Alien Romance Box Set: Eblian Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 3): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance

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Alien Romance Box Set: Eblian Mates Complete Series (Books 1 - 3): A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Invasion Abduction Romance Page 4

by Ruth Anne Scott

  Some wanted the quickest sexual release they could get. Some, like the Trunklian, wanted to taste her and dip their appendages into an alien orifice. Others wanted to delay their own gratification by making her grovel and beg. The pleasure she received from submitting to their domination drove them mad. Some wanted to spank her or whip her and make her scream for it.

  Through it all, the recovery and renewal of the regeneration bed brought her back to a state of high excitement and stimulation in spite of all the rough treatment. If one of the audience hurt her, or someone’s penetrating appendage was a little too big for her, or someone got overly enthusiastic with their dominance play, the regeneration bed took the pain away and restored her to a thriving, throbbing, lusty condition. She always entered the gatherings ready and willing, with her cunt dripping and her ass twitching.

  How long could this go on? Fo expressed great pleasure with her performance. He was delighted with his success, and he treated Natalie with exceptional care. He tended her with careful attention, and he hardly ever took her to the session room himself anymore. She was too valuable.

  Once, Natalie’s old master Te bid for her at a gathering and won. He took almost two hours of calculated domination before he let her orgasm. He teased her until she sobbed for it. He made her say all kinds of incredible things about what she wanted him to do, but he held back until the bitter end. When he finally nailed her to the wall and made her scream in ultimate release, the crowd erupted in pandemonium. The aliens took more loot back to their ship after that than ever before.

  Chapter 6

  Natalie stepped out of her regeneration bed and sighed. She turned to follow Fo into the gathering hall, but he stopped at the door and faced her. He took a length of cloth out from under his robe and draped it around Natalie’s body. The cloth scratched her skin. In all the time she’d been with these aliens, this was the first time she’d ever worn any clothing to cover her nakedness. In all the endless days since he first stripped her bare, she’d been stark naked for everyone to stare at.

  Her eyes widened, and she peered into his face. He studied her face, and a curious expression spread over his flat features. “Is everything all right?”

  He straightened the cloth around her shoulders. “I must warn you, Natalie. This gathering is different from the others.”

  “In what way?” she asked.

  “There will be other slaves here tonight,” he told her. “You won’t be the only one performing.”

  Natalie gasped, but she couldn’t respond. Would she finally see her friends here? Should she hold out any hope at all of ever seeing them again? She might be the only human in all of space outside of Earth. She could be utterly alone out here in this strange place.

  She swallowed her anxiety and nodded. “Why are you covering me?”

  He motioned to the door behind him. “We have to cross a short walkway to get to the gathering hall. Others might see you, and we don’t want them to know why you are here. They might get suspicious.”

  Natalie didn’t reply. In her time on the ship, she’d learned to go along with him. She couldn’t risk displeasing him. Better to stick with the conditions she knew than take a chance somewhere else. Fo put the finishing touches on her cloth covering and the door opened behind him. He led her out into a covered foyer between two buildings.

  As he said, other aliens strolled along the foyer. They smiled at Natalie, but they could never have guessed what she was really doing there. They would have been shocked and horrified to find out the truth. She matched Fo’s steps, and the foyer disappeared behind her. The door to the gathering hall loomed before her. She knew only too well what waited for her behind that door.

  Inside, Natalie found herself in a gathering like the others, but with one crucial difference. All eyes weren’t trained on her this time. Aliens of every species imaginable engaged in various sexual acts with a dizzying array of partners. Not all of the slaves were female, either. Screams and shrieks and slapping and sucking sounds filled the room. Voices rose and fell in command and response. Grunts and growls accompanied the beating of skin on skin, the knock of hard against soft, and the suction of wet on wet.

  Natalie looked around her and took in as much detail of the scene as fast as she could. But the sheer number of masters and slaves overwhelmed her. Lizard-skinned whips fell on delicate thighs. One fair Baronic dangled from the ceiling while his companions probed his caverns and openings. Ee paid his money and got himself a tender morsel of Alicliat flesh. Before Natalie passed on with Fo, he tackled his prize to the floor and set to work with ravenous concentration.

  Natalie tried to blink the scene away, but a rising tide of tension tied her to her surroundings. Fo kept walking through the hall to the far end, where a flight of steps rose from the floor to a higher level. A swinging bar hung from the ceiling, and a row of stiff round cylinders protruded from the bar. Natalie stood transfixed.

  Another giant Trucklian lay on top of a wispy nymph on a couch to one side. An Eqel female knelt on the floor with a Corellian standing in front of her. Natalie couldn’t see the female behind the Corellian’s bulk. Fo pushed his way through the crowd to a counter along one wall. He shouted something to the alien behind the counter and received a box of something Natalie couldn’t identify.

  He faced her and waved his box toward the steps. “Go on.”

  She hesitated, confused.

  He waved again. “Go on. Swing on the swing.”

  She turned around, still not understanding what he wanted her to do, but one thing was clear. She put her foot on the bottom step of the stairs and climbed up. Closer and closer she got to the top, but she didn’t understand what he wanted until she got all the way up to the higher level and saw the swing up close. The cylinders sticking out of the bar were rounded on top.

  Cables attached the swing to the ceiling, and she seized one of them with sweaty palms. Could she do this? How could she not do it, after all the things she’d done at Fo’s command? She glanced out over the hall. Several of the guests observed her, and Fo leaned against the counter with his box in his hand. Natalie never saw him or his comrades eat or drink, but that box must be some kind of refreshment. He gazed up at her with his usual satisfied expression. He liked what he saw. He always did.

  Natalie turned her attention back to the swing. She threw one leg over the bar and then the other so she stood in front of it. The bar bumped into the backs of her legs. She shifted her position so the cylinder rode between her thighs. The cold, smooth surface grazed her skin and sent a shiver through her. Her lower lips unfurled their petals, and nectar oozed out. She shouldn’t have any trouble sitting down on it. She took males a lot bigger than this all the time.

  Down on the main floor, Fo fixed his eyes on her. His gaze commanded her to proceed—not that she ever considered disobeying him. She slid down, and the rounded cylinder poked at her tender flesh. She rocked back and forth and let the smooth tip work its way into her glowing furnace. Her juices spread over the tip, and she rubbed them back and forth, up over her clitoris and back to the crack of her ass.

  Fo nodded, and she sank the rest of the way down. The shaft slid into her hot furrow, and she threw back her head with a moan of deep desire. She rocked to and fro on the swing, swinging, swinging, in wider and wider arcs. The shaft moved up and down inside her. She let herself get swept away on its hypnotic rhythm, and her eyes started to close.

  Down on the floor. the Trucklian reared back from his slave. He planted his hands on the couch and pumped his throbbing javelin into her exposed crevice. The slave arched back, and a spine-chilling animal shriek tore out of her. Her legs bent and rose from the floor to strap themselves around the Trucklian’s pounding hips.

  Fo set his box down on the counter and elbowed his way through the guests. Natalie snapped out of her reverie when she noticed him coming toward her. She leaned forward on the swing and pointed her tasty ass backwards. Fo liked her best from behind.

  Sure enough,
he walked around behind her, but he didn’t touch her. He took hold of the bar and hauled it toward him. The shaft dug into Natalie’s guts, and she moaned in passionate ecstasy. Down on the floor, the Corellian turned his Eqel slave so she knelt with her back to the swing. His red eyes burned in their sockets. He laced his fingers across the back of the Eqel’s bald head and shoved her down into his cock. He pumped away at her while he watched Fo and Natalie on the swing.

  Fo clenched his fists around the bar and dragged Natalie backwards until her ass bumped against his body. Even through his robe she felt the stir of his throbbing cocks.

  He held her suspended there, and the shaft inside her pierced her to the quick. She called out to him from the bottomless pit of bodily need, and he understood her like no one else ever could. He tossed his robe aside and his flesh formed a rigid probe. With one expert maneuver, he stabbed his weapon into her ass.

  Natalie screeched at the intrusion. She screeched so loud the Eqel tried for one instant to turn around and see where that noise came from. But the Corellian kept a firm hold on her head and didn’t let her go. Natalie kept her eyes fixed on the Corellian’s face. He bared his fangs and licked his lips, and he matched every blow of Fo’s hammer with a corresponding pump of his own body.

  Fo’s tentacle worked up and down the shaft in Natalie’s body. He pulled the bar against him with greater ferocity, and every strike brought a louder, more desperate note from Natalie. Oh, how in heaven or on Earth could she bear this? She couldn’t. She would ride that cruel bar to the end of consciousness, and she would collapse in orgasmic bliss when Fo got through with her.

  He wasn’t interested in dangling her on a string the way Te did. He wanted his audience to see her in the throes of ecstasy, and he took her there as fast as possible so he could move on to the bidding. He wanted to show his audience what they could get for their money.

  Another guest caught Natalie’s eye. He was big, bigger than the Trucklian, but he didn’t have the mane around his face. She couldn’t make out what species he was, though. He kept his face partially covered with a mask. Only his sparkling green eyes showed over the top of it. They looked like human eyes, but then again, he was far away. Maybe she deluded herself into thinking some human could be here.

  She tried to return her awareness to the Corellian, but the stranger in the mask kept drawing her back to himself. He kept his glowing eyes fixed on her, and she found herself calling out to him instead of Fo. Could he hear how much she needed release? Could he hear how deep that shaft penetrated her being? Did he have any idea what this driving rhythm did to her, how it drove her to the brink of insanity and left her breathless for more? Where was the man who could feed that craven desire? Where was the man who could stand the scorching heat of her boiling fissure?

  The stranger sat transfixed through the whole ordeal. He didn’t reach for one of the other slaves to satisfy his needs. He didn’t get any refreshment from the alien behind the counter. He didn’t engage with anyone at the gathering at all—except Natalie. Her smoldering lava spattered the bar, and her juices gushed down her thighs and spread over her shimmering ass. Fo drew them out with every stroke of his piston, and with every stroke, he sprayed them over his dagger and over his skin and up around her crack.

  Natalie ran her tongue over her lips. If only that stranger would bend down and touch his tongue to her raging hot clitoris right now. The thought pushed her over the cliff, and she crashed down under the thunderous waves of orgasm. She couldn’t see him anymore, but she rested in the certainty that he was there, watching her completion, her creation, her flowering.

  Her heart sank when Fo pulled out of her and left her bereft. He let go of the bar, and Natalie sank down on the hard shaft. Her head lolled to one side, and she murmured the last lapping waves of dreamy rapture. She couldn’t look out at the masked stranger without winding up into unstoppable passion again. Why did he hold himself back? Why didn’t he come up to the swing and take her himself?

  Instead, the Corellian cast his Eqel aside and strode up the steps. His eyes burned, and his tongue slithered over his dripping fangs. Natalie kept her eyes closed. Fo nudged her in the arm. “You can get up now.”

  She stood up, and the shaft dropped out of her body. She tottered on her feet, and he had to steady her to stop her from falling over. The Corellian walked up to Fo. “How much for your slave there? She’s Earthling, isn’t she?”

  At that moment, the masked stranger stood up. His stool fell away from him and clattered to the floor. He ran up the steps two at a time. Thank goodness! He was coming for her after all. He would take her away from the Corellian and away from Fo.

  Fo didn’t notice him. He opened his mouth to reply to the Corellian when a ruckus sounded near the door. A wave of cries echoed through the hall. Natalie didn’t hear the noise, but Fo and the Corellian looked toward it. The stranger didn’t turn around. The din got louder and louder, and aliens and their slave companions fell away right and left. All of a sudden, a voice screamed right in Natalie’s ear, and she realized it belonged to Fo. “Surveyors!”

  Fo spun around and grabbed Natalie by the arm. “Come on! We have to get out of here.”

  She tried to say something, but he yanked her off her feet. She stumbled against him and recovered enough to follow him. He dragged her toward the steps. Shots and screams echoed through the hall, and the hapless guests crouched for cover wherever they could find it. Fo cast anxious glances toward the door. He shoved the Corellian aside and set off for the exit. He only made it as far as the top of the steps before the masked stranger hit the higher level and strode toward them.

  Natalie caught her breath and stared. Who was he? What did he want with them? Fo fixed his eyes on the stranger and darted the other way. Natalie lost her footing and fell against him. She knocked him off his feet, too, and he pushed her back to right himself.

  The stranger stuck his hand into his shirt and pulled out a phase pistol. He aimed it at Fo and Natalie. She ducked to get out of the line of fire, but Fo grabbed her by both shoulders and held her in front of himself. He cowered behind her for protection, and the stranger lowered his pistol to avoid shooting at her.

  Fo backed away with Natalie in front of him. Her eyes met the stranger’s. A same depth of communication passed between them that Natalie experienced when she swung on the swing and called out to him. Did he understand? A forgotten urge welled up from her soul, and her body and her being acted against her will. She drove her elbow into Fo’s midsection, right into the center of his body where his members were.

  He doubled over in shock, and Natalie darted out of his hands. He made a grab to get her back, but she took advantage of his surprise and ran straight into the stranger’s arms. He encircled her with one arm and fired his pistol at Fo. Natalie didn’t see whether he hit him, but the next moment, the stranger lifted her into his arms and carried her out of the gathering hall.

  Chapter 7

  The door clanged shut, and the din of the gathering hall died away. Natalie kicked and scratched and screamed. “Put me down! Let me go!”

  The big stranger set her on her feet and stepped back. Once free, Natalie calmed down and regarded him. He didn’t look so imposing up close, but his mask still gave him a mysterious air. His green eyes caught her and held her with their enthralling intensity.

  A brisk breeze touched Natalie’s skin, and she shivered. She was outside, naked again, and the people in the foyer gave her curious glances. She would have straightened herself out if she’d been wearing anything. Instead, she squared her shoulders and faced the stranger.

  He closed his eyes and bowed his head. “You are free to go if you wish.”

  Natalie looked around. “Thank you for....I mean, I’ll just go back to....” She glanced toward the hall.

  “You cannot go back in there,” he told her.

  “Why not?” she asked. “I have to find my.....I mean, I have to get back to the men who brought me here.”

e shook his head. “You cannot go back to them. Anyone left alive in that room will be taken into custody. The recovered slaves will be taken to a rehabilitation center on this planet’s moon.”

  “Taken into custody?” Natalie repeated. “You mean they’ll be arrested.”

  “That is what I mean,” he replied. “These gatherings are highly illegal, and most of the slaves are contraband species, like yourself. They will be rehabilitated and returned to their home worlds.”

  Natalie brightened up. “So I’ll be sent back to Earth? Oh, thank God!”

  “Not you,” he replied. “You can go to the rehabilitation center, but you won’t go back to Earth. Do you want to go to the rehabilitation center?”

  Natalie’s face fell. “I don’t think I want to go there, but why can’t I go back to Earth.”

  He inclined his head to one side. “I think you’d better come with me. You can’t go back to the men who brought you here, and you can’t stay on this planet. Come with me to my ship. You can recover there and decide what you want to do.”

  Natalie looked around again. The guests pointed at her and whispered to each other. For the first time, Natalie cowered in shame at her own naked body. She had to get out of there, if for no other reason than to hide herself from them. Still, she didn’t want to go to any rehabilitation center. That was the last place in the world she wanted to go. “All right.”

  He eyed her. “You can trust me. You’re safe from those men now.”

  Natalie snorted. “Yeah, right.”

  He didn’t blink. “Will you let me take you back to my ship? I believe you’ll be better off there than at the rehabilitation center.”

  Natalie sighed, and her shoulders slumped. He didn’t pick her up again. She couldn’t have tolerated it if he did. He turned to one side, and she walked at his side back to the room where her regeneration bed still waited for her. She cast a wistful glance at it. If only she could get into it now and forget about all this. Where were Fo and Te and Ee? What would become of her, now that they were gone? Would she ever trust anyone else again?


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