Why the River Runs

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Why the River Runs Page 17

by JoAnna Grace

  Tina pushed the stray tendrils of her hair off of her face. “He has me all turned around and messed up.” She let out a nervous huff. “Even in all the drama and tears and chaos of Boston and the funeral, I wished I could have him with me. I picked up the phone at least a dozen times and was too scared to call him.”

  “And what would you have said?”

  “That I was sorry for being an ass, that he was right, that I love—” Tina froze. The realization of her words hit hard and heavy to her chest, knocking the air out of her. “Holy shit.” She blinked back the emotion before it turned into tears. “I love him.”

  “Take a breath, honey. You’re turning green.” Nan chuckled and put her hand over Tina’s. “It’s okay.”

  Tina took a gigantic shaking breath and tried to calm her erratic pulse. “I…have to go.” Tina stood and went upstairs to grab her bag. She hurried back down the stairs and kissed Nan on the cheek in passing. “Don’t wait up for him.”

  “Use protection,” Nan called out as Tina bounded down the front steps and to her truck.

  Happiness flowed through her at her revelation. She was in love with Bo Galloway. It all made sense when she admitted it. That’s why she couldn’t get him out of her mind when she was in Boston. She never imagined in her wildest dreams that she would fall in love with a man like Bo, not after the track record she had. Yet here she was, contemplating crazy things like forever.

  Her heart lurched when she saw his red and white truck at the jobsite. What was she going to say? What was she going to do, walk up and drop the L-word right in the middle of the work day?

  “Be real, Tina.” She slid out of her truck. No, she had to be chill on the site. Her rules.

  Bo walked by the door of the house with a long piece of lumber in his hands. Just the sight of him left her breathless. I’m a sunken ship.

  As she passed various crewmen, they offered their sympathies and told her how glad they were to have her back. Uncle Terry gave her a big hug and kissed her head.

  “Glad to have you back, kiddo. These guys cry like little girls when you’re not here.”

  “Thanks, Terry. I’ll remember to buy them some pacifiers next time I go out of town.” Tina winked at him and listened as he told her about the progress of the house and the various tasks being performed.

  The Ragland house was coming along and they were picking out interior finishes.

  “Can you spare Bo today? I want to take him to Jayden’s house to look at some spindles. We’re going to have to replicate them.”

  Terry’s face wrinkled up even more than usual. “I guess. He can do that?”

  Tina grinned, thinking about all the beautiful carvings in his workshop. “Yes, Terry, and much more.”

  Terry scratched his beard and narrowed his eyes. “I know that look in your eyes. That’s the same look your mother gave me when she met your father.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” She shrugged and walked off, then stopped to glance over at her shoulder at her mother’s big brother.

  Her uncle tipped his head, giving her his blessing. Everything was falling into place.

  As she approached the house, her heart sped up like it always did when Bo was around. Today, it kicked into fifth gear. He was wearing his usual attire, tee-shirt and jeans, nothing special, and yet he never looked better.

  Bo’s eyes met hers and she sucked in a deep breath. Incredible.

  He smiled and dipped his head. “G’morning. Did you get some re—”

  Tina didn’t let him finish. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tiptoed up to plant a kiss on his lips, right there in front of God and everyone. She didn’t care that the guys were whistling or clapping or making dirty comments. She didn’t care that this was the workplace and she had strict rules about personal matters interfering with their progress.

  This was her man and she loved him. Every single one of those guys needed to know it.

  When she released him, Bo’s eyes were the size of dinner plates. “Whew.”

  “Just saying thank you.” Tina winked at him.

  “That was a hell of a thank you.” He grinned and let out a deep breath.

  Jason came over and put his hands on their shoulders. “It’s about time. Seriously. If I had to listen to another day of Bo acting like a love-struck little girl, I was going to quit.”

  Tina chuckled and let the happiness fill her heart and soul. Bo knocked Jason in the gut and blushed.

  Jason, who was taking this opportunity to give Bo hell, raised his voice like a woman and started fluttering his eyelashes. “Oh, Tina’s so pretty. Tina’s so talented. Oh, she’s so smart and wonderful and she shits rainbows and rides unicorns.”

  “I’m getting Tina’s nail gun.” Bo pretended like he was reaching for the tool as Jason walked off, still cackling like a hen.

  “Come on. I have a special project we have to plan.” Tina took his hand and led him to her truck.

  “Um, T. I have some stuff I need to finish here. I’m not done today.” He hesitated and glanced back to the house.

  “It’s okay. Terry has you covered.”

  He leaned in and whispered, “We can fool around later, you know.”

  Tina grinned. “As much as I would like to say that’s where I’m taking you, I actually need you to look at Jayden’s house.”

  “Oh.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re making me nervous, boss lady.”

  Tina couldn’t hide the smile on her face as they drove through the countryside to Jayden’s old house.

  Bo leaned against the passenger side door, but kept his eyes on her the whole ride. Tina stole peeks at him as heat crept up her neck. “What?”

  “I’m taking you out tonight. We need to go on a date.”

  The thought made Tina’s insides spin. “We slept in the same bed, Bo. I think we might have skipped a step.”

  He turned his head to the window, like he didn’t want her to see his expression. “Nope. We’re going to dinner. Nothing too fancy, but you and me, alone.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Bo’s head swung around to her. “What was that?”

  A giggle escaped her lips. “I can obey, thank you very much.” She reached over and took his hand in hers. “Sometimes.”

  True to his word, when they pulled into Jayden’s driveway, Bo was all work. Jayden met them at the door, and they walked through the house room by room. Bo took notes on a clipboard as Tina talked and described to Jay what all needed to be repaired on the house. Tina was thorough in her inspection of everything from the pier and beam foundation to the attic. She drew out the floor plan, took measurements of the various rooms, took pictures of the moldings and trim, and then pointed Bo to the newels on the staircase.

  “See where they’ve been replaced?” She pointed to the mismatched posts. “We need to match the original.”

  “I can do that.” Be nodded and snapped a picture with his phone.

  The evaluation took most of the day, especially since Tina and Jayden liked to chat. The great thing about having Bo there was his ability to take her ideas and expound on them. He had a creative mind and even Jayden made the comment that she liked his ideas on materials and textures for the walls.

  “You know,” said Jayden, studying Tina and Bo. “You guys make a really good team.”

  “I think so, too.” Tina smiled at Bo and he winked back.

  Jayden gasped. “Wait, are you two…you know, officially together now?”

  As hard as she tried to keep her composure, Tina couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, something like that.”

  Bo leaned in beside her and took her hand. “I’ve been warned not to anger her around the nail guns.”

  Jayden made a snorting noise in the back of her throat. “You think staying away from nail guns will protect you? Just don’t piss her off and you’re fine.”

  Tina looked at her watch. “Oh, look at the time. I have a hot date tonight.”

  “Yeah, you do.” J
ayden winked at Bo. “Better go get ready.”

  Tina and Bo headed back to get his truck. He leaned over to take her hand and brought it to his mouth. “That’s going to be a fun project.”

  “I can’t wait. I’m so honored to work on it, you know?” Tina’s heart sang with excitement. “It’s like I get to give Christopher one more gift.”

  “You have a beautiful heart, Tina Foster.”

  She felt Bo’s compliment from head to toe.

  I love this man. She expelled a happy sigh. Now she just had to figure out how to tell him.

  That evening, she took her time curling her hair, putting on her makeup, and picking out a dress that would drive Bo mad. The best part about tonight was the fact that she actually didn’t have to do any of it. Bo had fallen for her while they worked together. He’d seen her sweaty, smelly, covered in dirt, and grumpy as hell. They’d spent hot days in the Texas sun working together until they were given out. She’d belched in front of him and he never blinked. For a while, she thought he would see her as one of the guys, the way the rest of the crew did. And yet, he still wanted her, still found her attractive.

  It only made her want to impress him more by dressing up like a real woman. Just before she went downstairs to talk to her dad, her phone chimed. Tina answered the video call from Meg. Her friend looked rough. Meg’s eyes were sunken and her cheeks hallowed. Even her usual shiny red hair appeared dull and unkempt.

  “Wow,” Meg said at seeing Tina. Her voice lacked her usually chipper rise and fall. “You look lovely.”

  “Thank you. How are you? Are you okay?”

  Meg faked a smile. Tina had known her since high school, she knew a fake smile when she saw it. “One day at a time. Cole’s mother came over to help me clean out Noah’s room.”

  “What?” Tina sat down on her bed and clenched her heart. “So soon? Are you kidding me?”

  “Cole’s sister is pregnant and his mother came to scavenge my baby’s things.” Meg’s bottom lip trembled. “You would be proud of me though, I grabbed up that toy hammer you gave Noah and hit her with it.”

  Tina’s mouth fell open. “You didn’t?”

  Meg laughed even while she wiped a tear. “I did. I knocked her right in the head until she ran out of the house screaming that she would tell Cole.”

  “Meg! I’m so proud of you for standing up to her. And with a tool!” Tina grabbed her heart dramatically. “That’s my girl.”

  Pride filled her chest. Even in Meg’s pain, she’d stood up against her raving lunatic of a mother-in-law. Her sweet Meg had used a tool as a weapon, even if it was bright red and plastic.

  “I just wanted to tell you that. I won’t keep you.”

  Bo entered her bedroom, standing inside the threshold. Tina opened her mouth, but nothing came out. He had on nice slacks and a white button down shirt, with the sleeves rolled up. He’d traded his tool belt for sexy suspenders and his work boots for shiny leather loafers. Bo could’ve stepped out of a men’s fashion magazine.

  He shook his head and waved his hand, not rushing her off the phone.

  “No, Meg. I have time.” Tina told her friend all about fixing up Jayden’s house and other town gossip. Meg needed a distraction and Tina gave her one for the next thirty minutes.

  “I can’t thank you enough for coming up here, Tina. I love you so much.”

  Tina smiled at her over the phone. “I’d do anything for you, you know that.”

  “I know. Go have fun on your date.” Meg blew her a kiss and hung up.

  Tina stared at the blank screen. Meg needed to come home. Period. She needed people around her who would help her heal and be healthy again. What she didn’t need was Cole’s crazy family who never cared for her in the first place.

  “Is she okay?” Bo asked, taking a drink from his water glass. He’d gone into her living room and waited patiently.

  “I don’t know. I was just thinking that she needs to come home.”

  “She will, when it’s time. She loves you. You can tell in her voice she misses you.”

  Tina stood and stepped in front of him, ran her hands up the suspenders to his chest. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” His eyes narrowed, like he truly didn’t know.

  “For being amazing. Today with Jayden, you were kind and patient when we got off topic. Now, with Meg, you didn’t rush me off the phone.”

  Bo wrapped her up in his arms. “You’d do anything for your friends. I’d do anything for you. We’re no different in that aspect, T.”

  Tina pressed her lips to his, drowning in the sweet relief of their kiss. His lips moved soft and gently against hers, coaxing a sigh.

  “We don’t have to go out,” Tina said, between kisses.

  “Yes, we do.” Bo gave her one last, deep kiss and pulled away. “With you looking this hot, I need to show you off.” He held out her hand to assess her from head to toe. “Damn, baby, you’re a little too hot right now.”

  “Pot, meet kettle.” She giggled her brows and popped one of his suspenders.

  Luckily, she had on flat shoes because Bo decided to take a stroll across the bridge and into downtown. He held her hand and the simple gesture made her feel like a million bucks. They meandered downtown as the sun set and the street lamps flickered to life.

  Fran’s Front Porch sat right in the middle of downtown Riverview. Along the row of stores, the café was set back off the sidewalk, allowing for a lovely, quaint patio area lit with strings of lights. Fran made the best Italian food in town, and Tina didn’t mind admitting that since Bear’s didn’t serve Italian. She and Bo were seated at one of the outdoor tables right by the street.

  They ordered a bottle of wine and Bo lifted his glass. “To revitalization, for houses and us.”

  “Cheers.” Tina sipped her wine and wished like hell they had stayed at her house. The wine went straight to her head and mixed with the high Bo gave her. She was clenching her thighs together and watching his lips as he sipped from the glass. She licked her lips out of stark and gnawing hunger.

  THE WAY TINA RUBBED her legs together in that short skirt had Bo wishing like hell he’d taken her up on the offer to stay home. She was too beautiful with all that blonde hair spilled over her shoulders and her big blue eyes shining every time she looked at him.

  “Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” Bo didn’t mean to sound so corny, but she made him do things that he didn’t understand.

  Tina blushed and pushed her hair behind her ears. “Are you just saying that because I’m wearing makeup?”

  “Nope. I thought you were drop dead gorgeous the first time I saw you. You were dirty as hell and I still thought you were a dream.”

  Tina studied him through narrowed eyes, nibbling on her bottom lip to contain the smile. “You didn’t say a word.”

  Bo shook his head. “Wasn’t the right time.”

  “Now is a great time.” Tina linked her fingers with his on the table. She took a deep breath and met his eyes. “What are you working on right now, in the wood shop?”

  “One of Nan’s customers asked me to carve the school mascot for her son’s graduation.” He cringed, thinking about how cheesy she wanted it. “It’s not glamorous, but she’s paying me and it’s good practice.”

  “Why the face?”

  “Because she wants a cartoon pirate carved in wood.” Bo shook his head. “It’s not exactly challenging.”

  “You like a challenge, don’t you?”

  Bo took a drink. “You and I have that in common.”

  Tina tilted her head and lifted her glass. “Guilty.”

  “I’ve got other projects I’m working on. Taking on something like that isn’t a big deal.”

  “It sucks that you have to work two jobs. That first one not paying enough?” One of her brows kicked up and her lips pursed.

  “First one pays fine, and the benefits are…” Bo licked his lips and intentionally lowered his eyes to her breasts and then those sexy legs. “Well,
the benefits are looking better and better every day.”

  Tina blushed red and messed with her hair. He’d never seen her nervous. He’d never seen her fidget. Usually Tina Foster was composed and not too much rattled her.

  Tonight…not so much. She took a relieving breath when the waitress delivered their order and every time she came back to refill their glasses or take away dirty plates. They talked like normal, laughed like always, bounced from subject to subject and never lost physical contact, whether they were holding hands or she was rubbing his leg with her foot.

  By the time they ordered dessert, her foot was tapping.

  “Why are you nervous?” Bo asked, taking her hand in his.

  “I’m not.” She chuckled, only proving she was nervous.

  Bo frowned and pulled her chair around the table, closer to his. “Talk to me.”

  Tina stared at him for a long moment and finally reached up to touched his cheek. “How is this possible?”

  Bo leaned in to her palm. “What?”

  “How is it possible for you to be so… so easy.”

  “Hey,” he blanched, “I haven’t let you take me to bed yet.”

  She threw her head back and laughed then put her arms around his neck. “See, this. This is what I mean.” Tina let out her breath and kept her hands on his neck. “This is effortless. Why? How?” She blinked trying to clear out the moisture that had gathered in her eyes. “Is this what I’ve been missing? Because this…this…this thing between us is just…perfect. And nothing is perfect. Right? So if nothing is perfect, but this is perfect, then—”

  “Shh, okay, you’re overthinking right now.” Bo brought her knuckles to his mouth. “Why is it so hard to believe we work? We’re good together. Accept it, T.”

  “You’re so certain, so sure of yourself.” One side of her lush mouth pulled back. “Cocky little thing, aren’t you?”

  “Cocky, no. Confident, yes.” Bo leaned in and kissed her hard, staking his claim right there in the courtyard of Fran’s Front Porch. “You’re mine, Tina Foster. Period. Stop trying to talk yourself out of it. We work. You and me.”


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