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Clash Page 8

by Sfetsos, Yolanda

  Ace knew exactly what she was getting at—Colt’s aversion to killing. He’d been forced to kill several times back in Harrow, but wasn’t a natural. The cowboy depended on his tranquilizer gun too much, and given a choice inside the arena, he’d probably try to save as many people as he could.

  “Of course.” Colt avoided her eyes. “Besides, it looks like you’ve got everything under control. We just need to spread out, do our thing then meet up so we can get out before everything’s torched.”

  Ace nodded, suddenly feeling the buzz of excitement flow within him. He hadn’t mentioned it to anyone yet, but as soon as they were done with the arena he was going to stop by the bar to convince Ely to run away with him. He wanted to leave everything behind and be swept away by their attraction. If she refused him, he wasn’t sure how the feral side would react.

  “Okay then, gentlemen, I believe we’ve got a party to crash.” Brynn finished braiding the other side of her hair and gave Colt a kiss on the mouth. “Be careful, Marshall.”

  Colt squeezed her ass, which was wrapped in leather pants, and whispered, “You do the same. Don’t do anything stupid.”

  She nodded, made her way toward Ace and squeezed his hand as she leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Let’s go, cowboy. It’s you and me now.”

  Ace nodded at Colt, who did the same. No threatening look of possessiveness this time, he noted. When people united and walked into matters of life and death, it altered them in a way. Even if most of them came out of this alive at the end of the surprise attack, some would die. With bombs exploding inside what was essentially an underground stadium, spectators, fighters and employees alike were at risk.

  “Before I get into Jenks’s ship and pretend to be the bastard, just remember, their entire computer system will malfunction except for the cameras streaming the arena fights. It’s important they keep rolling until the place burns out. That way everyone can watch the end as well.” Colt turned away and walked out of the room.

  As much as he wanted to do this, Ace suddenly realized that with all the commotion and explosions, maybe they wouldn’t make it out alive either.

  Ely collapsed onto the plush leather seat situated behind the plate glass windows, which doubled as a one-way mirror, at the top of the underground arena now buzzing with activity. Her feet hurt in the booted heels she’d donned for tonight’s event. Looking like a dominatrix was part of her job, but she wished she could pull off the boots and have someone massage her feet.

  She closed her eyes, trying to picture Ace massaging them. He’d start with her toes, move on to the middle and then the base of her foot, before his hands ran up her calves. A sigh escaped her, but she opened her eyes as soon as the words Jenks always said to her filtered into her brain—“You have to look good enough to eat.”

  He always wanted her to look threatening, but softened enough to look sexy. Jenks loved to see men watch her as if she were an appetizer only he could taste. Well, he could kid himself and believe he was, but after her encounter with Ace, she felt a certain amount of smugness mixed with shyness.

  How would she react the next time she saw him? Usually, she took part in one-time encounters that quickly faded from her mind, but she knew what she’d shared with Ace was a completely different thing.

  She couldn’t stop thinking about him, about what they did, about how much she wanted him inside her. Something about Ace got her heart pumping in a way no one had before him, and she didn’t understand why. Could it be because she’d met him out in Grit? Mike’s happened to be the only place where she felt vulnerable and like a real woman with flaws. Not like the bitch she became here in Clash.

  As she sat back, the images of the crowd shouting below and the fighting blurred as thoughts continued to take over.

  As much as Ely tried to push the incident with Ace to the back of her mind, she couldn’t. Instead, she kept seeing every detail, frame by frame. The way he’d approached her, introduced himself so casually, kissed her with as much demand as she’d felt flow through her. The way he’d touched her and seemed to have wanted to share the pleasure, not just take it. There was a fine line between a male wanting to conquer a female sexually, and wanting it to be a mutual exchange. She knew the difference. Years with Jenks and his assignments had taught her that much.

  What she’d experienced with Ace had been the consummation of a mutual attraction. Goose bumps spread below the leather covering her body and she crossed her legs, trying to settle the pulse throbbing between her legs.

  I want him so much. Not even the scary howl or the show of possessiveness when it was over affected her negatively. Ely had never met a man she wanted to have sex with more than once.

  “Nothing will keep me away now that I know how you feel,” he’d said. Even now, the words sank into her, causing a shiver of delight and a flush to her face.

  Ely looked up. The Head of Operations sat down beside her. “How did you go?”

  Her mind reeled at having been interrupted during such a private moment of longing, but it didn’t take long to shift gears. It’s what she did every waking moment of each day. Wanting someone so bad her skin itched was a foreign craving.

  Once a week she donned a leather cat suit in a dark burgundy, which didn’t leave a single crevice of her body to the imagination. The zippered front was open halfway down her chest displaying more breast than cleavage. Her long hair was swept up in a tight ponytail making her cheekbones lift, and the dark makeup highlighted her natural Shea looks. Her caramel skin always shone when she wore this shiny outfit. If it wasn’t for her natural curves, she was positive she’d never be able to pull off the right combination.

  She turned her attention to the attractive, pale-skinned redhead now seated next to her. Dakota didn’t have to dress up like a horny slut because she was behind the scenes. Though, it hadn’t excused her from having to share Jenks’s bed a few times. The bastard had an insatiable appetite for women.

  Dammit! She nearly doubled over with the pain but stopped short of grabbing her head in front of Dakota. She took a few moments to collect her thoughts, trying to mask the effects. “Ah, you know how it is, Dakota.” Ely rolled her eyes. “I had the pleasure of welcoming the King and Queen of Copse to our arena tonight. Why royalty bothers to turn up to these things is beyond me.”

  Dakota chuckled. “Is there anyone here from Seethe?”

  “Why do you ask?” Dakota could find out for herself if she really wanted to know, but Ely knew the redhead hated the arena and never even glanced at it, let alone wandered amongst the privileged guests. Even now, she stared at Ely, instead of facing the large windows in front of them.

  “Just curious. It’s my home planet. It’s always interesting to see if anyone from there enjoys the barbaric acts so many pay to watch.” The glimmer in Dakota’s eyes suggested there was more to it, but Ely didn’t press the issue.

  She shook her head, even though it was true. The fact these rich people chose to invest money in violent games of bloodshed made her stomach turn. It was just another power trip. “There’s no one from Seethe. Damn, I need to find where Jenks is. He hasn’t contacted me since his ship registered he was back on the planet.”

  Dakota’s brow furrowed. “I know. I find it really strange that he didn’t contact any of us, especially you. I’ve had the control room supervisor send out signals several times during the last few days but they all go unanswered. Do you know if he had any business to take care of on the outskirts?”

  All Ely knew was that he was hiding something. “No one has any business on the outskirts. It’s barren out there.” Damn! This time, Ely pressed both hands against her temples, trying to massage the sudden piercing pain away, but it faded as quickly as it struck. What the hell was that?

  She caught Dakota doing the same thing.

  “Ely, did you feel it?”

  “I sure did, but what was it?” Ely closed her eyes for a second.

  Dakota shrugged. Her green eyes were shiny with confusion.

  Just as a new set of gladiators ran onto the dirt-filled arena and clashed in a rush of fists and insectoid limbs, Ely’s wristband glowed red.

  Uh-oh. Orange was for standard communication; red signaled trouble.

  Dakota lifted her arm and her wristband flashed with the same glaring color. “Talk to me, is this regarding Maine?” Dakota asked after pressing the button to receive.

  “No, it’s not him directly, but…”

  “But what?” the redhead pushed.

  “Is Ely with you?” the supervisor asked.

  Ely pressed down the button on her wristband. “I am. Talk to me.”

  A sigh filtered out through both of their miniscule speakers like static. “I’m not sure why Maine’s not answering, but his ship has just touched down in the holding bay.”

  “In his personal bay?” Dakota asked looking at Ely, the fight below all but forgotten.

  “No. He’s actually touching down in holding bay Z, the one nearest to the arena.”

  “It could be because the others are filled with visiting ships,” Dakota said, biting her bottom lip.

  Ely shook her head, keeping her finger pressed on the button. “No, that doesn’t matter. He never lands anywhere but in his private holding bay.” The place where he kept the array of ships he never shared with anyone else. For him to not respond and land somewhere else, meant something was wrong.

  “Try contacting him again,” she said.

  “Maybe his communicator is damaged,” Dakota added.

  “No, I can’t do that,” the voice on the other end replied. “All of our computer systems have shut down.”

  “What do you mean shut down?” Ely stood up, leather creaking with her every move. Dakota did the same but her simple pants and top didn’t make any noise. “Okay, I’ll head out to the holding area—”

  “Ely, I think you should get here right this instant.”

  “Why, what’s going on?” She preferred to confront Jenks instead.

  No response.

  “Hello, control room.” Dakota pressed down on her wristband but got no response. “What the hell’s going on?”

  “I’m not sure,” Ely said with a sigh, “but we better find out.”

  Chapter Seven

  “I’ve landed. Are you guys positioned?”

  Colt’s voice rang deep inside Ace’s ear, as clear as if they were standing next to each other. “Yes, we’re in position,” he answered.

  “Did you unleash the virus yet?” Brynn asked, pressing her back against the stone wall beside him.

  “Yeah, as soon as I jumped out of the ship I not only downloaded the virus but planted two chippies in it. It’ll blow any minute now.” The background noise, coupled with his breathing, made it sound as if Colt was on the move. “You guys ready for your bit?”

  Ace peeked around the corner while still listening to Colt. “Yeah, it’s showtime.”

  No way to turn back now.

  It had been easier than he’d expected to slip into the well-guarded arena. As he’d hoped, the blue kid—whose name turned out to be Aqua—approached him while walking the market aisles pretending he was perusing, when in fact had wanted to catch the kid’s attention. Paying him a bag of coins had been gold well-spent. Aqua managed to drag with him a small group of other begging kids and together had harassed the guards situated at one of the many hidden back entrances, until the guard gave chase into the adjoining alleys.

  Once inside, Ace and Brynn trekked down the stone corridors, traversing one turn after another until they got some sort of bearings on their location. The floor plans weren’t as straightforward as they’d first seemed after reaching the arena, but they had no problem following them. And they were definitely descending.

  “Okay, I can hear people approaching, so I won’t be saying anything for a while. Don’t disconnect your devices. I’ll keep you posted.” Colt’s breathing quickened, as if he’d started jogging. “Taking his ship was our smartest move. I can’t believe how easy it was to score all the schematics available to that bastard.”

  Brynn was smiling. “Oh, I think we’ve done plenty of smart things since we reached this planet.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Beating people up at the bar was a real bonding experience with Ace. Wasn’t it?”

  Ace laughed. “It certainly was.” But he agreed with Brynn, and they’d put together a simple plan. Soon, they would find out if the practical simplicity of it would work in their favor. Sometimes the simplest plans worked out the best, or could spell disaster.

  “Be careful,” Colt whispered.

  “You too,” Brynn said.

  Colt’s sudden silence prompted Ace to speak. “So, have you been here before?” Ace followed the blonde, slinking as close to the walls as he could. The corridors were deserted but it was still safer to make their way around cautiously.

  She shook her head and her matching braids swayed from side to side as they hung down her back. “When I was one of Jenks’s little soldiers, he lived and ran things somewhere else. I had no idea he’d holed himself up in this stone monstrosity until I researched it. I wonder how many poor young girls he’s got trapped in here now?”

  Ace grabbed her arm and she stopped, turning to look at him with her wide blue eyes shiny in the dim light.


  “I know you want to free them as soon as you can. Go on, I’ll be fine in the dungeons on my own.” He didn’t want her anywhere near the fighting arena. She might be adept and able to take care of herself in combat, but the types of races kept enslaved below were vast and dangerous. For all they knew, the Recast could be the mildest—and he was very aware of just how vicious his kind could be. If the feral side had completely taken over and madness descended on those imprisoned, they wouldn’t hesitate to tear her to shreds.

  Besides, after being tormented by them back in Wither—when the used-up and mostly insane arena Recast not only terrorized but killed and scared away most of the town’s thriving population—he doubted she wanted to come face-to-face with them again. Not so soon after her injuries.

  Brynn shook her head. “We need to stick together until we get to the basement levels, so I can watch your back. Then I’ll go to help the girls.” She licked her lips. “So for now, I’m coming with you.”

  “I don’t think you should go anywhere—”

  “Don’t tell me you’ve contracted Colt’s machismo already?” Brynn took a step toward him, narrowed eyes already accusatory as she pulled the transmitter from her ear. “I thought you weren’t like that.”

  Ace shook his head and the strands he’d tied back slid out and over his face. “I just didn’t think you wanted to face the Recast again. I know how much pain they’ve caused you already. Put the transmitter back in your ear before Colt realizes what you’ve done.”

  She sighed, lowered her gaze and took a step back. “Look, I appreciate your concern, and I love Colt like nothing else, but if you don’t quit acting like him, I’m going to have to hit you. Now…” Her voice trailed off and she put an index finger in front of her lips.

  Footsteps approached from the other side, accompanied by soft murmurs increasing in volume the closer they got. Brynn pushed Ace back, forcing him to press his body tight against the wall.

  “I’m telling you, there’s something jamming the signals,” a male voice said.

  “I can’t contact the control room either,” another added.

  “That voice sounds familiar,” Brynn whispered.

  Ace shook his head, wishing she would stop holding the transmitter between her index finger and thumb.

  “Well, we’re going to have to—” Before he could stop her, Brynn cut the guy off and then shouldered past both of them. One lost his balance and tumbled against the opposite wall with an audible thump, the other landing flat on his back. Brynn straddled him and pounded her fists into his face—left followed by right, over and over again. It was enough to knock him out and leave blood gushing all over his

  She sprang to her feet and approached the other man with both bloody fists in front of her. Ace stood dumbfounded, unable to move. Brynn suddenly recoiled with a gasp, her hands dropped to her sides and she paled.

  “No, it can’t be,” she whispered, stepping back into Ace. “Young?”

  “What’s wrong?” Ace followed her gaze, noting the guy who stood a few feet away. He looked exactly like the AI who’d been destroyed saving her life back in Wither.

  Brynn was frozen to the spot, one hand suddenly fingering the memory chip she carried around her neck. She took a step forward but the AI turned and bolted the other way.

  “I have to catch him,” she said, taking a step forward.

  “No.” Ace grabbed her elbow. “Forget about him. We’ve got a job to do.”

  She turned and met his eyes with so much rage he almost released her. She looked haunted. “You were right. I have to get to those girls now, make sure they get out alive before the place blows.”

  “Brynn, Colt will kill me if I let you go off on your own, chasing a ghost. Saving the girls is one thing—”

  She stepped closer. “That’s what I’m doing. I need to make sure those girls are all right.”


  “Ace, he wasn’t a ghost. That was an AI, model Y-123. Do you know what this means?” She lifted the memory chip in front of his eyes.

  “I thought you said no one could replace your friend.” He’d heard her say it at least a hundred times after he asked her why she wore the destroyed AI’s memory chip like a trophy. “I like to keep Young close to my heart,” she would reply with a faraway look in her eyes. “He deserves that much. But no one will ever replace him.”

  “No one will ever replace Young,” she said with unshed tears shiny in her eyes. “But I’ve got to catch this one.” She yanked her arm out of his grip and he didn’t put up a fight.

  Even if he wasn’t quite sure what she hoped to achieve by tracking the AI, it was clear that Brynn needed to do this. Maybe she needed the closure she thought she’d already gotten and only just realized she hadn’t.


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