“So what? I’m a big boy, and I’m all bandaged up.”
She nodded and carefully straddled him, her knees pressed to either side of his thighs. His erection already swelled beneath her. Although she’d been lost in thoughts and worry only an hour ago, she now found herself drenched with desire. She wanted him so much.
Ely leaned down and pressed her lips softly against his. Ace curled a hand around the back of her head, keeping her close. He increased the intensity of the kiss, devouring her mouth with as much sexual hunger as she felt.
“Oh, Ace,” she whispered along his lips.
“Can I ask you a question, Ely?”
“Anything.” She rubbed herself against him and he moaned, pressing his forehead on hers.
“You’re not going to leave this planet with me, are you?”
She met his eyes and shook her head. “I’m sorry but I can’t. I need to help these people find their way. I need to help Clash become an independent place without fear. With the arena gone, there’s no reason for the influx of wealthy we’ve had for so many years. We no longer need discretion and the privacy Jenks kept us under. He might’ve thought the people here were stupid, but they all knew what was staining their landscape. I’ll need to return to the arena one day too, to ensure nothing ever comes out of there.”
He nodded.
“I don’t want to lose you, though…”
“You won’t have to.”
Her eyes widened. “What…why?”
“I don’t belong anywhere. Since I got loose, my only mission has been to come here and end Maine’s bullshit. I’d accepted it as my destiny but now realize that maybe I came here for something deeper—you.” He released a breath and it tickled her face. “I’ve decided to stay with you. Where I can start again, build some sort of life.”
“Have you told your friends?”
“Not yet. I told you, and you’re the one who counts the most. Colt and Brynn don’t need me. They’ve got their own life together. We just happened to share this one common adventure. Would you like me to stay and build a life with you?” He caressed the side of her face, pressed his palm against her cheek. “I’d love to help any way I can.”
She kissed him with all of her heart and soul, tearing off the sheet covering his body in one clean swoop and pulling off her underwear just as quickly. When she settled back onto his lap and he slid inside her so easily and smoothly, she groaned with satisfaction.
“Is this a yes?”
“No, it’s a hell yeah.”
He met her gaze. “And it doesn’t bother you that I’m of Recast blood?”
She shook her head and ground her hips against him.
“I turn into one of those shaggy monsters—”
Ely pressed a finger to his lips to shut him up. “Ace, I don’t care what you turn into. I also don’t care what type of blood courses through your veins. Besides, we can talk about all of this later. I’m kinda busy right now.” She reached back with her other hand and grabbed the cowboy hat he’d lost from the table. She popped it on top of her head. “I’ve got a cowboy to ride. And you need to know that I was born on the planet of Shea.”
She replaced her finger with her mouth and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, careful not to lean too much on the heavily bandaged side.
Finding out she was born on the planet his forest moon orbited around would get him talking but she didn’t give him a chance to react. She rode him until they were both breathing ragged and screaming out each other’s names.
Ely didn’t care who heard them—psychically or otherwise.
“This song’s for Ace,” Ely whispered into the microphone, running her slim fingers up and down the stand, reminding him of how she caressed other places.
Ace grinned and leaned back against the bar as an erection stretched the zipper of his jeans. He was glad to be alone at the moment.
Brynn and Colt had decided to head out in Colt’s new acquisition—Bronco—to collect Stallion II from the moon. They’d return to Fray later. After the Clash Arena’s computer systems had crashed from the virus they unleashed, Colt claimed whatever shields Jenks Maine had established to keep the people in both hemispheres of Fray from being able to communicate and travel would now be disabled.
Ace was looking forward to finding out if the cowboy was right, as well as watching Brynn in action, negotiating for her planet. Of course, once the couple eventually left Fray, Ace wouldn’t go with them. He hadn’t come out and said it yet, but had dropped plenty of hints. Hints Brynn responded to with a small nod and a smile, as if she understood he’d finally found his place in the galaxy. No more running, no more revenge attacks, no more feeling like he didn’t belong because of his half-blood.
With Ely, none of it mattered. He belonged with her.
Ace shifted his stance, without taking his eyes off the woman who made his animal groan with satisfaction. Tonight she was wearing a black dress covering every inch of her body, yet it still showed off her sexy curves. Her caramel skin glowed under the spotlight, and her dark hair was swept away from her face and neck. He was already fantasizing about how he wanted to kiss that long neck of hers and tear the clingy fabric from her back. Only this time he’d have to make sure the freaky Tan wasn’t watching from the shadows.
The last line of her song caught his attention. “And I want to tell you that love found me in you.”
He couldn’t help but smile. Saying it via song was probably easier for her than saying it out loud. He’d spoken to Brynn about the way Maine used, trained and manipulated his girls, and he understood things like emotion and love wouldn’t necessarily come easily for Ely. But he had all the time in the world for her. Besides, he knew how she felt about him, could smell her arousal and excitement every time they were together.
They were going to build a new life and leave the past behind.
Ely didn’t care about his beast and had watched him shift, even patted him afterward. Something that excited the beast so much he’d forced on the shift to man so Ace could take her then and there. He’d never connected with a female through his Recast side before. It was exhilarating and fulfilled him in a way he’d never felt.
She wanted him no matter what he was and even happened to be from the same far reaches of the galaxy. The people of Shea and Sullen didn’t necessarily mix, but his father had once told him an ancient myth about the Shea being the only ones able to tame the Recast. He’d enjoyed hearing the story as a kid, but had never really believed in it. Yet, he had now become living evidence.
Ely was his mate for life.
“Hey, buddy, I got something for ya.”
Ace didn’t recognize the voice. It actually took him a second to realize someone was trying to get his attention. He reluctantly took his gaze off Ely and peered at a bald man with dark stubble growing on the top of his head. He wore a clean pair of jeans and a sleeveless shirt showing off his muscled arms. It took him a moment to realize it was the fighter he’d helped in the arena. “Good to see you got out alive.”
“Yeah, mate, that’s great.” He looked down at Ace’s thigh, where the thick bulge of the bandage beneath his jeans stuck out. It made him feel like a cripple.
Ace had another one around his shoulder. The damn wounds the Thropod had given him were infected and refused to close. It hurt every waking moment but his happiness with Ely eased his mind somewhat, as well as the salve Mike insisted he use. It numbed the pain and cleaned the wound but did nothing to help it heal. Not even his beast could help.
“That Thropod bastard sure got you good, didn’t it?”
“Looks like the vamp got you too.” Ace pointed at the twin marks on the guy’s neck. It wouldn’t take long for him to become one of the undead. One bite was all it took. Contact with a vampire’s saliva brought on the infection. He’d seen it happen many times in Marks. The planet had been overrun by them. Ace had worked with law enforcement enough times to witness the carnage these creatures
left behind.
They weren’t exactly feral, because they had greater control over themselves than the Recast. Vampires just allowed the bloodlust to engulf them completely. He hoped this guy had more sense and discipline when his time came.
The man raised a hand to the tiny wounds. “Yeah, the prick got me real good. Looks like I won’t be likin’ the sun for very long.”
“Sorry to hear that. What was your name?”
“Knox. Call me Knox and don’t bother telling me who you are because I already know.” His lips were set in a grim line. “Ah, there are worse things than avoiding the sun, I suppose. So, listen”—he paused to take a swig of the frosty beer in front of him—“when we fought in that hole and came out on top, we were rewarded. One time, I beat the shit out of one of ’em crab things and tore the limbs right off it, but got wounded pretty bad. I know how much those stinkin’ wounds hurt and they won’t heal without the antidote.”
“It looks like I’ll be stuck with these for a long while, then.” Ace patted the bulging bandages under his clothes.
“No, listen, I scored me some of the antidote, used enough to fix my wounds and stored the rest. I figured I could use it for trading someday.” Knox held up a small glass bottle between his index finger and thumb. A clear green liquid filled the bottom half of it. “This here will make the wounds heal completely. Just apply four drops and you’ll be right. Here, take it.”
“I don’t have anything to trade with you.”
“That’s fine because I’m trading my life for this.” He stuck the bottle into Ace’s hand, leaned closer and whispered, “You saved my life and I’m making yours a little easier. I’d say that’s fair, wouldn’t you, mate? Now we’re even.”
Ace nodded, even if he couldn’t believe it. “Thanks, yeah.”
“You’re welcome. Now, I need to catch a ride off this rock. Take care of your gorgeous lady.” And with that, Knox was gone, lost in the crowd. Leaving Ace with what he claimed was a cure for the pus-infected wounds.
“Who was that?” Ely asked, suddenly standing in front of him.
“I’m not sure but he gave me this.” Knox. He’d remember the name. Strange to make an ally this way, but one took allies where and when they became available.
She peered at it through narrowed eyes. “What is it?”
He leaned near her ear, small strands of her hair tickling his nose. “It’s the cure.”
“Are you serious?”
He shrugged. “It’s what he said.”
“Wait a minute, I recognize that guy. You saved his life, didn’t you?” Her eyes scanned the crowd. It was busier than usual in Mike’s tonight. “Come on, let’s go and see if it’s true.”
Ely led Ace toward the dressing room, slowly winding their way past the multitude of sweaty bodies inside the bar. The numbers seemed to have multiplied, and even though most tried to conceal it, he suspected many of the new visitors were some of the escapees from the arena dungeons.
The dressing room was practically their living quarters now, but he liked it there.
Ely pushed him onto the couch and started unbuckling his jeans. “If this really works, we’re going to celebrate.”
“I love how you think, Ely’Shea.” He hoped she got the message loud and clear, but just in case, he added, “I love everything about you.”
Her eyes were shiny with unshed tears, and it was enough for him.
He was here to stay. Besides, something told him this little liquid would end the last stumbling block left to remind him of the horrid night when so much had ended, and made way for new beginnings.
No more looking back. There’s just the future to look forward to now.
About the Author
Yolanda Sfetsos has always had a wild imagination, and often found herself making up stories in her head. When she was in her teens, she started putting some of those ideas on paper.
She loves to dabble in a variety of genres but especially enjoys writing urban fantasy, futuristic, and Sci-Fi tales—all with a dark, paranormal edge.
Yolanda lives in a suburb of Sydney, Australia with her small family. When she’s not writing, she’s either thinking about it, researching, reading, walking, or watching her favorite TV shows. Or maybe she’s on Twitter.
You can visit her website at: www.yolandasfetsos.com
Look for these titles by Yolanda Sfetsos
Now Available:
Recast Series
Coming Soon:
A Patch of Darkness
Betrayal. Lust. Secrets. It’s enough to send a space cowboy riding hell-bent for stardust.
© 2010 Yolanda Sfetsos
Recast, Book 1
Wrangling is in Colt Marshall’s blood. He was known across the galaxy for his skill at roping horses and cattle, but found that the woman he loved wasn’t so easy to tie down. Now a mysterious client has him wrangling a man who may or may not be fully human. Colt doesn’t know and doesn’t care, as long as he gets paid. Until his pursuit of the escaped captive lands him on his former lover’s planet…and her request for help threatens to crack the armor around his heart.
With Colt’s unexpected arrival, Brynn Wright’s problems could be solved…or multiplied a thousandfold. She doesn’t expect him to understand why she left him, but she sure could use his help ridding her planet of the feral creatures terrorizing her town every night. It doesn’t help that he looks just as good as she remembers. Or that even after five years, their mutual lust is very much alive.
Their desire rivals the heat of the planet’s skin-peeling sun, stripping away layers of secrets to expose the truth. And a secret that could be their death sentence…
Warning: This book contains a space cowboy with an attitude, a female sheriff with a kick-ass past, an AI dressed like a deputy, feral creatures, and a planet scorched by its proximity to the sun—but still not as hot as the cowboy and sheriff are for each other.
Enjoy the following excerpt for Wither:
Damn, it’s hot.
The heat slapped Colt as instantly as the realization that Brynn was already waiting for him.
He readjusted the bandanna around his neck. On this planet, it would serve the purpose of a sweatband. Perspiration moistened his jeans-covered legs and made the boots uncomfortable at his feet. Yet, without these articles to protect his skin, he’d fry.
He placed the wide-brim hat on top of his head and walked out into the bright sun. The glowing orb hung just above the barren horizon in the distance, large and orange, ready to scorch the skin right off his body. Colt couldn’t understand why anyone would willingly live here.
“You might want to get under cover before your skin burns,” a familiar voice called.
He looked up, trying not to smirk. There she was, inside a wagon with a white canopy, holding the back open for him. “And that flimsy transport will protect me?”
Brynn jumped out of the wagon, dressed in an outfit which mirrored his. Except she wore protective glasses over her eyes and her skin glistened with what he could only assume was some sort of sunscreen. The jeans clung to her curvy hips and the white shirt opened up far enough to expose her impressive cleavage. A leather vest emphasized her small waist. Her hair glistened in the sun, and for a moment, he fought the urge to close the distance between them so he could wrap his arms around her and demand a rough kiss. He’d never gotten any kind of goodbye, kiss or otherwise.
She placed both hands on her hips and lowered the glasses to the tip of her nose, looking him over. “Maybe we should pop into your new shiny ship, instead. What happened to the Stallion?”
“Stallion had its day. I’d like you to meet Stallion II.” He spread his arms out to showcase the best ship he’d ever gotten his hands on. Not big enough to comfortably house any more than two or three people, but roomy enough for him and the captives of his trade.
Brynn whistled. “Very fancy. I never figured you for a fancy boy.” She crossed her arms
over her stomach. “I think I liked the old one better.”
“Yeah, well, I’m afraid you don’t get a vote anymore.” He looked away for a second, checking out the array of cactus in the distance. He might be willing to be civil in order to get what he came here for, but he wasn’t going to take any shit from her. “How’d you know I would land here, on this spot?”
Her blue eyes darkened and she pushed her glasses back into place. He’d caught the tiny sun wrinkles around her eyes hardening. “I know my own planet better than anyone else. It’s good to see you haven’t lost your wit, Marshall.”
“Wish I could say the same about you, Wight.” Anyone dumb enough to return to their home planet—when she’d obviously been running from something—didn’t have the balls he remembered his Brynn having. He crossed his own arms, puffing his chest to show his full stature. A move which wouldn’t do anything to impress her, but they were beyond impressing each other. After spending over three years together twenty-four-seven, neither needed to show off. He’d just make things clear from the start. He wanted to find his escape pod and scoop up some gold while he was at it. Nothing more.
“Right, now that we got the attitude out of the way, how’d you get here so soon?”
“Let’s just say that I was in the area.”
“What were you doing on this side of the galaxy?” Was that suspicion or accusation in her voice? She probably had a bit of both, though he couldn’t figure out what she had to be suspicious about. She’d left without a damn word and now expected him to help her, and wanted to interrogate him in the bargain? Not gonna happen.
He shook his head. “I’m afraid you don’t get to ask me any more questions.”
Brynn took a step forward. “Then I suggest you lock up your ship and follow me.”
“You want me to leave Stallion II out here in the open?” Colt looked over his shoulder. His ship stood in the middle of a barren landscape with the scorching sun practically stripping the paint off its exterior. Anyone or anything could damage it and he’d be back too late to do anything about it. After so much space travel, the original chrome finish had darkened, but this ship was still his pride and joy. His one constant companion. “Don’t you have a space port where I can park it or something?”
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