The Elf Girl

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The Elf Girl Page 34

by Grabo, Markelle

  Stellan remained at least ten feet behind us for the entire journey to the portal. He hadn’t spoken one word since we left the barn. I was glad. I didn’t want to hear his voice again. I didn’t want to see his face again.

  I looked back at the barn that was slowly crumpling to the ground. We had set it on fire before we left. We didn’t want any humans walking in it to find the dead body of a water fairy and blood everywhere. Galen and Aditi explained it was the only way to hide all the evidence. I also think everyone wanted the barn destroyed because of the terrible events that had taken place there. Maybe they thought burning it would help erase the memories, help us find peace. I knew the memories of this day would linger with me forever, like a scar.

  I wondered if Stellan had ever truly cared about me. I thought he had. He said he did even after I confronted him. But how could someone who cared act in such a dishonorable manner? Why hadn’t he told me from the start? Why had he kissed me? I remembered his words: “I believed what I had with Zora was important, but when I met you, I realized how wrong I was.” Was that the truth? If it was, could I ever forgive him?

  I couldn’t answer the question my mind repeated over and over again. I didn’t have an answer yet. I placed my right hand over my eyes to get the thoughts out of my head.

  “Ramsey,” Zora said.


  “I know everything seems terrible right now and a huge mess, but I want you to know something.”


  “You are my sister and I love you,” she said.

  “I know,” I said.

  “And I won’t ever turn my back on you again.”

  “You never did,” I told her.

  “I let our parents take you away,” she reminded me, averting my gaze.

  “You were only a child, Zora. I read the journal. I know how hard it was for you.”

  “It was hard for both of us,” she said, looking up at me.

  I nodded. “By the way, your power isn’t cruel, Zora,” I told her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “In your journal, you said you didn’t like your power. I think it’s cool. Maybe you could try it on me when we get back. God knows I’m going to need help getting to sleep.”

  “Not funny, Ramsey,” she said sternly.

  I smiled the best smile I could manage, knowing she was right. Brielle joined us a few moments later. “I just wanted to say that Stellan is a horrible rat. Both of you are way too good for him. If you want, I could have him put in prison,” she offered.

  “You are not helping the situation, Princess Brielle,” Zora told her.

  “Oh, sorry.” She looked down at her feet. “And by the way, don’t call me Princess. Ramsey is my friend, and she calls me Brielle. Since you are Ramsey’s sister, you should call me that, too.”

  “Thanks, Brielle. But no more prison offers, all right?”

  “Fine.” She sighed. “Let me know if you change your mind.”

  “Will do,” Zora replied, a slight smile on her face.

  Brielle could make anyone smile. Her special qualities were anything but serious.

  I remained silent throughout the conversation. I didn’t want to talk about Stellan, whether it was criticizing him or crying over him. I hoped the pain would go away if I refrained from talking about him. It might have been wishful thinking, but I hardly cared anymore.

  A screech from Aditi told us we had finally arrived at the portal. My head hung low as we slowly made our way.


  “You go first, Aditi,” I told her as she went back to her elfen form.

  She nodded. “All right. Once I’m through, send Galen and Lura. Princess Brielle, you come after, and then Addison. The rest of you can decide what to do after that.” With a nod, she turned her back to us and jumped into the portal.

  Galen went next with Lura, who was just beginning to regain consciousness. Brielle gave Stellan a nasty glare and then went as well. Addison followed quickly after. The three of us were left alone with each other. Before I could react, Zora had jumped into the portal. What kind of game was she trying to play?

  “Ramsey, please wait,” Stellan said.

  It was painful to hear his voice, and my emotions were in turmoil. I shook my head.

  “Please, Ramsey. Just listen to me for one second.”

  I didn’t respond, so he took it as a yes. “I did a terrible thing. I know it was wrong. I should never have kissed you before telling you about Zora. I should have told you from the beginning. I was going to tell you, but then…,” he trailed off and shook his head. “Ramsey, I can’t change what has happened. But can’t you just look past that for a second and remember how you felt about me up until this point?” he pleaded.

  “It doesn’t matter how I felt about you, Stellan. Our entire relationship was a lie,” I said bitterly.

  “No, it wasn’t. I care about you…so much. I feel things for you that I’ve never felt for anyone else. And it doesn’t matter how short of time we’ve known each other. I know in my heart that what I feel for you is real. Can’t you say the same?”

  I bit my lip, refusing to respond because I didn’t know what to say.

  He stepped forward, reaching out to me but then letting his hands drop to his sides as he thought better of it. “I…I just want you to forgive me, Ramsey. Can you please? Can you ever forgive me?” he asked.

  I thought about it for a moment. Could I forgive him? I probably could. Did I want to? No way.

  “Ask me about it in the morning,” I said sarcastically.

  I turned around and jumped into the portal before he could say any more.


  Zora and Addison were waiting for me when I arrived. I went back to Zora’s arms and waited until I stopped shaking before I spoke.

  “Where are the others?” I asked.

  “Galen and Aditi took Lura and Brielle to the Queen. We are to meet them there shortly. However, you can go to your room if you want. Everyone would understand,” Zora said.

  “No, I’ll come with you. It’s the right thing to do,” I said. “I should face the Queen.”

  They both nodded and helped me get back over the bridge. As we walked to the palace, I heard Stellan climbing onto the bridge and following us.

  Eder stopped us before we reached the palace doors.

  “Can we talk?” he asked, looking away from me once when he noticed Zora’s presence. However, he didn’t say anything about her return. Instead, he waited for my answer.

  “Sure,” I said, hoping he had changed his mind and was going to let me in on a few of his secrets.

  He led me away from Zora – who clearly wanted to say something but didn’t have the chance – to a secluded area near the palace.

  Not removing his hand from under my elbow, he asked, “Are you okay?”

  “I’ve been better,” I admitted.

  He didn’t comment on the fact that I should be happy about my sister being safe, and I was grateful. Even though he had no idea of what went on between Stellan and me, he respected me enough to leave the subject alone after noticing how upset I was.

  “I just wanted to express how relieved I am that you’re safe,” he told me, so earnestly that I felt tears welling up in my eyes.

  His eyes became wide with shock. “Hey, it’s all right,” he said, pulling me into his embrace.

  Even though I knew it was probably inappropriate to be hugging the Queen’s guard in front of my sister and Stellan, I couldn’t deny the sense of comfort I felt at being in his arms. He was the strength I needed in such a bleak situation.

  He released me from his grasp and stepped back, clearing his throat in doing so. I could tell he was back to his professional mode. “Has Zora told you anything of your secret yet?”

  I shook my head. “There hasn’t really been…enough time.”

  “She’s avoiding it. She doesn’t want you to know,” he said abruptly.

  “You don’t know that,” I retorted. �
��Once she’s back home safe, she’ll probably be open to telling me.”

  Eder shook his head. “No, she won’t. I was expecting this….”

  “There you go!” I said. “Back to being vague again.”

  “I’m sorry; it’s just the only way….”

  “Stop,” I said, “you’ve already told me the story. Thanks for the hug, Eder, really, but I’ve got to go meet with the Queen.”

  I started to walk away, but his next words stopped me cold.

  “I’ll tell you if she won’t,” he said sincerely.

  I spun around, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. “You mean…you know my secret?”

  He exhaled deeply. “Yes.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me before?”

  “I was told to allow Zora to tell you,” he explained.

  “Told by whom?” I asked.

  Before he could respond, Zora came up and started tugging at my sleeves. “Come on, Ramsey,” she said, “it’s time to go.”

  “Wait, we’re in the middle of something here,” I replied.

  “No,” she said sternly, with anger filling her voice. “We leave now.”

  Confused as to why she was acting so harshly, I looked from her to Eder and back again, trying to decide my next move.

  However, I wasn’t the one to make it; Zora was. She pulled me away from Eder and led me toward the palace doors, where Stellan was waiting with a suspicious look upon his face.

  “Zora!” I cried. “Stop. I’m serious!”

  She paid no attention to me. I was surprised she could be so strong after being tortured for months.

  “She won’t tell you!” I heard Eder yell. “Trust me! You have to find another way!”

  I couldn’t even reply; Zora was pushing me through the palace doors. The last thing I saw as I turned around – before the doors swung shut – was a concerned Elvina resting her hands on Eder’s shoulders, as if to calm him down…or maybe even to restrain him.


  Once inside, Danica, Thane, and Jacqueline took us to the Queen. We followed silently up the many flights of stairs to her quarters. Galen, Aditi, and Brielle were already there with her. I saw Lura being heavily guarded by Wren and Gavin. The two shape-shifters’ eyes never once drifted away from the air fairy.

  Lady Cora was sitting with the Queen and Brielle, who was clinging to her mother’s side. When we entered, Queen Taryn stood up and approached us.

  If I hadn’t been so upset, I would have taken time to admire the beauty of Queen Taryn’s small “apartment.” All I had the heart to notice were the elegantly decorated walls, carpet, and bed. The traditional green and brown elfin colors were utterly magnificent.

  “Welcome home, Zora,” Queen Taryn said. “I am glad you are safe at last. I’m glad all of you are safe.”

  “Thank you, Queen Taryn,” Zora said.

  We all repeated Zora’s words soon after.

  “I know you all must be tired, so I will make this brief. While what Ramsey and my daughter did was foolish, reckless, and extremely dangerous, it was well worth it. You not only rescued Zora, but you also captured an air fairy, killed a dangerous water fairy, and managed to scare off a highly trained Element fairy general,” she said.

  I noticed how Queen Taryn failed to mention it was Brielle who had killed Wynter. Maybe Brielle hadn’t told her. I wondered who Queen Taryn thought had killed her. But I wouldn’t mention anything. Brielle had taken it pretty hard, and I didn’t want her feeling worse about the situation.

  Queen Taryn started to speak once more, so I focused back on her words. “You also did this all without one bit of disturbance from humans. Well done.” She waited a moment before continuing. “As for the trials of Addison, Stellan, and Ramsey herself, consider them nonexistent. You have proven that bringing Ramsey from the Human Realm was the right thing to do. You will always be remembered for your courage. Now, I know you are all tired, so, goodnight.”

  We all said goodnight to Queen Taryn and the others and left them to discuss Lura’s fate. Stellan was considerate enough to teleport to his room and leave us alone. It was better that way. Zora, Addison, and I walked slowly down the stairs to our rooms.

  “Will you be staying in my room?” I asked Zora as we went down the hall, trying to push the eerie occurrence with Eder to the back of my mind.

  “Of course I will. Anyway, no one gave me a room of my own,” she reminded me.

  “Good,” I said.

  Once again, I didn’t want to be alone.

  Addison’s room came before ours, so we said goodnight to her there.

  “I’m glad you two are safe. I’m sorry about all the pain my brother has caused. Believe me, I had no idea about any of it.”

  “We kept the relationship a secret because we had no idea whether it would work or not. We didn’t want anyone hurt if we decided to break things off, so we decided to wait until we were more serious. That never happened, as Stellan said. Don’t think I will ever hold what happened against you. I know Ramsey won’t either. You will always be my best friend,” Zora said, hugging Addison tightly.

  “She’s right, Addison,” I agreed, and gave her a hug as well.

  “Goodnight,” she said, walking into her room.

  “Goodnight,” we both replied before she shut the door.

  “Let’s get some sleep, all right?” Zora suggested.

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea,” I agreed.

  I walked with her into our room. Zora took a shower, something she hadn’t done since she was taken, and I prepared to go to bed. I gave Zora my nightgown and changed into my navy sundress. It would be all right to sleep in for now. Throwing down my tattered shoulder bag, I went to the nightstand. I picked up Zora’s journal and handed it to her when she was done showering.

  “I believe this is yours,” I said.

  “Thank you. I’m glad it helped,” she said as she took it.

  “It did.”

  Before we got into bed, I noticed something.

  “Zora, you might want to take that Mood Diamond off your neck,” I said with a slight smile.

  “That’s probably a good idea.” She unclasped the necklace and tossed it onto my shoulder bag. “I hope I never have to use that again.”

  “Me too,” I agreed.

  We were too tired to do or say anything else, so we climbed into bed and blew out the candles.


  “Yes?” she replied.

  “Outside…with that guard…why were you acting so…harsh?”

  I heard Zora take a sharp breath and then slowly exhale. “I’m sorry. I just wanted to get inside the palace. I can’t explain it, but I felt like I wasn’t really safe until I was inside.”

  I nodded, understanding her reasoning completely. However, I had one more question for my sister before we fell asleep.

  “What he said, about you never telling me my secret…it’s not true, is it?” I inquired.

  “Let’s leave those things for another time,” she told me quietly. “Right now, we both need rest.”

  Not satisfied, but knowing I shouldn’t push her, I said, “Okay. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” she replied, turning away from me.

  A few minutes later her breathing became even, and I was left alone with my thoughts.

  Zora’s homecoming should have been a happy one. It wasn’t in the least, no matter how grateful I was that she was safe.

  It wasn’t enough to celebrate yet.


  I slept undisturbed, and I was glad to see Zora safe and sound when I woke up later. It was five on Monday morning in the Elf Realm. Feeling rejuvenated, I got out of bed and took the much-needed shower I hadn’t been able to do last night. I redressed in my navy dress and went to wake up Zora.

  “Time to get up already?” she asked.

  “Yep, we should get down for breakfast. We don’t want anyone worrying about us, do we?”

  “No,” she agreed. “What am I supposed
to wear?”

  “Uh, I have no idea. Maybe we can borrow something from Brielle. Let’s go and see her now,” I suggested.

  “Sure, let’s go.”

  We hurried up to Brielle’s room. I hoped she was still there and hadn’t left for breakfast yet. Thankfully, when we knocked on her door, she opened it quickly.

  “Hey! Come on in,” she invited.

  We stepped inside and sat down with her on the couch.

  “Zora needs fresh clothing, and come to think of it, so do I. Can we borrow something?”

  “Certainly. I have just the things for you,” Brielle told us.

  She went to her wardrobe. After fishing through it for a few moments, she came back with two sundresses. One was green and the other brown. I took the green one and Zora changed into the brown one. The dresses were simple yet pretty, with embroidered vines at the bottom of each.

  “Thank you so much, Brielle,” I said, once we were dressed.

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad I could help.”

  “We should really get down for breakfast,” Zora reminded us.

  “Right, let’s go,” I agreed.

  We ran down the stairs and into the dining hall. We sat down at just past five thirty. We made sure to sit far away from Stellan, who was with Addison and the ten guards a few chairs down. I felt bad for ignoring Addison, but I knew she would understand.

  I didn’t look at Stellan. Instead, I kept my eyes on Zora and Brielle, who were silently comforting me.

  I didn’t want Zora to pity me, because Stellan had hurt her too. But she told me that things had changed for her after she was taken, were put into a different perspective. Being alive was all she truly cared about, at least right now. She would grieve for her lost relationship, but it wasn’t what most concerned her at the moment.


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