The Vampyre's Slave

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The Vampyre's Slave Page 4

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  “I’ll go back into the house, but I’m not sorry you’ve seen me. You have no right to”

  “Sit down on this rock and be quiet!” He moved over, making room for her.

  She sat next to him and wondered if he was about to take her essence. When he didn’t, this added to her curiosity. Why does he always do things I’m not expecting? He hasn’t yet taken my essence, but lets me borrow his books, make breakfast for him, and he’s invited me to sit here. I don’t understand him when he doesn’t do unkind things.

  They sat in silence, she staring at her captor, he looking up at the two silver discs in the sky.

  After a while, he asked, “Do you like Kurbridor’s moons?”

  “Yes, don’t you? When I was a child, they fascinated me, and they still do.”

  “The curse has forced me to not like anything.”

  “That’s sad and somewhat unfair. I bet you wish you hadn’t tried to take the witch’s essence?”

  He answered with a bitter laugh.

  She touched his arm and said, “I know you need life-force essence to survive, but you should be very careful when you take it. Witches are not a wise choice.”

  He looked down at her hand on his arm and placed his over it. “What about redheads?”

  Elyse pulled her hand away. “Oh, we definitely shouldn’t be chosen. My essence would add to your gloom and might turn you into a demon.” She attempted a smile. Is that a hint of mirth in his eyes?

  “That might be an improvement. Would you like me better if I was a demon?”

  “Of course I wouldn’t. Demons are naturally bad, but the spell has made you the way you are. I think you were probably an okay vampyre before the witch’s curse.”

  “I did take your essence once, and you were only a child. Was that the action of an okay vampyre?”

  “But you made me think it was just a dream, so it didn’t bother me.”

  “You’re making me sound like a good guy, but I’m not. I could take all of your essence right now, and then tell my helpers to dump your body on the common. I’ve done that with plenty of other slaves.”

  “I know, but I’m judging you based on your behavior before you were cursed. You could have stolen all of my life-force essence, yet you didn’t.”

  “Your grandmother came looking for you, and that’s what stopped me.”

  “I don’t believe that was the reason. You could have done it and taken her entire essence, too. We couldn’t have fought against you.”

  Brenwul was quiet for a while, and then he said, “Perhaps you’re right. I was young and full of my own importance. I liked to brag and said I’d take it all, but I doubt I would have done that. Now, it doesn’t bother me to consume every last drop of someone’s essence. I’m a wretched beast.”

  Elyse wanted to say, “No you’re not.” Yet in a way, the curse had made him one.

  “You’re not arguing with me, so you must think I am, too.”

  “The witches spell has made you behave that way. If you could break it, I’m sure you wouldn’t be that mean.”

  “Only one person in all of Kurbridor can do that, and I no longer care who it is. He or she has never come close to me so that I could take their essence.”

  “Oh, his or her life-force essence would break the spell?”

  “But only if it is given willingly. The witch emphasized how that was the way, and no one gives it to me like that anymore.”

  “No, you just snatch it from people. You really are cursed.”

  He pushed Elyse off the rock and watched her stumble. “Leave me! Go back into my home.”

  After regaining her balance, she ran along the path toward the door. Before she reached it, Brenwul grabbed hold of her with fingers that dug into her flesh.

  “I’ll take you to your room, and then I’ll see who has helped you.”

  “No, please don’t do that. I persuaded him to show me how to go outside, so I should be punished, not him.”

  He stood staring down at her for a moment. “I’ll keep that in mind. Go!”

  She hurried along the last part of the path and knocked on the door. Damian opened it, and she stepped inside.

  “Did you enjoy being out there?”

  “Yes, but it’s getting chilly.” Elyse rubbed her arms to emphasize the words, but was actually easing the pain caused by Brenwul’s fingers. Should I tell him who was also outside? No, that will just alarm him. Perhaps Brenwul will go back into the house by the same door from which he exited. Then he won’t know Damian helped me.

  “Let’s get you back in your room.”

  They walked along the two hallways, and Damian unlocked her door, and she went inside.

  “I’ll take your tray back to the kitchen, and you can settle down for the night.” He picked it up from the table, went out of the room, and locked the door, leaving Elyse to think about her encounter with the vampyre.

  Chapter Six

  After waiting outside for several minutes and giving his helper a chance to take Elyse back to her room, Brenwul moved into the house. He wanted to know who’d shown her a door to his grounds, and he was determined to find out which helper had done that. When he figured she would be behind the locked door, he walked along one hallway, and then the other one. No one was standing guard, and that was unusual. He wondered if the helper was in the room with Elyse, and he was about to bang his fist on her door when Damian appeared at the beginning of the hallway. Brenwul strode toward him.

  “Why are you away from your post? Are you just coming on duty?”

  “No, Master Brenwul, I took the essence slave’s tray to the kitchen. I’m on duty tonight and won’t be relieved until tomorrow morning.”

  So you must be the one who helped her. Well, I’m not going to divulge what I know yet. You and she can think you’ve fooled me until tomorrow.

  “Did she finish all of her meal?”

  “Yes. She usually does eat everything, so I’m sure she’ll have plenty of life-force essence for you.”

  “Great! I don’t want her to be lacking when I take it from her body. So what do you think of her? If she wasn’t my slave, would you fancy her? Or does her red hair put you off?”

  Damian stared at his master, but didn’t reply.

  “Come on, tell me the truth. Would you like to have sex with her?”

  “No, Master Brenwul, she belongs to you. I could never think of your female slaves in that way.”

  The vampyre patted Damian’s shoulder. “You’re a sensible helper. If you tried to get friendly with one of my slaves, I’d drain you dry. You know that, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Master Brenwul.” He moved a short distance away from the vampyre. “I should get back to my post.”

  “Of course, you should. Guard her well.” Brenwul turned toward the hallway opening that led into the vestibule, and he inwardly chuckled. You think I’m stupid and don’t suspect you of wanting to fuck Elyse. In fact, you’ve probably already done that, so punishment is due to both you and her.

  * * * *

  It was difficult for Elyse to relax and go to sleep. Brenwul knows someone has helped me, and he is determined to find out who it is. Maybe I should have told Damian what happened outside? He could leave this house before Brenwul gets a chance to take his essence. Yes, I’ll tell him tomorrow morning, and that will give him an advantage. Her thoughts roamed back and forth, but then, eventually, she dosed into a fitful sleep.

  The next morning it was another helper who brought her breakfast, and she remembered Damian had mentioned he’d be relieved from his guarding duty. He should be back after supper, and then I’ll tell him Brenwul was also outside. That thought cheered her, and she began reading the last of the four books.

  The same helper carried in her lunch tray and at suppertime, he unlocked the door, but wasn’t bringing her food.

  “Master Brenwul has instructed me to take you to the kitchen. I have to wait for you while you cook his supper. When it’s ready, I’ll escort you to t
he dining room.”

  So he wants more of my food. Well, that doesn’t sound too threatening. As they went from her room to the kitchen, Elyse decided on what to make for the vampyre.

  The cook greeted her with a nod and told one of his staff to bring anything she needed. There were plenty of vegetables and a range of meat, so she created consommé for an appetizer, open scallop lasagna for the main dish, and chocolate and rhubarb tart for dessert.

  Elyse was aware of the cook watching her every move and told herself—oh well, he can make these dishes for his master while I’m lying dead on the common.

  When everything was ready, she took a tray loaded with the three dishes together with a large glass of red wine to the dining room. As he opened the door, the helper said he’d wait in the hallway for her.

  She entered and found Brenwul sitting at the dining table. He took the tray, arranged the dishes in front of him, and sipped the wine.

  “You’ve taken a while to cook this for me. I hope it was worth the wait. Sit down and I’ll tell you whether the food is edible.” He indicated to the chair that was next to his.

  She sat and watched him spoon the consommé into his mouth.

  “It’s as clear as it should be and tastes okay, but I wonder if you’ve overcooked the scallops.” Brenwul replaced the consommé bowl with the main dish, cut into a scallop and placed it in his mouth. “Hmm, it’s fine. Here, try one.” He dug his fork into the other half and pushed it toward her closed lips. She shook her head, but he grabbed her chin and forced the piece of scallop into her mouth.

  Reluctantly Elyse chewed it and agreed, “It’s cooked just right. Did you know that you should be drinking white not red wine with scallops?”

  “You dare to tell me what I should and shouldn’t drink?”

  She shook her head and now eating this morsel of food made her stomach rumble out loud.

  “Ah, you’re hungry. What a pity you won’t be dining tonight.”

  What does he mean by that remark? Surely I’ll be given supper when I go back to my room? Should I ask him why I won’t be eating my evening meal?

  As he ate the dessert, Brenwul asked, “Are you wondering what will prevent you from having your supper?”


  “Well, let me see. If you conspire with one of my helpers to escape from this house, then you have to be punished.”

  “I told you I wasn’t trying to escape. I wanted to—”

  Brenwul interrupted, “I know, you wanted to look at the moons. There was no other reason than that. Anyway, both you and my helper must be punished, and that will happen tonight.” He stood up, grabbed her arm, and pulled her from the chair. “Don’t try to resist, we’re going to my bedroom.” Brenwul pushed her toward the door, opened it, and forced Elyse into the vestibule.

  They passed the helper, who looked surprised, and then moved along until they reached another door. All the while she struggled against his tight hold on her arm, but it was useless. He was so strong.

  Brenwul opened the door and turned to the helper. “Go and bring Damian to me.”

  “Yes, master.” He hurried away.

  She was dragged inside the bedroom and over to a roaring fire that burned within a green marble fireplace. Even in this moment of panic she noticed the exquisite carvings of a woman being embraced by a man. Why has he brought me here and does he know it was Damian who helped me?”

  Brenwul released her arm and stroked her hair. “Obviously, my helper isn’t a human who dislikes your red hair. Did you think I wouldn’t find out who helped you go outside? I may be cursed, but I’m not stupid.”

  “What are you going to do to him?”

  “Be patient. You’ll witness how I punish him, and then it will be your turn.” He chuckled in the most devilish manner.

  They waited in silence, she in total alarm, he fiddling with the ends of the white-blond braid that lay across his shoulder.

  When someone knocked on the door, Brenwul answered, “Come!”

  Damian walked into the bedroom, staring at Elyse and looking concerned. “How may I help you, Master Brenwul?”

  “You can start by telling me the truth. Did you help this essence slave go outside last night?”

  Damian stared down at the carpet. “Yes, I did.”

  “And that means you must be punished. Am I right?”

  Damian nodded. Brenwul gripped his shoulders and pulled him close. “A helper has no right to be friendly with an essence slave. She belongs to me, not you, so here’s your punishment.”

  One hand slapped against Damian’s chest, and the helper’s face contorted with pain. Soon afterward his eyes rolled upward, and he slumped within the vampyre’s hold.

  “You’re not feeling quite so dashing now, eh? Elyse belongs to me. She is mine, not yours and must do whatever I tell her. She will no longer be distracted by you.”

  Brenwul’s hand seemed to be almost pressing inside Damian’s chest, and Elyse knew he wouldn’t stop until his helper was dead.

  “Please don’t kill him, Brenwul. I persuaded him to show me the way outside.”

  “And that’s not all you two did, is it? I want him to die.”

  Elyse tugged at Brenwul’s arm, trying to release his hold on Damian’s chest. He pushed her aside with his other hand, and Damian crumpled onto the carpet.

  Brenwul mimicked, “Please don’t kill him, Brenwul. I love him.” He kicked the prone helper’s side a couple of times.

  “I don’t love him, but he’s been kind to me. Please don’t hurt Damian anymore.”

  “Oh, you don’t love him, but it is okay to fuck this meager helper?” Brenwul kicked him again.

  “What? Where did you get such an idea? We haven’t done anything like that. I don’t fancy him in a sexual way. I just like him as a friend in this dreadful place.”

  “So it’s a friend you want? Well, you’ll have to cozy up to another helper because this one is gone.” Brenwul knelt down beside Damian and held his hand a few inches above the helper’s chest.

  “Are you ready to watch me drain him dry?”

  “Please don’t do it. I don’t believe you are that wicked.”

  Brenwul’s hand stayed motionless over Damian for a moment. Then he uttered what sounded like a curse in his own language, stood up, and went over to the door. He opened it and spoke to the helper who quickly walked away.

  Elyse stooped down next to Damian and placed her hand on his head. It felt unnaturally cool. He must be close to death. She was vaguely aware that Brenwul stayed by the open door and after several minutes she heard him say, “Take this helper to the common and leave him there to die.”

  Two helpers came into the bedroom and dragged Damian out through the open doorway. Brenwul closed the door and came back to Elyse. “Now it’s your turn to be punished.”

  She stood looking up at him, feeling certain he was ready to place his hand on her chest. I won’t let him see how frightened I am. Damian accepted his punishment and I must, too. She stretched upward and said, “Take my essence. I don’t care anymore.”

  “Is that what you think I’m going to do? Oh no, my little slave. I have something better in mind.” He gripped her head between his hands and ordered, “Look into my eyes!”

  Elyse tried to look away, but something made her obey him. His eyes are so green and compelling, I think I love them. No I don’t, that’s crazy. He’s very handsome, and I wish he’d make love to me. Why am I having such ridiculous thoughts? I’m this vampyre’s prisoner, not his mate, but I wish I could be. Yes, I want him and will do whatever he says.

  “Are you feeling more compliant now?”

  “Yes, Brenwul, tell me what to do.”

  “You must call me Master Brenwul. I own you.”

  “You do, Master Brenwul, and I’m happy to be your slave in whatever way you want.” Elyse stroked his arm all the way down to his hand, and then positioned it on one of her breasts.

  He squeezed it hard. “Good, I’ve made
you want me. Take off your clothes and get on the bed.”

  She moved to stand in front of a chair, kicked off her shoes, and undressed, leaving her clothes draped on the back of the chair. Then she lay down on the bed, waiting for him to take her. He stripped and climbed onto it.

  He’s so amazing with his sculpted muscles, narrow hips, and large cock. It doesn’t look quite ready for me, but I’m sure it will be very soon.

  Brenwul straddled her body and positioned his cock on her lips. “Kiss it,” he ordered.

  She obliged, over and over, and then traced her tongue around the tip and up and down the sides. Now his wonderful cock was standing tall. He grabbed Elyse’s hips and flipped her body over, positioning her onto her knees.

  “I’m going to take you from behind like the beast that I am.” He thrust deep into her, and she squealed with delight and pain.

  “Did I hurt you, sex slave?”

  “Yes, but in a good way, Master Brenwul.”

  He pulled her hard against him and penetrated even more. She moaned and wiggled her whole body.

  “That feels wonderful.”

  “I’ve only just started. I’m going to make you shriek and moan, over and over, with pure delight.”

  “Yes please, Master Brenwul, please do it.”

  Chapter Seven

  The vampyre was torn in two different directions. He would show her how wrong she was to have had sex with Damian. He’d compelled her to want intimacy with her master and, when he finally released his control of her, she would be horrified about what had happened between them. Yes, that’s an appropriate punishment. Yet he was rapidly succumbing to their joining. She was so small and tight as he thrust back and forth. He wanted to dominate her completely, but in a way that would give him as much pleasure as she was experiencing. But that’s not possible because the curse has robbed me of any happiness. That is so, yet I am feeling pleasure like none I’ve ever felt before. Elyse has to be my sex slave, not my essence slave.

  He rammed into her repeatedly and growled, “I am your master who can fuck you whenever he wants to…” His words became lost in a barrage of groans and grunts that wracked his body. Finally, with great effort, he managed to say, “You belong to me, Elyse. Say it!”


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