 86
defining of, 29
major vs. minor, 29
see also asteroids
Platte River, 110
Poe, Edgar Allan, 22
polariscope, 136
Pollux, 124
Popular Astronomy (Newcomb), 50–51, 82
Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 37, 75, 80
Press (Philadelphia), 34, 100
Princeton College, 22, 79, 96, 121–23, 126, 142, 150, 179, 183, 191
prisms, 51
probabilities (weather forecasts), 155
Procyon, 124
prominences, solar, 51, 53, 56, 125, 136, 168, 187, 195
protuberances, solar, see prominences solar
Providence, R.I., 80, 211
pseudoscience, 93
Psyche, H.M.S., 53, 54
Pueblo, Colo., 128, 132
Pullman Palace Car Company, 107–9, 108
quadruplex telegraph, 15–16, 25, 226
radio waves, 24
Rae, W. Fraser, 142–43, 144, 230
Railroad Hotel, 112, 113, 137, 141, 142
railroads, 11, 120
transcontinental, 105
wars between, 128
women on, 127
Ramona (Jackson), 131
Ranyard, Arthur Cowper, 123, 179–80, 191–92, 191
Rawlins, Wyo., 112–16, 112, 120, 126, 137, 139, 141–49, 144, 158, 169, 173, 175, 179, 180, 184, 187, 201, 202, 230
lynching in, 116–18
“Rawlins Red” (paint), 114
Reconstruction, 32, 207
Redpath, James, 94
Regulus, 124
Reign of Shoddy, 11
relativity, general theory of, 219–20
Revolutionary War, 54
right ascension, 146
Robinson, Otis H., 133–34, 136
Rochester, University of, 134
Rocky Mountain News, 41, 100, 124, 125, 126, 199
Rodgers, John, 57–58, 78–79, 82, 157, 209
Rome, 38
Royal Institution, 23
Royal Society, 61
Rubin, Vera, 235–36
Russia, 53, 154
St. Joseph’s Home, 171
St. Louis, Mo., 202, 212
St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 197
St. Petersburg, 154
San Francisco Chronicle, 100
saros, 45, 237–38
Saturn, 48, 86, 134, 145
Sawyer, William, 24–25
Science, 224, 234
Scientific American, 25, 64, 86, 202
séances, 93
Second Coming, 1–2
Senate, U.S., 59
Seneca Falls Convention, 86
Separation, Wyo., 137, 138, 141, 169–70, 175–76, 180, 184–86, 185, 187–88, 189
setting circles, 146–47
Sex in Education; or, A Fair Chance for Girls (Clarke), 39–40, 212–13
sextant, 135
shadow bands, 181, 181
sharecropping, 2
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 106
shooting stars, 86, 209
Shoshone-Bannocks, 78
Siam, 169
Sibylla (asteroid), 28, 32
Sicily, 53, 54, 133, 139, 191, 210, 237
Sierra Madre Mountains, 231
Signal Corps, see Army Signal Corps, U.S.
Signal Service, see Army Signal Service, U.S.
silkworms, 134
Silvis, J. B., 143, 143, 144, 170, 230
Sioux Indians, 9, 115
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, 171, 193, 212
Sitting Bull, 34
Skinner, A. N., 105–6
slavery, 2–3, 40, 131
Smith, Mary Rose, 177, 179, 190
Smithsonian Institution, 28, 60–61, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 80–81, 114, 152
Smyth, C. Piazzi, 133, 184, 210
Solid Muldoon, 93
South Platte River, 120
spectroscopes, 41, 51–52, 52, 53, 56, 122, 136, 137, 185, 187, 195
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 86, 129, 131
Stanton, Harriot, 86–87
Stevens Institute of Technology, 99
stock ticker, 15
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 131
sun, 50–51, 53, 58, 74, 109, 140, 168, 209
chemical makeup of, 53, 56, 136, 138
> corona of, see corona, solar
Draper’s claim of oxygen in, 140, 145
Mercury’s transit of, 70–79
prominences of, see prominences, solar
Sun (New York), 97, 128, 167, 199, 222
sunspots, 73, 85
Swift, Lewis, 214–15, 216
Swing, David, 208
Talbot, Daniel Hector, 142, 144, 170, 185, 198, 230
tasimeter, 89–91, 96–97, 97, 99–100, 101, 109–10, 122, 126, 137, 147–48, 159, 168, 169, 180, 186–87, 188, 191, 195, 201–3, 210, 223, 224, 226, 231, 232, 233
deficiencies of, 223
naming of, 91
sensitivity of, 90–91, 96, 223
Tasmania, 133
Tecumseh, 4
telegraph, 11, 24
automatic, 16
Henry’s contribution to, 67
quadruplex, 15–16, 25, 226
storm warnings by, 152–53
time signals by, 136
Telegrapher, 25–26
telephone, 13–14, 23, 27, 67
carbon “buttons” used in, 66
of Edison, 23, 65–66, 68–69, 90, 95, 97, 226
standard greeting for, 66
telephonoscope, 92, 96
telescopes, 134
borrowed by Edison, 76, 95
borrowed by Watson, 141
at Detroit Observatory, 28
infrared, 202
Mitchell’s, lost by railroad, 132
Mitchell’s, used to discover 1847 comet, 171
at Naval Observatory, U.S., 57, 57, 134
setting circles for, 146–47
at Vassar College, 83
Teller House Hotel, 181
Tenskwatawa (Shawnee prophet), 4
Texas, 5
1878 eclipse in, 2–4, 197
winter of 1878 in, 1
“Texas Jack,” see Omohundro, John B. “Texas Jack”
thermopile, 68
Theta Cancri, 188
Thomson, William, 13–14, 22, 66
Thornburgh, Thomas Tipton, 115, 123, 202, 231
death of, 116, 116
Times (London), 236
time zones, 135
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 207–8
Tongzhi, Emperor of China, 146
trade, global, 36
of Mercury, 70–79, 76, 98, 173, 184
of Venus, 81, 133, 142, 146
Trapper’s Daughter, The; or, Perils of the Frontier (melodrama), 94
Trinity River, 3
Trouvelot, Étienne Léopold, 134, 135, 169
Twain, Mark, 11, 151
Tyndall, John, 53
umbraphiles, xi–xii
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 131
Union Pacific Railroad, 105, 110, 111, 111, 112, 114, 116, 133, 143, 175, 184
robbery on, 111–12
United States:
effect of eclipse on, 208–9
European disdain for, 16–17
European praise for, 210
first organized eclipse expedition, 54
industrialization of, 11, 32, 207
scientific progress in, 17, 233–34
Uranus, 73, 200
Utah, 129
Ute Reservation, 115–16
Utes, 116, 123, 130, 161
Vassar, Matthew, 37