Who is Erebus: Bad Boy meets Good Girl romance (Bad Boys & Good Men Book 4)

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Who is Erebus: Bad Boy meets Good Girl romance (Bad Boys & Good Men Book 4) Page 6

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  Her legs tried to wrap around him pulling him to her. Still fully dressed in his own soft leather suit, he bargained that there was no harm in grinding against her, bringing her to whatever climax as long as he abided by Derek’s rules.

  He felt Kitty getting closer, her eyes softened and breath quickened. She cried out his name over and over again.

  “Erebus, enough,” commanded Derek from the bed. Erebus realized they had finished and Jade was thoroughly enjoying the performance on the floor.

  With great pain, he stopped mid grind and sat back on the floor. Kitty appeared hurt and dazed. One moment she was about to come and the next she had three people watching.

  “Kitty, come meet Jade,” Derek commanded. Kitty looked to Erebus for permission. “No, don’t look at the dog – he does what I say – come to the bed and meet Jade.”

  A rush of sympathy came over Erebus as he saw the the idea of playing kitty to a couple was different than living it.

  Jade made her feel welcome on the bed, making room for her to lie between the lovers, stroking her leg with those soft strokes he knew so well. Only he saw the pain on Jade’s face as Derek took Kitty in his arms, kissing her, plunging his tongue deep inside her mouth. Jade would never have seen Derek kiss another woman with such passion. Perhaps the thought of arranging this gift was easier than living it. Erebus felt her pain, while Derek as usual, didn’t have a clue.

  To her credit, Jade hid her feelings well, and while her lover found his own pleasure in the young woman’s body, Jade ploughed her fingers to open the girl like a peach for her lover. Her other hand wrapped around Derek, encouraging a second performance that Erebus knew wouldn’t happen. Serendipity as Kitty shuddered under Jade’s touch.

  Erebus swallowed the vomit that threatened to spoil the evening. Damn it, tonight proved one thing. He didn’t want to be Erebus anymore. He wanted to live in an old white house, have a couple of real dogs in the back yard and share a board games cupboard with Felicity.


  Kitty grabbed a sheet and tucked it around her, not knowing what to do. Derek lay back on the bed, arms crossed behind his head, pleased with his efforts. Jade seemed thankful her gift to him had been well received and Kitty hadn’t begged off with stage fright. And Erebus, still sitting on the floor watching them. If it hadn’t been for him, well, at one point she almost backed out of the whole arrangement.

  Then Erebus looked at her as if she was a person not an object or a set of boobs. He made her feel comfortable, safe and allowed her to set the pace until Derek stepped in.

  “You two can go to bed now. We might play again tomorrow morning so don’t go anywhere.” Derek commanded, and Kitty followed Erebus to the spare room.

  “What was that all about?” she needed some sort of explanation.

  “Shh,” he placed his fingers over her mouth, “They can still hear us and I don’t know if there are cameras in here.”

  “So, what do we do, now?” Looking around, any spec of dust could be a camera watching her. Embarrassed and confused, she wanted to run away and hide. Desperately needed some sign from him that he didn’t judge her for what happened, especially when she wanted to but they didn’t …

  “Go on sweetheart,” he nodded to the bathroom, “Have a shower. I assume you bought a change of clothes?” Her turn to nod. “Good, shower, get changed and try and get some sleep. They may wake us or not, but get sleep while you can.”

  “What about you?” Kitty knew how hard he had been against her. Even though the moment had passed, he was the only one left unsatisfied.

  “I’ll have a cold shower when you’re finished,” he laughed and hugged her – like a brother not a lover. “It’s fine. It’s my job and what they pay me for. He might call me in to keep Jade entertained while he waits for his second wind, but don’t worry about me.”

  “I could help,” she tried to caress him before he pushed her hand away.

  “Kitty, we’re paid to do a job and I need to be ready for whatever he wants me to do. So as much as I would love to enjoy every inch of you, I can’t.”

  “What about later?” She wanted a connection, she wanted this, her, to mean something to him.

  “Kitty, are you sure you are up for this? You have to know it’s tough separating your emotions and feelings from your body.”

  She bit her lip, unable to answer, not without angry tears giving her away. Leaving him for the shower she waited until the water and tears united.


  Damn and fuck, he thought. Wherever she got this stupid idea from, she was emotionally too young and innocent for this sort of thing. Just because she had the body of a sex goddess, there was no way that young girl could withstand whatever games Jade and Derek tried to play with her. One intense kissing session with him and she was already wanting to play happy couples. What about when Derek scheduled dedicated play time to her!

  He needed to snap her out of any romantic fantasy. Make her realize this could only ever be about the money – sure get as much pleasure out of it as she wanted. But falling for any one of the three of them would be a disaster.

  Fuck. How could he be thinking about protecting Kitty when he failed to protect his own heart and separate his thoughts from Felicity.

  Dear sweet Felicity who could never understand how being faithful to her meant charging Derek on top of his already ludicrous fee for the guarantee of not fucking Jade.

  “Mate, one day it might happen,” he said when Derek was setting up tonight’s playtime.

  “What will it take for it to never happen.”

  “She might beg, offer me extra. You see how much she wants me. Your woman is a sexy creature. What happens if one day I can’t stop or if she offers so much cash that I can’t possibly refuse?”

  “Again, how much? Name your price for the guarantee that as long as you live, whether Jade and I are together or not, you will never fuck her.”

  Erebus made up an amount. Derek didn’t blink before transferring it to his account. “One of these days you should tell her.”

  “What,” the older man scowled.

  “That you love her.”

  Tonight, would Felicity be proud of him for resisting the charms of another woman or judge him for being in the room as party entertainment? He had trained himself to distance his body from his heart. His body was the commodity that earnt the cash he needed. His heart had been stolen by a woman who showed him a house.

  Felicity, he moaned. He had fallen for a woman and knew his days renting out his body were numbered.

  “Psst, Erebus, are you awake?” Jade woke him before dawn.

  “Yeah, do you need me out there?” He looked over to the sleeping girl under the covers. He slept on top, no chance of anything accidentally happening in his sleep.

  “I thought we should talk.”

  They went into the kitchen. The empty bed, stripped of sheets, showed no sign of Derek.

  “He’s gone for a run, or so he said.” He noticed the resigned shrug. No matter what Jade offered, there would always be a wife and kids to contend with.

  “What did you want to talk about?” Perhaps this could be his new role, to listen to Jade not talk herself out of the relationship. He did care about her – most of the time.

  “I don’t know,” she struggled, “How was last night for you? When I got Kitty, I thought she would be for you as much as for Derek. Now, I don’t know anything.”

  “We had fun. You could tell she started off nervous, but she’ll get the hang of it. You made it easy for her to be comfortable.”

  “Erebus,” Jade tried to touch him and he backed away, not wanting to meet her eyes.



  “You’re playing a dangerous game. You could lose everything.”

  The avalanche of tears started, “What if I already have?” He held Jade as she cried, it was all he could do at least for her.

  Moment of Truth

  Erebus couldn’t
wait to return to his house, and to Felicity who he hoped would be his woman.

  The last month had been non-stop work and finally he was in a position to walk away from it all, find a local job and put down roots in the town. Most of his money came from auctioning off and handing over his client list. One by one he matched his high maintenance and high value clients with their perfect new “toy”.

  Ready to settle down and be a one-woman man. If she still wanted him.

  The question that burned late at night, keeping him from sleep was honesty. So many times she had told him she could accept anything as long as he was honest. It was the one feature she demanded in a man.

  Through screens of texts and hours of phone calls, their bond was stronger than ever. Now, he was as turned on by the essence of her as he craved her soft, sweet body. In his darkest hours, he missed the lavender scent that would forever remind him of Felicity. Her light, grey blue eyes, the hair so glossy and free. The sense of the girl who was her own person and not defined by fashion or the corporate jungle.

  Felicity. Simply Felicity. No lies and no pretense.

  That was all him.

  He was the lie, still living a lie. Well, with her he hadn’t been living a lie – but from the moment he didn’t tell her everything about himself, in effect he lied.

  The mirror almost cracked as he practiced how to tell her.

  “Felicity, there is something you need to know about me. I watch other people have sex for money.” No, how about …

  “Felicity, people sometimes have problems in the bedroom, this is how I help.” Even worse.

  “Felicity, I stuffed up my career and ended up in a mountain of debt – got my parents into debt. The only way I could make money was through my body.”

  He was fucked.

  He needed to spend more time together, trust that she loved him beyond all doubt before he took the biggest risk. When his last trade went wrong, he lost his career. Now, if being honest with Felicity went wrong, he feared he would lose his love and his new chance at life.

  The second hand ute he picked up was travelling well. Only a thousand dollars, it didn’t look pretty but it was all he could afford and exactly what he needed now. Driving on the bumpy, country roads, he heard the tools jumping around in the back. Each one a deliberate choice, second hand from online or garage sales. He didn’t expect the bonus advice when he picked up the equipment. He now had a much better idea of how much of the work he could do himself – and which trades not to skimp on.

  As every mile passed, he drew closer to Felicity and home, torn between surprising her with more flowers or whether to call her first and let her know he was on his way.

  “Hey, you,” the excitement of surprising her couldn’t compete with his need to hear her voice.

  “Hey, yourself. How soon will you be here?”

  “I’m about half an hour away, are you almost finished work?”

  “Oh, didn’t I tell you – I took the day off. I’ll meet you at the house?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “Don’t bother picking up any food, I have it sorted.”

  “It isn’t your food I’m looking forward to,” did he push too far? For a month their relationship had been phone calls and text. Did she still want him as much as he needed her?

  “Oh, you, stop it!” her laughing only ceased when the call disconnected. He imagined the soft blush that would have crept across her cheeks.

  He pressed down on the accelerator, in equal measures, he wanted to crush her and yet protect her.


  Felicity finished the last touches to the bedroom. She never met a man like E – then again, she didn’t even know his real name! At first, calling him “E” seemed mysterious. After they made love it seemed strange to ask. Now she was a giddy school girl, head over heels in love with a man that she was only getting to know through his texts and calls. As soon as settlement for the house came through, she organized the keys and cleaners to make everything perfect for when he arrived. The previous owners removed all furnishings. She didn’t want E arriving to an empty and lonely shell of a house. She wanted him to feel at home so he’d never want to leave.

  She wanted a relationship, and for the last month she dreamed of the white picket fence – and was prepared to paint it herself. She wanted babies and family.

  She wanted him.

  Their first night together in the house needed to be special, and for that they needed more than a mattress thrown on the floor. She hunted through the recycling depot for old pallets and built a bed but until she finished the assembly, she didn’t realize how large it was. Which meant she had to go king size mattress shopping for the bed she hoped to christen with E. Then shopping for linen - what sheets would he want. In the end, she ordered the softest white cotton that suited the house and offset the construction look of the bedroom. After buying the pallets, she found an old wooden wardrobe, set of drawers and a fabric covered settee that was perfect by the window. She imagined them sitting in the winter sun, drinking tea before returning to bed.

  Oh, she had it bad. He was a gentleman, hard working and honest. She knew everything about him other than his name – and really, that didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was the phone call and that after weeks of waiting to see him again, E called, was on his way home to her and their new bed was waiting for them.


  He barely cut the car engine before racing towards his front door. Felicity greeted him on the porch and as their lips met, he wondered how he survived the month without her.

  “I’ve wanted to do this since the moment I left,” he murmured in between kisses as he picked her up in his arms and carried her inside. His footsteps echoed on the empty floor boards and he wished he thought to arrange furniture, at least a couch for him to place her on.

  “There’s a surprise for you in the bedroom,” she smiled at him. So sweet, so innocent yet she had a flirtatious twinkle in her eyes that he knew spelt trouble, in a good way.

  “Then to the bedroom we will go,” cushioning her head as he carried her through doorways, up the stairs until he stopped, mesmerized at the main bedroom.

  White sheer curtains blowing in the breeze through the open window. A massive bed in the middle of the room, white sheets and pillows.

  “Perfect, you are perfect.”

  “I hope you will remember to thank me,” the kisses on his neck reached every part of him.

  “How about I keep trying until you feel properly thanked,” he carefully lay her down and his hands admired the soft folds of her floral dress. He removed each sandal, holding her ankle while releasing the strap. Kissing her toes as he carefully placed the shoe on the floor.

  For the first time, he didn’t know where to begin. Every part craved her, wanting to enter and reclaim her as his own. Every part of him wanted her to call to him, demand him.

  She lay, stretched out expectantly, waiting for him with her shy smile.

  “Well?” she asked.

  “Well, what.”

  “When are you going to start thanking me – after all when was the last time a woman made you a real bed?”

  His heart caught – many women offered him their bed – no woman had offered him his own.

  “There has never and will never be a woman like you, not for me.” His decision made, this woman deserved to be loved in every way, starting slowly and building until he found her boundaries. If it took the rest of his life, he would be patient and kind and anything else she wanted.

  The kisses started on her neck as she allowed him free access.

  “You don’t need these,” as he removed the buttons on the top of the dress and his hand found the soft breasts encased in the nude cloth bra.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned as his fingertips found her soft peaks before she claimed his mouth with her own, her hunger as real as his.

  Lying beside her, he remained torn at either taking his time and unwrapping her slowly and surely, or givin
g into the animal urges. Again, she set the pace by sitting up and removing her dress and bra. His shorts and shirt quickly joined her clothes on the floor.

  “I don’t want to wait any more,” she whispered shyly, pulling him to her. His hands found their way beneath her panties, preparing her, loving her. “Oh, please, now, please,” she cried again as he threw all caution to the wind and he knew he found his home. Here with her.


  Tonight, a new woman was born. She became an animal – his animal. Within minutes of his arrival, he obeyed her command and took her upstairs to be … this was not normal love making. No foreplay or conversation. All she wanted was this feeling of him inside her, giving into every muscle and every thrust. She couldn’t spread her legs wide enough for him, or claim him deeply enough inside.

  As he bought her to a peak, she lost control of all senses and screamed, scratching his back as the tremors claimed her body. She never felt like this before.

  Then he joined her with his own climax and she clung him to her as he shuddered into her arms.

  “Thank you,” he whispered, rolling to the side.

  “You think that’s thanks enough,” she panted. “It took a lot of work to make this bed!”

  “How about we say hello first, and I can thank you again later.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  She felt guilty as he touched the marks from her nails. Never had she lost control like that, and she didn’t what to say.

  He smiled as he traced each red line. None had broken the skin but all would leave bruises.

  “Sorry, I don’t know what happened to me,” she leant over and kissing each mark.

  “Felicity, it’s okay.”

  “No, it isn’t, I’ve never – I mean, I’m not like that.”


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