His Kiss (Summer in New York Book 2)

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His Kiss (Summer in New York Book 2) Page 10

by Jolyse Barnett

  He was letting her in.

  And she was falling for him. He wasn’t a bad boy after all, just misunderstood.

  “Come back to my place.” His voice was a low growl.

  That, combined with his hands on her hips pulling her against his hard body, had her nodding eagerly. “I’ll get my things.”

  He leaned back and smiled. “I’ll be outside.”

  “Okay. Give me ten.” She ran upstairs to the guest bedroom she was using at the end of the hall. She pulled her Louis Vuitton overnight bag from a shelf in the walk-in closet to drop it onto her bed then stepped into the adjoining bathroom to toss some necessities into a cosmetics bag. Returning to her bedroom with a silly grin on her face, she chose a Valentino blouse and capris along with a few underthings before tucking everything neatly inside the bag. Looking around, she crossed the room to get her purse off the dresser next to the window. That’s when she caught her reflection in the full-length mirror.

  Her smile faded and she groaned.

  Her Dolce and Gabbana sundress couldn’t hide the truth. Age was catching up to her. In spite of her faithful exercise routine each morning and eating in moderation, she still hadn’t managed to lose those extra few pounds gained the past year. She bit her lip, taking another good look at herself in the mirror, struggling to see herself the way Jeremy and her family did. They said she looked terrific. Why couldn’t she see that?

  She slunk back into the bathroom. Avoiding her image in the medicine cabinet mirror, she reached inside and removed the box of pills she’d bought a month ago, the same day she’d tried on swimsuits for the season.

  Crossing her room again, she glanced out the window.

  Jeremy stood next to his beat-up truck, lying back against the hood with his hands cradling the back of his head.

  She leaned closer.

  His eyes were closed as he soaked up the late afternoon sun.

  She glanced down at the unopened package of diet pills in her hand, muttered a curse, and marched back into the bathroom to hide them away. She wouldn’t give in.

  Not today.

  She retrieved the overnight bag off her bed before racing downstairs, locking the front door and sprinting to his truck.

  He joined her in the cab, started the engine and had shifted the car into gear when he turned to her with a curious look. “You’re in a rush.”

  She shrugged. How could she tell him she’d almost given in? She looked out the window as he navigated the circular drive so she didn’t have to face him just yet. “Didn’t want to make you wait.” Why hadn’t she thrown the box in the trash where it belonged?

  “Wasn’t any trouble.” He slowed the truck to a stop. “What’s going on, Elizabeth? You’re not acting like yourself. Having second thoughts?”

  The truck idled softly, with a wheeze now and again.

  She braved a glance at him.

  Sapphire eyes gazed at her, patient.

  She shook her head. “I’m more myself with you than I’ve ever been with anyone, even my family. With you, I’m seeing the kind of life I want to live. Full. Fun. Balanced. I don’t want to lose it.” She fiddled with the handle of her bag. “You’re good for me.”

  He reached out and caressed her cheek briefly with the back of his hand. “How’d I ever get so lucky?”

  She smiled. “My sisters agree. They’ve never known me to move so fast.”

  “You told them?”

  “Well, we kind of tell each other everything. So they know pretty much, uh, everything.”

  That earned her a wide-eyed stare. “They know about last night?”

  She nodded, feeling the heat as it crept up her neck and splashed onto her cheeks.

  He turned his attention back to the road as they began moving again. “But they don’t know I’m an alcoholic.” He scrubbed a hand across that sexy scruff she adored. “Or is that what took you so long upstairs? Had to give them the update?”

  She rolled her eyes. “It’s not like I give them the play-by-play.” She sobered. “But when I do tell them, I’m sure they’ll understand.” They would, right?

  He stared at the road ahead.

  Damn. He was pulling away again. “They’re not going to judge you. If I accept you, they will, too.”

  “They sound nice enough,” he conceded.

  “They are.”

  He looked both ways at the end of the long driveway before pulling out onto the main road. He glanced at her. “Tell me more about your family.”

  She had a feeling that took a lot of effort of his part, asking her to share her life. He was definitely out of practice when it came to sharing about his. She knew little beyond the fact that his entire immediate family lived within a few miles of his current home. “I’m so proud of my baby sisters.” She proceeded to tell him not only all about Tory and Claire but a bit about Michael and her grandparents since he’d already gotten the details on her parents last night. By the time they reached his house and sat in his driveway for a quarter hour, she’d also told him about growing up in the suburbs just north of New York City.

  “Have you ever been to Long Island?” he asked, opening his truck door.

  She nodded. “Love the East End.”

  “I go most summers, third week of August. My whole family does.” He waited for her to join him with her bag. “You in the mood for a little road trip?” He walked with her up the modest walkway and stopped at the front door.

  Oh my god. He was asking her to meet his family. That was a huge step. Hope blossomed. “I’d like that. A lot.”

  He pulled her close, lifting her to plant a big kiss on her willing lips before setting her down again, tender awe in his eyes. “You sure? I mean, I understand if you have other plans or are too busy with the store.”

  She took his hand and pulled him through the entry with a smile. “Third week of August my parents will have returned from their getaway to Alaska. If my manager can’t take charge, I assure you, two former Olympians will be more than capable.”

  He took the bag from her and tossed it on a nearby chair. “That’s settled then.” He grinned. “Race you to the bedroom.”

  She giggled. “You’re on.” She scrambled through the house but lost sight of him when he took a shortcut unknown to her leading to the master bedroom.

  “Beat you,” he breathed, catching her around the waist and rolling with her onto the bed.

  “You cheated.” She laughed. “No fair.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “All’s fair in love and war.”

  “Is this love or war?” She breathed.

  He began to nibble, his hands exploring her eager body. “Well, it’s definitely not war.”

  “No, I agree. Definitely not.” Her heart filled with lightness. Airy and happy, she snuggled close, pushing away doubts about her body. Last night she’d been so focused on him, but tonight, after seeing herself in that mirror, she was self-conscious.

  “I want to show you exactly how I feel. I’m a writer, but some things are much better demonstrated.” He slid his thumbs under the straps of her dress and gently slid them off her shoulders then reached around behind her and slowly, purposefully, slid the zipper down.

  She clutched the front of her dress.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. Shy tonight, I guess.”

  “Darling.” He drawled. “You have nothing to be shy about. You’re beautiful, inside and out.”

  Keeping her eyes on his to give her confidence, she released her grip on the dress and let it slide down her body to pool at her feet.

  His blue eyes swept over her, stealing her breath away with their intensity. “I’m blessed.” He murmured against her hair.

  Her heart sang. She stepped out of her flip flops and sank with him onto his bed, wrapped in satin splendor. “New comforter?”

  “I bought it today. For you.”

  “I love it.”

  He slid her down to the bottom of the bed, letting her legs dangle over the
end. “Me too, baby, me too.” With that, he covered her stomach with his head and began to kiss and lick. Molten lava spread between her legs and she was unable to form a coherent thought as he caressed her sensitive folds, holding her hips steady with his hands grasping her lower thighs. She felt safe and treasured, rather than exposed and self-conscious when he gently spread her legs wide and opened her most secret places for his viewing pleasure. He gazed up at her, his expression far from warring. “So beautiful.”

  She caressed his blond hair as she closed her eyes to the sensations he wrought with his exploring tongue and probing fingers. She climbed, higher and higher, riding on a wave he created with his gentle lapping, his appreciative moans a delicious vibration against her center. She sank further into the satin cocoon as the spiraling tightness built within her core. She wanted release. She would take it, take it all from him and give it back a hundred times over. She clenched his shoulders with needy fingers. “Jeremy.”

  “I’m right here, love.”

  “I want you inside me.”

  “Soon. Be patient, babe. This is about you. All for you.” His fingers probed deeper, wider, fuller, everywhere she never knew she’d wanted but realized now she craved. Then, without warning, a torrent of pleasure overcame her, dragging her under before floating her high above the plane of reality.

  “Oh, Jeremy, I’m coming, I’m coming,” she panted. She clung to him while riding the sea of sensation.

  “I’ll catch you.” He promised. “Look at me.”

  She did as he asked, erupting, his hands and mouth continuing their delicious assault, unlike anything she’d ever experienced—all light and colors and tingling giddiness that gradually settled into rapturous awe. And it was because of him. She trusted him. He cherished her. They understood each other. Could he be the one?

  He was.

  She wanted to tell him, shout it to him, call her family and friends, and announce her revelation to the universe. But she had to wait. He’d been a private man for a very long time, and she needed to be patient.

  His clothes joined hers on the floor, followed by the sound of ripping foil before he turned back to her with a soft growl and a smile. Kissing and nibbling his way back up her length, he pulled up alongside her, seeking her mouth for another mind-blowing tangling of tongues. “Ready for more?” he asked, nipping at her lower lip.

  “Oh, yes.” She was ready for it all.

  He moved over her, rubbing against her slick heat with his hard length.

  She cried out in anticipation of the pleasure to come.

  “You feel so damned good, so hot, so wet.” He slid slowly against her, teasing, promising, until she couldn’t take any more.

  She reached up and grasped his shoulders. “I want you. Inside. Now.”

  He smiled. “Patience, babe. This is all for you. Enjoy.” Blue eyes fixed on her, he sank his full length into her with one smooth, gliding motion.

  Moving to meet his thrusts, she held on with all she had, rocking in ageless rhythm. “C’mon,” she urged, focused, carrying them both on that tidal wave of passion—together this time—riding higher and higher still until she was swept under by the emotion of the moment, and shouted his name. Every inch of her clenched, at the precipice of her body’s ultimate release, from her curling toes to her gripping, kneading fingers drawing him deeper until he melded with her.

  Incredibly he kept up the pace, giving her all she needed and wanted and had ever wished for…while holding on to his control until the exact moment she lost all of hers. Only then did he let go, emptying himself into her with a primal growl and collapsing next to her in the tangle of sheets with a satisfied moan.

  They lay next to each other as their breathing slowly returned to normal. Kissing her on the cheek, he moved to take care of his protection in the connecting bathroom, returning moments later to hold her close.

  This was the part of her life that had been missing. Everything she ever wanted was right her in this bed with her. She rested against his chest and listened to his heartbeat until his breathing was slow and steady. As she closed her eyes, a niggling worry caused a crack in her happiness. Would her family really forgive his past? What would happen when Jeremy learned the truth about them? And what would he think of her when he learned she wasn’t anywhere as healed as she wished?


  The sun warm on his face, Jeremy rolled over and reached out. She slept next to him, her delicate features even more captivating than yesterday. He smiled, leaning up on one elbow to brush back the hair that had fallen over one of her eyes. He kissed the top of her head, careful not to wake her as he slid off the bed and stood next to it.

  His heart swelled as he gazed at her. He could watch Elizabeth sleep like that for hours, but she had work today, and so did he.

  Thirty minutes later, she joined him at the kitchen table, her hair damp from the shower, wearing a pretty outfit and a satisfied grin.

  He tried not to puff out his chest as he handed her a mug of coffee.

  “My hero.” She lifted her drink in salute before taking a sip.

  He stood. “So what will it be? Omelet? Pancakes?”

  She reached for an apple from the basket of fresh fruit he’d placed in the center of the small table. “I’m a pretty light eater in the morning.”

  “C’mon, let me make you something. You burned a lot of energy last night.” He teased, moving behind her to massage her shoulders. She was tenser than he’d expected. “I know I did.”

  “Okay, I’ll have an egg, no yolk. Then I’m good to go.” She took a healthy bite of the apple and smiled as he left her to grab the ingredients from the fridge.

  “One egg, no yolk, coming right up.”

  She took a sip of coffee. “So, what’s on your agenda today?”

  “Plotting. You?”

  “Restocking inventory. Oh, I meant to tell you, those cowbells you suggested are selling like gangbusters. Thanks so much for the tip.”

  “You’re very welcome.” He slid cooked egg whites on a plate.

  “You want to get together tonight?” she asked casually. “I’m a mean griller.”

  He didn’t hesitate. “I’ll bring the salads.” He moved to the table, setting the plate and a fork in front of her. “Ketchup?’

  She glanced up at him with a puzzled expression. “Why?”

  “Never mind.” He smiled before taking a sip from his second cup of coffee, his mind drifting off to his next story as she ate her naked egg whites. He would work hard all day then spend the night as his reward. Far more appealing a proposition than eating dinner alone. The summer was shaping up to be a winner, as long as the change of season didn’t bring with it her change of heart.

  Chapter Eleven


  Later that day, Jeremy’s mother handed him a tall glass of iced coffee in his childhood home’s sunny kitchen. “Are you sure everything’s okay?” She glanced over a slender shoulder as she walked with him to the cozy den. “And what’s this I hear from Jade about you inviting us to dinner Sunday?”

  He nodded, ignoring her first question. “That’s right, Mom. You’re all invited to my place.” He let that sink in before dropping the bomb. “And I’m cooking.”

  “Well, if you say so, dear.” Her face pensive, she sank onto one of the two overstuffed chairs facing the wide bay window overlooking the front yard.

  He patted her hand and sat in the other chair. “Don’t worry, Mom. It’s all good.” He took a refreshing gulp of cold caffeine. “I’ve got a special meal planned for the ten of us that will rival Thanksgiving.”

  “Your father and I are looking forward to it. We know this is a big step.” She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say more but took a sip her drink instead before turning her gaze to the window.

  He looked at the pretty pink and purple flowers in full bloom that lined the front walkway and circled the large oak tree at the end of the yard near the road. The flowers his mother and sister had planted together i
n the spring, the ones they’d invited him to help plant. He’d refused, using his writing as an excuse to pass on being involved in the garden project. Why? He enjoyed the outdoors, the feel of the soft, warm earth between his fingers, the scent of flowers in full bloom.

  A missed opportunity.

  He glanced at his mother. Gabriella Engel could be a bit overbearing. Hell, for years she had been a downright a pain in his ass, but she’d always meant well. She was his mom and he loved her. And ever since that Christmas two years ago when he set her straight about taking responsibility for his addiction, she’d stopped fussing over him like he was made of heirloom china. Soon after, Jade had defied her mother’s wishes by announcing she was in love with Ben and planned to marry him. That had taken the rest of the wind out of Gigi’s protective sails and she’d become a far more likable woman to everyone.

  Amazing how worry could affect a person’s personality.

  He shifted in his chair and took another deep swallow of his drink. He understood worry all too well, so preoccupied with the danger of slipping back into addiction that he’d effectively pushed all but a handful of people out of his life and become a virtual stranger to the remaining few.

  Until Elizabeth.

  To think, the woman he’d met on a beach was the reason for the one-eighty his attitude had taken the past week. When Elizabeth talked about her family, the love she felt for them shone through. She bragged about her younger siblings’ accomplishments like a proud older sister, expressed sincere gratitude for her parents’ support, and viewed her grandparents as a loving second set of parents. The closeness she had with her family had made him stop and rethink his choices when it came to his.


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