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The Vampyre's Slave

Page 5

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  Between her own moans and shrieks, she answered, “I belong to you, Master Brenwul. This is so wonderful. Please don’t stop.”

  That was the extent of their conversation. He became lost in the sensuous act of penetrating deep inside her.

  * * * *

  If Brenwul had spoken to her again, she wouldn’t have been able to answer him. She was consumed with an overpowering sense of ecstasy. While, at the same time, he was so strong and forceful that she felt desperate to please him. The woman in the cage had said vampyre sex was mind-blowing, and she was right. Elyse didn’t want Brenwul to ever stop thrusting his cock into her. Although he was only her second sex partner, she felt certain no one could thrill her more. She squirmed with delight and pressed her bottom hard into him. This made him growl and increase his speed.

  Master Brenwul, you’re wonderful, and I want to be your sex slave. If you need my essence, you can take that, too. Oh, you’re driving me crazy with your gorgeous cock. Don’t ever stop, I love what you’re doing.

  Elyse writhed with utter delight as he repeatedly plunged into her. An unknown and consuming sensation was filling her awareness until it erupted into utter bliss. After a moment, she realized he’d caused her to have her very first orgasm. Moments later, he cried out in what sounded like fury, and she felt him empty his fluid into her. I made him reach a climax, so maybe he’ll want me to be his sex slave. I hope so.

  They stayed still for a short while, and then he withdrew, turned her over, and pushed her legs apart. With sheer force, he entered her again and muttered, “You are mine. Say it!”

  “I am yours, Master Brenwul.”

  Once again they moved, moaned, groaned, and shuddered until she climaxed. Soon afterward he did the same and remained on top of her. Elyse kept her eyes closed because she was overwhelmed with happiness.

  After a short while of silence, he ordered, “Open your eyes, slave!”

  She obeyed, and he snapped his thumb and finger close to her face. “You are no longer under my power. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  Elyse felt as though she’d been savagely brought back to reality. She was underneath him, and they were both naked. Oh no, we’ve just had sex and I thoroughly enjoyed it. He made me want him. That is so cruel.

  “Get off me!”

  “Not until you tell me how you feel.”

  “I hate you. Why did you make me be intimate with you? You’re despicable.”

  “That was your punishment. I used my vampyre power to make you love every minute I was inside you, so that you can now feel horrified about what you let me do.” He rolled off her and sat on the edge of the bed.

  She got up, grabbed her clothes, and dressed hurriedly. As she was putting on her shoes, he explained, “And you will be brought here tomorrow night for more punishment. Being friendly with one of my helpers is not allowed.”

  “I’ll refuse to come.” Elyse ran out of the bedroom, biting her bottom lip to hold back the tears. She wouldn’t let the helper see how upset she felt, but once she was locked in her room, she lay down on the bed and sobbed.

  * * * *

  The following day Elyse was plagued with thoughts about Brenwul. She ate her breakfast, but couldn’t tolerate any food for lunch. How could he treat me so diabolically? I had no idea vampyre power would be that strong. He had complete control of me, and I adored him. I wanted him to make love to me forever. Now, I hate him and myself for what we did. If he thinks we’re going to do it again tonight, he’s mistaken. I’ll fight any helper who tries to take me to him.

  Armed with that upbeat thought she managed to read several chapters of the fourth book and ate most of her supper. When the helper came to collect her tray, he didn’t mention anything about Brenwul wanting to see her. So perhaps by saying he’ll send for me it was merely a vampyre threat? She settled herself comfortably on the bed and continued reading until she heard the key in the lock.

  “Master Brenwul wants to see you right now. Come with me.”

  “No, I’m staying here. If you come near me, I’ll kick and punch you.”

  The helper stood in the open doorway for a moment, and then turned away, closed the door and locked it.

  Let’s see how you like that response, Master Brenwul.

  After several minutes, the door was unlocked, and the vampyre came charging into the room. “You’re refusing to come to me when I send for you? That means more punishment.” He took hold of her arm, pulled her off the bed, and threw the book she held onto the floor. “Look at me, Elyse.”

  She closed her eyes and waited. His hands gripped her head and with his thumbs he forced her eyelids to open. “Don’t try to defy me, I am your master. You will come with me. Move now!”

  Why is he being so stern? Of course, I’ll go anywhere with him.

  They walked out of her room and made their way to his bedroom. Once inside, he ordered, “Take off your clothes and wait for me on the bed.”

  She did what he said and watched him undress. His body is strong and virile. I’m so lucky he wants to have sex with me.

  He got onto the bed and positioned himself over her. “Are you ready for me, slave?”

  “Yes, Master Brenwul, please make love to me.”

  His cock plunged into her, and she shuddered. Then he licked her nipples, and she moaned. He makes me feel as though I’m beautiful. I want to always be this close to him. They explored their sensual needs, moving their bodies in unison while uttering sounds of mounting fervor. She climaxed first and was soon followed by him.

  After several minutes, he flipped her over into a kneeling position. “I’m going to take you in a different way, Elyse, and you will like it.” This time, he didn’t thrust, but gently eased his cock into her anus. “We vampyres like to do this. It feels good, yes?”

  “Oh, Master Brenwul, you make me feel so special. You can do whatever you want to me. Please keep me as your sex slave.”

  They continued making love and Elyse thoroughly enjoyed this new experience. Although she knew he was her master, his movement was less demanding and yet more satisfying. Shortly before he reached a climax, he repeated her name, over and over, as he plunged back and forth. This action caused her to feel even happier, and she also climaxed.

  He lifted Elyse over and onto her back and stared into her eyes.

  Why does he look sad? Isn’t he going to order me to do more?

  She dared to ask, “Is everything okay? Have I disappointed you in some way?”

  He shook his head, and then snapped his fingers. “It’s time to face reality, Elyse.”

  Oh no, we’ve had sex again, and it felt so wonderful. When he looks into my eyes, he has complete control of me. I want to hate him, but I don’t think I do. Tears welled up and spilled downward from her eyelids.

  A sound similar to a groan escaped from Brenwul as he wiped her tears with his fingers. “Don’t cry, there will be no more punishment. Get dressed and go back to your room.” He moved away from her and she got off the bed. As she reached for her clothes, he suddenly stood behind Elyse, turned her around, and crushed her to his chest. In an almost inaudible whisper, he said, “Don’t leave, I’m so lonely.”

  All of her negative thoughts about him vanished and were replaced by a strong feeling of compassion. He’s cursed, not evil and I want to help him. “If you need me to stay I will. Just don’t put me under your control.”

  “I won’t ever do that to you again. I was so angry because you and Damian had sex. It made me punish both of you.”

  “I’ve already told you we didn’t do that. Don’t you believe me?”

  “I guess I do now. Let’s get back into bed and I’ll hold you.”

  They lay together, and he covered them with a sheet and comforter. “We’ll sleep, and then you can go to your room in the morning.”

  She wanted to dislike him, but she couldn’t. It felt right to be held this close, and she began to relax. I wish I could do something to break the spell that makes him act so
mean at times. Perhaps one day he’ll meet the person who can end that curse. Yes, I hope that will happen. That thought helped Elyse drift into sleep.

  Chapter Eight

  She awoke to find Brenwul sleeping beside her with his arm around her waist. For a moment, she was confused. Why is he in bed with me? Then she remembered what had happened the previous night and sighed. He opened his eyes and looked at her.

  “You sound unhappy.”

  “I was remembering what we did last night. That’s why I’m unhappy.”

  “I was a beast, and now you hate me.”

  “No, I don’t. You can’t help the way the curse makes you behave.” She attempted to move away from him, but he didn’t release his hold on her.

  “Stay with me a little longer. I want to make love to you again.”

  “Please don’t. That would only make things worse between us.”

  He pulled her underneath him and caressed her face. “I’m your master whose wish you must obey. Let’s see if you enjoy sex with me when you’re not under my control.”

  “I can assure you I wouldn’t like it, so let’s not bother. I should be getting back to my room.” Once again she tried to get away from him, and he stared into her eyes.

  “You don’t want to leave this bed.”

  “No, I don’t because you’re doing that control thing again. I thought you weren’t going to do it.”

  “I won’t when we have sex, but I don’t want you trying to get out of bed. Relax and let me show you vampyre love.” His hands began to trace their way over her breasts, down her stomach, and onto the tops of her thighs. He eased her legs apart and began circling her clit with one finger.

  Oh, that feels so good. I want to give myself to you, and I’m not even under your control. This is crazy, and I mustn’t show how wonderful you’re making me feel. She lay still and tried to appear unmoved by his finger action.

  “My little Elyse, I need to dominate you sexually, and I want you to love what I do, but I will never compel you as I’ve done before.” He entered her, using his strength, but not hurting her.

  She sucked in her lips in order not to say how wonderful he felt inside her. He has to believe I don’t like him, and then maybe he’ll let me leave here. Ooh, I adore what he’s doing, but I mustn’t let him know this. He’s exactly what I’ve always wanted. She squirmed in ecstasy beneath him and afterward hoped he’d interpret her movement as wanting to get free.

  Brenwul stopped thrusting and said, “You don’t like this, so you can go to your room. I don’t want you to accuse me of rape.” He got off her, stood on the carpet, and pulled on his underpants and jeans. In turn, she also moved off the bed and got dressed. As she reached the door, she looked back at him. “Thank you, Brenwul, for not making me enjoy sex with you this morning. I sincerely hope the witch’s curse will one day be broken. You don’t deserve it.” She opened the door and walked out.

  * * * *

  Brenwul sat down on the bed and breathed heavily. He’d taken the chance that she might want him sexually without imposing his power on her. Yet it was obvious from her facial expression that she hated their intimacy. She dislikes me and doesn’t want to be here, but I don’t have the will to send her away. I am a beast, and I want this unhappiness to end. In the past, I’ve tried to abstain from taking essence so that I would become weak and eventually die, but I always gave in to my need. Now, I have an even greater desire for ending the spell. If I die, it will be broken, and Elyse can live her life without my cursed presence. I must be strong and stay in my bedroom until I’m too weak to go looking for essence. Then, after my death, she will be free, but she has no cash. I must rectify that.

  He went to the bedside cabinet, opened the drawer, and took out another book in which he noted his actions with cash disc machines. After tearing out a blank page, he picked up a pen and began writing on it. He instructed that upon his death Elyse would inherit his home and all of his cash. There were no other family members so no one would contest his wishes. She could live here and purchase her own business, whether it’s a restaurant or food store. This will make her happy, and I’ll die knowing I’ve rectified my unkind treatment of her.

  * * * *

  Elyse spent the day reading and feeling grateful to Brenwul. Of course, tomorrow he might be back to behaving in his usual manner, but at least today he’d shown her a kinder side of his character. She was also troubled by the way she’d wanted to respond to intimacy with him. His power over her mind had made it appear that she was willing to enjoy sex with him. Yet, after her experience this morning, she now knew her feelings for him were genuine. She loved the manner in which he made love. He is dominant, and that has awakened a submissive part of me that I didn’t know existed. If only our circumstances were different, we could enjoy a wonderful relationship. Oh well, I might as well be happy right now and not think about the cursed vampyre who’ll be demanding my life-force essence tomorrow or the next day.

  She slept soundly that night, and Brenwul didn’t send for her the following day, or several days after that. By the time a week had passed, Elyse was curious about his lack of presence. When a helper brought her supper tray into the room, she asked if the master had gone somewhere.

  “No, he’s just in one of his moods. Be grateful, it means he doesn’t want your essence.”

  “I don’t understand. He’s in one of his moods?”

  “Yes. Every so often he stays in his bedroom and doesn’t want food or essence until he becomes crazy and charges out of here. Then he heads for town in order to drain someone. I’ve worked for other vampyres, and they don’t behave like him. I think he’s a little wacky.” He went out of the room and locked the door.

  Damian had told her he sometimes behaved like this. Why does he do it? He needs essence to stay alive. Surely he doesn’t want to die? The more she thought about it, the more she became alarmed. If he were dead, he wouldn’t have to deal with the way the curse makes him feel. This could be why he stays in his bedroom until he’s crazy with hunger. And if he managed to remain in there until he was too weak to take anyone’s essence, he would die.

  These thoughts plagued Elyse for the next four days. Each time a different helper brought her food, she asked if the master was still in his bedroom, and each time she was told that he was. On the fifth morning when a helper came to take away her empty breakfast tray, she was informed that he’d reached the wild part of his abstinence from essence and must be ready to head for town.

  “He should eat something, and that might help. Will you take me to the kitchen and I’ll make him some food? I’ve done it before, and he seemed to like what I cooked.”

  “It’s not food that he needs, but if you want to try to appease him, I don’t care. Walk with me to the kitchen.”

  Once there, she told the chef she wanted to cook some soup for the master.

  “Don’t bother. He hasn’t eaten anything in more than a week. He only drinks red wine, which we leave outside the door for him.”

  “I want to try to get him to eat, so I’ll make vegetable soup.”

  The chef shrugged his shoulders, and Elyse gathered various vegetables, chopped them into small chunks, and tossed them into a saucepan with some water. After adding herbs and spices, she dragged a chair close to the stove and occasionally stirred the pan. While waiting for the soup to cook, she listened to the kitchen staff’s conversations. They mostly chatted back and forth about the master’s present behavior. Apparently, this time, he’d stayed longer in his bedroom than ever before, and they were expecting him to burst forth at any hour. Each one assured the others that they would stay well out of his reach when that happened. They didn’t intend being drained dry.

  When the soup was ready, Elyse ladled some of it into a bowl, placed it on a tray, and added a small roll. She told the chef, “I’ll take this to him.”

  “Leave it outside the door. It would be foolish to go into the bedroom when he’s so crazy.”

risk it.” She carried the tray out of the kitchen and approached the helper.

  “Don’t ask me to go with you. I don’t want to be drained. You should have told one of the kitchen staff to take the food to the master.”

  “I doubt they would go. It’s okay, I’ll be careful.” Elyse made her way to Brenwul’s bedroom door. She knocked and heard two growled words.

  “Go away!”

  With her hand on the knob, she opened the door and stepped inside the room. Brenwul was pacing in front of the fire, looking disheveled and distraught. His hair was loose and looked as though it hadn’t been combed in days. He was wearing only his jeans, his feet were bare, and a scowl furrowed his brow as he glared at her.

  “What are you doing here? Leave now!”

  “I’ve brought you some soup that I’ve made. You must be hungry. Try to eat it.”

  He strode over to her, grabbed the tray, and flung it across the room. It bounced off the hearth, and some of the soup sprayed up and into the fire. She heard a sizzling sound.

  “I don’t want your food. Get out of here, you stupid slave, before I drain you.” He backed away from her.

  She dared to walk toward him. “Brenwul, please stop tormenting yourself. You need essence or you’ll die.”

  He snarled, “I want to die. Leave me alone, slave!”

  “This is insane. You’re letting that witch get the better of you. If you consume some essence, you can continue your life and one day I’m sure the curse will be broken.”

  He gripped her shoulders and offered an evil grin. “I’ll take your life-force essence and won’t stop until you’re dead. Is that what you want? Be wise and get out of here now. This is your last chance.”

  Elyse pulled one of his hands down to her chest. “You need essence. Take mine. I’ll give it to you gladly.”


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