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Christmas Page 8

by Emily Harvale

  She, Kyra, Mary and Jeremy, crunched through the snow to Will and Abigail's, two doors away from Devon Villa. She was surprised at how many people had turned out, especially bearing in mind the weather was so appalling. Cat loved snow, but tonight she didn't like it anywhere near as much.

  She spotted Natalia the moment they walked in and her eyes scanned the room for Amias. He stood a little away from Natalia and was talking to Marcus in a corner of the huge lounge. She saw the top of his head and then his eyes as he lifted his gaze in her direction, as if he'd known she was there, or felt her presence in some way. But that was ridiculous.

  She smiled and tried to look away but she couldn't. It was that bloody magnetic field or whatever it was that always drew her to him, even after all these weeks.

  He smiled back but a little wanly and he did look away. He looked at some stunning woman who was standing with him and Marcus.

  So that was his girlfriend, was it? She was certainly beautiful. But young. Far too young for him, surely?

  'Hello Cat. It's lovely to see you here tonight.' It was Josh who was standing beside her. 'I haven't seen you for weeks. Not since the dinner at Amias'. I know Natalia's seen you once or twice. How are things? How is Viola? Any change?'

  'There may be actually. We've been at the hospital all afternoon and Viola seemed to move her fingers. We think it might be because of Bailey. Having him there and holding her hand may just be the miracle we've all been praying for.'

  'Bailey? Bailey Mitchell? The man in the photo who Amias tracked down? He's here? In the UK?'

  Cat laughed. 'Yes, to all of that. Are you swaying, Josh?'

  'I think I may be. I went to three parties today and now this one makes four. I might have had just a bit too much to drink. But hey. It's Christmas, right? You were telling me about Bailey. He's here? He's really here? I thought he'd be dead.'

  'He's very much alive. He, his grandson, Ben and Ben's sister, Diana all arrived today, much to everyone's surprise. We didn't know they were coming. We've only popped in for a moment to say hello and then we're all back to Eastbourne to see them.'

  'In this weather? Are you sure that's wise? After all the rain there's so much ice on the roads and now with this heavy snowfall, it doesn't exactly make for safe travelling conditions. Even the police are saying that unless you really have to travel, it's best you don't.'

  'Well I think we really have to, Josh. But we'll be very careful.'

  'Have you seen Amias?'

  'Um. Yes. We nodded to one another just a moment ago.'

  'Nodded?' He tutted. 'I think he at least deserves a hello, don't you?'

  'I didn't want to interrupt him and his gorgeous new girlfriend. They look so cosy over there, laughing together.'

  'New girlfriend? What new girlfriend? The last girlfriend he had was Lorna and that ended months ago.'

  'No. Natalia told me he's found 'the one'. But if that's her she looks much younger than I expected.'

  'I don't know why Natalia would've … No. Actually, I do. But anyway. Amias doesn't have a girlfriend, Cat. And if you're referring to that dark-haired beauty standing beside him, she's Marcus' girlfriend, not Amias'. And yes. We all looked as astonished as you, but not only is she gorgeous, she's also very smart. They're at uni together.'

  'Wow. Miracles definitely do happen. I'm so pleased for him. So why did Natalia say Amias had found 'the one' then?'

  Josh shook his head. 'It's really not my place to say but I think this whole saga is so bloody ridiculous that someone needs to say something or it'll continue for another eighteen years.'

  'Saga? What saga?'

  'The saga of you and Amias.'

  'Me and Amias? You're definitely drunk, Josh. We may row from time to time but I wouldn't call it a saga. He forgot about me eighteen years ago and only remembers me now because of Kyra.'

  Josh snorted with laughter. 'That's the biggest load of turkey droppings I've heard all year. Forgot you. As if the man could bloody well forget you. I understand. I really do. When you love a woman but feel she's far too good for you, it's tough. But you've got to be a man about it and tell her or how else will she know, eh?'

  'I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, Josh. And I think perhaps you don't either.'

  'Oh I do. Believe me I do. He's come to our house often enough over the years to ask Natalia's advice on this relationship or that. For someone who seems to have so many women at his feet he really hasn't a clue what to do with them.' He laughed again. 'I don't mean in the bedroom. He knows exactly what to do there, or so I hear. I mean as far as emotions are concerned. You've ruined him for every other woman on the planet, Cat.'

  'I've what? I've done absolutely nothing to him.'


  'OK, Josh. You're talking nonsense.'

  'Am I? Am I really? Then tell me this? Did he come running to you to say that he'd made a complete mess of firework night? No. He came to us.'

  'Josh!' Natalia appeared at his side, concern etched across her face. 'I think perhaps you need some fresh air before you start talking rubbish. Come with me, my darling.' She linked her arm through his and gave Cat an odd smile. 'Excuse us, Cat. He gets a bit silly when he drinks too much.'

  'But it's cold outside,' Josh argued. 'I want to stay here and tell Cat about–'

  'About our New Year's Eve party. Yes, I'm sure. But we're sending out invitations, so there's no need. We're having a bit of a do for New Year, Cat, but you'll get all the details soon. Save the date though. Now come along, Josh.'

  She virtually dragged Josh across the room before Cat had a chance to reply.

  How weird was that? And what did Josh want to tell her that Natalia clearly didn't want him to? And why had Natalia lied about Amias having a girlfriend? Or was Josh just drunk and silly as Natalia had said?

  Cat watched Amias for a moment or two. He was still chatting and laughing with the stunning girl. But at least she wasn't his girlfriend.

  Not that it made much difference.

  Amelia hurried towards her, smiling. 'Glad you could make it.' She handed Cat a glass of champagne. 'I just heard Kyra telling Lucas that the man in the photo is here. Bailey Mitchell. Is that true? I mean. Of course it's true. I know Kyra didn't make it up. What I mean is, I can't believe it. And Ben? Is he as gorgeous as you thought he'd be?'

  Cat dragged her gaze from Amias and returned Amelia's cheerful smile. She had told Amelia about her exchanges with Ben and also, that she liked him. They had shared a bottle of wine one evening and discussed Ben's pros and cons, the main ones of which were, that he looked strong, sexy and handsome, but he lived too far away and long-distance romances were a problem.

  'I can't believe it either. And yes. Ben is as gorgeous as I expected. Maybe more so, in the flesh.'

  'The flesh! You're a quick worker.' Amelia gave a snort of laughter. 'Sorry. I'm being facetious.'

  Cat blushed and grinned mischievously.

  'You're not. I'll tell you a secret. We kissed.'

  Amelia's eyes and mouth opened wide. 'When?'

  'Not long after they arrived at the hospital. We went into the corridor for a private word and he kissed me.'

  'Wow. And?'

  'It was nice.'


  'Yes. Nice. Oh don't you start. I've had enough of that from Kyra. Nice is good.'

  'Hey.' Amelia laughed. 'I didn't say it wasn't. But was that all it was? Just nice? Didn't you feel your heart beat faster, or get tingles up and down your spine? Or hear a choir of angels, or even Santa's elves playing violins, or something?'

  Cat frowned and shrugged. 'Not really. But I enjoyed it. It was soft and warm and … comforting, somehow.'

  'Excuse me for saying this, but that sounds like a kiss from my gran. Those are soft, warm and comforting, although she doesn't kiss me on the lips, I'll grant you that. But even so. Didn't you feel anything? A tiny spark, if not a raging fire of passion?'

  'I felt safe. I felt special. I think I ev
en felt loved.'

  'Well, that's something, I suppose.'

  'That's a lot. It's been a very long time since a man has made me feel like that.'

  'Then I wish you more of it. And definitely more of Ben. You deserve to be happy and in love. Perhaps he's a slow-burner. You know? One of those guys who builds up to the main event. Where is he anyway? You could've brought him. I can't wait to meet him.'

  'He and his sister, Diana have gone to get some sleep. I've left him a message to call me later. I was planning to go back to Eastbourne and take him and Diana out for dinner, but this snow may make that difficult.'

  'How long are they going to be here?'

  Cat shook her head. 'I didn't ask. I was so surprised. Oh! Did Kyra also say that Granny Viola moved her finger?'

  'No. Really? That's wonderful news. I'm so pleased, Cat. They say Christmas is a time for miracles and it clearly is. What did the doctors say?'

  'That they'll monitor her and if there's more sign of improvement, we'll discuss the next step. Whatever that means. To be honest, I was so astonished by the change after all these months, and by Bailey and Ben and everything that I'm not sure I really took it all in properly. We'll have another chat with them tomorrow. But it's such good news. And we're all convinced it's because of Bailey. We're sure Viola knows he's there because it was after he took her hand that she moved her finger.'

  'Love conquers all, so they say.'

  Cat shot a look at Amias. 'If only that were true.'

  'Mum.' Kyra hurried towards Cat, beaming from ear to ear and grabbed her hand. 'You've got to try this Christmas buffet. It's delicious. This is a fantastic party, Amelia.'

  Amelia smiled. 'Thank you, Kyra.'

  Cat smiled too. 'I'm sure it is, but I'm not that hungry, sweetheart. Besides, I may be going out for dinner later.'

  'If you and Gran and Jeremy drive to Eastbourne in this weather, you're crazy. But anyway, you need to have some food in case the car breaks down or something. Come on.'

  'Can't you just get me a plate with a selection of goodies?'

  'Nope. There's far too much to choose from. You need to see it all for yourself. Come on.'

  'I should mingle,' Amelia said. 'I'll catch up with you again later. Have fun.'

  Cat sighed at Kyra as Amelia disappeared into the crowd. 'OK then. I'll come.'

  She allowed herself to be dragged over to the long line of tables to one side of the massive lounge and was amazed at the spread. Kyra was right. The selection of food was incredible. Platters of turkey, beef, several types of hams and cheeses of all shapes, sizes and varieties vied for attention against platters of prawns, crab, salmon and even lobster. There were canapés of every description, ranging from lobster vol au vents, to smoked salmon and fresh horseradish crostini, to fresh figs stuffed with goats' cheese, and everything in between. It was a cornucopia of delights. And there was an actual cornucopia: a large, white wicker, horn-shaped ornament filled with shelves and trays of individual portions of cakes, trifles, chocolate logs, mini Christmas puddings and brandy butter, tiny meringues with Christmas fruits, tarts, mince pies, and more, surrounded by Turkish delight and truffles.

  'I don't know where to start.' Cat laughed as she scanned the festive feast. 'You're right, sweetheart. There is so much to choose from.'

  'Start with the figs and goats' cheese.'

  Amias' voice made Cat jump. Where had he sprung from? He was busy chatting to Marcus' girlfriend the last time she looked. Now he was standing close to her, with Lucas right beside him.

  'What?' She didn't look at him. She didn't want him to see her blushing.

  'You loved figs, I seem to remember. And goats' cheese was another favourite.'

  'How can you remember that?' Now she did look at him. In astonishment.

  He met her eyes. 'I remember lots of things, Cat.'

  'Mum. Amias. Look!' Kyra sounded excited.

  Cat managed to drag her gaze from Amias and look up. She gasped when she saw what Kyra had been pointing at.


  Had Kyra done this on purpose? Had she, with the help of Lucas, planned this? Had they got Cat and Amias together on this very spot?

  'It's mistletoe,' Kyra said, gleefully.

  'So I see.' Cat glared at her.

  Lucas had the decency to look a little uncomfortable. 'Mum says it's bad luck if two people stand under the stuff and don't kiss.'

  Amias narrowed his eyes. 'Does she? Are you sure about that Lucas?'

  He nodded. 'Hey, man. It's up to you. But even I'd do it.'

  'Thanks,' Cat said, throwing Lucas a sarcastic glare. 'There's no need, Amias. I don't believe in silly superstitions like that.'

  She turned to walk away but Kyra stopped her.

  'Mum! It's Christmas. And it's really rude not to kiss someone you meet under the mistletoe.'

  'Amias doesn't care.'

  'Don't I? I'm not sure I want bad luck. Is kissing me such an awful prospect, Cat?'

  She met his look. There was something in his eyes that unnerved her even more than usual.

  'You don't want to kiss me any more than I want to kiss you, but I suppose we'll have to or we'll never hear the last of it from these two.'

  Amias stiffened at her words.

  That did sound rude, but so what? He didn't really care, did he? And there was no way she was going to admit that she would give anything to kiss him. That she often dreamt of doing exactly that.

  But a kiss from him might make her want him even more. If that was possible.

  'Thanks,' he said, looking a little hurt.

  'Let's get this over with then.' She couldn't look into his eyes. Instead, she stared up at the mistletoe.

  He stepped closer and Cat caught a whiff of his aftershave. Butterflies took flight in her stomach. Goosebumps crawled up her arms. Her knees wobbled and her heart pounded.

  What on earth was wrong with her? He hadn't even touched her yet.

  And when he did, for a split second, she closed her eyes and really wished he hadn't. Her skin felt scorched, her throat felt dry and her head spun as his lips met hers in the briefest kiss imaginable.

  But as he moved away, their eyes met and before she knew it, his mouth was on hers again. This time in a real kiss.

  There was nothing nice about that kiss from what Cat could remember when it finally ended sometime later. The butterflies went crazy. Her heart was fit to burst from her chest. Her blood boiled in her veins and her legs turned to Christmas trifle. Her mind exploded, her head was like a whirlpool and if Amias hadn't had his arms around her she probably would've toppled over.

  Nope. There was definitely nothing nice about that kiss. It was so much more than nice. It was deep and passionate, possessive and demanding, giving, yet filled with longing. It was sensual. It was sexy. It was intense, feverish, almost frenzied. It was all-consuming. It promised so much in just one kiss.

  And when they eventually managed to part, they stared at one another in silence, both breathing deeply. Amias looked as astonished as Cat felt. She had reason to be. Eighteen years was a long time to love someone and wait for a kiss like that. A kiss she wanted again and again and again.

  Why was he looking so mesmerised? Almost as if the kiss had felt the same for him as it had for her. But that wasn't possible. Was it?

  She was sure Amias did everything at breakneck speed, but that kiss hadn't been fast. It had been slow and tender, then passionate and earth-shatteringly wonderful. It had seemed to go on for ever and yet it was over far too soon.

  No. There was definitely nothing nice about that kiss. And she didn't know whether to thank her lucky stars for that, or to curse her bad luck for discovering, in precise detail, exactly what she had been missing. And would never have again.

  Christmas might be a time for miracles but it would take more than a miracle for Amias to kiss her like that again.

  Several people were looking at them but she didn't care. One or two were clapping but she ignored them. A
ll she could do was stare into his eyes and wish that he would take her in his arms once more.

  'Cat.' He looked serious and yet he seemed filled with doubt. 'I think we need to talk.'

  A tiny bubble of hope formed inside her. But perhaps he was simply going to say that the kiss hadn't meant anything to him and she shouldn't see it as something other than what it was. Merely a Christmas kiss under the mistletoe.

  'About what?'

  He opened his mouth but Mary's excited shriek as she hurried across the room towards them made him stop whatever he was about to say.

  'Catherine! Catherine. It's a miracle. A nurse from the hospital has called. She's awake! Mother is awake. We must get back to the hospital without delay. Come along. Jeremy has gone to get the car.' Mary turned back towards the door.

  Cat glanced from Amias to Mary and back to Amias.

  He smiled. 'That's wonderful news.'

  'You wanted to talk.'

  She was grasping at straws but some instinct told her that if she left right now, she might not get this chance again.

  He nodded. 'It can wait, Cat. It's waited eighteen years. One more day won't hurt. You go. I'll see you soon.' He reached out his hand and gently touched her arm.

  Heat seared through her. She hesitated for a second but Mary called her name once more. She had to go.

  'I'll see you soon then.' She forced herself to turn away but she glanced back at him and grinned. 'By the way, Amias, that was a pretty good kiss.'

  He frowned momentarily before a devilish smile swept across his face, lighting up his dark eyes. 'Just pretty good? Next time I'll try to do better.'

  A thrill of excitement shot through her. 'Next time? What makes you think there'll be a next time?'

  'There'll be a next time, Cat, if that kiss was anything to go by. And I'll make sure there is.'

  'Catherine! We can't wait all night.' Mary was clearly growing impatient.

  Should Cat say anything more to Amias? He had just said he'd make sure there was a next time. What did he mean by that? Was there any chance at all that he did feel something for her? Any chance he did want to kiss her again?


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