Who is Erebus: Bad Boy meets Good Girl romance (Bad Boys & Good Men Book 4)

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Who is Erebus: Bad Boy meets Good Girl romance (Bad Boys & Good Men Book 4) Page 8

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  “You scrub up ...” he started, “Well, normal.”

  “Derek, you see one side of me. You pay for that side and only that side. Now, you wanted us to meet?”

  “I wanted to talk to you about Jade. Ever since she introduced me to Kitty, she’s been off.”

  “In what way,” First Jade and now Derek. Erebus decided if his work extended to relationship counselling, he wanted double.

  “It was her idea to push Kitty towards me, but whenever I’m with her, Jade withdraws into herself.”

  “Mate, Jade’s your woman. I do what you pay me to do and that’s it.”

  “Erebus, I need you to tell me - am I losing Jade because of Kitty?”

  “I assume that you and Jade still spend time together without entertainment.” Derek shrugged, “Well if the only time you are together you have,” he tried to find the right words to say in a crowded café, “Friends, then perhaps what you have is no longer two people who care about being together and more about the thrill of being naughty, of the excitement.”

  “I’ve seen the way she looks at you,” Derek’s jealousy simmered to the surface. Erebus remained silent. He needed to give Derek the space to say whatever, and then they could move on.

  “I couldn’t help notice the way she looked at you when you were on the floor all over Kitty,” Derek continued.

  “I hope that it pleased you both,” Erebus acknowledged.

  “At the unit, the way you are dressed here, you obviously have a lot to offer a woman.”

  Erebus allowed the silence to build. He didn’t have time or the energy to referee between a jealous couple. After the mess he’d made of his own life, he was in no position to judge or play match-maker.

  Eventually, Derek broke, “You’re the only one who has seen us together, I’m asking for your take on things. Man to man.”

  The control had shifted. The “master” needed him. What would Felicity want him to do.

  Honesty. Integrity. Respect. His new code to live up to her expectations.

  “Derek,” he leaned in conspiratorially, “You pay me to do a job, and I think we’ve both done well out of the arrangement. You want some guy to keep your young lady entertained when you need a break. I walk away with the cash.”

  Erebus waited until Derek nodded, “Jade knows my place and even more importantly, she is true to her heart.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean.”

  “Every time you leave her for your wife and kids, she’s alone in that unit, lost and hurt,” the older man bristled. “Don’t get me wrong,” Erebus continued before Derek could interrupt, “Jade’s a smart girl and understands. But knowing your man loves another woman isn’t the same as waiting in a lonely room while he is off playing happy families.” Again, Erebus waited until Derek caught up and nodded.

  “Kitty was Jade’s way of proving to you that she isn’t hurting. But the more attention you pay Kitty, the more Jade is hurting because now she’s sharing you with two other women - and one of them is in her bed.”

  The lightbulb moment. In an instant Derek’s bitterness and jealousy disappeared. “Oh, I hadn’t even thought of it like that,” Derek shook his head in astonishment. “I thought I had to be with Kitty or I’d hurt Jade’s feelings.”

  More silence before Derek looked around to make sure they couldn’t be overheard. “I need you to take care of Kitty.”

  “Mate, that was never our arrangement.”

  “I love Jade, really I do. I can’t leave my wife, but I can leave Kitty.”

  “I’m not part of the arrangement with Kitty - Jade found her and set it up direct.”

  “I know, which is why the only way it will work is if you take care of Kitty.”

  “In what way,” details first then he could negotiate his way out of the whole business.

  “The only way I think this will work is for you and Kitty to start heating things up. Make her fall for you and refuse to play with me any more.”

  “You want me to seduce Kitty and make her leave the ‘family’.”


  “She’s a fucking awesome girl. Sexy as anything. Are you sure you want to send her away.”

  “I’m not going to risk losing Jade.”

  The tense shoulders, clenched fists, light film of perspiration over his face. Erebus made his living from reading people and Derek read desperation. The man who appeared to have everything knew he was holding on by a thread. With every kiss and each night Kitty joined them, Jade slipped further away which explained her offer for Erebus to move in. It took a lot for Derek to ask him here - showing a sign of weakness to a man up until now was paid to obey.

  “It’ll cost you.”


  Erebus made some quick calculations. One more night playing his role could set him up for the next year. Twelve months of working on his house - possibly work with some friends and buy another place to flip.

  He wrote down a figure on a napkin, turned it over and pushed it towards Derek.

  The only tell was the deep swallow. He priced himself high, but not out of the market.

  “For one night?”

  “Consider it the cost for the rest of your life. I seduce Kitty, play the jealous boyfriend and encourage her to walk away from you. She becomes the jealous girlfriend and makes me leave as well. You and Jade go back to being the two of you and you can go on and be whatever you want. Jade is none the wiser and you can woo her all over again with a fresh start.”

  “How do I trust you won’t come back for more cash.”

  Erebus laughed and leaned back in his seat. Derek would pay up, he just needed to trust the situation would be over.

  “Derek, after all this time, you can trust that I play by the rules. You hand over the money now, I do my job and walk away.”

  “How long to set it up?”

  “What are you doing this weekend? If we start Friday night, I can have both of us out of your life by Sunday.”

  “Make it by Saturday night. I’ll transfer the cash tonight.”

  Erebus left without shaking hands, without finishing his drink.

  He didn’t see that coming. The relief that he would be walking away from his final client was tinged with concern about Kitty.

  Each of her kisses had been real, not staged and not for show. With the little attention he had shown her, she was already infatuated. The easiest way to survive Friday and Saturday would be to amp it up, fuck her and forbid her from screwing around on him with Derek.


  He needed to find a better way of getting her away from Derek and his games without hurting her. She deserved that much.

  “Kitty? Erebus.” If he played this right, it would be her last payday, too.

  “Hi, I can’t talk right now.”

  “Kitty, listen to me – you’ll be invited to a party this weekend. Do you understand.” He heard girls giggling in the background.

  “Yeah, I should be free.”

  “Kitty - listen to me - ask for triple. Okay.”


  “Do you understand - I will look after you but ask for triple. Say you got car troubles and need the cash or something.”

  A pause. He couldn’t explain things any clearer, before she said, “Okay, see you then.”

  The last performance, his last time before walking away from the lifestyle that had been his financial salvation but cost him love.

  At least he could try and ensure everyone ended up okay, including Kitty.


  “Sweetheart, are you okay?”

  “Yes, daddy, I’m going to a weekend party.” Little did he suspect the sort of clothes stuffed in her bag, she thought.

  “Anyone we know?” Her mother called from the other room.

  “Not yet.”

  “Can you be home on Sunday night, we’re having some business people over for dinner.”

  “Sure, daddy.” Kitty read the invitation list on her mother’s dresser.
The name was near the top of the VIP group. Tears stung as she realized everything was coming to a head, but it was too late to back out now even if she wanted.

  She decided to make her bed months ago, now it was time to lie in it.


  Erebus let himself into the unit to start preparing for his last time. The money was cleared, in his account and more than enough to finish the renovations.

  The latex suit, the straps would soon be unnecessary. Should he leave them for their next plaything or take them with him to burn in his fireplace, a ceremonial end to one part of his life.

  Jade let herself in with Kitty who came to his room.

  “Give us a sec,” he kissed Jade, “I want to make sure she’s ready for you.”

  “If you weren’t so sweet, you’d be dangerous,” Jade fondled him. “Don’t take it too far without me.”

  “I never do.” Tonight would work out for Jade, too. Afterwards she and Derek could come to whatever twisted arrangement would work for them.

  Kitty held her costume away from her, as if she was scared to put it on.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” an obvious lie. His call shook her up and she was more nervous than usual.

  “Shhh, listen to me,” he patted the bed for her to sit. When she snuggled against him, his arm tightened around her to stop the trembles. Poor girl. Why the hell had she put herself in this position.

  “What’s going on? When Derek called, I did what you said and he paid - he paid everything I asked.”

  “Kitty, I need you to listen to me and not react.”


  “Tonight is going to be about you and me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Derek wants to break it off with us without Jade knowing. The plan is, well he wants me to seduce you, and then act like the jealous boyfriend so you’ll cut things off with them.”

  “Oh,” she looked up at him with those innocent eyes, full of hope and the adoration he only wanted from one woman. “I’m ready to be seduced,” he backed away as she leaned in to kiss him.

  “No, please don’t be like that.” Fuck, he was saying this all wrong, “I do care for you - but not in that way.”

  “So, what’s the problem?”

  “I didn’t want to lie to you, fuck you, lead you on and make you think the argument was real, only to dump you. He wants us out of his life and for it to be our idea.”

  “But, Erebus,” his body instinctively responded as she stroked his chest, “What if I do want you to fuck me, what if all this time the one person I wanted to be with is the only one I haven’t.”

  She wasn’t listening, and if she kept stroking him that way, he’d stop listening, too. Standing up, he needed to make her understand.

  “Kitty, listen to me. It’s not going to happen. Is the money in your account?” She nodded. “Then I need you to play your part. I’ll work with you, I promise we’ll get all hot and heavy. Whatever you want to do, go for it but when I nibble your ear, I need you to break away from me and go towards Derek. I’ll be the jealous boyfriend and then you stage the argument about me and Jade. You storm out, I’ll stay a moment to dress before telling them I can’t do it any more, that I love you and then I follow you out the door.”

  “What do you mean it will be over - and why don’t you want me?” Stupid, sweet girl. Of course she thought the whole night was about her. Couldn’t she see the risk he was taking by trying to protect her?

  “Oh, Kitty, it’s complicated. We don’t have much time to keep explaining. All of this” he waved his arm, “is over - I’m looking for a way that you won’t be hurt by whatever happens.”

  “You really don’t like me?”

  “Sweetheart, I like you a lot, but not in that way. You deserve better than what Derek can offer you.”

  “Okay,” finally she understood.

  “Trust me?”

  She looked so young when she nodded. Without the outfit and the make up, Kitty looked all of her nineteen years. A woman’s body and a girl’s fragile heart. Exactly his type in another place and another time - and if he’d never met Felicity.

  Now, he wanted to be the person Felicity would respect.

  “Erebus, here boy. Kitty, come out and greet master.”

  Trembling, Kitty looked at Erebus for support, “I don’t think I can do this.”

  He squeezed her hand, “Follow my lead and I promise you, everything will be okay.”

  Still, she didn’t move. “That’s not what I meant, I don’t know whether I can stop if we are …”

  “Kitty, you deserve a better life than this.” Seemed to be the story of his life now - telling women they deserved better, at least better than him.

  “Erebus!” Jade’s voice rose with her anxiety. Each night she seemed more skittish than before.

  He padded out to the room, received the pat from Derek and nuzzled against Jade. Tonight, her body was wrapped in a short bodycon dress that showed off every curve. A gorgeous woman and trying too hard to please her lover and make sure he didn’t forget her because of his new toy. Ending everything would work out right for her as well.

  His kisses started at her ankles and moved slowly up to her inner thighs. Right on cue, Derek grabbed Kitty, tearing off her outfit, releasing those large breasts to the room.

  “Jade, don’t you want to spend time with your Kitty?” Derek called out, cupping Kitty’s breasts from behind. Erebus caught the brief look of resignation on Jade’s face while at the same time Kitty looked to him for reassurance.

  The girls lay on the bed, Jade’s dark hair intermingled with Kitty’s blonde waves. Erebus needed one last confirmation from Derek that the plan was still the plan. A slight nod.

  Erebus pulled off his mask, tonight he wanted to be a man not a man-dog. He pushed Jade off Kitty and ran his hands all over her body. Damn, he was rock hard. His heart and soul belonged to Felicity, but right now his cock belonged to Kitty.

  Kitty seemed determined to make the most of her opportunity with him, spreading her legs and massaging him through his suit. He had to make this seem real, so he started kissing her, angrily, passionately kissing her as if she was the last woman on earth.

  “Mmmmmm,” she moaned under his touch. Fuck she was hot. Any moment now Derek would be telling him to remove his clothes and fuck her.

  Erebus released her mouth and started nibbling her ear, “Now. Do it now.”

  “I don’t want to,” her strokes were harder. Damn it, she wanted him to fuck her.

  “Do it now,” nibbling her ear in between her breasts.

  “Oh, Erebus, fuck me, fuck me now!” she called out.

  The wicked eyes, the same eyes that watched him while she lay under Derek were now his and his alone.

  The easy choice was to go through with it - no one would ever find out. Felicity would never guess and in any case she walked out of his life.

  In the moments before he lost the chance to change his mind, he realized, this wasn’t about Felicity, or Kitty, more about being the man he wanted to be again.

  To Kitty’s ears, he whispered, “If you want a future with me, then do what we agreed and ask Derek to join the action.”

  He went back to her breasts as she rolled him off and looked to Derek, “Don’t you want to join in? I’m feeling so hot tonight. Can’t I have both my men at the same time?”

  Erebus watched for Jade’s reaction as Derek lay down on the otherside of Kitty and put his hand between her legs and smothered his face in her breasts. Jade had nothing to do now other than watch another woman be devoured by the two men who were once everything to her.

  “Oh, Erebus,” Kitty called out as Derek’s fingers entered her. Show time.

  “I’m here,” he pushed Derek away and started kissing Kitty again.

  “Oh, Erebus, fuck me. Only you. I only want you. Give it to me now.”

  “That’s not the deal.” Derek’s voice from the end of the bed, moving her legs apart and
about to go down on her.

  “Mate, the lady has spoken, she only wants me.” He pushed Derek off the bed.

  “Later, I want my turn first.” Erebus saw the joy in Derek’s eyes as he also landed on the floor. Fine, as he took a swing, they should both yell and punch it out of their system.

  “She wants me.”

  “She’ll do what she’s told.”

  Derek moved out of reach, not willing to take him on physically. They continued yelling at each other. Erebus noticed it was all about Derek and power - he never once said he wanted Kitty. Something he hoped Jade would remember later.

  Time to end this charade.

  “Then let me fuck Jade.” Derek stopped mid sentence.

  “You bastard.”

  “What! You don’t want me to fuck your woman? What is it, love?” he sneered.

  Turning to Kitty who was now sitting on the bed, pulling a blanket around her naked body. “Kitty - I can’t do this anymore - you fuck him and then you can get the fuck out of my life. Your choice. But you should wake up and realize that if he won’t let me fuck Jade, he’s never going to choose you over her.” He looked to Jade who didn’t know how play time had ended up this way, “Ever.”

  He was so convincing that he didn’t know if she believed him or was still going with the plan.

  “Erebus, down on the floor. Now!”

  “No. If you are going to fuck Kitty, you’re going to let me have a go with Jade.”

  “No - I don’t want you to - I don’t want Derek to touch me - I only want you!” Cue the tears and outrage, Kitty jumped off the bed, ran to the bedroom to return with her jacket on and her clothes in her arms. The front door slammed behind her.

  “Erebus - you ruined everything!” Jade cried.

  “Then kiss me, kiss me as if I’m the only man for you! Let me throw you down and show you what you’ve been missing.” He knew she had wanted him for months. Now was the chance for her to make her choice or at least make Derek pay.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not.”

  “I can’t.”

  “There’s only the three of us - no secrets Jade. Why don’t you want to fuck me.”


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